Table of Contents |
Page 1 |
Mayoral Minutes
Notices of Motion
General Manager's Division
Corporate and Community
Item 1 CC86/08 Election of Deputy Mayor
Item 2 CC85/08 Councillor Representation on
Committees/Working Parties/Task Forces - October 2008 to September 2009
Item 3 CC87/08 Local Government Association
Conference 2008 - Nominations of Attendees and Voting Delegates/Election of
Executive Committee
Item 4 CC80/08 August 2008 Investment and
Borrowing Report
Item 5 CC81/08 June 2008 Management Plan and
Budget Review
Item 6 CC89/08 Council's Financial Reports 2007/08
Environment Division
Planning Division
Strategy Division
Works Division
Item 7 WK58/08 Transport Needs of Sydney's
North-West Sector - Council Submission to Parliamentary Inquiry
Item 8 WK59/08 Request for Expression of Interest
- Jointly Funded Navigation Dredging Projects
Mayor's Notes
Item 9 MN1/08 Mayor's Notes from 1 to 31 August
Question of Which Notice Has Been Given
Agenda and Summary of Recommendations |
Page 1 |
Acknowledgement of RELIGIOUS DIVERSITY
Statement by the Chairperson:
"We recognise our Shire's rich cultural and religious diversity and
we acknowledge and pay respect to the beliefs of all members of our community,
regardless of creed or faith."
Statement by the Chairperson:
"We recognise the
traditional inhabitants of the land we are meeting on tonight, the Darug and
Guringai Aboriginal people, and respect is paid to their elders and their
Statement by the Chairperson:
"I advise all present that tonight's meeting
is being audio recorded for the purpose of assisting in the accuracy of the
Minutes. The recordings may be accessed
by members of the public once the Minutes have been finalised and speakers are
requested to ensure their comments are relevant to the issue at hand and
refrain from making personal comments or criticisms."
Oath of Office – Statement by
Mayor and Councillors:
_ _ _ _ _ , having been elected a Councillor of the Hornsby Shire Council, do
hereby declare that I will duly and faithfully fulfil the duties of the office
according to the law and to the best of my judgement and ability”.
The Mayor to present an award to Council's Library and Information
Services Branch for winning the category of Community
Services/Not-For-Profit section in the Northern District Times True Local
Business Awards held on 27 August 2008.
declarations of interest
Clause 52 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice (Section 451 of the
Local Government Act, 1993) requires that a councillor or a member of a Council
committee who has a pecuniary interest in a matter which is before the Council
or committee and who is present at a meeting of the Council or committee at
which the matter is being considered must disclose the nature of the interest
to the meeting as soon as practicable.
The disclosure is also to be submitted in writing (on the form titled
“Declaration of Interest”).
Councillor or member of a Council committee must not be present at, or in sight
of, the meeting of the Council or committee:
(a) at any time during which the matter is being considered or
discussed by the Council or committee.
(b) at any
time during which the Council or committee
is voting on any question in relation to the matter.
51A of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice provides that a Councillor, Council
officer, or a member of a Council committee who has a non pecuniary interest in
any matter with which the Council is concerned and who is present at a meeting
of the Council or committee at which the matter is being considered must
disclose the nature of the interest to
the meeting as soon as practicable. The
disclosure is also to be submitted in writing (on the form titled “Declaration
of Interest”).
If the non-pecuniary interest is
significant, the Councillor must:
(a) remove the source of
conflict, by relinquishing or divesting the interest that creates the conflict,
or reallocating the conflicting duties to another Council official.
(b) have no involvement in the
matter by absenting themselves from and not taking part in any debate or voting
on the issue as if the provisions of Section 451(2) of the Act apply.
If the non-pecuniary interest is
non-significant, the Councillor must provide an explanation of why they
consider that the interest does not require further action in the
confirmation of minutes
THAT the Minutes of the Ordinary
Meeting 07/08 held on 13 August, 2008 be confirmed, a copy having been
distributed to all members.
Mayoral Minutes
Notices of Motion
Rescission Motions
wishing to address Council on matters which are on the Agenda are permitted to
speak, prior to the item being discussed, and their names will be recorded in
the Minutes in respect of that particular item.
wishing to address Council on non agenda matters, are permitted to speak
after all items on the agenda in respect of which there is a speaker from the
public have been finalised by Council.
Their names will be recorded in the Minutes under the heading
"Public Forum for Non Agenda Items".
Items for
which there is a Public Forum Speaker
Forum for non agenda items
of General Business items
Manager's Division
and Community Division
Page Number
Item 1 CC86/08 Election of Deputy Mayor
1. Council determine if it wishes to elect a Deputy Mayor.
2. If a Deputy Mayor is to be elected, Council:
a) Determine the period for which the
Deputy Mayor is to be elected;
b) Determine if the election of the Deputy Mayor is to be by
preferential ballot, ordinary ballot or open voting; and
c) Request
the Returning Officer to conduct the election, using the election method
determined in b) above.
3. If a Deputy Mayoral election is held, the ballot papers (if any)
be destroyed following the declaration of the election.
Page Number
2 CC85/08 Councillor
Representation on Committees/Working Parties/Task Forces - October 2008 to
September 2009
THAT Council:
1. Review the current list of Committees,
Working Parties and Task Forces and determine which should continue to operate
2. Having regard to its decision in 1.
above, determine Councillor
representation on the continuing Committees, Working Parties and Task Forces
for the period until September 2009.
Page Number
3 CC87/08 Local
Government Association Conference 2008 - Nominations of Attendees and Voting
Delegates/Election of Executive Committee
THAT Council:
1. Determine attendees and voting delegates for
the 2008 Annual Conference of the Local Government Association of NSW.
2. Note the
information provided in respect of election of the Executive Committee of the
Local Government Association of NSW.
Page Number
4 CC80/08 August
2008 Investment and Borrowing Report
THAT the contents of Executive
Manager's Report No CC80/08 be received and noted.
Page Number
Item 5 CC81/08 June 2008 Management Plan and Budget Review
1. The June 2008 Review of the Management Plan, including
performance indicators be received and noted.
2. The June 2008
Budget Review be adopted.
Page Number
Item 6 CC89/08 Council's Financial Reports 2007/08
1. The Financial Reports distributed under separate cover be received, noted and referred for audit.
2. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor be authorised to sign the Statutory Statements in connection with these Reports.
3. The Reports be authorised for “presentation to the public” on receipt of the Auditor’s Reports.
4. Council delegate to the General Manager the authority to fix the date at which the Reports are formally “presented to the public”.
Page Number
Item 7 WK58/08 Transport Needs of Sydney's North-West Sector
- Council Submission to Parliamentary Inquiry
THAT the submission included as an Attachment to this report be endorsed and submitted to the Director, General Purpose Standing Committee Number 4.
Page Number
Item 8 WK59/08 Request for Expression of Interest - Jointly
Funded Navigation Dredging Projects
1. Council determine whether it wishes to confirm Council’s preliminary response to the Department’s invitation and seek funding for these projects.
2. The projects be listed for consideration in a future works program.
Mayor's Notes
Page Number
Item 9 MN1/08 Mayor's Notes from 1 to 31 August 2008
Question of Which Notice Has Been Given
Executive Manager's Report No. CC86/08
Corporate and Community Division
Date of Meeting: 8/10/2008
accordance with Section 231 of the Local Government Act, Councillors may elect
a person from among their number to be the Deputy Mayor, with such term of
office being either equal to that of the Mayoral term or for a shorter
period. Prior to the March 2004 local
government elections, Hornsby Council's Mayor was elected annually by the
Councillors. It was also the practice to elect a Deputy Mayor whose term of
office was the same as for the Mayor.
At the 2004 local government elections, the method
of electing the Mayor for Hornsby Council changed to be by the
residents/ratepayers across the Shire for the term of the elected Council,
rather than by the elected Councillors on an annual basis.
Although Councillors no longer have the
responsibility of electing the Mayor, it is still necessary for Council to
decide whether or not to elect a Deputy Mayor and if so, to determine the
period of the term to be served by the Deputy Mayor. Council's latest decision
in this regard was at the Ordinary Meeting held on 12 March 2008, when it
considered Report No CC20/08 and elected Councillor Steve Evans as Deputy Mayor
for the period to September 2008.
purpose of this Report is to provide Council with the opportunity to consider
whether or not it wishes to elect a Deputy Mayor. If Council decides to elect a Deputy Mayor it
will also need to:
• Determine the term for which the Deputy Mayor will serve
• Determine the method of voting to be used for electing the Deputy Mayor
• Ask the General Manager to conduct the election
The Role of the Deputy Mayor
Deputy Mayor may exercise any function of the Mayor, at the request of the
Mayor, if the Mayor is prevented by illness, absence or otherwise from
exercising the function, or if there is a casual vacancy in the office of
Mayor. It should be noted that if there was to be a casual vacancy in the
office of Mayor, a by-election for the position of Mayor would need to be
conducted by a NSW Electoral Commission appointed Returning Officer in
accordance with a timetable set by Section 292 of the Local Government Act i.e.
on a Saturday that falls not later than three months after the vacancy occurs.
of Election of the Deputy Mayor
Section 231 of the Local Government Act, Councillors may elect a Deputy Mayor
for the same period as the Mayoral term or for a shorter period. As Council's
Mayor is popularly elected, the current Mayoral term is until the next local
government elections are held in September 2012. Council may, therefore,
determine that a Deputy Mayor be elected for the period until September 2012 or
for some shorter period e.g. 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, etc.
Method of election
If a
Deputy Mayor is to be elected, the method of election is in accordance with
Schedule 7 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005. A Councillor may
be nominated without notice for election as Deputy Mayor provided the
nomination is made in writing by two or more Councillors (one of whom may be
the nominee) and the nominee consents to the nomination in writing. The
nomination is to be delivered or sent to the Returning Officer. A nomination
form for a Deputy Mayoral Election is included as an attachment to this Report.
only one Councillor is nominated for election as Deputy Mayor, that Councillor
is elected. If more than one Councillor is nominated, an election shall be held
at which the General Manager (or his nominee) is the Returning Officer. The
Council must resolve whether the election is to proceed by preferential ballot,
by ordinary ballot or by open voting. To ensure probity of the election
process, the counting of votes, where necessary, is undertaken in the presence
of the Returning Officer and at least one other staff member.
should be noted that any recommendation on the method of election (if any) is
dependent to some extent on the number of candidates - see below.
ballot would only normally be used if there are three or more candidates. Under
this system, Councillors indicate their order of preference for all candidates.
If a candidate receives more than half the first preference votes (i.e. an
absolute majority), he or she is declared elected. If no candidate has an
absolute majority, the candidate with the lowest number of votes is excluded
and his or her preferences are allocated to the other candidates and so on, until
one candidate has more than half the votes. A preference for each candidate
standing for election must be indicated on a ballot paper, or the ballot paper
will be declared invalid.
ballot would normally apply where there are two or more candidates and Council
decides to proceed by secret ballot. If there are only two candidates, the
candidate with the higher number of votes is elected. If the two candidates are
tied, the one elected is chosen by lot. If there are three or
more candidates, the candidate with the lowest number of votes is excluded and
fresh vote taken and so on, until there are only two candidates. A final vote
between the two candidates is then taken and the candidate with the higher
number of votes is declared elected. If at any stage during a count up until
two candidates are remaining, there is a tie on the lowest number of votes, the
one excluded is chosen by lot.
voting uses the same system as ordinary ballot, except that voting is by a show
of hands or similar means and not by secret ballot.
Other Issues
choose a candidate by lot, the names of the candidates who have equal numbers
of votes are written on similar slips of paper by the Returning Officer,
folded, so as to prevent the names being seen, mixed and then drawn at random
by the Returning Officer. The candidate whose name is on the drawn slip is
of Scrutineers and Inspection of Ballot Papers and Progress of Count
the Mayoral election held on 14 September, 2000 (which was conducted by
preferential ballot) a number of Councillors sought permission to inspect the
ballot papers and the progress of the count in respect of that election. Advice
was sought from Abbott Tout Solicitors about the Councillors' requests and also
about the ability of the candidates for election to appoint scrutineers. In
summary, that advice was that the candidates were not entitled to appoint
scrutineers; an inspection of the ballot papers should not be permitted; the
progress of the count should not be revealed; and the ballot papers for the
Mayoral and Deputy Mayoral election should be destroyed after the election has
been declared.
are no budgetary implications associated with this Report.
are no policy implications associated with this Report.
Report has been prepared following consultation with the General Manager.
Bottom Line is a framework for improving Council decisions by ensuring
accountability and transparency on social, environmental and economic
factors. It does this by reporting upon
Council’s strategic themes.
Report provides information and proposes a standard procedural practice in
accordance with the Local Government Act.
It does not recommend any actions which require a sustainability
assessment and, as such, no Triple Bottom Line considerations apply.
officers responsible for the preparation of this Report are the Manager, Administration
Services Branch - Robyn Abicair, and the Administration Co-ordinator, Ruth
Robins. They can be contacted on 9847
6608 and 9847 6011 respectively.
1. Council determine if it wishes to elect a Deputy Mayor. 2. If a Deputy Mayor is to be elected, Council: a) Determine
the period for which the Deputy Mayor is to be elected; b) Determine if the election of the
Deputy Mayor is to be by preferential ballot, ordinary ballot or open voting;
and c) Request
the Returning Officer to conduct the election, using the election method
determined in b) above. 3. If a Deputy Mayoral election is held, the ballot papers
(if any) be destroyed following the declaration of the election. |
Robyn Abicair Manager -
Administration Services Corporate and Community Division |
Gary Bensley Executive Manager Corporate and Community Division |
1.View |
Nomination form - Deputy Mayor- October 2008 |
File Reference: F2004/07075
Document Number: D01002652
Executive Manager's Report No. CC85/08
Corporate and Community Division
Date of Meeting: 8/10/2008
Council determines the representation of
Councillors on its various Committees, Working Parties and Task Forces annually.
This Report provides details of the current Committees/Working Parties/Task
Forces and seeks Council’s determination about the continuation of each and the
appointment of Councillors for the period to September 2009.
purpose of this Report is to enable Council to review its existing Committees,
Working Parties and Task Forces and appoint Councillors for the period October
2008 to September 2009.
representation on Committees, Working Parties and Task Forces is usually
determined at the Ordinary Meeting in September each year, in conjunction with
Council's consideration of its Schedule of Meetings and Order of Business for
the forthcoming 12 months.
to the local government elections, the previous Council considered Report No
CC51/08 and adopted the Schedule of ordinary Council Meetings and Order of
Business to be conducted at those Meetings for the period June 2008 to
September 2009. The schedule of meeting dates had regard to the local
government election being held on 13 September 2008 and the estimated timeframe
of the election process.
As a
consequence, only one Council Meeting was held in September 2008 (i.e. the
Planning Meeting of 3 September 2008) with the next meeting being the first
meeting of the new Council. The 8 October 2008 Ordinary Meeting is, therefore,
the first opportunity to determine Councillor Representation on Committees,
Working Parties and Task Forces for the period to September 2009.
The current list of Committees, Working Parties and
Task Forces has been updated by each Division and is attached for information.
To assist Council in its determination of Councillor representation, the
2007/08 Councillor representatives on each Committee/Working Party/Task Force
are included in the column titled Councillor
Representation 2007/2008 and a blank column has been left in respect of Councillor Representation 2008/2009.
Council should note that the five Task Forces on
the attached list were created by the previous Council to specifically address
significant challenges and to deal with the amount of business being considered
at the time. There was an intention, however, that the new Council would make a
decision about their continued operation following the election. In this
regard, continuing Councillors who were part of the Task Forces until September
2008 will be able to provide useful input for new Councillors to consider.
are no budgetary implications associated with this Report.
No Council policies are affected by this Report.
occurred with the General Manager and Executive Managers.
Bottom Line is a framework for improving Council decisions by ensuring
accountability and transparency on social, environmental and economic
factors. It does this by reporting upon
Council’s strategic themes. As this Report simply provides Council with
information and does not propose any actions which require a sustainability assessment,
no Triple Bottom Line considerations apply.
The officers responsible for
the preparation of this Report are the Manager, Administration Services Branch
- Robyn Abicair, and Council’s Administration Coordinator – Ruth Robins. They can be contacted on 9847 6608 and 9847
6011 respectively.
1. Review the current list of Committees,
Working Parties and Task Forces and determine which should continue to
operate 2. Having regard to its decision in 1.
above, determine Councillor representation
on the continuing Committees, Working Parties and Task Forces for the period
until September 2009. |
Robyn Abicair Manager -
Administration Services Corporate and Community Division |
Gary Bensley Executive Manager Corporate and Community Division |
1.View |
Representation on Committees /Working Parties/Task Forces for the period
October 2008 – September 2009 |
File Reference: F2004/07056
Document Number: D01002571
Executive Manager's Report No. CC87/08
Corporate and Community Division
Date of Meeting: 8/10/2008
2008 Annual Conference of the NSW Local Government Association (LGA) will be
held in Broken Hill from 25 October to 29 October 2008. The Conference provides
an opportunity for Council to submit motions for debate and decision by
Conference delegates from member local governments across NSW.
Report provides further information about the Conference, including that
received from the Electoral Commission NSW regarding nominations for the
Executive Committee of the LGA, and seeks determination of Council’s voting
delegates and attendees for the Conference.
purpose of this Report is to:
a) Determine Council’s attendees and voting delegates for the
LGA Annual Conference.
b) Provide information to Councillors regarding nominations for
the Executive Committee of the LGA
would normally determine its voting delegates for the LGA Annual Conference at
the same time as adopting motions to be submitted for debate at the Conference.
(N.B. The motions for the 2008 Conference were adopted following the previous
Council’s consideration of Report No CC44/08 at the Ordinary Meeting of 9 July
2008, and were subsequently submitted to the LGA for inclusion on the
Conference agenda)
as the local government elections were scheduled for 13 September 2008, the
Council decided that determination of attendees and voting delegates would
occur at the first meeting of the new Council, i.e. this Ordinary Meeting of 8
October 2008. A copy of Report No CC44/08, which includes the motions adopted
for submission to the Conference, is included as an attachment to this Report.
copy of the LGA conference brochure is also attached for Council’s information.
The brochure advises that details of Council’s voting delegates and
registration of attendees need to be forwarded to the LGA by Monday 13 October
2008. As such, it will be necessary for
Council to determine voting delegates and attendees at tonight’s meeting.
delegate entitlements for each council at the LGA Annual Conference are
determined by population of the council area using Australian Bureau of
Statistics figures. As Hornsby Shire Council's population is greater than
150,000, it is entitled to seven voting delegates.
Electoral Commission NSW has distributed information to councils regarding the
election of the Executive Committee of the LGA. The information includes the
Election Notice, Nomination Form and Statutory Declaration and is also attached
to this Report. Lodgement of nomination forms are the responsibility of the
candidate, and must be received by the Returning Officer no later than noon,
Friday 17 October 2008. The Electoral Commissioner for NSW is the Returning
Officer for the election.
for the Executive Committee will be conducted at the Conference, with voting
for President, Vice-Presidents and Treasurer to take place on Monday 27 October
2008, and voting for the remainder of the Committee to take place on Tuesday 28
October 2008.
have been allocated in the 2008/09 Budget for attendance at the LGA Annual
at the Annual Conference will be in accordance with the Councillors' Expenses
and Facilities Policy. There are no other policy implications other than those
raised in the context of Local Government Association policy.
No consultation was necessary
for the preparation of this Report.
Bottom Line is a framework for improving Council decisions by ensuring
accountability and transparency on social, environmental and economic
factors. It does this by reporting upon
Council’s strategic themes.
this Report simply provides Council with information and does not propose any
actions which require a sustainability assessment, no Triple Bottom Line
considerations apply.
officer responsible for the preparation of this Report is the Administration
Coordinator -
1. Determine attendees and voting delegates
for the 2008 Annual Conference of the Local Government Association of NSW. 2. Note the information provided in respect of election of the Executive
Committee of the Local Government Association of NSW. |
Robyn Abicair Manager -
Administration Services Corporate and Community Division |
Gary Bensley Executive Manager Corporate and Community Division |
1.View |
Managers Report CC44/08 - Local Government Association Conference 2008 -
Submissions of Motions and Nominations of Voting Delegates Ordinary Meeting
09/07/2008. |
2.View |
booklet - Local Government |
3.View |
- Election of Executive Committee of LGA |
File Reference: F2006/00861
Document Number: D01002677
Executive Manager's Report No. CC80/08
Corporate and Community Division
Date of Meeting: 8/10/2008
Council is provided with a monthly report
summarising current general economic conditions which may have an impact on
investment returns. The report includes a schedule detailing Council's
investments and borrowings and also highlights the monthly and year to date
performance of the investments. It should be noted investments are generally
held for the medium to long term.
Report indicates that the total investment income for the period ending 31
August 2008 is $438,000 which compares to the year to date 2008/09 budgeted
income of $347,000. Of the year to date 2008/09 investment income earned, 44%
relates to Section 94 funds held by Council and is required to be allocated to
those funds.
Based on recent financial events in September, the
credit rating of three of Council’s CDOs may fall below the Ministerial
Investment Order requirements. The Department of Local Government have advised
in their Circular No 08-10 that “when
considering selling or restructuring current investments that fall below the
requirements of the Ministerial Investment Order, councils should exercise due
care and diligence. Councils should not rely solely on the advice from the
issuer of the investment and should seek independent financial advice.” In
accordance with that Circular, Council officers are currently seeking
independent advice about the matter.
From the information available to Council officers
at this stage, none of Council’s CDOs has exceeded their credit support which
would lead to a loss of capital at maturity. The financial markets are
extremely volatile and the ongoing effects are unknown. Council officers are in
close contact with Council’s Investment Advisors (Grove Research and Advisory
Services) who are continuously monitoring these events and providing ongoing
purpose of this Report is to advise Council of funds invested in accordance
with Section 625 of the Local Government Act and details as required by Clause
212(1) of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and Council's
Investment Policy and Strategy, most recently amended and adopted at the April
2007 Ordinary Meeting.
Investment Performance - August 2008
• The Term Deposits achieved an
annualised return of 7.96% for the month compared to the benchmark of 7.25%;
and a financial year to date return of 8.03% compared to the benchmark of
• LGFS Fixed-Out Performance Cash
fund achieved an annualised return for the month of 8.68% compared to the
benchmark of 8.18%; and a financial year to date return of 8.68% compared to
the benchmark of 8.18%. The fund is managed by the Local Government Financial
Services organisation. The product is provided with capital protection and pays
a fixed return of 0.5% above the average monthly Bank Bill Index rate.
• NSW T-Corp Long Term Growth Facility
achieved a marked to market return of 56.29% for the month compared to the
benchmark of 54.24%; and financial year to date of 19.07% compared to the
benchmark of 13.35%. This fund has a 70% allocation to growth assets. Short
term performance is expected to be volatile and the investment should be viewed
over the longer term.
• Direct investments in
Collateralised Debt Obligations achieved an annualised return of 9.16% for the
month compared to the benchmark of 8.15%. The financial year to date return at
August is 9.18% compared to the benchmark of 8.15%.
• The Longreach Capital Protected
- Property, Infrastructure and Utilities Fund pays a fixed coupon of 2% semi
annually. The majority of returns for
this investment are expected to come through growth, rather than income. Due to
poor performance over recent months, the following Capital Protected Notes
coupons (i.e. returns) have not been accrued -
ANZ Averon, CBA Hedge Fund, Longreach I&U, Longreach Liquidity and
Longreach Tri-sector.
• FRN are bonds that have a
variable coupon equal to a money market reference rate. This Floating Rate Note
investment achieved an annualised return of 10.04% for the month compared to
the benchmark of 8.15%; and a financial year to date return of 10.04% compared to
the benchmark of 8.15%.
• For total investments, the
annualised return for the month is 8.30% compared to the benchmark of 8.96%;
and a year to date return after fees is 7.51% compared to the benchmark of
8.03%, a shortfall of 0.52%.
CDO impact based on
recent financial events in September
and significant events in the world financial markets will have an impact on
corporate linked CDOs in the following ways:
· Reduction in investment rating
(the possible rating impact detailed in the table below).
· Reduction in investment rating
below the Ministerial Investment Order. This may apply to the CDOs - PURE,
QUARTZ and SCEPTRE. All retain investment grade status.
· Reduction in investment
valuation. This will impact on a marked to market basis but not necessarily
held to maturity.
· Increased risk levels as each
credit event reduces the buffer Council has before principal is impacted. A
credit event has occurred for the CDOs - PURE and SCEPTRE.
· Lehman Brothers was the arranger for the CDO - ENDEAVOUR. Whether, based
on the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, there is to be an early termination of
this product is being monitored by Grove Research and Advisory Services. They
will advise Council when further information is available.
on recent financial events in September, the credit rating of three of
Council’s CDOs may fall below the Ministerial Investment Order requirements.
The Department of Local of Government have advised in their Circular No 08-10
that “when considering selling or
restructuring current investments that fall below the requirements of the
Ministerial Investment Order, councils should exercise due care and diligence.
Councils should not rely solely on the advice from the issuer of the investment
and should seek independent financial advice.”
determining the most practicable time to withdraw the funds, councils should
consider, but not be limited by, the following factors:
· Whether the downgrade of the
rating is a short-term market fluctuation or long-term market correction
· The likelihood of the rating of
the security changing
· The maturity date of the
· The preservation of capital if
the investment was held to maturity
· The assessment of independent
quotes for the market value of the investment
· The effect on interest received
from the investment, and
· The capital loss incurred if the
investment was sold.”
officers are currently seeking professional advice in respect of this matter.
An assessment by Grove Research and Advisory Services of the possible credit
ratings for Council’s CDOs follows:
Name of CDO |
Credit Rating for August Report |
Possible Credit Rating Following Recent Events |
Possible rating below Ministerial Order Requirements |
Will coupons still be paid? |
CARGO 11 |
N |
Y |
A+ |
BBB- |
Y |
Y |
N |
Y |
AA |
A+ |
N |
Y |
N |
Y |
A- |
BBB- |
Y |
Y |
A- |
BBB- |
Y |
Y |
At this stage, from the information available to
Council officers, none of Council’s CDOs has exceeded their credit support
which would lead to a loss of capital at maturity. As Council would appreciate,
the financial markets are extremely volatile and the ongoing effects of these
events are unknown. Council officers are in close contact with Grove Research
and Advisory Services who are continuously monitoring these events and
providing ongoing advice.
In respect of borrowings, the weighted average
interest rate payable on loans taken out from 1998 to 2008, based on the
principal balances outstanding, is 6.55%. The loans taken out repay principal
and interest over a 10 year period with a fixed interest rate. The Borrowings
Schedule, as at 31 August 2008, is attached to this Report.
Council’s information, the comments below have been extracted from the New
South Wales Treasury Corporation September 2008 market update.
“What has happened?
1.1 Global Financial Crisis – recent events
· The US Federal Reserve (‘Fed’)
stepped in to support Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac, the two institutions that
provide liquidity in the US mortgage market, the largest bond market in the
world. This is an extremely positive move in indicating the support that the US
authorities will provide to maintain financial stability.
· Lehman Brothers, a US investment bank, has filed for bankruptcy. The key reasons for
their insolvency appear to be driven by a loss of confidence in them by their
customers and lenders, arising from major losses from holdings of sub-prime
mortgages. In itself, the bankruptcy of an investment bank is not fundamental.
What is serious is the implication this may have on the wider financial markets
as the various financial positions of Lehman are unwound.
· Bank of America offers to acquire Merrill
Lynch at 70% above its current share
price, but 70% below its highest share price achieved in 2007. This makes it
the third of the big Wall Street investment banks to lose its independence.
· AIG, the big US Insurer, seeks funding from the Fed to remain solvent. This
is critical as many of the financial deals in the US are guaranteed by insurers
such as AIG. If AIG lost its standing, then these financial deals may have to
be unwound with adverse implications. The US Federal Reserve Bank will lend up
to US$85 billion to AIG in its latest act to save the ailing US financial
The loan has a two-year term and
is expected to be repaid from the proceeds of the sale of the firm’s assets.
1.2 Australian conditions
· The Australian dollar has fallen
17% from its peak against the US$, and by lesser amounts compared to other
currencies. This has a real impact on the wealth of Australians whose assets
and income are in AUD.
· The Australian equity market is
now 27% below its peak, driven in part by a 26% decline in the resources
2. What could happen from here?
Financial Crisis
The last of the out-workings of
the sub-prime crisis is unlikely to be behind us. Several other
Economic Impact
We expect the following:
· Further deleveraging. This means
lower rates of borrowing, higher costs of capital and consequently slower rates
of economic growth;
· Slower growth in consumer
· Flow-on impacts to slower global
growth, particularly in emerging markets;
· Lower interest rates;
· Further downward pressure on the
Equity Markets
Around the world, equity markets
will continue to be volatile. Equity markets delivered strong returns in
August, only to give this back and more in September. The longer term outlook
for earnings is not encouraging given that companies’ cost of capital has
increased, but at some price, even these lower earnings will be attractive. We
note that the amount of cash waiting on the side lines in most markets has
grown very significantly over the past 12 months.
The sudden decline in the AUD
has been surprising. It just goes to remind us how unpredictable the currency
markets can be. However, on a relative basis, the outlook for
3. How should investors react?
As dramatic and painful as the
current episode is, investors need to remember that crises are a regular
feature of the market landscape. They have occurred at a regular 6-7 year
frequency over at least the past twenty years. There was the 1987 share market
crash. The early 1990s saw the
It is impossible to predict
whether global markets have reached a bottom – this requires an understanding
of psychology as much as finance and economics. To paraphrase John Maynard
Keynes, investing is often about anticipating the anticipations of others. An
emotional response to the market drama is the greatest danger for long-term
investment income for July and August 2008 was $438,000. The budgeted income
for this same period was $347,000. Of the investment income, approximately 44%
relates to Section 94 and is, therefore, restricted.
investments have been made in accordance with the Local Government Act, the
Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and Council's revised Investment
Policy and Strategy. The Policy and
Strategy were last revised by Council at the 11 April 2007 Ordinary Meeting.
Investment Policy and Strategy is currently being reviewed by staff based on
the release of a revised Ministerial Investment Order and will be finalised
after consultation with Grove Research and Advisory Services (Council's
independent investment adviser), prior to being submitted to Council for
consideration and adoption
investments and reallocation of funds are made where appropriate, after
consultation with Council's financial investment services adviser and fund
Bottom Line is a framework for improving
Council decisions by ensuring accountability and transparency on social,
environmental and economic factors. It
does this by reporting upon Council's strategic themes.
As this Report simply
provides Council with information and does not propose any actions which
require a sustainability assessment, no Triple Bottom Line considerations
Council's Investment Strategy
does recognise, however, the desirability of "ethical" or
"socially responsible" investments and has invested in such products
in the last year. These are referenced in the Investment Portfolio in
Attachment 1.
Council will continue to
review new products, subject to funds availability and asset allocation and
credit quality parameters contained in the Strategy.
officer responsible for the preparation of this Report is the Manager,
Financial Services -
THAT the contents of Executive Manager's Report No
CC80/08 be received and noted. |
Glen Magus Manager -
Financial Services Corporate and Community Division |
Gary Bensley Executive Manager Corporate and Community Division |
1.View |
Borrowings Schedule as at 31 August 2008 |
2.View |
2008 Council Investment report |
File Reference: F2004/06987
Document Number: D00999330
Executive Manager's Report No. CC81/08
Corporate and Community Division
Date of Meeting: 8/10/2008
The General Manager is
required to report to Council each quarter as to Council's performance against
its current Management Plan and Budget, including revised estimates of income
and expenditure.
The Management Plan
Quarterly Review for June 2008 is attached. It includes details on progress
towards the achievement of corporate indicator targets, financial health check
information and Divisional operational reports including financial performance
against Budget.
The 2007/08 Original Budget
forecast a surplus at 30 June 2008 of $295K, however this forecast was amended
at the March 2008 quarter to an expected surplus of $22K. The June 2008 actual
result is a surplus of $128K. Major Budget variances by Division are explained
in the attached quarterly review document.
While a positive result was
achieved over the 2007/08 financial year by revenue inflows exceeding outflows,
Council faced a number of financial challenges which may potentially continue
into the 2008/09 financial year. These financial challenges include a depressed
property market which has led to a significant decrease in revenue, rising fuel
costs impacting Council’s plant and machinery, declining interest from
investments, cost shifting particularly by the State Government, increasing
provisions for employee leave entitlements and construction and maintenance
material costs well above the consumer price index (CPI).
The recommendation is that
Council adopts the June 2008 Budget Review and receives and notes the Report.
The purpose of this Report
is to enable Council to review its performance against the targets set in the
Management Plan, and review actual and budgeted income and expenditure over the
financial year.
On 13 June 2007, Council
adopted its Management Plan 2007/08 - 2009/10 including the Budget for 2007/08
and Fees and Charges for 2007/08. The
Management Plan sets out the manner in which Council intends to align its
business goals in accordance with its intent of "Creating a Living
Environment" and is divided into the following six strategic themes:
• Working with our community
• Conserving our natural environment
• Contributing to community development through sustainable
facilities and services
• Fulfilling our community's vision in planning for the
future of the Shire
• Supporting our diverse economy
• Maintaining sound corporate and financial management
In conjunction with these
themes, corporate indicators and targets were identified and are included in
the leading section of the Quarterly Review titled "Corporate
Performance". This section also
contains progress reports on the key issues identified by Councillors.
Reporting at the Divisional
level is in the section titled "Operational Reports".
The 2007/08 Original Budget
forecast a surplus at 30 June 2008 of $295K. The September 2007 Quarter Review
included negative changes of $143K and the December 2007 Quarter Review
included negative changes of $130K. The March 2008 Quarter Review included
budget changes that had no impact on the budgeted year end forecast, resulting
in an estimated budget surplus at 30 June 2008 of $22K.
This review includes the
fourth quarter financial results for 2007/08, comparing actual expenditure and
income to 30 June 2008 against Budget. The Net Operating and Capital result
after internal funding movements at 30 June 2008 resulted in a favourable
variance to budget of $106K over the 2007/08 financial year i.e. a surplus of
The March 2008 Quarter
Budget changes were:
• $300K - Decrease in budgeted investment income (refer
Council Report No CC34/08)
• ($150K) - Decrease in Section 94 transfer to restricted
asset (due to lower than budgeted investment returns)
• ($150K) - Decrease in organisation wide expenditure
provisions managed by the Corporate and Community Division (to offset lower
than budgeted investment returns)
The December 2007 Quarter
Budget changes were:
• $15K - Increased expenditure towards funding sustainable
movie event (refer Council Report No EN43/07)
• $500K - Decrease in budgeted investment income (refer
Council Report No CC02/08)
• ($250K) - Decrease in Section 94 transfer to restricted
asset (due to lower than budgeted investment returns)
• ($175K) - Decrease in organisation wide expenditure
provisions managed by the Corporate and Community Division (to offset lower
than budgeted investment returns)
• $40K - Increase in contractor expense (verification of
cadastre project)
• $120K - Transfer from plant replacement reserve (towards Mt
Ku-ring-gai Internal Loan)
• ($120K) - Transfer to Mt Ku-ring-gai Internal Loan
(finalisation of Mt Ku-ring-gai Internal Loan)
The September Quarter
Budget changes were:
• $31K - Increased salaries expense - (Community Development
Officer contract extension - refer Council Report No CC90/07)
• $50K - Increased land improvements expenditure - (Upgrade
2-4 Dangar Road, Brooklyn - refer Council Report No CC78/07)
• $60K - Increased contract expenditure - (Greenway Park
Stormwater Harvesting project, general fund allocation required. $274K funding
• $50K - Increased contract expenditure - (Open space
• ($123K) - Increased rental income - (Beaumont Road)
• $75K - Increased capital expenditure - (Grant Close
As part of the March 2008
Quarterly Budget Review process, the General Manager asked each Division to
review its expenditure on discretionary items over the remainder of the
financial year, having regard to the provision of reasonable service levels and
community expectations, in an attempt to restore as much of the Original Budget
surplus as possible.
The Net Operating and
Capital Result after internal and external funding for the 12 months to 30 June
2008 was a positive $128K compared to a revised budgeted surplus of $22K. This
result is based on inflows and outflows of expenditure and revenue and does not
reflect fair value accounting adjustments required to be reported in the
2007/08 financial statements. This result is satisfactory in maintaining
working funds at current levels only.
While a positive result was
achieved over the 2007/08 financial year by revenue inflows exceeding outflows,
Council faced a number of financial challenges which may potentially continue
into the 2008/09 financial year. These financial challenges include a depressed
property market which has led to a significant decrease in revenue, rising fuel
costs impacting Council’s plant and machinery, declining interest from
investments, cost shifting particularly by the State Government, increasing
provisions for employee leave entitlements and construction and maintenance
material costs well above CPI.
There are no specific policy
implications in respect of this Report.
All Divisions and
appropriate staff have had input into this review.
Triple Bottom Line is a framework for improving
Council's decisions by ensuring accountability and transparency on social,
environmental and economic factors. It
does this by reporting upon Council's strategic themes.
As this report does not propose any actions which
require a sustainability assessment, no Triple Bottom Line considerations
The officers responsible for
preparation of this Report are Julie Williams - Manager, Corporate Strategy and
Glen Magus - Manager, Financial Services. They can be contacted on 9847-6790
and 9847-6635 respectively.
1. The June 2008 Review of the Management Plan, including
performance indicators be received and noted. 2. The June
2008 Budget Review be adopted. |
Gary Bensley Executive Manager Corporate and Community Division |
Julie Williams Manager, Corporate
Strategy Strategy Division |
1.View |
Plan 2007/08-2009/10 - 4th Quarter Review |
File Reference: F2006/00490
Document Number: D00999909
Executive Manager's Report No. CC89/08
Corporate and Community Division
Date of Meeting: 8/10/2008
Council’s General Purpose and Special Purpose Financial Reports for the year ended 30 June 2008 (the Reports) have been completed and are ready to be referred to PriceWaterhouseCoopers (Council’s external auditors) for audit.
The audited Reports, which are expected to be provided for consideration at the 12 November 2008 Ordinary Meeting, will be made available to the public in accordance with Local Government Act requirements. It is expected that Denis Banicevic, from PriceWaterhouseCoopers, will be available to make a presentation on the audited Reports at the November 2008 Ordinary Meeting.
The purpose of this Report is
for Council to:
• receive the unaudited Reports
• resolve to refer the Reports for audit
• resolve that the Reports be authorised for issue to the
public on receipt of the Auditor's Report
• delegate authority to the General Manager to fix the date
of the Meeting at which the audited Reports will be presented to the public
In accordance with the
requirements of the Local Government Act, Council must prepare and have audited
its Financial Reports within four months after the end of a financial year. The
Reports for 2007/2008, which have recently been completed and are included
under separate cover, are ready to be referred for audit.
Council is required to give
notice as to the Meeting at which the Reports (including the Auditor's Reports)
will be "presented to the public". The proposed date for this Meeting
will be set as soon as possible after the Auditor's Reports have been received.
In this regard, it is anticipated that the Reports will be "presented to
the public" at the 12 November Ordinary Meeting. Council's external
auditor, Denis Banicevic of PricewaterhouseCoopers, is expected to be available
to make a presentation on the Reports at that Meeting.
Following presentation of the
Reports to the public, any person may make a submission concerning the Reports
within a period of seven days after the Meeting.
It should be noted the Reports
are not for distribution to the public at this stage as they are unaudited. The
audited Reports are those that will be made available to the public in
accordance with Local Government Act requirements.
There are no implications on the
2008/09 Budget.
Details of relevant policies are
set out in Note 1 to the Reports.
Appropriate staff in all
Divisions were requested to provide income and expenditure accruals where
considered necessary in addition to information on internally and externally
restricted assets.
Triple Bottom Line is a framework for improving Council
decisions by ensuring accountability and transparency on social, environmental
and economic factors. It does this by reporting upon council's strategic
As this Report simply provides Council with information
and does not propose any actions which require a sustainability assessment, no
Triple Bottom Line considerations apply.
The officer responsible for
the preparation of this Report is Mr Glen Magus Manager, Financial Services. He
may be contacted on 9847 6635.
1. The Financial Reports distributed under separate cover be received, noted and referred for audit. 2. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor be authorised to sign the Statutory Statements in connection with these Reports. 3. The Reports be authorised for “presentation to the public” on receipt of the Auditor’s Reports. 4. Council delegate to the General
Manager the authority to fix the date at which the Reports are formally
“presented to the public”. |
Glen Magus Manager -
Financial Services Corporate and Community Division |
Gary Bensley Executive Manager Corporate and Community Division |
are no attachments for this report.
File Reference: F2008/00340
Document Number: D01006119
Executive Manager's Report No. WK58/08
Works Division
Date of Meeting: 8/10/2008
The NSW Parliament’s General
Purpose Standing Committee Number 4 (Legislative Council) is conducting an
inquiry into the transport needs of
That GPSC4 inquire into and report on the integrated transport needs of Sydney North-West Sector and, in particular:
1. The requirements and plans for an integrated transport system in the North-West Sector, including road, rail and bus links,
2. The proposed funding of an integrated transport system for the North-West Sector, including the distribution of developer and State infrastructure levies,
3. The plans and funding for the North-West Metro and the decision not to proceed with the North-West Rail Link, and
4. Any other related matters.
The closing date for submissions is Friday 17 October 2008. At the Planning Meeting of 3 September 2008, Council resolved that a submission be forwarded to the Inquiry. Council’s submission includes issues relating to problems currently experienced around Epping as a result of the station reconstruction and the works for the Epping Chatswood Rail Link, as well as concerns regarding delays to the delivery of a number of State Government infrastructure proposals. Council also has reservations regarding the change from heavy rail to metro style operation and the state government’s public consultation process to date.
The purpose of this report is to advise Council of the issues previously considered and for Council to endorse the submission.
The Environmental Assessment
At the Ordinary Meeting of 14
February 2007, Council considered report WK08/07 regarding the Review of
Environmental Assessment for the North West Rail Link. The initial proposal for the twin track 22
kilometre route involved an above ground rail line between Epping station and
1. Council indicate
in-principle support for the NWRL.
2. Council adopt the
officers’ comments and not support the current proposal for an above ground
section between Epping and Beecroft, as shown in the Environmental Assessment.
3. Council support the Epping to
4. Council request that comprehensive
studies be prepared by TIDC addressing land use, transport, environmental and
social impacts of the proposal, and that these studies address Council's
concerns, to be detailed in its submission.
5. A formal Council submission outlining
Officers’ comments presented in Appendices of this report be forwarded to TIDC.
6. Representation be made to the Member
for Castle Hill (
The Preferred Project Report
Subsequently the Transport Infrastructure Development Corporation (TIDC) developed a Preferred Project Report which included an amended route underground between Epping and Beecroft and addressed other issues raised in submissions received during the public exhibition of the Environmental Assessment.
At the Ordinary Meeting of 11
July 2007, Council considered report WK39/07 regarding the Preferred Project
Report for the North West Rail Link. The Preferred Project Report
considered two options developed by TIDC.
Green Option 1 is a relatively direct alignment
which best meets TIDC’s construction and operational requirements and is their
preferred option.
Pink Option 2 is a less direct alignment which was
developed by TIDC as a result of the public submissions to the Environmental
Assessment earlier this year. Many submissions objecting to the above ground
quadruplication requested an alternative tunnel alignment following
In response to the Preferred Project Report, some
residents considered the Pink Option 2 did not follow the road alignments
closely enough and requested a “Yellow” or “Gold” alignment which more closely
followed the existing road alignments. TIDC advised that Option 2 was TIDC’s
best attempt at meeting the “Yellow” alignment given their construction and
operational requirements.
In relation to report WK39/07, Council resolved that -
1. a) Hornsby Council support an underground link
for the
(NWRL) that
maximises its use of existing infrastructure routes which are
railway lines,
main roads and the M2.
b) Council defer determination of the preferred
tunnel option until after
investigations regarding tunnel depth, noise and vibration surveys
are known.
2. Council call on the
State Government to proceed with the NWRL to
provide the Hills
districts with much needed rail transport and in the process
ease the traffic
gridlock and parking difficulties affecting the suburbs of Thornleigh
to Epping.
3. Council writes by 18
July 2007 to:
a) The Transport Infrastructure
and Development Corporation (TIDC) and to
the relevant Ministers
requesting an extension for submissions until 5
October 2007 to allow
affected residents and the community as a whole to
present their submissions on
the following options:
Option 1 - Green (TIDC)
Option 2 - Pink (TIDC)
Option 3 - Blue (TIDC)
Option 4 - Gold (Residents)
Option 5 - Red (Residents)
b) Express its concern at the
lack of alternatives considered and attach other
options that it believes
should be investigated but not limited to TIDC options
1 to 3 listed above.
c) Request TIDC to conduct open
public consultations with all parties affected
in open forums adopting an
integrated approach to this issue before the close
of submissions.
d) The Premier - The Honourable
Morris Iemma, the Opposition Leader - The
Honourable Barry O’Farrell
and all local State and Federal Members of
Parliament, asking for their
support to request TIDC to follow due process
and listen to the concerns
of all of the residents affected before a decision is
made on a proposed
underground link.
4. In due course, TIDC be invited to
address Council at a Workshop Meeting
regarding its preferred option.
The Supplementary Submissions Report
At the Ordinary Meeting of 14 May 2008 Council considered report WK25/08 regarding the Supplementary Submissions Report (SSR) for the North West Rail Link. The state government had announced that the project would now be a Metro style operation however TIDC advised that essentially the proposal remained the same with relatively minor detail differences which did no warrant any change to the approval process. The green alignment remained as the approved route.
was no provision for further public consultation in relation to the release of
the SSR as the document is essentially a response to the issues raised during
the public consultation for the Preferred Project Report. The SSR has been
submitted to the Department of Planning seeking approval for the Concept Plan.
Department of Planning will review all of the documents and prepare a report to
enable the Minister for Planning to make a determination on the project. If the Concept Plan is approved, the work
done to date would form part of planning for the recently announced North West
Metro, subject to further design development, approvals and consultation in
respect of the new Metro project.
In relation to report WK25/08, Council resolved that -
1. Council note the TIDC recommendation
for the Green alignment option for the NWRL and request that TIDC address land
use, transport, environmental and social impacts of the proposal to Council's
2. TIDC be requested to provide detailed
information on the NWM, to enable a considered response by Council.
3. Representations be made to the Member
for Castle Hill, the Member for Epping and Minister for Transport in support of
Council's position, requesting that Council be consulted during planning for
the NWM.
4. Council request confirmation from the
Minister of Transport that funds are available to complete this project within
the specified time frame.
Stakeholder Engagement Briefing and Consultation
The North West Metro project team held a Stakeholder Engagement Briefing and Consultation conducted on Friday, 15 August. The project team needed further input from stakeholders prior to determining Product Definition Phase and Project Delivery Strategy.
Issues identified as outcomes of the forum included -
· The interaction between the North West Metro and current uses of Epping Railway Station, as well as the need for further involvement and partnering with local government in relation to the site.
· The opportunity for the Shadow Operator to develop a number of customer panels to further provide feedback during the Product Definition Phase.
· A greater focus upon relationships between Metro stations and local land use planning to deliver better ‘liveability” solutions.
· Additional forums will be conducted in partnership with the Sydney Chamber of Commerce and other groups to further identify the needs of CBD building owners, tenants and major employers.
North-West Sydney Transport
the 29 August 2008, the Parliament of New South Wales State Legislative Council
established an inquiry to report on the transport needs of
Council prepare and forward a
submission to the North-west Sydney Sector Transport Inquiry, addressing the
terms of reference, and highlighting the lack of transport integration
throughout the North Western suburbs of
Matters to be addressed should
include, but not be limited to:
• The redevelopment of Epping Station without supporting traffic flow
planning and commuter parking facilities.
• The need for completion of the Epping to Parramatta rail line as being
essential to cater for the continued growth of the North West. This will provide full access between
Parramatta/ Castle Hill/ Hornsby/ the City/ Chatswood and Macquarie
University/Business Park.
• That if the Metro option proceeds, (in contrast to the heavy rail
originally proposed), the continuation and integration of this Metro Line must
be made a priority.
• Any future/further development of Epping Station to accommodate the
North-west Rail, regardless of the form it may take, must include meaningful
community consultation.
• Sufficient "kiss and drop" facilities to be included at all
stations along any proposed new rail lines, with other (bus etc) public
transport linkages and parking facilities being provided where assessed (in
consultation with the local community) to be appropriate.
• Reiteration of Council’s support for a North-west Rail line to include a
station under Carlingford Court Shopping Centre, referencing the proposed
additional dwellings in the adjacent precinct within Baulkham Hills Council
boundaries, which will have a severe impact on traffic and parking within
Hornsby Shire.
The attached submission has been prepared for Council’s consideration. Since the inquiry was announced, and Council’s resolution was adopted, changes within the state government have resulted in a new Premier and senior ministry, which has in turn resulted in intense media speculation as to whether major state infrastructure projects such as the North West Metro will now proceed. It is considered essential that, given the erratic nature of announcements from various governments at state and federal level, Council continue lobbying for progress in bringing the proposals to completion.
There are no budget implications in this report
There are no policy implications in this report.
Manager Town Planning Services, Manager Community Services,
Bottom Line is a framework for improving Council decisions by ensuring
accountability and transparency on social, environmental and economic
factors. It does this by reporting upon
Council's strategic themes.
this report simply provides Council with information and does not propose any
actions which require a sustainability assessment, no Triple Bottom Line
considerations apply.
report was prepared by Council’s Manager Traffic and Road Safety, Mr
THAT the submission included as an Attachment to this report be endorsed and submitted to the Director, General Purpose Standing Committee Number 4. |
Maxwell Woodward Executive Manager Works Division |
1.View |
Submission to General Purpose Standing Committee No. 4 - Transport needs of |
File Reference: F2008/00492
Document Number: D01006369
Executive Manager's Report No. WK59/08
Works Division
Date of Meeting: 8/10/2008
Council has been invited to apply for funding for dredging projects under the Waterways Program. The invitation is reported to Council to determine whether it wishes to undertake such projects, and if so, to confirm the preliminary response that has been forwarded to the Department.
The purpose of this report is to advise Council that the Department of Lands has invited Councils in NSW to apply for funding for dredging projects under the State Government’s Waterways Program, and for Council to determine whether it wishes to do so.
Council has received correspondence from the Department of Lands advising that the Minister has recently announced a major enhancement of funding under the NSW Government’s Waterways Program for dredging projects which will make significant improvement to the navigability of waterways where they focus on recreational boating needs. Council has been invited to apply for funding under the program.
The Minister and the Department have received ongoing representations from Councils, boating groups and community organisations about the deterioration of boating access in many of the State’s waterways, especially in regard to recreational vessels. Council has been advised that any projects should be compatible with any estuary management plans that have been prepared.
Funds will be made available for both preconstruction activities (including Environmental Assessments) and implementation, and will be for up to 50% of the approved cost of the work. Funding is conditional on Council agreeing to match the Department’s contribution and to manage the project.
As this correspondence was received in mid August 2008, it was not possible to refer the matter to Council prior to the closing date of 26 September 2008, by which time Councils were requested to lodge initial responses to the invitation. Council has lodged a preliminary response to the invitation, indicating that the proposal would be reported to the first available Council meeting for consideration and determination.
Council staff have identified two potential projects that may qualify under this program:
This project has been subject to
a previous EIS which indicated that Council was in a position to proceed with
the project should it so resolve.
Council subsequently resolved not to proceed with this project. The EIS (or any other environmental
assessment) would now require updating, as a significant change would be
required to address the disposal of dredged material. Council will recall that the previous
proposal was prepared in association with a project involving reclamation of
part of the foreshore at
This is a project of lesser cost,
which is yet to be formally scoped or estimated, but is likely to be in the order of $200,000 -
$250,000. Council staff are aware of a
gradual build-up of material in the harbour.
If continued, this material will inhibit the use of the harbour by
vessels of more than minimal size.
Council is also aware of issues in relation to the flotation of the
pontoon at
The Brooklyn Estuary Management Plan has identified both sites as potentially requiring dredging works in order to ensure that they can function appropriately. Further investigations will be required to address such issues as safety and navigation concerns, as well as any potential benefit for commercial operators.
In the event that Council wishes to proceed with investigations of these projects, Council will need to have regard to the recently introduced State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007. This regulation commenced on 1 January 2008, and aims to facilitate the effective delivery of infrastructure across the State, among other things establishing a consistent planning regime for infrastructure and the provision of services. This includes the identification of certain development of minimal environmental impact as exempt development. Either project is yet to be assessed. It is apparent that development (i.e. dredging) is permitted under the SEPP, however it is to be determined whether such development requires consent. (Division 13, Clauses 68 and 69 refer). On this basis, while Council will be required to undertake an environmental assessment of either project, the extent or detail of such assessment is yet to be determined.
These projects are currently not identified in a Management Plan or budget, and are not listed in a forward program of works. Council will note the requirement for 50% funding should it proceed with the projects, and any application for funding is successful. Having regard to the substantial funding available to the State Government from Waterways and other marine licensing activities which is not available to Local Government, it has been proposed to the Department that funding should on the basis of 75%/25%. Further, Council may wish to consider whether it should approach potential beneficiaries of such work, where same can be clearly identified, to request a contribution to the cost of the work. Council may wish to determine that it is prepared to fund 25% of the work, with the State or potential beneficiaries funding the remainder of the cost.
This matter is now reported to Council for consideration as to whether it wishes to confirm the preliminary response that has been made to the Department.
There are no adverse budget implications associated with this report.
There are no policy implications arising from this report.
This report has been prepared in consultation with the General Manager and Executive Manager, Environment Division.
Triple Bottom Line is a
framework for improving Council decisions by ensuring accountability and
transparency on social, environmental and economic factors. It does this by reporting upon Council's
strategic themes.
As this report simply provides
Council with information and does not propose any actions which require a
sustainability assessment, no Triple Bottom Line considerations apply.
The responsible officer is the
Executive Manager, Works Division, Mr
1. Council determine whether it wishes to confirm Council’s preliminary response to the Department’s invitation and seek funding for these projects. 2. The projects be listed for consideration in a future works program. |
Maxwell Woodward Executive Manager Works Division |
There are no
attachments for this report.
File Reference: F2008/00209
Document Number: D01006504
Mayor's Note No. MN1/08
Date of Meeting: 8/10/2008
Friday 1 August – The Mayor attended the Knit-in at Hornsby Library.
Saturday 2 August – The Deputy
Mayor, on behalf of the Mayor, attended a Service for the Commencement of
Ministry of Rev Craig Schafer as
Wednesday 6 August – The Mayor gave a Welcome Speech at the Over 55 Expo for residents of Epping and surrounding areas at The Epping Club.
Thursday 7 August – The Mayor, Councillor Findlay, Councillor Isaac and Councillor Browne attended a Pennant Hills District Civic Trust Meeting at Pennant Hills.
Saturday 9 August – The Mayor
officiated at a Community Open Day to celebrate the completion of a new
playground area at
Saturday 9 August – The Mayor
attended the 50th Jubilee celebrations and launch of a book on
Saturday 9 August – The Mayor and
Mrs Berman attended the Benowie District Dinner to celebrate 100 years of
Scouting in
Sunday 10 August – The Mayor
attended an Open Day to celebrate the centenary of Lilian Fraser’s Birth at the
Tuesday 12 August – The Mayor officiated at the Rural Fire Service National Medal and LSA Award Presentations at the Council Chambers.
Tuesday 12 August – The Mayor attended the Hills Rural Business Chamber Meeting at the Galston Club.
Friday 15 August – Councillor
Findlay, on behalf of the Mayor, attended the
Sunday 17 August – The Mayor and
Mrs Berman attended the Berowra RSL Sub-Branch end of the
Sunday 17 August – The Mayor
attended the
Tuesday 19 August – The Mayor attended a Business Breakfast at Hornsby RSL Club.
Tuesday 19 August – The Mayor
attended the
Thursday 21 August – The Mayor
attended the official opening of
Friday 22 August – The Mayor drew
Raffle Prizes for the Exodus Foundation at
Friday 22 August – The Mayor attended the Loreto Normanhurst Year 12 2008 Visual Arts and Design and Technology Exhibition at the School.
Friday 22 August – Councillor
Findlay, on behalf of the Mayor, opened Section 1 of Hornsby Art Society’s Art
Award Exhibition at
Saturday 23 August – The Mayor
presented Trophies at Ku-ring-gai and District Soccer Association’s
Saturday 23 August – The Mayor
attended a Vigil Mass to celebrate 25 years of Priesthood of Fr Brian
Moloney at the
Sunday 24 August – The Mayor attended a ceremony to celebrate the commencement of the construction of a new Fire Control Centre at Berowra.
Sunday 24 August – The Mayor
officiated at the
Monday 25 August – The Mayor hosted a Citizenship Ceremony at Pennant Hills Community Centre.
Monday 25 August – The Mayor, Councillor Findlay, Councillor Isaac and Councillor Browne attended a Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust Dinner at Pennant Hills.
Tuesday 26 August – The Mayor officiated at the Great Debate Finals at the Council Chambers.
Wednesday 27 August – The Mayor drew the winning entry in the Hornsby Mall Vibrant Task Group 2008 Winter in the Mall Promotion at Hornsby Mall.
Wednesday 27 August – The Mayor attended the Galston Rotary Club Meeting as Guest Speaker at The Galston Club.
Thursday 28 August – The Mayor visited St Agatha’s School at Pennant Hills to receive a Petition for a School Crossing from the students.
Friday 29 August – The Mayor attended the Official Opening of Cheltenham Girls’ High School 44th Annual Art & Craft Show 2008 at the School.
Friday 29 August –The Mayor attended the Special Olympics Upper North Shore Variety Night Gala Dinner at Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre.
Saturday 30 August – The Mayor
presented Trophies at the KDSA Cup and Shield Final Day at
Saturday 30 August – The Mayor
presented Trophies at the Hills District Netball Association Junior and Senior
Presentations at
Saturday 30 August – The Mayor
attended the
Saturday 30 August – The Mayor
and Mrs Berman attended the Kick a
note that these are the functions that the Mayor, or his representative, has
attended in addition to the normal Council Meetings, Workshops, Mayoral
Interviews and other Council Committee Meetings.
File Reference: F004/07053
Document Number: D01008873