Hornsby Shire Council

Attachment to Report No. PLN199/08 Page 0





The Ku-ring-gai and Hornsby Subregional Employment Study includes key observations and recommendations concerning employment lands within the North Subregion.  The Study provides strategic direction for the future role and function of centres and employment lands, including the application of zones from the State Government’s Standard Instrument and the confirmation of the commercial centre hierarchy contained in the Metropolitan Strategy. 


The recommendations contained within the Study will be used to guide and inform Ku-ring-gai and Hornsby Shire Councils in the preparation of their Principal Local Environmental Plans (LEPs).  It is acknowledged that the zone and land use recommendations contained within the Study do not represent a definitive list of uses and land zones and are intended as a guide only to assist the Councils in the progression of their Principal LEPs.


With respect to Dural Service Centre, the key finding of the Study is that generally the Centre should be zoned industrial with a limited area identified for the application of a business zoning for the purposes of servicing the centre, not the surrounding area. 


Following the receipt of submissions, the Councils will be appropriately placed to continue discussions with the Department of Planning concerning how the various business zones under the Standard Instrument should to be applied to the centres within the Subregion.