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Item 21 MN4/08 Mayor's Notes From 1 to 30 November 2008
Item 22 MM8/08 Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program 2008/09
Mayor's Note No. MN4/08
Date of Meeting: 10/12/2008
Tuesday 4 November – The Mayor and Councillor Chopra attended a Morning Tea to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Fagan Park at Netherby Homestead, Fagan Park.
Friday 7 November – The Mayor unveiled three new Murals in Hornsby Mall.
Friday 7 November – The Mayor and Mrs Berman attended the Studio Artes Bollywood Ball at Dural Country Club.
Saturday 8 November – The Mayor officiated at the OneWorld Festival at Hornsby Mall.
Sunday 9 November – The Mayor and Mrs Berman attended the Dioceses of Broken Bay Commissioning Ceremony for the Lay Minister by Bishop David Walker at O.L.O.R. Cathedral, Waitara.
Tuesday 11 November – The Mayor attended the Hornsby RSL Sub-Branch Remembrance Day Commemoration Service at Hornsby Cenotaph.
Tuesday 11 November – The Mayor attended Hornsby Meals on Wheels 2008 Volunteer Annual Presentation and Thank You Lunch at Asquith Golf Club.
Wednesday 12 November – The Mayor attended the launch of the 2008 Kmart Wishing Tree Appeal at Kmart Hornsby.
Wednesday 12 November – The Mayor attended the Franklins Pennant Hills Community Christmas Luncheon at Woodlands Retirement Village, Cherrybrook.
Thursday 13 November – The Deputy Mayor, on behalf of the Mayor, officially opened Susan Joyce’s Exhibition “Outback and Beyond” at the Hornsby Art Gallery.
Friday 14 November – The Mayor attended the RTA SpeedBlitz Blues v. New Zealand Match at Sydney Cricket Ground.
Saturday 15 November – The Mayor participated in the McHappy Day for Charity by working as a VIP crew member at McDonald’s Thornleigh
Sunday 16 November – The Mayor officially opened the Rural Sports Facility at Galston.
Monday 17 November – The Mayor attended the 2008 National Awards for Local Government Function at Parliament House, Canberra.
Tuesday 18 November – The Mayor attended the Inaugural Meeting of the Australian Council of Local Government at Parliament House, Canberra.
Tuesday 18 November – The Deputy Mayor, on behalf of the Mayor, attended the Bendigo Bank North Epping Community Grants Presentation Evening and 5th Birthday Celebration at All Saints Anglican Church, North Epping.
Wednesday 19 November – The Mayor attended Wrigley Asquith Factory’s 50th Anniversary Open Day at Asquith.
Wednesday 19 November – The Mayor attended the Wrigley Asquith Factory’s 50th Anniversary Dinner at Hornsby RSL Club.
Friday 21 November – the Mayor attended the NSW Grants Network Annual General Meeting at Pennant Hills.
Saturday 22 November – The Mayor attended the Sydney Water Tour of the new Brooklyn Sewage Treatment Plant.
Saturday 22 November – The Deputy Mayor, on behalf of the Mayor, attended the unveiling of The Ian Ramage Memorial Stone at the Sir John Northcott Garden, Wahroonga Park.
Sunday 23 November – The Mayor officially opened the Galston Skate Park.
Monday 24 November – The Mayor hosted a Citizenship Ceremony at Pennant Hills Community Centre.
Tuesday 25 November – The Mayor officially opened the new playground at Larool Pre-School, Thornleigh.
Friday 28 November – The Mayor and Mrs Berman attended the Hornsby War Memorial Hall Committee Christmas Dinner at Hornsby RSL Club.
Please note that these are the functions that the Mayor, or his representative, has attended in addition to the normal Council Meetings, Workshops, Mayoral Interviews and other Council Committee Meetings.
File Reference: F2004/07053
Document Number: D01064134
Mayoral Minute No. MM8/08
Date of Meeting: 10/12/2008
The purpose of the Minute is to advise Councillors of the Federal Government’s action in establishing the Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Fund, totaling $300 million.
1. Local Component
Council has been advised that under the Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program (RLCIP) the Australian Government will provide one-off funding of $250m in 2008/09 to local councils to stimulate additional growth and economic activity in Australia as part of the Australian Government’s contribution to address the global economic crisis. These funds will be available for additional and ready to proceed community infrastructure projects and for additional stages of projects that are currently underway. Council has been advised that its contribution under this program is $833,000.
Funding is available for a variety of projects for community infrastructure including new construction and renovations or refurbishment of various assets. Funding is not available for operational costs, maintenance or transport infrastructure, funding for which is covered by the Roads to Recovery or Black Spot programs.
Councils are required to provide the Department with details of projects that will be funded by 30 January 2009. Councils will be required to enter into an agreement prior to receipt of the payment. Funding must be expended by 30 September 2009. Progress reporting will be required by 30 May 2009, with a final report due by 30 November 2009.
Council staff have reviewed the funding guidelines, and having regard for the short timeframe required to proceed with the program, have identified a series of works across the Shire that will supplement current programs, and which can be commenced at short notice. The following projects listed in Attached 1 are now proposed for adoption.
2. Strategic Component
In addition, a strategic project component totalling $50m has been made available for a limited number of large strategic projects seeking a minimum Commonwealth contribution of $2m. Larger projects and projects which included partnership funding will be given preference. These projects will be allocated funding on a nationally competitive basis.
These projects must be ready to proceed within six months of signing the funding agreement. Nominations are to be received by 23 December 2008.
Council staff have reviewed the funding guidelines, taking note of the short timeframe in which to prepare a funding submission and to also be in a position to proceed. Two projects, detailed in Appendix 2, are now proposed for consideration by Council.
1. Council adopt the program of works listed in Attachment 1 as its local response to the Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program 2008/09.
2. Council determine whether it wishes to seek funding for a strategic project, and if so determine its preferred project from those which are listed in Attachment 2. |
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Mayoral Minute No. 8/08 - Attachment 1 |
2.View |
Mayoral Minute No. 8/08 - Attachment 2 |
File Reference: F2008/00661
Document Number: D01065488