Ordinary Meeting
Wednesday, 10 December, 2008
at 6:30 pm
Attachments |
Supplementary Reports
22 MM8/08 Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program 2008/09
Attachment 1: ... Mayoral Minute No. 8/08 - Attachment 1
1. Mayoral Minute No. 8/08 - Attachment 1 2. Mayoral Minute No. 8/08 - Attachment 2
Attachment to Report No. MM8/08 Page 1 |
1. Enhancement of Foreshore Facilities $ 60,000
Repairs to Brooklyn Wharf Seawall – Ferry wharf to Council
2. Additions to 2008/2009 Bus Shelter Construction Program: $ 50,000
· Brooklyn Road, outside Brooklyn Public School
· 116 Somerville Road, Hornsby Heights
· 48-50 Neale Avenue, Cherrybrook
3. Additional Footpath Construction Program $200,000
(From existing priority programs – B and C Wards, details
to be advised)
4. Rofe Park – upgrade of unstructured recreation facilities in park; $100,000
Replace playground, landscape embankment, provide bridge
element, replace fences and paths.
5. Greenway Park – resurface netball courts and convert single $100,000
tennis court to netball, replace basketball backboards etc.
6. North Epping Oval – replace floodlights and light to Australian $ 90,000
7. Ruddock Park – dog run – drainage and surface repair work $ 20,000
8. Various minor capital works to child care centres, youth
centres, senior leisure and learning centres, community
centres and halls and libraries (details to be advised). $213,000
Total $833,000
Attachment to Report No. MM8/08 Page 2 |
1. Epping Stormwater Reuse and Energy Efficiency Project
This project entails the systematic recycling of stormwater and upgrade of facilities with energy efficient products at three public ovals located in Epping and Eastwood. The project will involve the installation of rainwater tanks, energy efficient devices and associated infrastructure (i.e. irrigation systems, pipe works, water treatment, electrical systems, solar power, solar hot water, insulation, air conditioning and sensor lighting) at:
· Ron Payne Park Woods Street Reserve, North Epping,
· Epping Oval, Cnr Norfolk Rd & Somerset St, Epping and
· Somerville Oval, 679 Blaxland Rd, Eastwood.
The water harvested will be re-used to irrigate and maintain the ovals in a sustainable manner without reliance on the use of potable water. In addition the oval amenities facilities will be self sufficient in terms of water use and will be retrofitted with water efficient fixtures such as dual flush toilets, low flow shower heads and energy efficient fixtures (i.e. solar power, solar hot water and sensor lighting) to minimise and conserve water and energy consumption. Alternative sportsgrounds can be considered and the project could be increased by including other grounds if required.
By undertaking this project Hornsby can become the first council in Australia to join a new national program focused at Australia’s sporting community. The project will use award winning innovative business models to deliver greenhouse gas reductions and water savings across the municipality whilst stimulating local economic development.
Total funds to be applied for: $2.6 million.
2. Hornsby CBD Drainage Projects
This project entails the construction of drainage works (generally in tunnel) that will improve drainage in the Hornsby CBD and surrounding residential areas of Hunter Street and Water Street in the 1 in 100 year storm event. 135 properties will benefit from the project. On completion of the project, the Hornsby CBD will be effectively rendered flood-free, and significant improvements to residential, commercial and industrial amenity in this area will result. Design has been completed and contract documentation is ready to commence. There will be minimal adverse environmental impacts arising from the work. The project is listed in Council’s Major Drainage Projects Priority List in two stages with ranking No. 1 (Section Hunter Street to Water Street) and No. 3 (Section Burdett Street to Hunter Street), with estimated costs of $3 million and $1.5 million respectively. Funds have been progressively set aside for this project and Council is in a position to partner in this project, to the extent of 33%.
Total funds to be applied for: $4.5 million, or $3.0 million if a 33 % contribution is offered by Council.