Ordinary Meeting
Wednesday, 11 March, 2009 at 6:30 pm
Attachments |
Corporate and Community Division
2 CC19/09 January 2009 Investment and Borrowing Report
Attachment 1: ... January 2009 Council Investment Report
Attachment 2: ... HSC Borrowings Schedule As At 31 Jan 2009
3 CC21/09 Status Report - Development of a Community Safety Plan and the Potential Implementation of CCTV in the Hornsby Mall
Attachment 1: ... Policy - Sponsorship - Council s Involvement
Environment Division
4 EN4/09 Tree removal at 4 Cardinal Avenue, Beecroft
Attachment 1: ... Engineer's Report
Attachment 2: ... Photo 1
Attachment 3: ... Photo 2
Attachment 4: ... Photo 3
Attachment 5: ... Photo 4
5 EN5/09 Generic Plan of Management for Planning Districts 5 & 7
Attachment 1: ... Plan of Management (POM) Parts I & II
Attachment 2: ... POM 5 & 7 - Berowra (1)
Attachment 3: ... POM 5 & 7 - Berowra (2)
Attachment 4: ... POM 5 & 7 - Berowra Heights & Berowra Waters
Attachment 5: ... POM 5 & 7 - Cowan
Attachment 6: ... POM 5 & 7 - Brooklyn
Attachment 7: ... POM 5 & 7 - Dangar Island & Milsons Passage + Bibliography & Appendices
Attachment 8: ... Kangaroo Point - Adopted Categorisation Mapping
Attachment 9: ... MEMO - Property Development Manager - Kangaroo Point Community Land Categorisation - Land Use Redevelopment
7 EN7/09 Adoption of Lower Hawkesbury Estuary Management Plan
Attachment 1: ... Public consultation comments and ammendments to the Plan
Attachment 2: ... Estuary Management Plan
Strategy Division
8 ST2/09 Amended Terms of Reference for the Employment & Economic Development Taskforce
Attachment 1: ... Amended Employment & Economic Development Taskforce Terms of Reference
Works Division
10 WK10/09 "Wellum Bulla" - Hornsby Shire Council Materials Handling Facility Monitoring Committee
Attachment 1: ... Minutes - 19 February 2009
Attachment 2: ... Monitoring Report, Site and Environmental Management Plan Audit
11 WK11/09 Car Parking - Hornsby Town Centre
Attachment 1: ... Map of Hornsby Town Centre and Parking Catchment
Attachment 2: ... Existing and potential car parks
Attachment 3: ... Summary of car parking survey results
1. January 2009 Council Investment Report 2. HSC Borrowings Schedule As At 31 Jan 2009
1. Engineer's Report 2. Photo 1 3. Photo 2 4. Photo 3 5. Photo 4
1. Plan of Management (POM) Parts I & II 2. POM 5 & 7 - Berowra (1) 3. POM 5 & 7 - Berowra (2) 4. POM 5 & 7 - Berowra Heights & Berowra Waters 5. POM 5 & 7 - Cowan 6. POM 5 & 7 - Brooklyn 7. POM 5 & 7 - Dangar Island & Milsons Passage + Bibliography & Appendices 8. Kangaroo Point - Adopted Categorisation Mapping 9. MEMO - Property Development Manager - Kangaroo Point Community Land Categorisation - Land Use Redevelopment
Attachment to Report No. EN5/09 Page 290 |
DATE: 2 March 2008
MEMO NO. WD10/09
TRIM FOLDER F2004/07806
SUBJECT: Draft Generic Plan of Management – Districts 5 & 7 – Kangaroo Point
I refer to our recent consultative discussions with Environment Division, Planning Division and Property Development Branch of the Works Division regarding the above.
It is proposed to seek ‘expressions of interest’ from the commercial market, to enter into a lease of the land occupied by the former restaurant building and its curtilage. Although no formal structural or building reports have been undertaken, it is generally considered that the existing building is beyond repair and will need to be demolished.
Therefore, Council would require a prospective tenant to demolish and redevelop the site. It is likely that the tenant would need the costs of redevelopment to be amortised over as long a period as possible. It is therefore likely that the maximum lease term permitted under the “community land” classification, of 21 years (subject to Minister’s consent) would be required.
The inherent and external features of the restaurant site make it of significant environmental, social and financial value. The ‘expression of interest’ campaign for redevelopment needs to provide as much flexibility as possible to attract the best possible response and design concepts. Proposals need to balance the social and environmental elements of the redevelopment, with its commercial reality.
Therefore, the Property Development Branch recommended that the area of land around the former restaurant, categorised as “General Community Use” in the master plan, be slightly expanded for the Plan of Management. This would provide a better opportunity of attracting the best possible design concepts by reducing the risk associated with the restrictions upon development imposed by the adjoining “Area of Cultural Significance” category.
The consultative meeting agreed to adopt the recommendation and subsequently included the plan of categorisation amended as above. It was considered that the existing planning controls and the final terms of any lease will ensure Council maintains control over any redevelopment of the Kangaroo Point land.
I understand that the report on the draft Plan of Management will be presented with both the master plan categorisation plan and the amended (as above) categorisation plan, to decide which is the most appropriate to include in the Plan of Management.
It is the recommendation of the Property Development Branch that Council adopts the amended categorisation plan for inclusion in the Plan of Management.
Peter Thompson
Manager, Property Development
Works Division
1. Public consultation comments and ammendments to the Plan 2. Estuary Management Plan
Attachment to Report No. EN7/09 Page 293 |
Attachment-1 Amendments following Public Exhibition
Source: |
Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment Management Authority (HNCMA) D01046745 |
Comment: |
“The DLHEMP includes a number of actions where the HNCMA considers that it does have a support role which has not been identified. The HNCMA would be willing to be identified as an agency with a support role for these actions.” |
Response: |
Action 2v, 9a, 8b, 8d, 2g, 2t, 2w, 8e, 15e, 16f, amended to include the HNCMA as a support agency |
Comment: |
“There are a number of actions where the HNCMA has been inappropriately identified as having either a lead or support role.” |
Response |
Action 9e, 8a, 2n, 11a, 11b, 11d, 11e, 12e, 12f, amended to remove the HNCMA as having either a lead or support role. |
Comment: |
“The HNCMA is generally in agreement with our involvement in the following actions; however we note that other agencies with key responsibility have not been identified.” |
Response: |
Action 1a, 6a, 13a, 2s, 6i, 6j amended to incorporate agencies as recommended by the HNCMA. |
Source: |
Gosford City Council (GCC) D01046408 |
Comment: |
“Within GCC the Integrated Planning Unit has identified the following sections of Council that may have responsibilities for implementation of the DLHEMP.” |
Response: |
Action 1a, 2e, 1b, 1g, 1d, 2v, 10a, 6a, 9b, 1f, 9a, 9c, 12h, 2d, 8b, 8c, 9e, 10b, 4a, 5a, 15a, 2a, 15b, 11a, 10d, 8d, 13a, 13b, 2b, 1h, 2n, 15d amended as requested by GCC to incorporate internal service responsibilities |
Source: |
Town Planning Services (TPS) D01011070 |
Comment: |
“Sufficient staff and budget resources for most strategies will be provided within the Strategic Planning Program over the next three years to 2011.” |
Response: |
Noted |
Comment: |
“edits for consistency” |
Response: |
Action 1b, 2a, 6a amended as requested by TPS. |
Comment: |
Appendix-D Guidelines for Estuary Asset Protection “Any ‘must’ statements should be reworded as ‘should’ statements and guidelines should not incorporate restrictions required to be addressed ‘prior to consent’”. |
Response: |
Amended as requested |
Source: |
Diane Campbell, Biodiversity Planning and Management (D01046413) |
Comment: |
“Team would like to be involved in the plan implementation, future reviews and stakeholder workshops.” |
Response: |
Noted |
Comment: |
“Saltmarsh section needs to mention that significant losses of saltmarsh is also due to clearing, filling and land reclamation….and the remaining areas are under threat from weed invasion by Juncus acutus” |
Response: |
Amended as requested |
Comment: |
“Bushland and Biodiversity Management Team would like to take a lead responsibility for action 1k a shared lead responsibility for actions 1a, 2d, 2e, and support responsibilities for actions 1e, 1f, 10a, 10d, 13a, and 13b.” |
Response: |
Amended as requested |
Source: |
John Carrick (D00991369) |
Comment: |
“I would like Council to remove from the DLHEMP that part of the Acid Sulfate Soils which relates to moving silt” |
Response: |
Noted but no amendments incorporated. Acid sulfate soils present significant risk to human health and ecological functioning, management of such risk is a key component of this Plan. |
Source: |
Cate Faehrmann, Nature Conservation Council, (D01031637) |
Comment: |
“The protection of the Lower Hawkesbury estuarine system is of high importance and the proposed actions should be implemented as quickly as possible.” |
Response: |
Noted |
1. Amended Employment & Economic Development Taskforce Terms of Reference
Attachment to Report No. ST2/09 Page 626 |
The Taskforce will aim to:
· Advance the issue for which it has been established, namely: Employment and Economic Development;
· Provide a coordinated whole of Council approach through a forum which discusses and debates issues and recommends a way forward;
· Receive and provide regular information to/from internal and external stakeholders regarding Council action on Employment and Economic Development issues.
The Taskforce will be a way of coordinating and focusing the activities of Council, providing economies of scale and key entry points for the development of new policy. Regular communiqués from the Taskforce will be provided for public information and comment.
The Taskforce will comprise the Mayor (ex officio) and Councillor members as resolved by Council.
A Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson will be determined by the Taskforce.
Appropriate Council staff will be included in the Taskforce as either core (permanent) or non-core members. All staff members whose work areas will be impacted upon the recommendations of the Taskforce will be provided with the agenda/minutes of the meetings.
Core members include:
General Manager
Manager, Corporate Strategy
Research and Policy Development Officer – Economic Development
Manager, Property Development
Manager, Town Planning Services
External representatives will be invited to participate in selected Taskforce activities, as determined and required.
All decisions should be made by general consensus.
Where a consensus cannot be achieved, a vote will be taken. Only the Mayor and the Councillor members as resolved by Council to the Taskforce have a right to vote.
Where there is an equality of votes, the Chairperson will have a casting vote.
The quorum shall be made up of 50 percent of the elected Councillor members.
Role of the Taskforce
· Provide strategic direction and guidance;
· Act as an internal and external forum for constructive commentary and guidance on Employment and Economic Development;
· Provide strategic coordination of all activities and information related to Employment and Economic Development;
· Prepare recommendations for council decision;
· Provide advice in relation to Employment and Economic Development matters that may be referred by Council.
Priorities of the Taskforce
· To be determined by the Taskforce with priorities set for a defined period;
· Priorities to be adopted by Council and included in the draft Management Plan.
The Taskforce is established as a means of progressing issues highlighted by Council that are of strategic importance. It provides leadership and strategic direction.
Recommendations from the Taskforce require Council resolution to enable action or implement changes to existing Council policies.
The Taskforce shall establish key performance measures to be reported on bi-annually.
Meeting Schedule
It is anticipated that the Taskforce will meet bi-monthly, subject to the discretion of the Chairperson, in consultation with the members.
The agenda will be set in consultation and with approval of the Chairperson. It will be distributed at least seven days prior to the meeting.
Code of Conduct
The Taskforce members shall be bound by the Hornsby Shire Council’s Code of Conduct.
The Taskforce shall be known in short-form as E&EDTF.
The Terms of Reference and priorities will be reviewed annually and dated accordingly.
1. Minutes - 19 February 2009 2. Monitoring Report, Site and Environmental Management Plan Audit
1. Map of Hornsby Town Centre and Parking Catchment 2. Existing and potential car parks 3. Summary of car parking survey results 4. DCP - Access and Parking Plan