Hornsby Shire Council |
Attachment to Report No. CC27/09
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Item No. |
Report No. |
Outstanding Resolution |
Latest Status |
Comment |
1. |
CC49/02 ORDINARY MEETING 12/06/2002 |
THAT 1. Subject
to the given parties drawing up a new Agreement that maintains the integrity
of the original Agreement clauses, Council dissolve the Agreement relating
to Wideview Public School Hall between the Minister for Education, Training
and Youth Affairs, Wideview Public School P&C Association and the
Council of Hornsby dated 29 September, 1994. 2. The
General Manager be delegated authority to negotiate and finalise a new
Agreement with the given parties which maintains the integrity of the
original Agreement clauses. 3. The General Manager be delegated
authority to investigate the like Agreement with 4. The General Manager investigate
the like Agreement with |
1. Council officers have met with the
Principal of Wideview Public School and redrafted the agreement to reflect
current concerns. The agreement has been forwarded to the appropriate staff
in the Department of Education to finalise this issue. A response is yet to
be received. 2. Pending the resolution of Item 1. 3. Pending the resolution of Item 1. 4. Pending the resolution of Item 1. |
The document has been
redrafted to reflect the current user situation. The Wideview Agreement will
form the basis of the agreements with |
2. |
THAT 1. Council
proceed with an upgrade of 2-4 Dangar Road, Brooklyn, and that a report be
prepared for the August 2007 Ordinary Council Meeting updating the cost
estimate of $122,500 prepared in 2005 together with an option to fund this
within the 2007/08 Budget. 2. Council
support further investigations into the provision of a community facility at
Salt Pan Reserve, including funding options, and that a report be presented
not later than the September 2007 Ordinary Meeting. 3. It
be a proviso that the services offered by the Hornsby and Kuring-gai Hospital
and Community Health Services (HKH)
and the small community meeting space at the Community Health Centre
2-4 Dangar Road remain in this location as they provide the most central
location for these services. 4. The
status quo be maintained in respect of the Guide Hall in 5. The
status quo be maintained in respect of 6. Council
reject the offer to upgrade and utilise the Brooklyn Masonic Hall. 7. Council
continue to lease Nos. 8 and |
1. Report prepared and
considered by Council (See Report CC78/07). 2. Issue to be referred to
the Community, Cultural and Recreation Facilities Task Force for direction. 3. Noted 4. Noted 5. Noted 6. Noted and owner advised. 7. Noted |
July 2008, Council had two contrary resolutions pertaining to the future use
of Salt Pan Reserve. In July 2008,
Council considered Report No PLN145/08 and resolved in part that 2. No
further action be taken in respect of investigations for the establishment of
secure parking at Saltpan Reserve in association with commuter berthing at
nearby commercial marinas. Given that resolution, Salt
Plan Reserve is still available for opportunities associated with the
provision of a community facility. The issue will be placed on the agenda of
the Community, Cultural and Recreation Facilities Task Force for consideration
in conjunction with updates on the upgrade of |
3. |
THAT 1. Council
receive and note the contents of Executive Manager's Report No CC78/07. 2. The
General Manager be delegated authority to enter into an agreement to lease
and then to finalise the lease with HKH in respect of the front part of the
building at 3. Subject
to 2. above, Council proceed with the upgrade of the building at 4. Once
the lease with HKH is finalised and the upgrade of a) a
further report be presented to Council regarding hiring fees for casual and
regular users of the meeting space at the back of the building b) the
management of the meeting space at the back of the building be undertaken by
Council's Community Services Branch. |
1. Noted 2. Completed. 3. Completed. 4. The Brooklyn community has indicated a preference to form an Advisory Committee to manage the facility in partnership with Council. |
A Report will be provided to Council
following negotiations associated with booking procedures and fees and
charges for the site. |
4. |
THAT 1. The
contents of Executive Manager's Report No CC14/08 be received and noted. 2. In
light of more concrete information having become available regarding grant
funding opportunities and project costs, Council lodge the Development
Application for the extension to the Men's Shed located in 3. Council
include the allocation of funds to cover the costs of lodging a Development
Application (including consultants fees) in the March 2008 Quarterly Budget
Review. 4. Council
endorse the development of a funding application between Council and the
Hornsby Wood Working Men's Shed to the NSW Department of Sport and Recreation
for the 2008/09 financial year to assist with the capital costs associated
with a 12m x 6m extension to the rear of the old Scout hall in Headen Park,
Thornleigh noting that the maximum dollar for dollar grant funding provided
by the Department of Sport and Recreation through the Capital Assistance
Grant Programme is $30,000. 5. Further
investigations be carried out regarding the insurance requirements relating
to the use of voluntary labour in building the extension. 6. The
Community, Cultural and Recreation Facilities Task Force seek and consider
corporate sponsorship to assist in funding the project. 7. If
the Development Application for the extension is approved, a further report
be prepared for Council's consideration. The report is to include up to date
costings and progress on sponsorship and the use of voluntary labour. |
1. Noted 2. Development
application lodged. 3. Funds
allocated. 4. Application
to Capital Assistance Grant fund completed and lodged. Notification of
successful grant applicants will take place “after March 2009”. 5. Investigations
completed – voluntary labour to be used with limited scope. 6. Corporate
sponsorship package developed and endorsed by the Task Force. 7. Development
Application has been approved. |
A Report will be provided to the
Community, Cultural and Recreation Facilities Task Force and Council
outlining the final funding model for the project once the outcome of the
Capital Assistance Grant funding is known. |
Item No. |
Report No. |
Outstanding Resolution |
Latest Status |
Comment |
5. |
PLN170/08 |
1. Consideration
of Executive Manager's Report No. PLN170/08 be deferred subject to the
convening of a meeting of the Galston Village Masterplan Review Committee. 2. This
meeting be held as soon as is practicable. |
Workshop arranged with Councillors
concerning the priority of projects on the Strategic Planning Programme on 10
March 2009 and included discussion concerning progressing of the review. |
Workshop with
Councillors to be arranged. |
Item No. |
Report No. |
Outstanding Resolution |
Latest Status |
Comment |
6. |
1. The contents
of Executive Manager's Report No. ST18/07 be received and noted. 2. The
amendments proposed to the Equal Employment Opportunity policy in the
relevant attachment to this report be adopted. 3. Other minor
amendments to policies in the attachments to this report be adopted. 4. Further
reports be submitted in early 2008 with respect to Council's policies on
Competitive Provision of Services and Security of Employment, Leave -
Concessional, Organisation Development, Environmental Management System,
Industrial Agreement Severance Payment and Smoke Free Environment. |
Draft revisions to policies continue as
work-in-progress for Environmental Management System and Smoke Free
Environment. Reviews of other policies
are to be initiated following completion of the HR Strategy about mid 2008. HR Smoke Free Environment Determination to ExCo
27/10/08 with report to Council’s Ordinary Meeting December 2008. “Smoke Free Environment in
the Workplace” Determination approved by ExCo on 24/11/08. Report to Council
rescinding Council’s existing Policy expected in April 2009. Other HR Policies and Determinations to be reviewed
by October/November 2009. Further
report to Council at that time. Updated EMS Policy to Council on finalisation of
Compliance Plan documentation structure (expected Ordinary Meeting March
2009). The Hornsby Aquatic Centre
Operations Manual requires completion prior to the EMS Policy’s finalisation. HAC Operations Manual currently under development –
expected completion 3rd quarter 2008/09. Further report to Council on updated EMS
Policy expected March 2009. Key corporate strategic projects have required this
project to be rescheduled. |
HR Report to Council
rescinding Council’s existing Smoke Free Policy expected in April 2009. Further report to council
on other HR Policies and Determinations late 2009. HAC Operations Manual – expected completion now 2nd
quarter 2009/10. Further report to Council
on updated EMS Policy after HAC Operations Manual. |
Item No. |
Report No. |
Outstanding Resolution |
Latest Status |
Comment |
7. |
12/10/05 HORNSBY
THAT 2. The
report be placed on public exhibition for at least four months up to February
2006. 3. A
further report be referred to Council following the collation of submissions
from the public exhibition. |
Updated Briefing Paper in
preparation. Briefing scheduled for 27
May 2009. |
It is proposed that the
ILUTS be referred to Council for consideration in conjunction with its
consideration of parking generally. |
8. |
13/08/2008 PROPOSED
THAT 1. Executive Manager’s Report No.
WK51/08 be received and Council endorse the new option 1 for further
investigation. 2. A suitable
consultant be engaged to undertake a project feasibility study for new option
1 and to prepare for a design and construct tender. 3. A
further report be prepared following the completion of the detailed
feasibility investigation and be submitted to Council no later than November
2008. 4.
The matter be referred to
the Community Cultural and Recreation Facilities Task Force for further
consideration in the interim. |
Items 3 and 4 on hold
subject to Council’s consideration of 09/10 budget. |
Item No. |
Report No. |
Outstanding Resolution |
Latest Status |
Comment |
9. |
EN33/07 –
Ordinary Meeting 8th August 2007 – COUNCIL IN A CARBON CONSTRAINED
THAT Council: 5. Request a report setting out how carbon
neutrality could be achieved, including an assessment of its impacts, a list
of actions, costs, financing options and timeframes. |
2008 Report will be presented to the Ordinary
Meeting of Council early in May 2009. |
10. |
Committee of the Whole 4th July 2007 – OPEN SPACE LAND ACQUISITION |
THAT 4. An acquisition program (including
identification of priorities for acquisition) and a financial strategy be
prepared to meet Council’s costs for acquisition of the sites identified for
retention of the open space zoning. |
May 2008 Acquisition
program will be completed after Housing Strategy adopted by Council. |
strategy dependent on final Housing Strategy. |
11. |
EN13/08 –
THAT: 1. Council
adopt the Offsets Policy to be trialled for 12 months starting from the date
of the first Offsets agreement. 2. A
further report be presented to Council after the 12 month trial period. |
2009 The 12
month trial has yet to commence. No
offset has yet been received by Council.
The first offset is expected in the near future, as a result of a
favourable Land and |