Hornsby Shire Council

Attachment to Report No. WK75/09 Page 0






Venue    Cherrybrook Community Centre, Greenway Park.

Time      9 am      Wednesday 2 September 2009


Chair – Councillor Bruce Mills (BM)




Mayor Nick Burman (NB)

Max Woodward – EM Works (EMW)

Councillor Michael Hutchence(MH)

Bob Stephens – EM Environment (EME)

Councillor Robert Browne (RB)

Scott Phillips – EM Planning (EMP)

Councillor Steve Evans (SE)

Lawrence Nagy – Manager TRS (LN)

Jay Broughton – Mirvac (JB)

Kurt Henkel – A/Manager Parks and Landscapes

Anita Woolrych – Mirvac (AW)

Adam Wilson – A/Snr Traffic Engineer





1.  Welcome


BM - Purpose of meeting is to gain an understanding of existing traffic and parking problems, agree on possible solutions and future directions and where possible seek co-operative approach between Mirvac and Council.


RB -  Need to also confirm future plans for shopping centre.


2.  Introductions


3.  Cherrybrook Village Shopping Centre Car Park


JB - Current status of car park works – improvements include changes to entry priority, new wombat crossings, removal of angle parking to create bus parking area, 3P restrictions provided and NRT at aisles near entry. Traffic consultant being retained to develop improvements.


JB - Proposed car park works – monitor effectiveness of improvements and may further consider changes to angle parking along main frontage. Time frame for evaluation is 3 to 6 months.


JB - Merits of reducing number of parking spaces if necessary to reduce queuing in Shepherds Drive – to be considered as a last resort if current improvements are not effective.


LN – Driver behaviour within car park makes determining solutions difficult therefore any changes should be trialled and evaluated before being permanently adopted.


EMP – S96 application would not be necessary to trial relatively minor changes to car parking as long as T&RS Branch concurs with individual proposals.


4.  Second Vehicle Entry to Cherrybrook Village Shopping Centre


(Note:  The Mayor arrived at the beginning of discussion of this item)


BM - Merits of 2nd entry – alternative entry proposals need to take into account future expansion plans.

EME – Open space in Greenway Park is required to service the high demand for recreation/sport facilities in the locality. Outlined preference that a range of options for a 2nd entry should be developed and evaluated. These solutions should address private and public land holdings to enable the community to make an informed decision.


LN - Details of intersection counts provided to meeting – unclear how many vehicles would relocate to second entry if provided. More detailed investigation required.


MH – Suggested entry and exit could be separated to improve traffic flow within car park and on Shepherds Drive.


SE – A small redistribution in traffic to a new entry will result in big improvements at existing roundabout.


RB – Operation of Macquarie Drive and Kenburn Avenue need to be considered as part of second entry proposal.


JB - Commitment from Mirvac for 2nd vehicle entry not possible at this stage – no immediate plans to expand shopping centre or provide 2nd Entry and none likely in foreseeable future due to current economic climate. Mirvac will continue to improve existing car park and access where possible.


BM - Progression of Planning Proposal – is an issue for Mirvac but Council will assist where possible by providing input into developing proposals.


5.  Commuter Parking


LN - Results of number plate survey – indicates overflow car park has sufficient capacity to cater for all day parking currently occurring on street.


AC – Recent changes to parking management within car park has resulted in employees relocating on site and off road - all can be accommodated on shopping village site.


EME – So far Council has not restricted commuter parking from occurring within Greenway Park overflow car park. However if it is to be encouraged the Plan of Management looks like it will need to be amended. This will take about 6 months due to the requirement for public consultation and public hearings. Due to sporting demand commuter parking must be limited to business hours, Monday to Friday and be restricted only to the lower overflow car park.


JB - Centre can assist in promoting commuter car park and bus services.


SE – Bus company may need to consider relocating stops.


BM – Bus stop outside Doctor’s surgery could be located to fire station and shelter provided to attract patronage in that area.  Footpaving  from Caltex to pedestrian refuge (in 2009/10 Footpath Improvement Program) will improve pedestrian access.

LN – Lighting – Police have requested Council upgrade lighting in overflow car park if it is used by commuters (currently unfunded).


(Note:  The Mayor left at the completion of discussion of this item)




6.1 - Stakeholder group to meet again in February or March 2010 to review progress and any developments that may have occurred.


6.2 – Stakeholders acknowledge Mirvac’s efforts in improving car park efficiency to date and encourage more parking management trials, especially over Christmas period.


6.3 – Mirvac requested to share results of monitoring shopping centre car park improvements or any changes made with Council prior to next meeting.


6.4 – Mirvac offered to assist with promoting bus services and parking management with customers in partnership with Council. Possible website promotions.


6.5 – While Mirvac has no short or medium term proposals to develop second entry or acquire part of Greenway Park, if this eventuates Council to assist with evaluation of any Planning Proposal subject to other second entry options having been considered and that any facilities lost within the park as a result of the proposal are replaced.


6.6 -  Council to verify footpaving between Caltex Service Station and pedestrian refuge near fire station is in current program (Note:  EMW advises that this work is confirmed).


6.7 – Council to report on formalising commuter parking in the lower overflow car park, off Shepherds Drive including:


a.  Provision of a bus shelter outside the fire station.


b.  Provision of lighting in the over flow car park.




RB requested Mirvac also consider providing a direct pedestrian access between the second deck and the shops to encourage more use of this area in any future development.


Meeting closed at 11:30 am