Hornsby Shire Council Table of Contents
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Item 34 MM2/15 Willow Park Community Centre - Leases of Rooms.......................................... 1
Mayoral Minute No. MM16/09
Date of Meeting: 9/12/2009
At the 12 August 2009 Ordinary Meeting, Council considered Report No CC55/09 – Proposed Establishment of Wallarobba Arts and Cultural Centre – and resolved that:
1. The contents of Executive Manager’s Report No. CC55/09 be received and noted.
2. The Wallarobba Arts and Cultural Centre be developed at the existing site of the Willow Park Community Centre Homestead.
3. Council not renew the leases of the existing tenants at the Willow Park Community Centre Homestead and provide them with eight weeks’ written notice of termination from 30 November 2009.
4. Hornsby Art Society be offered a lease of the rooms identified in the concept plan for the redeveloped Willow Park Community Centre Homestead under the relevant conditions of the Code for Lease/Licence of Council Land and Buildings by Community Groups, on the basis that the Society relinquishes their current tenancy of the Council owned property at 208 Pacific Highway, Hornsby.
5. On receipt of a written formal request by 18 September 2009 from any of the displaced tenants of the Willow Park Community Centre, Council staff provide assistance to them in identifying temporary short term accommodation which could be used whilst the displaced tenants identify and secure suitable longer term premises for their continued operations.
6. Further investigations be undertaken in respect of the potential sale of the Council owned property at 208 Pacific Highway, Hornsby to assist in the funding of stage 2 of the Willow Park Community Centre project.
7. Council continue to undertake consultation with the community and potential user groups in relation to the use of existing community facilities for cultural development.
In accordance with point 5 of the resolution, four tenants contacted Council by 18 September 2009 seeking assistance from staff in identifying temporary short term accommodation which could be used whilst the tenants identified and secured suitable longer term premises for their continued operations. Those tenants were:
· Computer Pals for Seniors
· St John Ambulance
· Breakthrough Church
· Hornsby Business Alliance (former Chamber of Commerce)
Since being contacted by the tenants, staff members from the Community Services Branch have explored various options in conjunction with relevant Branches and/or the tenants concerned. Unfortunately, short term accommodation has not been able to be sourced for each displaced tenant at this point in time. This has led to a request from a number of the tenants seeking an extension in the effective date of the termination of their tenancy at Willow Park.
Following discussions with appropriate staff, it has been determined that an extension until 31 March 2010 will not affect works associated with the conversion of the Willow Park Community Centre to the Wallarobba Arts and Cultural Centre. In this regard, refurbishment works are not expected to commence until early April 2010. It is noted that an extension of time until 31 March 2010 may also provide an opportunity for the tenants to finalise long term accommodation which they would be able to move into directly from Willow Park. This would make unnecessary any short term accommodation arrangements.
As a consequence of the above, it is proposed that upon receipt of a written request from an affected tenant, the effective date of the termination of their tenancy be extended until 31 March 2010. It is noted that, in recognition of such an extension being granted, the tenants will be required to acknowledge that no further extensions to the effective date of termination will be considered.
1. Upon receipt of a written request from an affected tenant, the effective date of the termination of their tenancy at Willow Park Community Centre be extended until 31 March 2010.
2. In recognition of such an extension being granted, the tenants will be required to acknowledge that no further extensions to the effective date of termination will be considered.
There are no attachments for this report.
File Reference: F2004/06416
Document Number: D01298741