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Item 22 MM7/10 Proposed Change of Meeting Date - June 2010 Ordinary Meeting
Item 20 MM8/10 Proposed Infrastructure Levy
Mayoral Minute No. MM7/10
Date of Meeting: 19/05/2010
The purpose of this Minute is to recommend that Council’s June 2010 Ordinary Meeting be rescheduled from Wednesday 16 June 2010 to Wednesday 30 June 2010. The two main reasons for such a proposal are that:
· The General Manager and I will be attending the National General Assembly of Local Government in Canberra from 14 to 17 June 2010 and would be unable to attend the Ordinary Meeting if it is held on 16 June 2010
· Delaying the Ordinary Meeting by two weeks will provide the best opportunity for Council to adopt its 2010/11 Budget and Management Plan by 30 June 2010. In this regard, Council is unable to adopt the 2010/11 Budget and Management Plan until it is advised of the Minister for Local Government’s decision in respect of Council’s application for the proposed infrastructure levy
In making my recommendation, I have checked the Mayor and Councillors’ Electronic Diary to ensure that no other meetings are affected by the proposed change.
THAT Council reschedule its June 2010 Ordinary Meeting from Wednesday 16 June 2010 to Wednesday 30 June 2010 and appropriate advertising be undertaken to advise the public.
There are no attachments for this report.
File Reference: F2004/07032
Document Number: D01408533
Mayoral Minute No. MM8/10
Date of Meeting: 19/05/2010
In the application which has been submitted for the Minister’s approval to the proposed infrastructure levy, the Division of Local Government (DLG) requires that “Council must attach a programme of the works to be funded from the special variation for the entire period of the variation”.
In addition to the Hornsby Aquatic Centre, Pedestrian Overbridge and the Old Mans Valley playing fields, the DLG was advised that the community is “providing feedback as to their preferred local projects via a project nomination page on council’s website. The final decision regarding ward projects will be made by ward councillors in collaboration with their constituents, taking account of sustainability principles and ongoing maintenance requirements. A website has been established so residents and ratepayers can nominate ward based projects for consideration. The website is an address based system in order to ensure equity in nominating projects, and it encourages resident voting on existing projects as well as allowing people to suggest or add new projects for their ward”.
An officer of the DLG has requested that Council provide a schedule of works for all projects. The General Manager and Executive Managers have conferred and reviewed the material which was both submitted to the community for comment and received from the community during the consultation period and have developed a proposed programme of works for endorsement, public advertisement and subsequent submission to the DLG. The proposed programme of works has been endorsed by the Finance and Strategy Taskforce for the purposes of submission to the DLG.
Attached to this Mayoral Minute is a copy of the proposed programme of works. The following material has been distributed separately to all councillors for information.
· Voting by the community on various ward projects which were listed on Council’s website
· Extra project nominations which were received by Council through the website
· Extra project nominations which were submitted through written/email submissions.
THAT Council endorse the proposed programme of works for public advertisement and subsequent advice to the DLG.
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Attachment to MM8/10 – Infrastructure Levy 2010/11, 2011/12 Proposed Programs of Works |
File Reference: F2008/00183
Document Number: D01409017
Attachment to Report No. MM8/10 Page 2 |
Infrastructure Levy 2010/11, 2011/12
Proposed Programs of Works
A Ward $ (‘000)
Hayes Park, Galston – Amenities Block 350
Hopeville Park, Hornsby – BMX Facility 250
Brooklyn Road, Brooklyn – Footpath , James to Government 24
Hakea Crescent, Galston – Footpath, Link to Mid Dural Road 14
Old Northern Road, Dural – Footpath, East Side 62
Fagan Park, Galston – Upgrade to Car Park 250
Stormwater Drainage Improvements – Galston 550
Total 1500
B Ward
Brickpit Park, Thornleigh – Cycleway and Adventure Playground (Part C Ward) 250
Waitara Oval, Waitara – Improvements to amenities (50% NDCC/NSWCA) 100
Westleigh – BMX Facility 200
Erlestoke Park, Castle Hill – Playground Refurbishment 100
Greenway Park, Cherrybrook – expand Skate Park 400
- Car park and Sportsground John Purchase School 450
Total 1500
C Ward
Brickpit Park, Thornleigh – Cycleway and Adventure Playground (Part B Ward) 100
Pennant Hills Community Centre, Pennant Hills – A/C & Foyer 150
Beecroft Community Centre, Beecroft – Access to rear of Centre 150
Cheltenham Oval, Cheltenham – Drainage and Lighting 400
Britannia Street, Pennant Hills – Footpath, Park to Kurrajong 34
Hull Road, Beecroft – Footpath, Chapman to Albert 36
Grayson Road, North Epping – Footpath, Holland to Devon 14
Werona Road, Pennant Hills – Footpath, Stevens to Shields 16
Stormwater Drainage Improvements – Epping/Beecroft 600
Total 1500