Executive Manager, Planning Report No. PLN 60/10 is forwarded to Council as a late item to enable the timely progression of the Epping Town Centre Study, in accordance with the requirements of the Epping Town Centre Study Memorandum Of Understanding project workplan.
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Item 19 PLN60/10 Epping Town Centre Study - Evaluation of Tenders
Executive Manager's Report No. PLN60/10
Planning Division
Date of Meeting: 18/08/2010
Tenders were recently invited from consultants to prepare the Epping Town Centre Study on behalf of Hornsby and Parramatta Councils and the Department of Planning (DOP).
A tender evaluation panel was established to evaluate the seventeen conforming tenders. Tenders were evaluated against criteria including, but not limited to, price, traffic modelling, past performance, skills and qualifications, project methodology and proposed consultation strategy. The evaluation panel recommended a shortlist of consultant teams for consideration by the Epping Town Centre Steering Committee. Following presentations by the shortlisted consultants, the Steering Committee has recommended that a preferred tenderer be engaged.
This report recommends that Council endorse the recommendation of the Epping Town Centre Study Steering Committee for the engagement of a preferred consultant for the Epping Town Centre Study.
The purpose of this report is to seek endorsement by Council of a consultant for the preparation of the Epping Town Centre Study.
At its meeting on 3 February 2010, Council considered Executive Manager’s Report No. PLN108/10 seeking endorsement of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Hornsby and Parramatta City Councils and the DOP for funding to prepare the Epping Town Centre Study. Council noted that the Minister for Planning has approved a contribution of $125,000 towards the preparation of the Study, representing a shortfall in the total costs of the Study. Council also noted that a financial contribution of approximately $100,000 would be required by Council to part fund the Study over two years. Council resolved (in part) to:
1. Endorse the draft MOU and project workplan.
2. Delegate authority to the General Manager to sign the Memorandum of Understanding agreed to by PCC and the DOP.
3. Nominate Councillor Browne as the Hornsby Council Councillor representative (with Councillor Hutchence as the alternative representative) on the Steering Committee.
The MOU was subsequently signed by Hornsby and Parramatta City Councils and the DOP. In accordance with the MOU Project Workplan, tender documentation for consultant involvement in the Study was prepared in consultation with Parramatta City Council (PCC) and DOP (the Tender document is Attachment 1 to this report). The tender was advertised as an open tender until 28 May 2010. In response to the advertisement, seventeen firms lodged conforming tenders.
This report discusses the Tender documentation, submitted tenders and a recommended consultant to be invited to undertake the Epping Town Centre Study.
Tender Documentation
The Tender documentation was prepared in consultation with PCC and DOP. Council’s Solicitor also reviewed the Tender documentation to ensure that it is legally sound.
The Tender documentation includes information for tenderers, conditions of tendering, conditions of contract and specifications. The specification contained within the Tender documentation includes the detailed requirements for the Study. The main components of the specification are summarised below.
Aim: The aim of the Study is to explore the potential for the Epping Town Centre to accommodate increased residential and employment growth to fulfil its role as a Town Centre in the Metropolitan context and to maximise benefits arising from State Government infrastructure investment. The Study will inform future planning controls and infrastructure requirements to accommodate this growth and provide certainty for Epping residents and businesses on the future of Epping.
Objectives: The objectives of the Study are to:
· analyse transport issues within the Study area and model transport outcomes;
· analyse the major issues, development opportunities and constraints for the Study area;
· explore two growth scenarios (short term and long term) for the Epping Town Centre;
· identify infrastructure (including transport) upgrades required to accommodate each scenario;
· develop planning controls for the Hornsby and Parramatta sides of the Epping Town Centre; and
· identify funding sources for the provision of any proposed works and facilities associated with development.
Outputs: There are four expected outcomes of the Study, including:
· Transport Capacity Analysis and Scoping: A capacity analysis, traffic modelling and car parking analysis which address the traffic congestion and transport interchange issues which currently affect the Centre.
· Opportunities and Constraints Analysis: A land capability analysis in relation to identified opportunities and constrains (including land ownership, heritage, topography, urban design, geotechnical stability, flora and fauna, and building type and condition).
· Urban Structure Plan: A Structure Plan that identifies the appropriate footprint for development, recommends planning controls and identifies funding sources for the provision of any proposed works and facilities associated with anticipated development.
· Draft Planning Controls: Planning controls capable of being incorporated into Hornsby and Parramatta Councils’ Comprehensive Local Environmental Plans and Consolidated Development Control Plans.
Community Consultation: Community consultation is required to be undertaken with the public and stakeholders in the preparation of the Study.
Timing: The final report should be completed within 29 weeks from the date of appointment of the consultant.
Declarations of Interest
A declaration of interest has been made by one of the consultant companies who has submitted to undertake the Study. The declaration, which forms part of the tender proposal, states that a member of the proposed project team is in a defacto relationship with a member of the DOP, Sydney West Region Team. The DOP staff member has also declared a conflict of interest in respect of the relationship with the consultant team project member. The DOP staff member has been excluded from participating on the evaluation panel, the Steering Committee or representing the DOP in respect of the Study until such time as the tender has been awarded.
Councillor Wearne, PCC’s Councillor representative on the Steering Committee has declared an interest in regard to her ownership of No. 24 Chesterfield Road and Nos. 10-28 Kent Street, Epping. Councillor Hutchence, Council’s alternate Councillor representative declared an interest as a resident of property No. 67 Ray Road, Epping. The Steering Committee has been established as an advisory committee to oversee the progression of key tasks of the Study. Accordingly, the Councillors will not exercise a determination function in respect of the Study.
Evaluation of Tenders
Lump sum tenders were invited by open tender to be received until 28 May 2010. Seventeen conforming submissions were received. A copy of the tender submissions is available for perusal in the Councillors’ room.
A tender evaluation panel comprised of the Manager, Transport, Land Use and Urban Design from PCC and the Manager, Town Planning Services and Principal Strategic Planner from Hornsby Council was established to review tenders and make recommendations to the Epping Town Centre Study Steering Committee. The panel undertook an evaluation of each tender submission against the following criteria, as specified in the Tender documentation:
· lump sum price;
· access to a current PTV Vision (Visum and Vissim) licence and skilled staff for the traffic modelling component of the Study;
· past performance and experience (evidence that similar projects have been undertaken);
· skills, qualifications, experience and past performance of proposed personnel on the project team;
· resources available to deliver the various Study components, including current commitments of key personnel;
· Study methodology and appreciation of the key issues in the project specification;
· public consultation strategy and demonstrated experience in undertaking community consultation;
· sustainability;
· quality assurance systems; and
· occupational health and safety systems.
On the basis of the analysis, the tender evaluation panel short listed three consultant teams to be invited to present their proposals to the Steering Committee. The shortlist of consultants was subsequently endorsed by the DOP. A copy of the shortlisted tender submissions and the tender evaluation spreadsheet was circulated to the Steering Committee. The tender evaluation spreadsheet is Attachment 2 to this report (the attachment should be dealt with in confidential session, under s10A(2)(d) of the Local Government Act, 1993 as it contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it, or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council, or (iii) reveal a trade secret).
A Steering Committee comprising the Regional Director, DOP and Councillor and staff representation from Hornsby and Parramatta Councils has been established as an advisory committee to oversee the progression of the key tasks of the Study. In accordance with the recommendations of the evaluation panel, the three shortlisted tenderers were invited to present their proposals to the Steering Committee at its meeting on 23 July 2010. The shortlisted tenderers were requested to include in their presentation an outline of the proposed methodology to undertake the Study, including consultation strategy and traffic modelling process. Tenderers were also advised that key members of the Study team should be in attendance to present the proposal.
Each consultant team provided a 15 minute presentation, followed by an opportunity for questions. Following the presentations, the Steering Committee discussed the tenders as summarised in the Meeting Notes contained within Executive Manager, Planning’s Memo No. PLN PM11/10 provided as Confidential Attachment 3 to this report (the attachment should be dealt with in confidential session, under s10A(2)(d) of the Local Government Act, 1993 as it contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it, or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council, or (iii) reveal a trade secret).
In accordance with the agreed actions from the meeting, two of the short listed tenderers were asked to provide further information in respect of their proposals. Furthermore, the nominated Project Director/lead planner of one of the Study teams was requested to address the Steering Committee at its meeting on 9 August 2010, on particular aspects of their tender submission.
At its meeting on 9 August 2010, one of the shortlisted tenders addressed the Committee in respect of these aspects. The Steering Committee considered the shortlisted tender proposals against the requirements of the tender. Based on the evaluation criteria provided in the tender documentation, the Steering Committee agreed that the recommended consultant team best demonstrated their ability to deliver the Study outputs.
Pursuant to s3.16 of the Tendering Guidelines for NSW Local Government and c178 of the Local Government Regulation 2005, following the review of tenders by the Steering Committee, Council must either:
a. Accept the tender that, having regard to all the circumstances, appears to be the most advantageous; or
b. Decline to accept any of the tenders.
The preferred consultant team’s understanding of the issues facing Epping highlighted the opportunities available to the Town Centre given its geographical and transport network positioning within the key employment centres of Macquarie Park, Chatswood, Sydney City and Parramatta. The key components of the project methodology outlined included traffic modelling, opportunities and constraints analysis, structure planning, development of planning controls and funding investigations. Feasibility analysis of draft controls will be restricted to a number of key sites, to be determined in consultation with the Working Group. Consultation would be undertaken with the Working Group, Steering Committee, Government Agencies Group and Stakeholder Reference Group, as well as broader community consultation as detailed in the proposed workplan.
The Committee agreed that the preferred consultant team be endorsed as the consultant to undertake the Study and that Council be advised of the Committee’s recommendation at the next available meeting. The Steering Committee recommends that Council accept the consultant’s tender as detailed in the recommendation to this report. A copy of the Meeting Notes are Confidential Attachment 4 to this report (this attachment should be dealt with in confidential session, under s10A(2)(d) of the Local Government Act, 1993 as it contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it, or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council, or (iii) reveal a trade secret).
The Minister for Planning has approved a contribution of $125,000 towards the Epping Town Centre Study. Council has entered into a MOU with PCC and the DOP including a financial contribution of $100,000 by Council to progress the Study.
In accordance with Council’s Policy for the selection and engagement of consultants and the Local Government (Tendering) Regulation 1998, projects in excess of $100,000 are required to be the subject of a tender process.
The review of tender submissions for the Study has been undertaken in consultation with an evaluation panel and Steering Committee comprised of representatives from the DOP, Hornsby and Parramatta Councils. The Steering Committee unanimously recommended the engagement of the preferred consultant.
The Tender documentation acknowledges that community consultation is an important part of the Study. The consultant is required to finalise the consultation strategy in consultation with the Epping Town Centre Working Party. The strategy will include consultation with members of the public, stakeholders and a government reference group.
Triple Bottom Line is a framework for improving Council decisions by ensuring accountability and transparency on social, environmental and economic factors. It does this by reporting upon Council’s strategic themes. As this report only provides Council with information and does not propose any actions which require a sustainability assessment, no Triple Bottom Line considerations apply.
Seventeen conforming tenders were received in response to Council’s invitation to consultants to prepare an Epping Town Centre Study.
Following presentations by shortlisted consultant teams, the Steering Committee noted that the recommended tenderer demonstrates a sound understanding of the Study requirements. The Tender also outlines an appropriate methodology and consultation strategy to address the requirements of the brief. The consultant has demonstrated experience in undertaking similar projects for councils. On the basis of the evaluation, the Steering committee unanimously recommended the consultation as the preferred consultant for the Study.
1. Council endorse the recommendations of the Epping Town Centre Study Steering Committee and engage the preferred consultant as recommended in Confidential Attachment 4.
2. Tenderers be advised of Council’s resolution.
James Farrington Manager - Town Planning Services Planning Division |
Scott Phillips Executive Manager Planning Division |
1.View |
Tender Documentation |
Tender Evaluation including spreadsheet - This attachment should be dealt with in confidential session, under Section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act, 1993. This report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret. |
Executive Manager, Planning Memo 110-10 - This attachment should be dealt with in confidential session, under Section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act, 1993. This report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret. |
Notes of the Epping Town Centre Study - 9 August 2010 - This attachment should be dealt with in confidential session, under Section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act, 1993. This report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret. |
File Reference: F2010/00171
Document Number: D01468101