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Item 25 GM11/11 Sustainable Event Management Policy per WaSIP Requirements.
General Manager's Report No. GM11/11
General Manager Division
Date of Meeting: 20/04/2011
In 2009 the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (DECCW) announced the introduction of the Waste and Sustainability Improvement Payments (WaSIP) Program wherein qualifying and participating councils are eligible to receive funding (until 30 June 2017) for a range of new and unfunded waste and sustainability initiatives.
At Council’s Ordinary Meeting 21 April 2010, Council adopted a schedule of programs outlined in Report No EN17/10 identifying projects to facilitate WaSIP payments to Council. One of the DECCW WaSIP requirements was a Sustainable Events Management Policy to be developed by June 2011. This policy has been developed and accompanies this report.
As part of fulfilling the WaSIP requirements for 2011/2012, the Sustainable Event Management for Major Council-Operated Events Policy (2011/2012) has been drafted for Hornsby Shire Council. It is the result of a Local Government and Shires Association (LGSA) workshop, internal and external consultation, and consideration of Council’s existing resources and available budget.
To satisfy the DECCW WaSIP requirement in full, a Sustainable Events Management Policy must be adopted by Council and subsequently implemented. The attached Sustainable Event Management for Major Council-Operated Events Policy (2011/2012) satisfies known internal and DECCW necessities for 2011/2012 and it is proposed that this policy be adopted by Council to facilitate the implementation component of DECCW’s requirement.
In 2009 DECCW announced the introduction of the WaSIP program. To qualify for payments, participating Councils are required to comply with a number of requirements identified by DECCW. In return they will be eligible for funding from the WaSIP program for a range of waste and sustainability initiatives. These projects must be for new and unfunded initiatives.
In April 2010 Council adopted the schedule of projects for consideration by DECCW (Executive Manager’s Report no EN17/10), one of which was a Sustainable Events Management Policy to be developed by June 2011 by Council’s Community Relations team.
In 2011 the Local Government and Shires Association of NSW (LGSA) hosted a series of Sustainable Events Management Workshops to guide authors through the Sustainable Events Management Policy for their individual Councils. DECCW representatives also assisted with the formulation of Sustainable Events Management Policies at these workshops. Council’s Manger Community Relations and Event Coordinator from the General Manager’s Division attended the workshop held at Rockdale City Council from which Council’s Sustainable Event Management for Major Council-Operated Events Policy (2011/2012) was finalised.
This policy has been endorsed by representatives from Council’s Environment and General Manager’s Divisions.
DECCW advised in April 2011 that the WaSIP program event standard in 2011/2012 will be about implementation of the policy. This policy satisfies that requirement.
The proposed Sustainable Event Management for Major Council-Operated Events Policy (2011/2012) can be achieved with Council’s current resources, that is, Council’s sole Event Coordinator. It will apply to Council’s major events, that is, those larger events managed by Council’s sole Event Coordinator.
Subsequent DECCW funding via the WaSIP program in this regard is dependent on Council’s Sustainable Event Management Guidelines to 2016/2017. These guidelines will be produced by Community Relations when the applicable budget is known and/or provided. This budget is provided via DECCW’s WaSIP program to Council’s Environment Division, who subsequently allocates a portion thereof to Council’s Community Relations team for the guidelines and implementation of the Sustainable Event Management for Major Council-Operated Events Policy (2011/2012).
There are no budget implications associated with the Sustainable Event Management for Major Council-Operated Events Policy (2011/2012).
The implementation program to be undertaken will be new and is currently unfunded by Council. Funding for implementation to 2017 will be allocated to Community Relations by the Environment Division as it receives DECCW WaSIP funding.
Indicative funding requirements sought from the Manager, Community Relations to apply guidelines and an implementation schedule to the satisfaction of WaSIP’s requirements has been communicated to representatives of Council’s Environment Division Executive, Management and Waste Team and in March and April 2011.
This report supports a new policy, titled Sustainable Event Management for Major Council-Operated Events (2011/2012) which is recommended for adoption by Council.
This policy consistent with adopted strategies of Council.
This policy is planned to evolve over coming financial years, via an implementation program which is reliant on funding provided by DECCW from its WaSIP program to Council’s Environment Division then filtered to Council’s Community Relations team. The amount of funding provided will determine the details, actions and timings in the implementation plan.
It is anticipated that another new policy will be submitted to the May 2011 meeting of Council titled Council Major Events Policy which will be related to this policy.
Council’s Sustainable Event Management for Major Council-Operated Events (2011/2012) was developed by Council’s Manager, Community Relations following the July 2010 request of Council’s Executive Manager - Environment Division. Its formulation followed attendance at the Local Government and Shires Association (LGSA) hosted Sustainable Events Management Workshop at Rockdale City Council in March 2011.
In April 2011 the policy was finalised and endorsed by Council officers including Council’s Event Coordinator, Waste Education and Support Officer, Waste Management Services Branch Supervisor, Manager - Waste Management Team, Executive Manager - Environment Division and General Manager.
Also in April 2011 a DECCW Project Officer advised that the proposed Sustainable Event Management for Major Council-Operated Events (2011/2012) is “…acceptable in meeting the WaSIP event standard.”
Triple Bottom Line is a framework for improving Council decisions by ensuring accountability and transparency on social, environmental and economic factors. It does this by reporting upon Council’s strategic themes.
As this report accompanies a policy that, for 2011/2012, does not propose any new actions which require a sustainability assessment beyond the expectations of the roles of Council officers, no Triple Bottom Line considerations apply.
The responsible officer for this report is Michelle Edmunds Manager, Community Relations, telephone 9847 6702 between the hours of 8.30 am and 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday.
THAT Council adopts the Sustainable Event Management for Major Council-Operated Events Policy (2011/2012).
Robert Ball General Manager General Manager Division |
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Sustainable Events Management Policy |
File Reference: F2011/00003
Document Number: D01654708