Hornsby Shire Council

Attachment to Report No. WK46/11 Page 0






                           MEMBER FOR HORNSBY – Mr Matt Kean MP                                 

                           MEMBER FOR KU-RING-GAI – Mr Barry O’ Farrell MP

                           HORNSBY POLICE – Snr Const Debbie Birmingham

                           ROADS AND TRAFFIC AUTHORITY – Mrs Divna Cvetojevic

                           COUNCILLOR BRUCE MILLS – Council’s representative

                           EXECUTIVE MANAGER, WORKS – For your information

                           NSW FIRE SERVICE – For your information

                           NSW AMBULANCE SERVICE – For your information

                           SHORELINK BUS SERVICE – For your information   


Road:                 Edgeworth David Avenue                             Suburb:        Hornsby 

Location:           Intersection with Balmoral Street


File Ref:            F2004/09775                                                            LTC No:       27 /2011

Electorate:        Hornsby / Ku-ring-gai                                            UBD Ref:       153M3

Subject:             Traffic Safety Improvements

Date of Circulation:  14 July 2011









This report details the traffic implications of safety improvements recommended by Council at the intersection of Edgeworth David Avenue and Balmoral Street, Hornsby.




Traffic and Road Safety Branch has identified the intersection of Edgeworth David Avenue with Balmoral Street in its annual review of crash data as one of the sites requiring treatment based on benefit cost ratio (BCR) and evaluation of National Blackspot funding criteria.


There have been 20 crashes recorded at this site in a five year period between July 2003 and June 2008. Ten of the crashes resulted in injuries, qualifying the site as a Blackspot in accordance with Auslink National Blackspot criteria. A proposal for a median closure was developed in 2010. The Federal Office of Road Safety offered Council 100% funding for a median island treatment under the National Blackspot programme. The proposed median closure was advertised in August 2010 attracting a significant number of objections including a detailed traffic report on behalf of the retailers. The retailer’s traffic report recommended signposting timed turn bans as an alternative solution. On 24 November 2010, Council resolved not to progress LTC item No: 33/2010 in its current form using a median strip solution.





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A revised proposal for timed turn bans at the intersection was developed based on the retailer’s traffic report and advertised in March 2011. Once again, significant numbers of objections were received from the retailers. Council at its meeting of 27/04/11 resolved (via a motion of urgency MOU2/11) that:

1.       Local Traffic Committee Item for proposed ‘No Right Turn’ signs not proceed in its current form.

2.       A report be prepared for consideration by the Local Traffic Committee that proposes a solution that improves road safety and reduces the impacts on local businesses, by including the following:

a) Removal of the tree and relocation of the power pole on the northern side of the intersection which obscure visibility.

b) The left turn only on Balmoral Street be “painted only” to allow heavy vehicle movements.

c) The intersection to have ‘Do not queue across intersection’ marked at least 10 metres both sides of the intersection to allow for safer turning movements.




a)   Removal of the tree and relocation of the power pole on the northern side of the intersection which obscure visibility.

It has been reported by the retailers that the tree and power pole located along Edgeworth David Avenue, west of the intersection, obscures visibility and contributes to the intersections poor safety record. The location of the tree and power is within the sight triangle for the south to east movements through the intersection. In these circumstances the Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) guidelines and Australian Standards require that a ‘Stop’ sign control be installed. A ‘Stop’ control is already present in Balmoral Street.  Analysis of the crash data shows that south/east collisions represent 4 out of 20 crashes at the intersection. Preliminary estimate to remove the tree and relocate the power pole is approximately $65,000 (TBC). In accordance with RTA crash reduction guide, the relocation of electricity poles and removal for trees to improve sight distance at intersection is considered to reduce crashes by 15% (related traffic movement crashes only, ie 15% target of 4 out of 20 total crashes = 3% crash reduction). The Benefit Cost Ratio for this treatment is therefore very low and does not qualify for external road safety funding. Council would be required to fully fund this treatment which would reduce the crash rate by less than 1 collision every 5 years.

b)   The left turn only on Balmoral Street be “painted only” to allow heavy vehicle movements

The proposal for timed turn bans advertised in April 2011 included regulatory signage and painted delineation lines with no physical restrictions at the intersection. Heavy vehicles would be allowed to turn left out of Balmoral Street by partially driving over the painted delineation lines. Right turns out of Balmoral Street (heading west towards Hornsby) would be prohibited for all vehicles as there are no regulatory means of excepting heavy vehicles from a turn ban restriction in New South Wales. The ‘All traffic must turn left’ signs in Balmoral Street are necessary to stop cross intersection movements, which contribute to 6 out of 20 crashes.



LTC 27/2011 – Edgeworth David Avenue Hornsby                                                                                                        Page 3


c)   The intersection to have ‘Do not queue across intersection’ marked at least 10 metres both sides of the intersection to allow for safer turning movements.

Monitoring of the intersection shows that queuing across Balmoral Street occurs for a very short period during the AM peak. Right turning movements during this period are very low. Notwithstanding, providing ‘Keep Clear’ marking on the northern carriageway of Edgeworth Avenue will improve access to and from Balmoral Street during the morning peak and is recommended.




Traffic and Road Safety Branch concludes that:


·    Relocation of the power pole and removal of the tree would only partially address 4 out of the 20 crashes at the intersection (3% of all crashes).

·    There are no regulatory means of excepting heavy vehicles from a turn ban restriction in New South Wales. The ‘All traffic must turn left’ signs in Balmoral Street are necessary to stop cross intersection movements, which contribute to 6 out of 20 crashes.

·    ‘Keep Clear’ marking on the northern carriageway of Edgeworth Avenue can be provided to improve access to and from Balmoral Street during the morning peak.


A summary of differed treatments is provided below:




Crash Reduction


Median Island



Self enforcing, limits access. Auslink funded

Posted turn bans



Requires Police enforcement, reduced impact on access. RTA funded.

Relocation of PP and removal of tree

$65,000 (TBC)


Significant cost, very low crash reduction. No impact on access. Council Funded.

Keep Clear



Improves access, no crash reduction, RTA funded.




Local Traffic Committee representatives met in Function Room 1, ground floor Council Chambers, 296 Pacific Highway, Hornsby, at 3:15pm Friday 1 June 2011 to make a recommendation.



Councillor Bruce Mills                                                           Council representative

Mr Barry O’Farrell MP                                                          Member for Ku-Ring-Gai

Mr Matt Kean  MP                                                                  Member for Hornsby

Snr Constable Debbie Birmingham                                         Hornsby Police

Ms Divna Cvetnojevic                                                            Roads and Traffic Authority

Mr Carl Mella                                                                         Roads and Traffic Authority

Mr Lawrence Nagy                                                                 Chair

Mr Radek Zarzycki                                                                  Snr Traffic Engineer HSC



LTC 27/2011 – Edgeworth David Avenue Hornsby                                                                                                        Page 4



7 representatives of the business community also attended the meeting, to address the Committee with their views in relation to the proposal.

Mr Terry Georgas

Mr Dominic Morandin

Mr Michael Burke

Ms Kerrie Simpson

Mr Trevor Simpson

Mr Phil Austerberry

Mr Ian Ezzy


The business representatives unanimously objected to any action which would restrict turns at the intersection due to the possible adverse impact on their business. The speakers reiterated comments provided during the written public consultation regarding sight distance at the intersection, heavy vehicle access, queuing across Balmoral Road, pedestrian access and veracity of the crash data. Councillor Mills and both Local members supported the public comments generally.


Ian Ezzy presented the Committee with his assessment of the issues and proposed solutions involving hedge trimming, a marked pedestrian foot crossing, seagull marking, removal of trees on both sides of Edgeworth David Avenue and traffic signal sequencing.


Mr O’Farrell advised that the Waitara Public School community had concerns regarding the lack of pedestrian access across Edgeworth David Road in the vicinity of the shopping centre and requested any proposal take into account potential use by primary school age pedestrians.






1.   The tree on the north western corner be removed and the hedge trimmed back to Council’s road boundary. Unanimous.

2.   The RTA be requested to investigate an extension of the 40 km/h School Zone in Edgeworth David Avenue from near Palmerston Road to west of Balmoral Road. Unanimous.

3.   The RTA be requested to provide “It is illegal to queue across intersections” facility in Edgeworth David Avenue at Balmoral Road. Unanimous.

4.   The full time ‘No Right Turn’ restriction proposal as shown on attached plans LTCCP 24/2011 be provided. (Not supported by Councillor Mills, the Member for Hornsby and the Member for Ku-ring-gai. The RTA representative presented a report on the crash data, prompting Council on the types of crashes and injury rates at this location. The RTA raised concerns regarding the previous proposal, which only included ‘No Right Turn’ restrictions from Edgeworth David Ave during the PM peak (3PM-7PM, Mon-Fri), as it only addressed 64% of these right turn crashes. The RTA representative requested the minute’s record that while the RTA does not object to these recommendations, they are concerned that the original proposal, involving a physical median that addressed all right turn crashes, was not endorsed by Hornsby Council and Black Spot Funding was returned unspent.


Note – Councillor Mills requested recommendation 4 be referred to Council for a decision. A report will be prepared for the Ordinary Meeting of  Wednesday 20 July 2011.

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Note for voting Local Traffic Committee members.


Under the RTA’s “Delegation of Functions to Regulate Traffic” (operation of local traffic committees) you are required to comment or indicate your acceptance or objection to the recommendation of this report. Your response must be submitted in writing within 14 days of the date of this notice. Please send your response via return email for the item, or email trafficbranch@hornsby.nsw.gov.au or fax 9847 6559. For further information please contact Council's Senior Traffic Engineer Mr Radek Zarzycki on 9847 6616. Upon of receipt of your comments the matter will be referred to Council for action.


Lawrence Nagy









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