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Item 3 MM9/11 Old Mans Valley Reclassification
Mayoral Minute No. MM9/11
Date of Meeting: 31/08/2011
At its meeting on 3 August 2011, Council considered Executive Manager’s Report No. PLN61/11 which dealt with, inter alia, a proposal to reclassify the property known as Old Mans Valley as ‘operational land’ to facilitate access routes to Hornsby Quarry for filling purposes. The properties included Lot 1 DP 114323, Lots 1 and 2 DP 169188 and Lot 1 DP 859646. The underlying existing open space zoning is to be retained.
The current Council resolution on the desired future of Old Mans Valley dates back to 2008 and this vision has not been amended. Council has resolved that Old Mans Valley will be used for public recreation and open space. Council intends to develop Old Mans Valley for recreation purposes and following filling operations, intends to also develop Hornsby Quarry for recreational purposes. To this end the Council has resolved to obtain the necessary approvals that will enable the quarry void to be filled with virgin excavated natural material and has sought a Gateway Determination from the Department of Planning and Infrastructure to facilitate an amendment to Hornsby Shire Local Environmental Plan 1994 to facilitate this outcome.
In order to fill the quarry, it is likely to be necessary to provide access through Old Mans Valley, possibly requiring the reclassification of some of the land as ‘operational land’ as a result. Council is currently preparing a plan of management for Old Mans Valley, which will be placed on public exhibition. The plan will propose the development of a park facility with passive and structured recreational opportunities, including a sportsground. The plan will also identify likely access to the quarry.
It is noted that the proposal adopted on 3 August 2011 to reclassify Old Mans Valley as ‘operational land’ has raised concern in the community. Some in the community have misinterpreted this as Council moving away from its vision to use the land for public recreation and open space. There are no plans to build high-rise units or other forms of residential or industrial development on the site and any such proposal would continue to be prohibited under the existing Open Space zoning. Once the quarry pit has been filled, Council intends to revert the classification of the quarry land and Old Mans Valley to ‘community land’ and retain the open space zoning.
To allay any concern I propose that Council officers be instructed to continue investigations to achieve an outcome that any reclassification of Old Mans Valley be confined to the preferred access route to the quarry void.
1. Any reclassification of Old Mans Valley to “operational” be confined to the preferred access route to the quarry void.
2. Council receive a further report following the Gateway Determination addressing Council’s options for access through Old Mans Valley in a manner that achieves Council’s vision of developing the land for public recreation purposes.
There are no attachments for this report.
File Reference: F2011/00979
Document Number: D01750898