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Item 2 LM12/11 Development Application - Alterations and Additions to Mt Wilga Private Hospital 2A Manor Road and 66 Rosamond Street Hornsby
Item 1 LM11/11 Development Application - Seniors Living Development Comprising 18 Self-Contained Dwellings 49A, 51 and 51A Copeland Road, Beecroft
Planning Division
Date of Meeting: 7/09/2011
ITEM 1 |
PLN65/11 - Development Application - Alterations
and additions to Mt Wilga Private Hospital |
Additional information with CHANGE to Recommendation
The development application proposes alterations and additions to Mt Wilga Private Hospital.
Following the release of the officer’s report, the applicant has requested that Council consider amendments to the ordering of some of the recommended conditions of consent listed in Schedule 1. The purpose of re-ordering conditions is to allow the applicant to commence construction works on those parts of the development that are not affected by the nominated conditions.
Council officers have considered the applicant’s request and have concluded that the requested re-ordering of conditions would be satisfactory and would not result in any adverse impact upon the locality during construction works.
THAT Development Application No. DA/224/2011 for alterations and additions to the existing Mt Wilga Private Hospital on proposed Lot 100 in the re-subdivision of Lots 11 and 12 DP 1079875 No. 66 Rosamond Street and No. 2A Manor Road, Hornsby be approved subject to the conditions of consent detailed in Schedule 1 of this report.
1.View |
Schedule 1 |
File Reference: DA/224/2011
Document Number: D01756177
Planning Division
Date of Meeting: 7/09/2011
ITEM 3 |
PLN64/11 - Development Application - Seniors Living
Development Comprising 18 Self-Contained Dwellings |
Additional information with CHANGE to Recommendation
The development application proposes the construction of a seniors living development at the subject property.
Following the release of the officer’s report, the applicant has requested that Council consider an amendment to a condition of consent to better clarify the intention of the condition. The condition relates to the requirement for a dilapidation report to be undertaken on adjoining buildings and structures that fall within the zone of influence of the development, prior to works commencing. The applicant has requested that the condition be clarified to specify a requirement that a dilapidation report be undertaken on those structures within 10 metres of the development.
The applicant’s request is consistent with the intention of the condition and it is considered that the amendment to the condition would not compromise any adjoining buildings or structures.
THAT Development Application No. 109/2011 for the construction of a seniors living development comprising 18 self-contained dwellings at Lot 3 DP 509429, Lot 2 DP 509429 and Lot 1 DP 509429, Nos. 49A, 51 & 51A Copeland Road Beecroft be approved subject to the conditions of consent detailed in Schedule 1 of this report, as amended by the following requirement:
(a) Modify Condition No. 7 to read:
A “Dilapidation Report” is to be prepared by a “chartered structural engineer” detailing the structural condition of all buildings including swimming pools within 10m of the site.
File Reference: DA/109/2011
Document Number: D01756172