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Item 1 WK61/11 Redevelopment of Hornsby Aquatic Centre - Submission of Development Application
Standard Report No. WK61/11
Works Division
Date of Meeting: 5/10/2011
Council is advised that preparation of the development application for the redevelopment of Hornsby Aquatic Centre is nearing completion. Council is requested to endorse the plans for the purpose of notification to the Division of Crown Lands and submission of a development application for the project. Council is also advised that the construction cost of the new facility is estimated by the Architect and Quantity Surveyor at approximately $22.2 Million, and that further consideration should be given to the budget for the project when its scope is finally determined following the receipt of tenders and consideration of a subsequent revision of the Capital Expenditure Review that is required by the Division of Local Government.
The purpose of this report is to advise Council that the development application for the new Hornsby Aquatic Centre (the Centre) is nearing completion, and to recommend that the plans for the Centre be endorsed for submission to the Division of Crown Lands, and later for assessment in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act.
At its meetings of 27 April 2011 (Report WK 26/11), 15 June 2011 (Report WK34/11) and 20 July 2011 (Report WK 39/11), Council considered recommendations arising from the community consultation process and the Deliberative Forum held to assist in its consideration of the features to be included in the design of the new Centre.
At its meeting of 21 September 2011, Council resolved inter alia (WK59/11), to confirm its decision to reconstruct the Hornsby Aquatic Centre in Hornsby Park, with access provided via an access road opposite Coronation Street Hornsby. Further, Council resolved that the development application currently in preparation be submitted in due course.
Design of the new centre has now reached the stage where the drawings can be adopted by Council for the purpose of submission of a development application. Preparation of the supporting Statement of Environmental Effect (SEE) is well advanced, and is anticipated to be completed in the near future.
The drawings are included as Attachment 1 to this report, and are now recommended for Council’s consideration and adoption.
Council’s attention is drawn to the following features of the proposed Centre:
· 8 lane 50m pool, heated and suitable for water polo
· Seating for 500 spectators, under shade structure
· Heated 10m x 25m pool for Learn to Swim (LTS) activities
· Heated leisure pool with zero depth entry, leading to a walking zone
· Water slide 2m high
· Ground floor multi-purpose room, suitable for crèche purposes
· Associated facilities for changing and showering, with separate provision for families and groups
· Kiosk with access also available from Hornsby Park
· Meeting room for use by CWA if desired
· First floor multi-purpose room for dry recreation and club activities
· Associated office space
Outdoor passive recreation is provided for, as is access for the disabled (to all pools and throughout the centre) in accordance with the relevant standard.
Parking for in excess of 100 vehicles has been provided underneath the structure, with access to all levels by way of two (2) lifts and stairs.
Access for service vehicles and for parking is via an access way opposite Coronation Street, Hornsby, as previously resolved by Council.
Modifications to Hornsby Park to incorporate the above facility are proposed, and have been designed having regard to the heritage significance of the park and its inclusions. A forecourt and water feature is proposed at the entrance to the Centre.
Response to Community Consultation
Following its review of the outcomes of the Deliberative Forum, Council agreed that consideration should be given to the issues raised in the Forum.
The following features have been included in response to this consideration:
· An outdoor 50m pool has been provided,
· The 50m outdoor pool can now accommodate water polo,
· A flip boom has been provided in the 50m pool to enable a variety of use,
· Indoor pool separated into two pools to provide increased function and safety,
· Additional parking – 111 spaces have been provided including 4 accessible,
· An area suitable for walking has been provided in the leisure pool,
· Bench seating has been provided in the LTS pool to facilitate its use,
· Seating adjacent to the LTS pool has been provided for accompanying carers,
· Space for future water activities has been provided.
As resolved by Council, a room for use by the CWA has been included. Further, a second lift has been provided to facilitate access to the Centre from the basement carpark.
Consideration has previously been given to the most appropriate means of providing access to the Centre. As resolved in WK59/11 following consideration of a number of options and expression of views by the community, access is proposed via an access from the Pacific Highway opposite Coronation Street.
Construction Cost
Council is advised by the Architect and Quantity Surveyor that the estimated cost of construction of the Centre as now designed is approximately $22.2 Million. While this cost is subject to confirmation and does not include overheads and other design costs, the estimate will provide guidance for Council in determining whether to proceed with construction. To assist Council in this regard, it is proposed to nominate the following features as provisional items, subject to later review by Council when tenders have been received, market conditions are known, and Council’s financial position is better understood:
· Reduction in amount of parking provided,
· Deletion of water feature/reduction in forecourt,
· Deletion of indoor water slide,
· Deletion of flip boom, no water polo.
Other features will also be identified if it is considered practicable to delete them, or to provide them at a later stage.
Council is advised that, arising from the Deliberative Forum and during the public consultation process for the recent rate increase, there was significant community support for the new Centre, for Council to provide a “landmark” facility, a drawcard for the area. In the Deliberative Forum, there was a strong feeling that the budget limit for the project was arbitrary, could limit the achieving of a result that best met the needs of the community, and which should be reviewed. The proposed tender process will enable this to occur.
Funds to enable construction to proceed are available following the rate increase approved by IPART. The capital expenditure review required by the Division of Local Government will be updated prior to any financial commitment being made. As indicated, the final cost and funding will be determined upon the receipt of tenders.
There is no impact arising from this report.
The design now recommended for approval has been developed following extensive community consultation. All Divisions of Council have been involved in the development of the design and community consultation. The project control group established by Council to oversee this project includes three Councillors. Council has been kept informed as the design has progressed to this stage.
The development application will be publicly exhibited in accordance with Council’s Notification Policy and interested residents will have the opportunity to address the Sydney West Joint Regional Planning Panel prior to the development application being determined.
Triple Bottom Line is a framework for improving Council decisions by ensuring accountability and transparency on social, environmental and economic factors. It does this by reporting upon Council's strategic themes.
This report provides Council proposes actions which will be formally reviewed as part of the development application assessment process. Triple Bottom Line assessments for this project have been previously provided. As there is no material change to the project as previously reported to Council, a Triple Bottom Line assessment has not been undertaken on this occasion.
The officer responsible for this report is Mr Max Woodward, Executive Manager, Works. Enquiries regarding the project should be directed to Mr Rob Rajca, Manager Design and Construction, on 9847 6675.
1. Endorse the plans included as Attachment 1 to this report for the purpose of submission of a development application and grant consent to the submission.
2. Grant consent to the submission of a development application following advice to this effect to the Division of Crown Lands.
3. Note that the estimated construction cost of the Centre as currently proposed is approximately $22.2 Million.
4. Give further consideration to the budget for the project upon finalisation of the design, receipt of tenders and revision of the Capital Expenditure Review.
Maxwell Woodward Executive Manager Works Division |
1.View |
Attachment 1 - DA Plans - HAC Redevelopment |
File Reference: F2009/00386
Document Number: D01769507