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Item 5 MM15/11 Relocation Options - CWA Hornsby
Item 6 MM16/11 Expression of Condolence - Mr Warren Southwell
Mayoral Minute No. MM15/11
Date of Meeting: 2/11/2011
The purpose of this report is to set out the various options available for the short term relocation of the Hornsby Branch of the Country Women’s Association (“CWA”) to allow a well informed decision regarding the most suitable option. The report recommends that Councillors authorise the General Manager to undertake relevant actions to achieve the recommended option for relocation detailed in the confidential attachment.
At its Ordinary meeting on 20 July 2011, Council considered Executive Manager’s Report No. WK39/11, and resolved inter alia, that:
2. The current Licence with the Country Women’s Association (CWA) be terminated at as 1 March 2012…
6. Council’s Community Services Branch work with the CWA to find temporary accommodation arrangements for the CWA in Council’s existing community facilities in the period 1 March 2012 and the opening of the new Hornsby Aquatic Centre.
In accordance with Council’s resolution, Council officers worked with the CWA to find temporary accommodation arrangements for it in Council’s existing community facilities. As a result of the limited availability of suitable premises, the scope of the search widened to include privately owned and commercial premises, in accordance with the desire of the CWA to remain on the West side of Hornsby.
Ultimately four premises were presented to the CWA. Executive Manager’s Report No. WK59/11 submitted to the Ordinary meeting of Council on 21 September 2011, provided details of the outcome of actions in relation to the relocation opportunities presented to the CWA.
On consideration of the report, Council resolved inter alia, that:
5. Council note that the Country Women's Association (CWA), Hornsby Branch has been offered temporary accommodation up until the finalisation of the construction of the Hornsby Aquatic Centre. The temporary accommodation offers at Willow Park, the War Memorial Hall and two commercial properties on the western side of Hornsby were offered at Council's expense and all have been rejected by the CWA members.
6. Council express its disappointment at the non acceptance by the CWA members of Council's offers and request that advice be forwarded by the CWA to Council by 21 October 2011 outlining their re-location intentions.
Subsequent to the above Ordinary meeting, Council’s former General Manager and Executive Manager Planning, continued relocation negotiations with the CWA.
In an email dated 13 October 2011 the CWA unanimously confirmed a motion “That Hornsby Branch of the CWA commence negotiations with Hornsby Shire Council to temporarily relocate our Branch and activities to the RAMS Building during the pool reconstruction”. Further, the CWA sought to commence negotiations with Council to “fit out” the premises in order to provide a functional, multiuse, community meeting space for the duration of the Aquatic Centre construction. Additions such as a kitchen and storeroom, display cabinets and privacy blinds were included in the “fit out” requirements of the CWA.
It is understood that the overall goal of the proposed relocation of the CWA, is to as closely as possible place the CWA in the same position as it existed prior to the proposal to redevelop the Hornsby Pool. In this respect, Council staff have identified a number of relocation options, including Council owned and privately owned properties. The confidential attachment to this Mayoral Minute provides further detail, provides an assessment of each option and recommends a preferred option.
The decision for Council ultimately requires a consideration of the requirements of the CWA as well as the cost of the various options.
THAT Council endorse the recommended relocation option for the Hornsby Branch of the Country Women’s Association as set out in the confidential attachment. |
CWA Assessment of Options circulated separately to Councillors - This attachment should be dealt with in confidential session, under Section 10A (2) (c) (d) of the Local Government Act, 1993. This report contains information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business; AND contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret. |
File Reference: F2011/01246
Document Number: D01792517
Mayoral Minute No. MM16/11
Date of Meeting: 2/11/2011
It is with great sadness I advise that Mr Warren Southwell passed away on Sunday, 30 October 2011, as a result of a tragic accident at Fagan Park.
Warren was the Facilities Officer in the Parks Assets Section of Council’s Environment Division and was a likeable and popular member of staff.
The General Manager met with Warren’s parents and passed on Council’s condolences to them and other members of the family.
It is recommended that the Council formally express its sincere condolences to the Southwell family as part of tonight’s Meeting.
1. Council express its sincere condolences to the parents and family of Mr Warren Southwell in respect of his recent passing.
2. A wreath be forwarded to Mr Southwell’s funeral on behalf of Council.
There are no attachments for this report.
File Reference: F2004/05878
Document Number: D01795474