Additional Item as at 20 December 2011


Ordinary Meeting


Wednesday,  21 December, 2011

at 6.30pm







Hornsby Shire Council                                                                                         Table of Contents

Page 1





Item 9     EN62/11 Lease of Tennis Court Centres Various Locations in Hornsby Shire   




Environment Division

Date of Meeting: 21/12/2011




EN62/11 - Lease of Tennis Court Centres Various Locations in Hornsby Shire



Additional information with “CHANGE” to Recommendation.


Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 states that if a council decides not to accept any of the tenders that the resolution must state the reasons for declining to invite fresh tenders and the reasons for determining to enter into negotiations with the person or persons referred to in the resolution.  Recommendation No. 7 of Executive Manager’s Report No. EN62/11 did not do this.  Accordingly, Recommendation No. 7 has been re-worded and a new recommendation has been made in accordance with this requirement and is shown as Recommendation No. 8.


The confidential attachment to Executive Manager’s Report No. EN62/11 did not state rental estimates from the non-profit tenderers.  It only stated that these tenderers had offered the 30% of court hire rate as nominated in the tender.  Attachment 1 has been modified to include this financial information and is attached under separate cover.  Please disregard the previously distributed Attachment 1.





THAT Council:


1.      Accept the tender from the Beecroft Lawn Tennis Club Inc for Beecroft Village Green, Beecroft for a period of ten years at 30% of court hire.


2.      Accept the tender from Hornsby Kuring-gai District Tennis Association for Boundary Road, Berowra for a period of ten years at 30% of court hire.


3.      Accept the tender from Hornsby Kuring-gai District Tennis Association for Mills Park, Asquith for a period of ten years at 30% of court hire.


4.      Accept the tender from Eastwood Thornleigh District Tennis Association for Pennant Hills Park, Pennant Hills for a period of ten years at 30% of court hire.


5.      Accept the tender from Rod Fahey Tennis School P/L for Ruddock Park, Westleigh for a period of ten years at 45% of court hire.


6.      Accept the tender from Kim Warwick Tennis Academy P/L for Waitara Oval, Waitara for a period of ten years at a period of 10 years at $45,000 + 2% of gross yearly revenue in the first year rising to $70,000 +2% of gross yearly revenue in year 10.


7.      Give delegation to the General Manager to enter into negotiations with the North Epping Rangers Sports Club Inc for North Epping Oval, North Epping and the YMCA of Sydney for West Epping Park, West Epping, with a view to entering into contracts for the operation of the respective tennis centres.


8.      Council declines to invite fresh tenders for North Epping Oval and West Epping Park Tennis Centres as only one tender was received for each centre and it is unlikely that any additional tenders would be received if fresh tenders were called.  The current operators, North Epping Rangers Club and The YMCA of Sydney respectively, are considered to have the experience and to have provided sufficient information to give rise to confidence that they can meet the requirements of the tender invitation.





Memo ENV26 11 - Confidential Tender T15 2011 Lease of Tennis Centres - This attachment should be dealt with in confidential session, under Section 10A (2) (c) of the Local Government Act, 1993. This report contains information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.





File Reference:           F2011/01086

Document Number:   D01827701