Ordinary Meeting


Wednesday,  21 March, 2012

at 6:30 pm







Hornsby Shire Council                                                                                         Table of Contents

Page 1





Item 1     LM2/12 Code of Meeting Practice - Proposed Amendment to Schedule of Council Meetings - April 2012 to october 2012    




Corporate and Community Division

Date of Meeting: 21/03/2012




CC9/12 - Code of Meeting Practice - Proposed Amendment to Schedule of Council Meetings - April 2012 to October 2012



Additional information with  CHANGE  to Recommendation



Since the preparation of Executive Manager’s Report No. CC9/12,  there has been discussion about the potential for providing Councillors access to the Business Paper earlier than indicated in the timetable document titled “Administration of Council Meetings – from April 2012” attached to that Report.


After examining the timetable mentioned above, there appears to be an opportunity to publish the Business Paper to the website on the Monday evening nine days before the General Meeting.  The hard copy Business Paper would, however, still only be made available seven days before the meeting, in line with the proposal in Executive Manager’s Report No. CC9/12.


Although this would result in the on-line version of the Business Paper being released earlier than the printed version, which is different to Council’s current practice, it does provide an opportunity for Councillors and members of the public to have an additional two days in which to peruse the business papers prior to the meeting.


In order to achieve this, the timetable document titled “Administration of Council Meetings – from April 2012” would need to be amended to require the final sign off of reports by Executive Managers to be 10am (rather than 2pm) on the Monday nine days prior to the General Meeting.


It is noted that this will require minor consequential amendments to the relevant areas of the Code of Meeting Practice.









1.       The contents of Executive Manager’s Report No. CC9/12 be received and noted.


2.       The draft amended Code of Meeting Practice attached to Executive Manager’s Report No. CC9/12, which was publicly exhibited during the period 24 January 2012 to 20 February 2012 and about which no submissions were received in the period ending 5 March 2012, be adopted.


3.       The documents attached to Executive Manager’s Report No. CC9/12 and titled “Schedule of ordinary Council Meetings April 2012 – October 2012”; “Order of Business at ordinary Council Meetings April 2012 – October 2012”; and “Administration of Council Meetings – From April 2012” be adopted.





File Reference:           F2004/07032

Document Number:   D01885322