Ordinary Meeting


Wednesday,  20 June, 2012

at 6:30 pm







Hornsby Shire Council                                                                                         Table of Contents

Page 1




SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMS                  

Item 1     LM5/12 Domestic Waste Management Charge   




Executive Manager’s Report LM5/12

Environment Division

Date of Meeting: 20/06/2012




GM12/12 - Adoption of Council's Delivery Program - Includes the Operational Plan, Budget, Fees and Charges and Rating Structure for 2012/13



Additional information with CHANGE to Recommendation


General Manager’s Report No. GM12/12 recommended an increase of $68 to the Domestic Waste Management Charge to cover increases to the waste levy, landfill charges, CPI, the impacts of the carbon tax and to build the Waste Reserve Fund.  Of the total $68 increase, $13 was attributable to the carbon tax.


Since the finalisation of General Manager’s Report No. GM12/12, more detailed modelling of the impacts of the carbon tax on domestic waste services has been completed, resulting in a downwards revision to $9.58 of the cost attributed to the carbon tax.


Accordingly, it is recommended that Council’s 2012/13 domestic waste management service charge be reduced by $3, to $291; and that the annual service charge for high rise occupancies be reduced by $3, to $228.  The remaining 42 cent amount would be used to build the Waste Reserve Fund.


General Manager’s Report No. GM12/12 also indicated that the total rates increase attributable to the carbon tax for the ‘average’ ratepayer equated to $17.60.  This figure was calculated on the basis of a 0.4% rate increase, which for the ‘average’ household is $4.60, plus the $13 increase in the domestic waste management charge. 


With the downward revision relating to the domestic waste management charge, the total rates increase attributable to the carbon tax for the ‘average’ ratepayer is calculated to be $14.18.






THAT Council:


1.       Adopt the Delivery Program including the Operational Plan 2012/13, Budget and Fees and Charges 2012/13, incorporating the amendments to the documents recommended in this Report and Late Item Information Memo No. LM5/12.


2.       Endorse the three additional fees to the 2012/13 Fees and Charges for public exhibition for 28 days from 21 June until 20 July 2012 with a further report back to Council on completion of the exhibition period if submissions are received.


3.       Make and levy the Ordinary Rates for 2012/13 in accordance with the table shown in the Rates section of this Report.


4.       Make and levy the Catchments Remediation Rate on all rateable land in the Shire, in accordance with the table shown in the Rates section of this Report.


5.       Make and levy the Hornsby Quarry Loan Rate on all rateable land in the Shire, in accordance with the table shown in the Rates section of this Report.


6.       Continue to provide eligible pensioners with a $10 concession in respect of the Hornsby Quarry Loan Rate, represented by a reduction in the Base amount.


7.       Continue to provide eligible pensioners with an additional $20 concession in respect of the rate variation represented by a reduction in the Base amount.






Stephen Fedorow

Acting Executive Manager - Environment

Environment Division



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File Reference:           F2004/08681-02

Document Number:   D01946026