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Item 14 EH4/12 Tender T12/2012 Bushland Restoration and Manual Fire Hazard Reduction Services
Item 17 IR1/12 Tender T2/2012 - Design and Construction: Refurbishment of the Roselea Community Centre, Beecroft
Item 15 IR8/12 Tender T11/2012- Supply and Installation of Pool Filtration Plant at Hornsby Aquatic Centre
Item 16 IR9/12 Tender T13/2012 – Construction of Hornsby Aquatic Centre
Group Manager's Report No. EH4/12
Environment and Human Services Division
Date of Meeting: 18/07/2012
· Open tenders for bushland restoration and manual fire hazard reduction services have recently been called to supplement Council’s resources to deliver the required works.
· The proposed contract would be for period of twelve months with options to extend for two separate, twelve month periods subject to an annual performance review.
· Total Earth Care Pty Ltd; Sydney Bush Regeneration Company Pty Ltd; Tooljooa Pty Ltd; DragonFly Environmental Pty Ltd; Waratah Eco Works and Hills Bushcare Pty Ltd have been recommended for acceptance of both bushland restoration and manual fire hazard reduction services.
· Bushland Habitat Restoration Co-operative Ltd; Australian Bushland Restoration; Warrigal Green Pty Ltd; LH & PW Malligan t/as Gecko Environmental Management; Bandicoot Bush Regeneration Pty Ltd; Lane Cove Bush Regenerators Co-operative and the National Trust of Australia (NSW) have been recommended for acceptance of bushland restoration services only.
· Ecohort Pty Ltd has been recommended for acceptance of manual fire hazard reduction services only.
THAT Council: 1. Accept the tenders from Total Earth Care Pty Ltd; Sydney Bush Regeneration Company Pty Ltd; Tooljooa Pty Ltd; DragonFly Environmental Pty Ltd; Waratah Eco Works and Hills Bushcare Pty Ltd for both bushland restoration and manual fire hazard reduction services under Tender No. T12/2012: Bushland Restoration and Manual Fire Hazard Reduction Services.
2. Accept the tenders from Bushland Habitat Restoration Co-operative Ltd; Australian Bushland Restoration; Warrigal Green Pty Ltd; LH & PW Malligan t/as Gecko Environmental Management; Bandicoot Bush Regeneration Pty Ltd; Lane Cove Bush Regenerators Co-operative and the National Trust of Australia (NSW) for bushland restoration services only under Tender No. T12/2012: Bushland Restoration and Manual Fire Hazard Reduction Services. 3. Accept the tender from Ecohort Pty Ltd for manual fire hazard reduction services only under Tender No. T12/2012: Bushland Restoration and Manual Fire Hazard Reduction Services. |
The purpose of this Report is to provide a recommendation for the acceptance of Tender No.T12/2012: Bushland Restoration and Manual Fire Hazard Reduction Services.
Tender No. T12/2012 is a Schedule of Rates tender. A summary of tenders, together with full evaluation details, are on file (Trim Folder F2012/00341). Excepting this Report, the summary and details of the tenders received are to be treated as confidential in accordance with the Local Government Act.
17 tenders were received for Tender No. T12/2012 from the following companies:
· Total Earth Care Pty Ltd
· Sydney Bush Regeneration Company Pty Ltd
· Toolijooa Pty Ltd
· DragonFly Environmental Pty Ltd
· Bushland Habitat Restoration Co-operative Ltd
· Waratah Eco Works
· Australian Bushland Restoration
· Hills Bushcare Pty Ltd
· Warrigal Green Pty Ltd
· LH & PW Malligan t/as Gecko Environment Management
· Bandicoot Bush Regeneration Pty Ltd
· Lane Cove Bush Regenerators Co-operative
· National Trust of Australia (NSW)
· Bush-it Pty Ltd
· Ecohort Pty Ltd
· Southern Habitat (NSW) Pty Ltd
· Hunter Land Management Pty Ltd
The tenders were evaluated based on the stipulated criteria, namely:
Criteria for bushland restoration
· Contractor staff have bush regeneration qualifications and experience.
· Experience with restoring local bushland vegetation communities.
· Level of past industry experience/value of work/previous level of Hornsby Shire Council work.
· Experience with weed mapping.
· Innovation.
· Compliance with Work Health and Safety Legislation and Insurance.
· Schedule of Rates.
Criteria for manual fire hazard reduction works
· Contractor has the capacity to undertake all actives identified.
· Previous level of industry experience. Previous experience working with local government.
· Experience in general vegetation control and treatment and construction of mineral earth bushfire control lines.
· Staff qualifications, training and experience with manual fuel reduction works.
· Innovation.
· Compliance with Work Health and Safety Legislation and Insurance.
· Schedule of Rates.
The tendered schedule of rates was evaluated by comparing each tender to the other 16 tenders and by current knowledge of market rates from previous contracts in 2012.
Non-price evaluation criteria were evaluated using a rating from 0-10 based on information submitted with each tender, information gained from the tenderers’ nominated referees and past performance with previous Hornsby Council works where applicable. The final criteria (Compliance with Work Health and Safety Legislation and Insurance) were not given a numerical score, the tenderer would not be offered work if these mandatory requirements were not satisfactory.
Confidential Memo ENV06/12, which has been separately distributed, contains information regarding the evaluation of each tender. Full details of the tender evaluation are on file and are confidential.
It is considered that due to the labour intensive nature of work available under this contract, a panel of contractors would cover all program areas and provide Council with a consistent level of service throughout the year. Work in specific locations throughout the Shire would be allocated to each contractor in accordance with their level of expertise and available resources.
The results of the evaluation indicate that the tenders from the following companies are advantageous to Council.
Company |
Type of Work |
Total Earth Care Pty Ltd |
Bushland Restoration and Manual Fire Hazard Reduction |
Sydney Bush Regeneration Company Pty Ltd |
Bushland Restoration and Manual Fire Hazard Reduction |
Toolijooa Pty Ltd |
Bushland Restoration and Manual Fire Hazard Reduction |
DragonFly Environmental Pty Ltd |
Bushland Restoration and Manual Fire Hazard Reduction
Waratah Eco Works |
Bushland Restoration and Manual Fire Hazard Reduction |
Hills Bushcare Pty Ltd |
Bushland Restoration and Manual Fire Hazard Reduction |
Bushland Habitat Restoration Co-operative Ltd |
Bushland Restoration |
Australian Bushland Restoration |
Bushland Restoration |
Warrigal Green Pty Ltd |
Bushland Restoration |
LH & PW Malligan t/as Gecko Environment Management |
Bushland Restoration |
Bandicoot Bush Regeneration Pty Ltd |
Bushland Restoration |
Lane Cove Bush Regenerators Co-operative |
Bushland Restoration |
National Trust of Australia (NSW) |
Bushland Restoration |
Ecohort Pty Ltd |
Manual Fire Hazard Reduction |
The total estimated work under this contract for all types of work is in the order of $400,000 per annum and has been allowed for within Council’s 2012/13 budget. It should be noted that approximately 65% of this is sourced from grants, public benefit monies, offsets, catchment remediation and section 94 funds.
There are no policy implications arising from this report.
The officer responsible for the preparation of this report is Diane Campbell, Manager – Natural Resources - who can be contacted on 9847 6903.
Diane Campbell Manager - Bushland & Biodiversity Environment and Human Services Division |
Stephen Fedorow Group Manager Environment and Human Services Division |
Confidential Memo - Tender T122012 - Bushland Restoration and Manual Hazard Reduction Services - This attachment should be dealt with in confidential session, under Section 10A (2) (c) of the Local Government Act, 1993. This report contains information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business. |
File Reference: F2012/00341
Document Number: D01951686
Deputy General Manager's Report No. IR1/12
Infrastructure and Recreation Division
Date of Meeting: 18/07/2012
· A $1.6 million grant under the Community Infrastructure Grants Program has been obtained for the refurbishment of the Roselea Community Centre, Beecroft.
· Stage 1 works include the demolition of a small hall and rooms; the reconstruction and reconfiguration of these spaces, and the construction of an uncovered deck on the eastern side of the building. Stage 2 works would include the construction of a roof on the eastern deck as well as a covered verandah on the western side the building.
· At its Ordinary Meeting of 16 May 2012, Council resolved to invite A J Bristow & Sons P/L, Builtform Constructions P/L, Projectcorp Australia P/L, Rapid Constructions P/L and Zadro Constructions P/L to submit tenders for the proposed works.
· All five (5) companies submitted a tender in response to Council’s invitation and a full evaluation of the tenders was carried out by the evaluation panel based on the criteria set out in the tender documents. This included information provided in the expression of interest (EOI) submissions, the tender submissions, additional information requested from the tenderers, reference and financial checks.
· It is considered that the tender submitted by AJ Bristow and Sons P/L is the most advantageous to Council.
THAT: 1. AJ Bristow and Sons Pty Ltd of Dural be awarded the contract for Stages 1 and 2 of T2/2012 - Design and Construction: Refurbishment of the Roselea Community Centre.
2. The price be made public upon formal acceptance of the tender. |
The purpose of this Report is to provide a recommendation for Council’s consideration in respect of Tender No T2/2012 - Design and Construction: Refurbishment of the Roselea Community Centre, Beecroft.
During the lead up to the 2010 Federal Election, the then Member for Bennelong, Maxine McKew MP, made an election promise to fund up to $1.6 million in renovations and extensions to the Roselea Community Centre contingent upon the Labor Government being returned to power.
Council officers subsequently submitted a funding application to the Department of Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government for staged renovations and extensions under the Community Infrastructure Grants Program.
In summary, Stage 1 would involve the demolition of a small hall and rooms to the north of the main hall, and the reconstruction and reconfiguration of these spaces as well as the construction of an uncovered deck on the eastern side of the building. Stage 2 works would include the construction of a roof on the eastern deck as well as a covered verandah on the western side the building.
At the Ordinary Meeting held on 21 December 2011, Council considered Executive Manager’s Report No. CC75/11 regarding the proposed redevelopment of the Roselea Community Centre, Beecroft and resolved, inter alia, that:
1. Tenders be called for in respect of Option 6A, seeking separate prices for Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the construction.
The plans and specifications were prepared by Council’s consultant architect in conjunction with the Roselea Community Centre Management Committee. Development consent was obtained in January 2012.
At the Ordinary Meeting held on 16 May 2012, Council considered Executive Manager’s Report WK18/12 and resolved that:
1. Council invite A J Bristow and Sons P/L, Builtform Constructions P/L, Projectcorp Australia P/L, Rapid Constructions P/L and Zadro Constructions P/L to submit tenders for the Refurbishment of the Roselea Community Centre, Beecroft.
2. The results of the tender be reported back to Council.
Pursuant to Council’s resolution, a selective tender was called for Option 6A in accordance with the Local Government Act and Regulations.
Tender No T2/2012 is a lump sum tender providing for a major refurbishment of the Roselea Community Centre. Lump sum prices were requested for the works to be carried out in two stages.
This approach was adopted to ensure that all Stage 1 works would be covered under the available budget provided by the Federal Government. Stage 2 works were designated as ‘provisional’ dependent upon the tendered amount for each stage and the remaining project budget.
As both stages of the project can be delivered within the grant funded budget allocation, it is considered that there is nothing to preclude Council from proceeding with both stages of the project.
The tender evaluation panel comprised Council’s Manager Community Services, Mr David Johnston; Engineer Construction, Mr Steven Crowe; Building Services Co-ordinator, Mr Darren Lister and Roselea Community Centre Committee of Management Treasurer, Mr Colin Goldsworthy.
The tender evaluation was based on the following criteria:
· Conformance of tender.
· Tender pre-qualifications
· Non-price criteria evaluation.
· Total evaluated cost of the works.
· Reference checks.
· Financial capability checks
All (5) five pre-selected companies submitted a tender in response to Council’s invitation.
AJ Bristow and Sons |
Builtform Constructions |
Projectcorp Australia |
Rapid Constructions |
Zadro Constructions |
A summary of all submissions received together with the full tender evaluation details have been placed on file. Excepting this Report, the summary and details of the tenders received are to be treated as confidential in accordance with the Local Government Act.
The attached Confidential Memo IRD and C 20/12 provides details of the tender evaluation.
Both Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the construction component of this project can be accommodated within the Community Infrastructure Grant of $1.6 million.
There are no policy implications associated with this report.
The tender assessment panel has conducted a full evaluation of the tenders and considers that the tender submitted by AJ Bristow and Sons is the most advantageous to Council. Acceptance of this tender would enable Council to deliver Stages 1 and 2 of the proposed refurbishment to the Roselea Community Centre.
The officer responsible for the preparation of this Report is the Manager Design and Construction - Mr Rob Rajca – who can be contacted on 9847 6675.
Stephen Fedorow Group Manager Environment and Human Services Division |
Robert Stephens Deputy General Manager Infrastructure and Recreation Division |
Refer to Confidential Memo to IR 1/12. - This attachment should be dealt with in confidential session, under Section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act, 1993. This report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret. |
File Reference: F2012/00451
Document Number: D01944184
Deputy General Manager's Report No. IR8/12
Infrastructure and Recreation Division
Date of Meeting: 18/07/2012
· Tenders have been called in accordance with the Local Government Act for the supply and installation of pool filtration plant at Hornsby Aquatic Centre.
· Submissions were received from Aquatic Projects Pty. Ltd, and Trisley Hydraulic Services Pty. Ltd.
1. Council accept the recommendation in Confidential Memo IRD D and C 19/12 Tender No. T11/2012 - Supply and Installation of Pool Filtration Plant at Hornsby Aquatic Centre attached to this report.
2. The price to be made public upon formal acceptance of the tender.
The purpose of this report is to provide a recommendation for Tender No. T11/2012 - Supply and Installation of Pool Filtration Plant at Hornsby Aquatic Centre.
This tender is for the supply and installation of specialist pool equipment for Hornsby Aquatic Centre. This tender will be novated to the head contractor for T13/2012 – Construction of Hornsby Aquatic Centre, which is the subject of Report IR 9/12 also tabled at this meeting.
Tender No. T11/2012 is a lump sum tender and a summary of all tenders together with full evaluation details have been attached to this report. Excepting this report, the summary and details of the tenders received are to be treated as confidential.
Tenders were received from the following companies:
· Aquatic Projects Pty Ltd
· Trisley Hydraulic Services Pty Ltd
The following criteria have been used for the evaluation of the tenders:
· Cost of works; based on tendered rates and provisional items for labour, plant hire and other works. Tendered rates must be realistic.
· Project program.
· Skills, qualifications and experience of the project team.
· Past performance and experience.
· Conformity with specifications
· Ability to provide local service backup
· Organisational structure.
· Sustainability / Environmental Management.
· Financial capacity and contractual commitments.
· Quality assurance systems.
· Work Health and Safety systems.
· Insurances.
· Support for local business and industry.
The lump sum prices submitted were evaluated for each tender and also compared against a predetermined estimate for the work. Other criteria were assessed on the basis of information submitted with each tender, additional information requested, reference and financial checks and presentations from the two tenderers to the evaluation panel.
The attached Confidential Memo IRD D and C 19/2012 provides the results of the evaluation process.
To ensure there were no probity issues, the evaluation process was overseen by Neil Adams, Probity Advisor for Adams Consulting and Training who has provided a “clear” Probity Report on the tender process.
The tender has been evaluated by a panel comprising Council’s Aquatic and Brickpit Manager, Mr Scott Hewitt; Manager Design and Construction, Mr Rob Rajca; Project Manager Major Buildings, Mr Ray Huzij; Project Coordinator, Craig Clendinning and Gordon Smith (hydraulic consultant) from Geoff Ninnes Fong, in consultation with Corporate Scorecard for financial checks. Council’s Chief Financial Officer, Glen Magus has been consulted in regards to the financial capacity of tenderers and Council’s Risk and Audit Manager, Scott Allen in regards to insurance policies.
The funds for the tendered works are to be obtained from the Special Rate Variation (SRV) levy.
There are no policy implications associated with this Report.
The results of the evaluation have clearly identified a preferred tenderer and it is recommended that Council accept the recommendation in Confidential Memo IRD D and C 19/12 Tender No. T11/2012 - Supply and Installation of Pool Filtration Plant at Hornsby Aquatic Centre attached to this report.
The officer responsible for the preparation of this Report is the Manager Design and Construction – Mr Rob Rajca – who can be contacted on 9847 6675.
Robert Stephens Deputy General Manager Infrastructure and Recreation Division |
Confidential Memo No. IRD D and C 19/12- Tender No. 11/2012: Supply and Installation of Pool Filtration Plant at Hornsby Aquatic Centre - This attachment should be dealt with in confidential session, under Section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act, 1993. This report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret. |
File Reference: F2012/00426
Document Number: D01957402
Deputy General Manager's Report No. IR9/12
Infrastructure and Recreation Division
Date of Meeting: 18/07/2012
· In accordance with Council’s decision on 4 July 2012 (see IR7/12) negotiations have been carried out with ADCO Constructions Pty Ltd and Lipman Pty Ltd to address missing items and allow for the comparison of submissions on a similar basis.
· Selection of a preferred tenderer will allow construction of the Hornsby Aquatic Centre to commence in August 2012 in accordance with the adopted programme.
1. Council accept the recommendation in Confidential Memo IRD D and C 21/12 Tender No. T13/2012 – Construction of Hornsby Aquatic Centre attached to this report.
2. The price to be made public upon formal acceptance of the tender.
The purpose of this report is to provide a recommendation for Tender No. T13/2012 – Construction of Hornsby Aquatic Centre.
At the 4 July Workshop Meeting, Council considered Executive Manager’s Report No. IR7/12 for T13/2012 – Construction of Hornsby Aquatic Centre resolved in part that:
1. Council not accept any tender and negotiate with ADCO Constructions Pty Ltd and Lipman Pty Ltd to arrive at a lump sum tender price.
2. Council decline to invite fresh tenders or seek fresh applications from tenderers or persons expressing interest in the contract for the following reasons;
a) Council has tested the market for the project and further tendering or fresh applications are not likely to produce a better result.
b) Timing constraints to not unduly delay this project.
3. Subject to the conclusion of successful negotiations, a further report be prepared for Council’s consideration which includes a recommendation in respect of the acceptance of a tender for the construction of the Hornsby Aquatic Centre.
The above approach was taken to address missing items in the tender submissions; to allow for a comparison of submissions on a similar basis and for Council to be confident that it is achieving value for money.
Tender No. T13/2012 is a lump sum tender and a summary of all tenders together with full evaluation and negotiation details have been placed on file. Excepting this report, the summary and details of the tenders received are to be treated as confidential.
Negotiation meetings were held with ADCO Constructions Pty. Ltd. and Lipman Pty. Ltd. in accordance with the negotiation plan prepared and placed on file prior to the commencement of negotiations. To ensure there were no probity issues the preparation of the negotiation plan was overseen by Neil Adams, Probity Advisor for Adams Consulting and Training.
The tender negotiations and the subsequent evaluation were undertaken by a panel comprising the Deputy General Manager Infrastructure and Recreation Division, Mr Robert Stephens; Council’s Landscape Coordinator, Mr Kurt Henkel; Project Manager Major Buildings, Mr Ray Huzij; Project Coordinator, Craig Clendinning and Michael Cook (architect) from Peter Hunt Architect. For the initial tender evaluation, the panel requested advice from Davis Langdon, Quantity Surveyor; and Corporate Scorecard for financial checks. Council’s Chief Financial Officer, Glen Magus has been consulted in regards to financial capacity of tenderers and Council’s Risk and Audit Manager, Scott Allen in regards to insurance policies.
The revised lump sum prices and additional information requested submitted by ADCO Constructions Pty Ltd and Lipman Pty Ltd were evaluated and also compared against a predetermined estimate for the work. Other criteria were assessed on the basis of information submitted with each tender, additional information requested, reference and financial checks and presentations to the evaluation panel.
The attached Confidential Memo IRD D and C 21/12 provides the results of the evaluation process.
The funds for the tendered works are to be obtained from the Special Rate Variation (SRV) levy.
There are no policy implications associated with this Report.
The negotiations have provided information which allows each of the shortlisted tenderers to be evaluated on a similar basis. The results of this process are contained in Confidential Memo IRD D and C 21/12 Tender No. T13/2012 – Construction of Hornsby Aquatic Centre attached to this report.
The officer responsible for the preparation of this Report is the Manager Design and Construction – Mr Rob Rajca– who can be contacted on 9847 6675.
Robert Stephens Deputy General Manager Infrastructure and Recreation Division |
Under Separate Cover - Confidential Memo No. IRD D and C 21/12 - Tender No. 13/2012: Construction of Hornsby Aquatic Centre - This attachment should be dealt with in confidential session, under Section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act, 1993. This report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret. |
File Reference: F2012/00344
Document Number: D01957405