Additional Items as at 20 November 2012


General Meeting


Wednesday,  21 November, 2012

at 6:30 PM



Hornsby Shire Council                                                                                             Table of Contents

Page 1





Item 25    MM10/12 Epping Town Centre Urban Activation Precinct Program - Councillor Representation

Item 26    MN12/12 Mayor's Notes from 14 to 30 September 2012

Item 27    MN13/12 Mayor's Notes from 1 to 31 October 2012          




Mayoral Minute No. MM10/12

Date of Meeting: 21/11/2012






The purpose of this Minute is to seek endorsement of the nomination of two Councillors and two staff to participate as members of the Department of Planning and Infrastructure’s Steering Committee for the Epping Town Centre Urban Activation Precinct (UAP) Program.



At its meeting on 20 June 2012, Council resolved to endorse the recommendations of the Epping Town Centre Study subject to further review of specified matters and to forward a Planning Proposal to the Department to implement the recommendations. 


At its meeting on 15 August 2012, Council resolved to nominate the Epping Town Centre for consideration by the Department under the Urban Activation Precinct Program as an alternate mechanism to progress legislative changes to facilitate redevelopment of the Centre.  Council also resolved to advise that the nomination is on the basis that planning controls be progressed in accordance with the Epping Town Centre Study recommendations and the findings of further review of the specified matters.


The NSW Government has advised that it has declared the Epping Town Centre as one of Sydney’s first Urban Activation Precincts. Councillors were previously advised of the declaration via the Councillors’ Weekly Communication on 16 November 2012.



In a letter dated 7 November 2012 (attached), the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure advises that the inclusion of Epping under the UAP will provide opportunities within the Centre for increased growth whilst ensuring the provision of necessary infrastructure and high quality urban environments to support the growth. 


The Department will coordinate the UAP program for the Epping Town Centre Precinct.  An important component of the joint working arrangements between the Department and Council will be the establishment of an Epping Town Centre Steering Committee.  The role of the Committee will be to receive updates on the precinct investigations and provide advice to the Department’s Project Team.  The Committee will facilitate the active involvement of elected representatives in the UAP process.


The Minister has requested two Councillors and two staff from Hornsby Council be nominated as members of the Department’s Steering Committee for the Epping Town Centre UAP Program, which will also include representatives from Parramatta City Council.  The Minister has requested that Council confirm details of Council’s representatives on the Steering Committee by 22 November 2012.


At its meeting on 17 October 2012, Council endorsed Councillor representation on Council’s Epping Town Centre Steering Committee to oversee the progression of the Epping Town Centre Study recommendations and Epping Town Centre Planning Proposal in accordance with Council’s resolution.  The following Councillors were endorsed:


·          Robert Browne 

·          Michael Hutchence (Alternate)

·          Jerome Cox (Alternate)


The UAP Program is based on the Epping Town Centre Study recommendations.  Councillors Browne and Hutchence were members of the Epping Town Centre Study Steering Committee which oversaw preparation of the Epping Town Centre Study.  Given their understanding of the background and recommendations of the Study, as well as their previous involvement on the Epping Town Centre Study Steering Committee, it is recommended that Councillors Browne and Hutchence be endorsed as members of the Department’s Epping Town Centre Steering Committee for the UAP Program.  Council’s C Ward Councillors (Jerome Cox and Bernadette Azizi) should be nominated as alternates.


It is also recommended that James Farrington, Group Manager, Planning Division and Karen Harragon, Principal Strategic Planner, Strategic Planning Branch be nominated as Council’s staff representatives.


The following recommendation is submitted for Council’s consideration.






The following Councillors and staff be nominated to represent Council on the Steering Committee for the Epping Town Centre under the Department of Planning and Infrastructure’s Urban Activation Precinct Program:


Councillor Representatives – Councillor Robert Browne, Councillor Michael Hutchence, Councillor Jerome Cox (Alternate), Councillor Bernadette Azizi (Alternate).

Staff Representatives – James Farrington, Planning Division and Karen Harragon, Planning Division.





















Correspondence Minister's Declaration





File Reference:           F2012/00866

Document Number:     D02060446



Hornsby Shire Council

Attachment to Report No. MM10/12 Page 3



Mayor's Note No. MN12/12

Date of Meeting: 21/11/2012


26      MAYOR'S NOTES FROM 14 TO 30 SEPTEMBER 2012   



Friday 21 September 2012 - The Mayor Officially Opened the Kevin Betts Ward at Mt Wilga Private Hospital.


Saturday 22 September 2012 - The Mayor attended the Lions Club Fundraising BBQ in Hornsby Mall.


Sunday 23 September 2012 - Cr Gallagher, on the Mayor’s behalf, attended the Asquith Bowling Club Hornsby Shire Cup Competition Presentation at the Asquith Bowling Club.


Monday 24 September 2012 - The Mayor attended the National Broadband Network Community Forum at Epping.



Note:  These are the functions that the Mayor, or his representative, has attended in addition to the normal Council Meetings, Workshops, Mayoral Interviews and other Council Committee Meetings.





File Reference:           F2004/07053

Document Number:     D02059515



Mayor's Note No. MN13/12

Date of Meeting: 21/11/2012


27      MAYOR'S NOTES FROM 1 TO 31 OCTOBER 2012   



Tuesday 2 October 2012 - The Mayor attended the Rowland Village and Mark Donaldson VC House Thank You High Tea at Galston.


Sunday 7 October - The Mayor attended the Galston Bendigo Bank Community Fun Day and 10th Anniversary Celebrations at Galston High School.


Thursday 11 October - The Mayor visited Grade 3 and 4 Students at Epping North Public School.


Wednesday  17 October - The Mayor attended the Northern Sydney Local Health District Carer’s Week Event at Hornsby Leisure and Learning Centre.


Friday 19 October - The Mayor attended The Hills Grammar School Foundation Assembly & Commissioning of School Leaders 2013.


Saturday 20 October 2012 - The Mayor Officially Opened the 2012 Relay for Life
Event at Fagan Park.


Saturday 20 October - The Mayor and his partner attended the PCYC “Back to Origins” Fundraising Dinner at Hornsby RSL Club.


Monday 22 October 2012 - The Mayor hosted three Citizenship Ceremonies in the Council Chambers.


Tuesday 23 October 2012 - The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors Tilbury and Hutchence attended the Official Opening of the Thornleigh Golf Driving Range.


Thursday 25 October 2012 - The Deputy Mayor, on the Mayor’s behalf, attended the Opening of The Habitat Havens Site by Mr John Alexander MP.


Thursday 25 October 2012 - Cr Azizzi, on the Mayor’s behalf, attended the Achieve Australia DisabiliTea Morning Tea at Epping.


Thursday 25 October 2012 - The Mayor attended the Plein Airs and Graces, Life and Times of George Collingridge Book Launch at Wallorobba.


Friday 26 October 2012 - The Mayor attended the Ability Options DisabiliTea Morning Tea in Hornsby.


Friday 26 October 2012 - The Mayor attended the Opening of the ‘Their Service, Our Inheritance’ Art Exhibition at Berowra RSL Club.


Saturday 27 October 2012 - Cr Berman, on the Mayor’s behalf, attended and officiated at the Cherrybrook Chinese Community Association’s Lantern Night at Greenway Park, Cherrybrook.


Note:  These are the functions that the Mayor, or his representative, has attended in addition to the normal Council Meetings, Workshops, Mayoral Interviews and other Council Committee Meetings.






File Reference:           F2004/07053

Document Number:     D02059522