General Meeting


Wednesday,  19 December, 2012

at 6:30 PM




Hornsby Shire Council                                                                                           Table of Contents

Page 1





Item 23   IR21/12 Tender No. T28/2012:  Supply and Installation of Cogeneration Plant at Hornsby Aquatic Centre

Item 24   MN17/12 Mayor's Notes from 1 to 30 November 2012          




Deputy General Manager's Report No. IR21/12

Infrastructure and Recreation Division

Date of Meeting: 19/12/2012






·             Tenders have been called in accordance with the Local Government Act for the Supply and Installation of cogeneration plant (combined heat and power) at Hornsby Aquatic Centre.


·             It is recommended that Council accept the tender submitted by Simons Green Energy P/L of Botany Rd, Rosebery as detailed in the Confidential Memo attached to this report.





1.         Council accept the tender submitted by Simons Green Energy P/L as detailed in Confidential Memo dated 10 Dec 2012 for Tender No.  T28/2012 - Supply and Installation of Cogeneration Plant at Hornsby Aquatic Centre.


2.         The price to be made public upon formal acceptance of the tender.



The purpose of this Report is to provide a recommendation for Tender No. T28/2012 - Supply and Installation of cogeneration plant at Hornsby Aquatic Centre.



This tender is for the design, supply, installation and commissioning of a combined heat and power plant for the Hornsby Aquatic Centre. The proposed plant and equipment will provide pool water heating as well as electrical power which will be used within the aquatic centre. The power produced will reduce the centre’s reliance on grid electricity.



Tender No. T28/2012 is a Lump Sum tender and a summary of all tenders received together with full evaluation details have been placed on file.  Excepting this report, the summary and details of the tenders received are to be treated as confidential.


Tenders were received from the following companies:

·             Simons Green Energy

·             Dalkia Energy Solutions

·             Urban Energy Australia

·             Total Energy Systems

·             Energen Solutions


The following criteria have been used for the evaluation of the tenders:


·             Tender conformance, qualifications and technical analysis

·             Total evaluated cost of works; based on tendered amount and provisional items

·             Past performance and experience in similar works

·             Skills, qualifications and experience of the project team.

·             Organisational structure

·             Sustainability / Environmental Management

·             Contractual Commitments

·             Quality Assurance Systems.

·             Work Health and Safety Systems.

·             Project Program.

·             Ability to provide local service backup

·             Support for local business and industry.

·             Insurances and declarations

·             Financial checks

·             Reference checks.


The lump sum prices submitted were evaluated for each tender and also compared against a predetermined estimate for the work.  Other criteria were assessed on information submitted with each tender, additional information requested, reference and financial checks.


The tender has been evaluated by a panel comprising of  Council’s Coordinator Environmental Sustainability, Mr Ricardo Martello; Manager Design and Construction, Mr Rob Rajca; Engineer Construction, Mr Steven Crowe and Mr Tim Blaxland, Floth Sustainable Building Consultants. Kingsway Financial Services have been consulted in regards to the financial capacity of tenderers.


The attached Confidential Memo provides the lump sum price of each tender and a summary of the evaluation.  Full details of the tender evaluation are on file.



The funds for the tendered works are available from the Aquatic Centre budget



There are no policy implications associated with this Report.



From the results of the evaluation it is recommended that Council accept the recommendation in the attached Confidential Memo for Tender No T28/2012 - Supply and Installation of Cogeneration Plant at Hornsby Aquatic Centre attached to this report.



The officer responsible for the preparation of this report is the Manager Design and Construction, Mr Rob Rajca - who can be contacted on 9847 6675.








Robert Stephens

Deputy General Manager

Infrastructure and Recreation Division





Stephen Fedorow

Group Manager

Environment and Human Services Division





Refer to Confidential Attachment to IR21/12, located in the Confidential Section of the Business Paper Confidential Memo dated 10 December 2012 for Tender T28/2012 - Supply and Installation of Cogeneration Plant at Hornsby Aquatic Centre. - This attachment should be dealt with in confidential session, under Section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act, 1993. This report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.





File Reference:           F2012/00861

Document Number:     D02070422



Mayor's Note No. MN17/12

Date of Meeting: 19/12/2012


24      MAYOR'S NOTES FROM 1 TO 30 NOVEMBER 2012   



Friday 2 November 2021 - The Mayor attended the official opening of the Berowra Rotary 33rd Annual Arts & Crafts Exhibition at Berowra Community Centre.


Saturday 3 November 2012 - Cr Tilbury, on the Mayor’s behalf, attended the Hornsby Heights Public School Bushland Fair.


Tuesday 6 November 2012 - The Mayor attended the Hornsby Business Alliance Group meeting in Waitara.


Wednesday 7 November 2012 - The Mayor visited students at Arden Junior School, Beecroft.


Friday 9 November 2012 - The Mayor met with Year 4 students of Barker College in the Council Chambers.


Sunday 11 November 2012 - The Deputy Mayor, on the Mayor’s behalf, attended the Commemoration of Remembrance Day Service at Hornsby Cenotaph.


Tuesday 13 November 2012 - The Mayor attended the Lions Club of Hornsby’s Dinner Meeting in Hornsby.


Wednesday 14 November 2012 - The Mayor attended the Breakfast Launch of Hornsby Shire Council’s Waste Education ‘Moving Out Campaign’ in the Council Chambers.


Saturday 17 November 2012 - The Mayor attended the Berowra Valley National Park Community Day at Crosslands Reserve, Hornsby Heights.


Saturday 17 November 2012 - The Mayor attended the official opening of the new Level One Lounge at Hornsby RSL Club.


Saturday 17 November 2012 - Cr Hutchence, on the Mayor’s behalf, attended the Bendigo Bank, North Epping Village Fair.


Saturday 17 November 2012 - The Mayor officiated at the 2012 Hornsby Art Prize Awards Night at Wallorobba Arts & Cultural Centre.


Friday 23 November 2012 - The Mayor attended the Art in Berowra Exhibition.


Sunday 25 November 2012 - The Deputy Mayor, on the Mayor’s behalf, attended the Berowra RSL Sub Branch Annual Christmas Dinner at Berowra RSL Club.


Monday 26 November 2012 - The Mayor attended the Catholic Community Services Annual Volunteer Gala Dinner at the Hornsby RSL Club.


Tuesday 27 November 2012 - The Mayor hosted three Citizenship Ceremonies in the Council Chambers.


Thursday 29 November 2012 - The Mayor attended the Mount St Benedict College 2012 Presentation day at Hornsby RSL Club.


Friday 30 November 2012 - The Mayor attended the White Ribbon Breakfast at Asquith Golf Club.


Friday 30 November 2012 - The Mayor visited the Wrigleys Factory at Asquith.


Friday 30 November 2012 - The Mayor attended The Hills Shire Mayor’s Community Christmas Party at Bella Vista Farm Park.


Note:   These are the functions that the Mayor, or his representative, has attended in addition to the normal Council Meetings, Workshops, Mayoral Interviews and other Council Committee Meetings.





File Reference:           F2004/07053

Document Number:     D02079759