General Meeting


Wednesday,  19 December, 2012

at 6:30 PM





Hornsby Shire Council                                                                                             Table of Contents

Page 1





Item 17    LM8/12 Draft Hornsby Local Enivornmental Plan - Review of Submissions

Item 18    LM9/12 Draft Hornsby Development Control Plan - Review of Submissions

Item 9     LM10/12 Development Application - Five storey residential flat building comprising 39 units - 447, 449 and 451 Pacific Highway Asquith

Item 7     LM11/12 Report on Annual General Meetings - Community Centre Management Committees    




Planning Division

Date of Meeting: 19/12/2012




PL54/12 - Draft Hornsby Local Environmental Plan  - Review of Submissions  



Additional information with  CHANGE  to Recommendation


Group Manager’s Report No. PL54/12 concerning the review of submissions received in response to the public exhibition of the draft Hornsby Local Environmental Plan recommends that “Council endorse the draft Hornsby Local Environmental Plan for forwarding to the Department of Planning and Infrastructure for its making subject to amendments listed in Schedule A - Items 1.1 to 1.10 of Group Manager’s Report No. PL54/12”. 


A review of the wording of Items Nos. 1.3, 1.6a and 1.7c of “Schedule A - Recommendations to Progress Draft Hornsby LEP” has identified that they require clarification so that they are not misinterpreted and, in the case of Item 1.7, revision to remove a recommendation that is no longer necessary as the amendment was previously made and formed part of the exhibited draft Plan.


Accordingly, it is recommended that the wording of the Items be amended as follows, it being noted the additional words added are identified in italics and boldface and words to be removed are identified by strikethrough and bold face.


“1.3       The relevant Rural, Residential, Special Purpose and Environmental Protection Land Use Tables be amended to only permit “home based child care” with development consent where the use is currently permitted without development consent.”


“1.6       The Height of Building Map be amended by:


a.      Applying a 10.5m height limit to B5 Business Development and B6 Enterprise Corridor zoned lands which currently have a 8.5m height limit; and”


“1.7       The Environmental Heritage Schedule be amended:”

“c.     By amending the property reference for the “Waddell Ridge Group”, "Beecroft Railway Station and garden", and “Woodlands”, “Sutherland Road Bushland Reserve”, “Collingridge House”, “St Columbus Church and Grounds” and “Barker College” to apply to the correct lands; and”


An amended Schedule A incorporating the above changes is attached.







1.         Council endorse the draft Hornsby Local Environmental Plan for forwarding to the Department of Planning and Infrastructure for its making subject to amendments listed in Schedule A - Items 1.1 to 1.10 of Group Manager’s Report No. PL54/12.


2.         Pursuant to Section 68(4) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979, Council advise the Director General of the Department of Planning and Infrastructure that:


2.1        Council requests the Director-General of the Department of Planning and Infrastructure to advise the Minister to make the plan in accordance with Council’s submission; and


2.2        Council has fulfilled its responsibilities under Section 68(4) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979 by submitting to the Director-General:


-     Details of all submissions made to the exhibition of the draft Hornsby Local Environmental Plan;

-     The draft Hornsby Local Environmental Plan as amended in accordance with the recommendations of Group Manager’s Report No. PL54/12; and

-     Group Manager’s Report No. PL54/12.


3.         The General Manager be authorised to make minor content and formatting changes to the written instrument and maps in response to requests from Parliamentary Counsel and the Department of Planning and Infrastructure to satisfy legal drafting requirements.


4.         Council make amendments to the draft Hornsby Development Control Plan listed in Schedule A – Item 2.1 of Group Manager’s Report No. PL54/12.


5.         Council prepare a Planning Proposal to progress amendments to the draft Hornsby Local Environmental Plan listed in Schedule A - Items 3.1 to 3.6 of Group Manager’s Report No. PL54/12.


6.         Council undertake further analysis as part of, or by way of including projects on, the Strategic Planning Program listed in Schedule A - Items 4.1 to 4.9 of Group Manager’s Report No. PL54/12.


7.         Invite the submission of a formal Planning Proposal to be accompanied by the necessary studies and fees for consideration on its merits in relation to the requests for rezoning/changes to development standards listed in Schedule A - Items 5.1 to 5.6 of Group Manager’s Report No. PL54/12.


8.         Submitters be advised of Council’s resolution in relation to this matter.








James Farrington

Group Manager

Planning Division





Schedule A - Recommendations to Progress Draft Hornsby LEP





File Reference:           F2007/00692-05

Document Number:     D02083424


Hornsby Shire Council

Attachment to Report No. LM8/12 Page 1



Planning Division

Date of Meeting: 19/12/2012




PL55/12 - Draft Hornsby Development Control Plan  - Review of Submissions



Additional information with  CHANGE  to Recommendation


Group Manager’s Report No. PL55/12 concerning the review of submissions received in response to the public exhibition of the draft Hornsby Development Control Plan recommends that “Council adopt the draft Hornsby Development Control Plan, subject to the amendments detailed in Schedule A of Group Manager’s Report No .PL55/12”


A review of “Schedule A - Proposed Amendments to Draft Hornsby Development Control Plan 2013” has identified that additional amendments should be made.  The amendments correlate with recommendations discussed within the body of the report relating to the removal of sunlight controls for the Florence Street Mall which conflict with the HLEP floor space provisions and clarify the tree and vegetation preservation provisions by specifying the criteria upon which an assessment of significance should be made to assist in determining whether to approve an application for removal of a tree and/or vegetation.


An amended Schedule A incorporating the above changes is attached.







1.         Council adopt the draft Hornsby Development Control Plan, subject to the amendments detailed in Schedule A of Group Manager’s Report No.PL55/12.


2.         After the gazettal of the draft Hornsby Local Environmental Plan, notification be placed in the local newspapers to make the draft Hornsby Development Control Plan come into effect.


3.         The General Manager be authorised to make changes to the draft Hornsby Development Control Plan to correct minor errors, omissions, formatting or any other changes required to reflect changes made to the draft Hornsby Local Environmental Plan by Parliamentary Counsel and the Department of Planning and Infrastructure to satisfy legal drafting requirements.


4.         Should draft amendments to the NSW Housing Code be gazetted to ensure that a consistent street pattern is maintained, a review of the draft HDCP minimum lot width controls be undertaken and a report be presented to Council for its consideration.


5.         Submitters be advised of Council’s resolution in relation to this matter.








James Farrington

Group Manager

Planning Division





Proposed Amendments to Draft Hornsby Development Control Plan 2013





File Reference:           F2007/00707

Document Number:     D02083459


Hornsby Shire Council

Attachment to Report No. LM9/12 Page 1



Planning Division

Date of Meeting: 19/12/2012




PL47/12 - Development Application - Five Storey Residential Flat Building Comprising 39 Units - 447, 449 and 451 Pacific Highway Asquith



Additional information with  NO CHANGE  to Recommendation

Additional condition No. 17A is required to be imposed for construction of kerb and guttering along the Pacific Highway frontage of the development.

17A.     Road Works

Road works must be designed and constructed in accordance with Council’s Civil Works Design and Construction Specification, 2005 and the following requirements: -


a.      RMS standard SA Kerb and Gutter shall be designed and constructed across the entire frontage of Nos. 447 to 451 Pacific Highway inclusive on an approved kerb alignment.


b.      A 80 mm thick concrete footpath to be constructed within the footpath verge over the same frontage with the remaining area turfed.


c.      The existing road pavement to be saw cut a minimum of 300 mm from the existing edge of bitumen and reconstructed to match the level of the Pacific Highway pavement seal.


d.      The submission of a compaction certificate from a geotechnical engineer for any fill within road reserves, and all road sub-grade and road pavement materials.


e.      Pursuant to Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993, application shall be made to Hornsby Council including 4 copies of construction plans prepared by a Chartered Engineer for consideration and approval. The Applicant shall pay Council’s fee for compliance inspections prior to commencement of the approved road works.




THAT Development Application No. 810/2012 for the demolition of existing structures and construction of a five storey residential flat building comprising 39 units and basement car parking at Lots 5, 6 and 7 DP 14476, Nos. 447, 449 and 451 Pacific Highway, Asquith be approved subject to the conditions of consent detailed in Schedule 1 of Group Manager’s Report No. PL4712.








James Farrington

Group Manager

Planning Division





Rod Pickles

Manager - Development Assessment

Planning Division





File Reference:           DA/810/2012

Document Number:     D02084970



Environment and Human Services Division

Date of Meeting: 19/12/2012




EH12/12 - Report on Annual General Meetings - Community Centre Management Committees



Additional information with NO CHANGE to Recommendation


Following preparation of Group Manager’s Report No. EH12/12 which is to be considered at the 19 December 2012 General Meeting, further information including a profit and loss statement and balance sheet have been received from the Galston Community Centre Committee.


As a result the income and expenditure summary table included in Attachment 1 has been revised to include actual amounts rather than estimates as originally included (see attached).


It should also be noted that the net income figure for the Glenorie Community Centre contained an error and should read $1,506.12 rather than $1,596.00 as originally indicated.  This amount has also been updated in the revised income and expenditure summary table.


No change to the existing recommendation is proposed.



THAT staff continue to work to enhance the functioning of the volunteer management committees to ensure that appropriate governance standards are met.  








Stephen Fedorow

Group Manager

Environment and Human Services Division





377 Management Committee Reporting Summary 2012





File Reference:           F2004/05947

Document Number:     D02085334


Hornsby Shire Council

Attachment to Report No. LM11/12 Page 1