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Item 13 CS11/13 Councillors' Strategic Planning Weekend - 8-10 March 2013.............................. 1
Deputy General Manager's Report No. CS11/13
Corporate Support Division
Date of Meeting: 20/03/2013
· Each year, Councillors participate in a Strategic Planning Weekend in order that they can exercise both creativity and rationality in articulating their vision for the future. This year’s Weekend workshop was held from Friday 8 to Sunday 10 March 2013. As in previous years, the workshop was moderated by an independent facilitator who could manage both the process and the interactions, and create a favourable environment to optimise the time and ensure all views were given consideration.
· The Friday session focused on the achievements desired by Councillors for this term of Council. The sessions on Saturday and Sunday were used for discussion and the provision of information about various topics e.g. the reform of local government; the integrated planning process; Council’s financial sustainability; funding models for the Hornsby Aquatic Centre; the need for community listening posts; the potential of shared services; Council’s land register; the Hornsby Quarry site; the George Street pedestrian overbridge; and the Hornsby west side. The key discussion points (in bold) and the proposed actions in respect of those discussion points are detailed in the table in the Discussion Section of this Report.
· The outcomes of the workshop included Councillors developing a draft strategic vision to guide their decisions on key issues; requests for further reports in order to move ahead with Councillor priorities for this term of Council; and agreement for Councillors to host ‘listening post meetings’ (as is already occurring in A Ward) at local cafes.
THAT: 1. Council endorse the proposed actions in respect of the key discussion points shown in the table in Deputy General Manager’s Report No. CS11/13. 2. The development of Council’s draft Delivery Program for 2013-2017 include appropriate reference to the actions referred to in 1. above. 3. Councillors be provided with regular updates on progress against each of the key discussion points referred to in 1. above. 4. Councillors initiate and host ‘listening post’ meetings to provide residents with the opportunity to raise issues and provide feedback to Councillors |
The purpose of this Report is to provide details of the outcomes of the Councillors’ Strategic Planning Weekend which was held from Friday 8 March to Sunday 10 March 2013.
Each year, Councillors attend a Strategic Planning Weekend in order that they can exercise both creativity and rationality in articulating their vision for the future. As many Councillors have daytime commitments, weekday workshops are not a viable option for such a process. Evening workshops are also not conducive to intense examination of issues and do not allow sufficient time for thorough discussion.
The Strategic Planning Weekend workshop was held from 8-10 March 2013 and provided Councillors and senior management the appropriate time and space to reflect on strategic future directions, issues to be actioned and specific issues of interest. The overarching objective for the Planning Weekend was to provide Councillors with information and the opportunity to determine the strategic direction of Council.
As in previous years, the workshop was moderated by an independent facilitator who could manage both the process and the interactions, and create a favourable environment to optimise the time and ensure all views were given consideration. In this regard, Council engaged the services of Elizabeth Darlison of The Miller Group. Ms Darlison developed the agenda and format for the workshop following discussion with Councillors.
The Friday session focused on the achievements desired by Councillors for this term of Council and the confirmation of priorities for discussion over the Weekend. Councillors also noted the need to develop a strategic vision for key issues.
The sessions on Saturday and Sunday were used for discussion and the provision of information about:
· the development of a strategic vision for key issues
· the potential impacts and implications for Hornsby Council of the reform of local government
· the integrated planning process and community research outcomes
· Council’s financial sustainability in the medium to longer term
· funding models for construction of the Hornsby Aquatic Centre
· the need for community listening posts and other communication methods
· a review of issues surrounding shared services, specifically a shared service for Waste Management
· an overview of Council’s land register
· a review of issues associated with the Hornsby Quarry site
· a review of funding models and the timeframe for the replacement of George Street pedestrian overbridge
· an update regarding the Hornsby west side
The key discussion points (in bold), and the proposed actions in respect of those discussion points, are detailed in the table below:
1. |
Local Government Reforms |
· ExCo to continue to provide regular updates to Council
2. |
Integrated and Planning and Reporting
· Councillor priorities to be included in the draft Delivery Program being developed |
3. |
Community Forums |
· Continue ‘Listening Posts’ as commenced in A Ward, i.e. informal, Councillor led forums without staff presence · Council to advertise venue and times, and coordinate information for Councillors to brief community · This satisfies the resolution emanating from Deputy General Manager’s Report No. CS3/13 – Community Forum Meetings
4. |
Recreation Facilities |
· Executive Management to provide a briefing on a recreation strategy outlining short, medium and long term deficits with recommendations to address known shortfalls
5. |
Strategic Planning Program |
· Councillor Workshop to be scheduled to consider future program
6. |
Hornsby Quarry |
· Council expected to consider a report about fill options at the April 2013 General Meeting
7. |
George Street Pedestrian Overbridge |
· Retain current timeline including continuing to concept stage, including east and west side linkages · Explore investment/partnership options · Report to Council to include a Communications Strategy
8. |
Hornsby West Side |
· Update noted
9. |
NSROC Waste Management Contract
· Noted that report/s will be submitted for Council’s consideration during 2013 · Continue to investigate joint waste disposal models taking account of economic limitations
10. |
Operational Lands and Open Space Reviews |
· Further briefing/s to be arranged prior to a formal Report to Council
11. |
Long Term Financial Plan and Budget |
· Actively work to reduce debt · Continue the progressive review of service delivery
12. |
Strategic Vision for Key Issues |
· ‘A trusted, sustainable and innovative council dedicated to improving the quality of life of its community’
Councillors requested that the draft Delivery Program 2013-2017, which is to be submitted for Council’s consideration at the 17 April 2013 General Meeting, include initiatives to address the above key issues and that Executive Management provide regular updates regarding those key issues.
The hosting of the Councillors strategic planning workshop is funded from within existing resources and does not have an impact on the current budget. There may be future budgetary implications as and when Council moves forward with its key issues.
The Councillor workshop is a discussion forum only. There are no policy implications associated with this Report.
The time and effort devoted to the Strategic Planning Weekend workshop was valuable and worthwhile. The workshop led to Councillors developing a draft strategic vision to guide their decisions on key issues; requests for further reports in order to move ahead with Councillor priorities for this term of Council, and/or the inclusion of initiatives to address key issues in the draft Delivery Program 2013-2017; and agreement for Councillors to host “listening post meetings’ (as is already occurring in A Ward) at local cafes.
The officer responsible for the preparation of this Report is the Manager, Strategy and Communications – Julie Williams - who can be contacted on 9847 6790.
Gary Bensley Deputy General Manager Corporate Support Division |
Scott Phillips General Manager General Manager's Division |
There are no attachments for this report.
File Reference: F2012/00928
Document Number: D02134352