Hornsby Shire Council |
Attachment to Report
No. PL32/13 Page 0 |
The following paragraphs provide an overview of the completed projects under
the current Strategic Planning Programme and a summary of the carried over and
new projects under the new Strategic Planning Programme, including their status.
· Epping
Town Centre Study: Council resolved to endorse the progression
of a planning proposal for the Epping
Town Centre Study
subject to the review of various matters. The planning proposal has been
superseded by the Urban Activation Precinct nomination for Epping which is
being managed by the Department of Planning and Infrastructure.
Planning Proposals
· Comprehensive
LEP: A new LEP based on the NSW Government’s
Standard Instrument template has been prepared.
At its meeting on 19 December, 2012, Council resolved to adopt the Draft
Hornsby Local Environmental Plan and forward the plan to the Department of
Planning and Infrastructure for finalisation. The Plan has been forwarded to
the Department.
Minor content and formatting changes to the written
instrument and map will be made in response to requests from Parliamentary
Counsel and the Department of Planning and Infrastructure to satisfy legal
drafting requirements. The draft Plan
will be implemented upon its Notification.
· Hornsby Town Centre Westside Planning Proposal: At its meeting on 6 April 2011, Council resolved to
undertake a review of controls for the West Precinct to promote future
development in the form of both commercial and residential development, to
assist meet Council’s revised employment and residential targets contained
within the Metropolitan Plan. A
Gateway Determination has been received from the DP&I in support of the
progression of the Planning Proposal subject to the necessary supporting
studies. Consultants have been engaged and are currently preparing the studies
which will inform changes to the LEP planning controls.
· Hornsby Quarry Landfilling Planning
Proposal: At its meeting
on 12 August 2009, Council resolved to fill the Quarry with virgin excavated
natural material. The consultant engaged
to progress the project has prepared a Planning Proposal to allow the filling
of the Quarry as permissible development.
A Gateway Determination has been received from the DP&I in support
of the progression of the Planning Proposal subject to the necessary supporting
studies. The consultant is currently
preparing the supporting studies.
· Epping
Town Centre Urban Activation Precinct: The Department of Planning and Infrastructure has prepared a
State Environmental Planning Policy to implement the recommendations the Epping
Town Centre Urban Activation Precinct Planning Study. The Study, a structure plan and a statement
of intent regarding proposed changes to the planning controls for Epping Town
Centre are currently on public exhibition. The project is being managed by the
Department but will require ongoing work and consultation with the Department
to guide both the preparation of the SEPP and its implementation.
· Kookaburra Road Planning Proposal: At its meeting on 1
September 2010, Council resolved to prepare a planning proposal to rezone
properties Nos. 2A-14 Kookaburra Road, Hornsby Heights from Industrial B
(Light) to a residential zoning. A
consultant has been engaged to undertake a preliminary investigation of the
land for contamination in accordance with State
Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) No. 55 – Remediation of Land. A recommendation on whether or not to proceed
with the rezoning will be progressed in association with the first housekeeping
amendment to the Draft Hornsby Local Environmental Plan.
· Draft Hornsby LEP - Amendment 1: At its meeting on 19
December 2012, Council resolved to prepare a Planning Proposal to progress a
series of amendments to the draft Hornsby Local Environmental Plan that respond
to issues identified in submissions received in response to the public
exhibition that could not be incorporated as amendments to the draft Plan
without further work and community feedback.
A recommendation on whether or not to proceed with the Kookaburra Road
Planning Proposal will be progressed in association with the housekeeping
amendment as well any planning anomalies identified prior to preparation of the
· Landcom Sites Planning Proposal: Council
resolved (in part) to progress a Planning Proposal to rezone Landcom sites
following determination of the relevant Aboriginal Land Claims. Ten Landcom Sites are either the subject of
consultation with the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council (as the owner
of a former Landcom site) or an undetermined Aboriginal Land Claim. Accordingly, the sites will form the basis of
a future planning proposal to be progressed following determination of the land
Control Plans
· Comprehensive
DCP: A new DCP that consolidates Council’s
32 existing DCPs into one has been prepared to meet legislative requirements.
Council resolved to adopt the draft Comprehensive DCP. Notification of adoption
has occurred and commencement will occur upon the Notification of the Draft
Hornsby Local Environmental Plan.
· Hornsby Westside DCP Controls: At its meeting on 6 April 2011, Council resolved to
undertake a review of controls for the West Precinct to promote future
development in the form of both commercial and residential development, to
assist meet Council’s revised employment and residential targets contained
within the Metropolitan Plan. A
Gateway Determination has been received from the DP&I in support of the
progression of the Planning Proposal subject to the necessary supporting
studies. Consultants have been engaged
and are currently preparing the studies which will inform changes to the DCP planning
· Draft Hornsby DCP - Amendment 1: At its meeting on 19
December 2012, Council resolved to forward the
draft Hornsby LEP to the Department of Planning and Infrastructure for its
making. Council also resolved to make changes to the draft Hornsby Development Control
Plan to correct minor errors, omissions, formatting or any other changes
required to reflect changes made to the draft Hornsby LEP by Parliamentary
Counsel and the Department of Planning and Infrastructure to satisfy legal
drafting requirements. Any planning anomalies identified will also be progressed prior to
preparation of the housekeeping amendment.
· Wisemans Ferry Village Controls
Review: Wisemans Ferry Village is subject to
continued pressure for tourism and housing development. The Rural
Lands Study identified the need to prepare a DCP or more comprehensive
Masterplan in conjunction with The Hills Council to ensure the co-ordinated
implementation of the Masterplan, Urban Design Guidelines and recommendations
of previous studies. The progression of
the review is scheduled to be progressed following completion of Council’s
Comprehensive LEP and DCP.
· Section 94
Contributions Plan: At its meeting on 5
August 2009, Council resolved to prepare a new Section 94 Contributions Plan
that satisfies the requirements of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act and responds to the gazettal of the
· Section 94A
Contributions Plan (Fixed Levy): At its meeting on 5 August 2009, Council
resolved to prepare a new Section 94 Contributions Plan that satisfies the requirements of the Environmental
Planning and Assessment Act and
collects monetary contributions to fund infrastructure in existing areas where
there is little growth and the benefit of facilities to be provided is widely
dispersed. A consultant has been engaged
and prepared a draft Plan for Council’s endorsement. A report to Council on the proposed new contributions plan
is scheduled for March 2013.
· Bushfire
Prone Land Map Review: Council previously received a report on an updated Bushfire
Prone Land Map and endorsed the Map for Certification by the Commissioner of
the NSW Rural Fire Service. The revised
Map has been forwarded to the Rural Fire Service. Certification is anticipated
mid 2013. The project requires Council
to notify owners of properties that are, or are no longer, affected by a bush
fire prone land classification.
· Heritage
Review Stage 5: As part of Council’s
ongoing Heritage Review, Stage 5
involves a review of requests for inclusion or removal of items from Council’s
list of heritage items. At its meeting
on 2 November 2011, Council endorsed the study
brief for the Review and a consultant
has been engaged to progress the project.
The final report from the consultant is due by March 2013 with a report
to Council likely in May 2013.
· Thornleigh Employment Floorspace Review: In accordance with the
recommendations of the Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai Subregional Employment Study,
at its meeting on 3 March 2010, Council resolved to progress a Thornleigh
Business Lands Controls Review. The
purpose of the review is to identify opportunities to address the
supply shortfall of 9,000sqm of employment generating lands identified under
the Employment Study. Also, at its meeting on 19 December
2012, Council considered
a report on the draft
Hornsby LEP and resolved to consider the submissions requesting an
increase in FSR for land within the Thornleigh Commercial Centre as part of the
Review. The Review has been rescheduled to commence in July 2013 pending the
outcome of a Planning Reform Fund application for grant funding.
· Waitara Employment Floorspace Review: In accordance with the recommendations of the Hornsby
and Ku-ring-gai Subregional Employment Study, at its meeting on 3 March
2010, Council resolved to progress a Waitara Employment Floorspace
Review. The purpose of the review is to
identify opportunities to address the supply shortfall of 10,000sqm of
employment generating lands identified under the Employment Study. Also, at its meeting on 19 December 2012,
Council considered
a report the draft
Hornsby LEP and resolved to consider the submissions requesting an
increase in FSR for land within the Waitara Commercial Centre as part of the
Review. The review has been
rescheduled to commence in July 2013 pending the outcome of a Planning Reform
Fund application for grant funding.
· Affordable
Housing Initiatives Review: At its meeting on 5 October 2011, Council considered
a report presenting options
for promoting affordable housing opportunities in Hornsby Shire. Council
was also briefed on the matter in early 2012 when it was agreed to await the State
Government’s affordable housing framework before taking further action. The project was subsequently included on
Council’s Strategic Planning Program. Also,
at its meeting on 19 December 2012, Council considered a report on the draft Hornsby LEP and resolved
to consider a reduction of the minimum lot sizes and determine an appropriate planning
response to the prohibition of “infill affordable housing” and “residential
development by the Land and Housing Corporation” on R2 Low Density Residential
and on SP3 Tourist zoned land by the Affordable Housing SEPP as part of
the Review.
· Galston and Glenorie Subdivision Control Review: At its
meeting on 7 March 2012, Council considered a report outlining options for a review of planning controls to
provide greater housing choice in the Galston and Glenorie areas. Council was
also briefed on the matter in early 2012 when it was agreed to consider the
aims, objectives, methodology and timing for undertaking consultation with the
community concerning options for a review of minimum allotment sizes in the
Galston and Glenorie areas. The project was
subsequently included on Council’s Strategic Planning Program. Also, at
its meeting on 19 December 2012, Council considered a report on the draft Hornsby LEP and
resolved to consider a reduction of the minimum lot sizes as part of the
· Review Commercial Floor Space Ratio for Hornsby Town Centre East: At its
meeting on 19 December 2012, Council considered a report on the draft Hornsby LEP and
resolved to evaluate the minimum commercial/retail FSR for mixed use
development in the B4 Mixed Use zoned land on the east side of the Hornsby Town
· Pennant Hills Masterplan Review: The Pennant Hills Masterplan Review has been included on
the Strategic Planning Program as a future project to commence in 2014.
However, the scope of the Review (including the study area) is yet to be
confirmed or endorsed. At its meeting on 19
December 2012, Council considered a report on the draft Hornsby LEP and
resolved to consider the submission commenting on land within the Pennant Hills
Commercial Centre as part of any Review.
· Heritage Review Stage 6: As part of Council’s ongoing Heritage Review, Stage 5 involves a
review of requests for inclusion or removal of items from Council’s list of
heritage items. at its meeting on 19
December 2012, Council considered a report on the draft Hornsby LEP and resolved to consider the inclusion of
“The Glade” as a heritage item and a review of potential heritage items within
the draft East Epping Heritage Conservation Area.
Plan Projects
· Hornsby Quarry Legal Actions:
Council is currently undertaking action in the Supreme Court against the
Valuer-General and contract valuer as a result of a breach of duty of care in
undertaking the valuation process, and against CSR for misleading or deceptive
conduct by withholding geotechnical information. Council’s legal team has coordinated the
preparation of Council’s evidence including expert reports addressing
valuations, geotechnical assessment, quantity surveying and town planning. The Defendants are now in the process of
preparing their evidence in reply.
· Heritage Committee Review: At its meeting on 17 October
2012, Council resolved that the Group Manager Planning Division, in
consultation with the Heritage Advisory Committee, undertake a review of the
Committee Constitution and Procedures with the objective of achieving cost
savings and focusing on providing technical advice in respect of heritage
matters and a report be prepared for Council's consideration on the outcome of
the review. It is anticipated that a report on the
matter will be presented to Council in June 2013.
· Heritage Inventories: The Information Systems Branch is
providing assistance to the Town Planning Services Branch to digitize Council’s
Heritage Study Inventory Sheets to ensure they are more readily accessible to
Council’s customers. The Sheets have
been digitized and are currently being quality assured prior to being made
available to the public on Council’s website.
Structure Planning: In 2012, the Department of Planning and Infrastructure
commenced investigations and structure planning for the areas surrounding the North
West Rail Link station precincts which has included consultation with Council.
The NWRL Corridor Strategy, including draft Structure Plans for each Station
Study Area has now been released by the Department for public
consultation. It is anticipated that a
report seeking endorsement of a submission on the NWRL Corridor Strategy will be
presented to Council in April 2013.
· Section
149 Planning Certificate Review for Principal LEP Finalisation: Council’s Property
Information System and Section 149 Planning Certificate template is required to
be amended having regard to the changes to land zoning and other provisions in
the draft Hornsby LEP.
· Web
Based Interactive Hornsby LEP: A web based interactive property enquiry system will be created to
identify the land zoning, development controls and land constraint mapping of
the draft Hornsby LEP. The system will
assist both Council and the community in interpreting the new LEP.
· Heritage Events as part of Bushland Festival: The Community Events Team of Council is now
responsible for organising and conducting heritage events as part of the
Bushland festival each year. The
Strategic Planning Branch provides assistance when required.
· Metropolitan Development Program: Each year the DP&I requires information
on dwelling and subdivision production in the Shire. The Strategic Planning Branch has previously provided
the information for the Department and also uses same to track housing