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Item 4 LM4/13 Adoption of Correct Cemeteries Fee and Correction to GST status on p66 - Fees and Charges 2013-14........................................................ 1
Corporate Support Division
Date of Meeting: 19/06/2013
CS26/13 - Adoption of Council's Community Strategic Plan 2013-2023, Delivery Program 2013-17, and Operational Plan including Budget, Rating Structure and Fees and Charges 2013-14 |
Additional information with CHANGE to Recommendation
Fees and Charges 2013-14
1. Niche plaques at cemeteries
At the 17 April 2013 General Meeting, Council adopted for public exhibition the draft Operational Plan 2013-14, which included the draft Fees and Charges for 2013-14.
Following its consideration of Group Manager’s Report No. PL48/13 at the 15 May 2013 General Meeting, Council resolved to adopt for public exhibition a variation to the 2013-14 Fees and Charges relating to the cemeteries at Wisemans Ferry and Brooklyn. That variation was to amend the fee for the engraving and installation of the niche plaque to $495. Notice of the correction to the niche plaque fee was advertised in the Hornsby Advocate of 16 May 2013 and on Council’s website from 16 May to 13 June 2013. Letters were sent to the local funeral companies advising of the exhibition of the correct fee.
As no submissions were received in respect of the amendment, it is recommended that the correct fee of $495 be included in the final Fees and Charges 2013-14 document.
2. GST Status for refundable bonds
On page 66 of the draft Fees and Charges 2013-14 document (dealing with Parks and Ovals), GST was attributed to two refundable security bonds for special event hire. The GST Status for these two items should have been “Exempt”. On the same page, the GST Status on a charge per key for sportsground amenities blocks was listed as “Exempt”. GST is applicable and should have been listed as “10%”.
It is recommended that the corrections to GST Status be incorporated in the final Fees and Charges 2013-14 document.
THAT Council: 1 Adopt Your Community Plan 2013-2023, Delivery Program 2013-17, Operational Plan including the Budget, Rating Structure and Fees and Charges 2013-14, incorporating the amendments to the documents recommended in Deputy General Manager’s Report No. CS26/13 and Late Item Memo No. LM4/13. 2. Make and levy the Ordinary Rates for 2013-14 in accordance with the table shown in the Rates section of Deputy General Manager’s Report No. CS26/13. 3. Make and levy the Catchments Remediation Rate on all rateable land in the Shire, in accordance with the table shown in the Rates section of Deputy General Manager’s Report No. CS26/13. 4. Make and levy the Hornsby Quarry Loan Rate on all rateable land in the Shire, in accordance with the table shown in the Rates section of Deputy General Manager’s Report No. CS26/13. 5. Continue to provide eligible pensioners with a $10 concession in respect of the Hornsby Quarry Loan Rate, represented by a reduction in the Base amount. 6. Continue to provide eligible pensioners with an additional $20 concession in respect of the rate variation represented by a reduction in the Base amount. |
Gary Bensley Deputy General Manager Corporate Support Division |
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File Reference: F2012/00885
Document Number: D02192062