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Item 24 IR7/15 Warrina Oval - Building Improvements................................................................ 1
Deputy General Manager's Report No. IR7/15
Infrastructure and Recreation Division
Date of Meeting: 11/02/2015
· Council foreshadowed an expenditure of $300,000 to expand the footprint of the existing single storey amenities building at Warrina Oval in the 2013-2017 Delivery Program. The works were scheduled for 2016/17 and would have allowed for better toilet, storage and change room facilities all of which are desirable for the various users.
· In May 2013 Council gave in-principle support to a community proposal to fund and build an expanded range of facilities at Warrina Oval. These works included expansion of the footprint of the existing amenities building, construction of a first floor addition and the construction of a new toilet and multi-storage facility near the netball courts on the eastern side of Warrina Oval. Council was not expected to significantly contribute to these works.
· At the moment the footprint of the existing amenities building has been doubled in size and subject to some fit-out works could be ready for occupation later in April 2015. Work is proceeding on the construction of a first storey addition and the proposal is to get this floor to lock up stage with fit-out occurring later as funds become available. Work is nearing completion on the toilet facilities on the eastern side of the park.
· Despite much effort the Berowra Recreation Facilities Project Committee (BRFP) has not, at this stage, been able to secure sufficient funds to complete the facilities for the commencement of the Winter sports season in April.
· It is recommended that $140,000 be set aside for the Warrina Oval Project to ensure the key components of the project are available at the beginning of the Winter sports season. This expenditure is in addition to the $108,680 already spent by Council in the 2014/15 FY. The source of these funds has not been identified, but is likely to involve the deferral of some projects earmarked for the 2014/15 FY.
THAT Council: 1. Agree to allocate a maximum of $140,000 to complete the works at Warrina Oval outlined in Deputy General Managers Report IR 6/15, acknowledging that this is likely to result in a deferral of some existing projects. 2. Encourage the Berowra Recreation Facilities Project Committee (BRFP) to pursue grant and other opportunities in an endeavour to reimburse Council for the additional expenditure. 3. Advise the BRFP that works on the fit-out of the first storey addition should not proceed until the loan from Council has been repaid and additional funds secured for this work. |
The purpose of this Report is to update Council on the progress of a range of building improvements at Warrina Oval and to foreshadow a request for a contribution to complete the improvements.
At the General Meeting on 15 May 2013, Council adopted Notice of Motion 4/13 that resolved:
1. Council give in-principle support to a proposal by the Berowra Wallabies RLFC to build an extension to the existing amenities building at Warrina St Oval, Berowra and to provide a new toilet facility at the eastern side of the park to service netball and soccer facilities.
2. The Deputy General Manager, Infrastructure and Recreation Division be authorised to work with the Wallabies to scope and facilitate construction of the project at minimal cost to Council.
Original Proposal
Council had originally proposed to extend the existing single storey amenities building on the western side of Warrina Oval and had foreshadowed this work in Council’s 2013-2017 Delivery program. The refurbishment of the amenities building was scheduled to be undertaken in the 2016/17 FY at an estimated cost of $300,000.
Amended Proposal
In 2013 the Berowra Recreation Facilities Project Committee (BRFP) was established to oversee an expanded range of works at Warrina Oval. The BRFP comprises representatives from each of the four sports codes (Berowra Junior Rugby League, Berowra Soccer Club, Berowra Netball and Berowra Cricket Clubs) and the broader community. The works involved expansion of the ground floor of the existing amenities building, construction of a first storey addition and the construction of a new toilet facility at the eastern side of the park to service netball and soccer facilities. Council was not expected to make any significant contributions to these works.
The BRFP has identified that they require about $60,000 to complete the ground floor change rooms and toilet facilities on both sides of the park for the commencement of the Winter sports in April 2015.
The fit-out of the first storey addition to the existing amenities building is not included in the request and the works would include construction of a ramp and balustrade to service the proposed accessible toilet facility. The request also does not include the cost for landscaping, retaining walls and concrete paths required to finish the project. The BRFP estimates that it would cost about $75,000 to complete these works, bringing the total required to $135,000. The estimate could be reduced to a total of $105,000 if the fit-out of the first floor addition was undertaken by BRFP at a later time. Unlike the ground floor facilities the majority of the first floor addition is not critical to use of the oval. However, the accessible toilet located in the first floor addition is required. The BRFP cannot guarantee that the access ramp to the accessible toilet will be completed by April 2015. These works would cost an additional $32,000 if they were to be organised by Council.
The expanded project as scoped by the BRFP would have cost, if undertaken by Council contractors, $746,000. To date Council has contributed $108,680 to the project, with the expectation that it would recover $30,800 advanced to the BRFP for payment of contractors and suppliers of materials. To date this advance has not been repaid. The break-down of the other costs incurred by Council to date include staff costs ($9,820), excavation and disposal of material ($36,450), provision of commercial quality basins and toilet fittings to meet current standards ($12,030), the provision of temporary amenities ($9,380), consultants ($7,800), hardware supplies and temporary fencing ($2,400).
The BRFP require a minimum of $105,000 to complete all but the fit-out of the first floor addition. Completion of these same works would cost about $250,000 if they were all to be organised by Council as, unlike the BRFP, Council cannot secure items at or below cost. If Council organised the construction of the access ramp and the BRFP organised the remaining works a contribution from Council of $137,000 would be required. It is recommended that Council adopt this scenario as this would enable the provision of the key components of the project at the beginning of the Winter sports season.
Table 1 – Summary of Various Scenarios
Scenario 1 BRFP Completes Project |
Scenario 2 Council Completes Project |
Scenario 3 BRFP/Council Complete Project |
$105,000 |
$250,000 |
$137,000 |
Note: Excludes fit out of the first floor addition to main amenities building and Council’s contribution of $108,680 spent in 2013/14 FY. |
Council’s total contribution to the Warrina Oval Project from inception to completion of the project under this scenario would be $245,680. This estimate takes into account the expenditure already incurred by Council during the 2013/14 FY ($108,680). It does not assume any reimbursement of Council’s contribution, nor does it acknowledge the increased maintenance and operational expenses that will be incurred by the expanded range of facilities.
No funds have been set aside to cover the cost of the additional works and the source of the funds has not been identified at this stage, but is likely to involve deferral of some projects earmarked for the 2014/15 FY.
There are no policy implications associated with this Report.
The BRFP is an ambitious undertaking that will at the end of the day secure a range of new and greatly improved facilities for the local community. The project will benefit multiple sports clubs in the Berowra District including Berowra Netball Club, Berowra Junior Rugby League Club, Berowra Cricket Club and the Berowra Soccer Club.
Despite much effort the BRFP has not, at this stage, been able to secure sufficient funds to allow the facilities to be completed for use by the local community. It is desirable that the toilet and change room facilities of the project are available for the 2015 Winter sports codes. This can only be achieved with Council support and it is recommended that Council set aside $140,000 (rounded up) to complete the project. The BRFP has indicated that it wishes to secure funds to repay Council and this should be encouraged.
The officer responsible for the preparation of this Report is the Deputy General Manager, Infrastructure and Recreation – Bob Stephens, who can be contacted on 9847 6665.
Robert Stephens Deputy General Manager Infrastructure and Recreation Division |
There are no attachments for this report.
File Reference: F2004/10113
Document Number: D04665280