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Item 7 LM10/15 Development Application - Five Storey Residential Flat Building Comprising 25 Units - 42 and 44 Lords Avenue, Asquith..................................................................................... 1
Planning Division
Date of Meeting: 14/10/2015
ITEM 7 |
PL77/15 - Development Application - Five Storey Residential Flat Building Comprising 25 Units - 42 and 44 Lords Avenue, Asquith |
Additional information with NO CHANGE to Recommendation
A late submission by the owner of the isolated site at No. 46 Lords Avenue, Asquith has been received raising concerns regarding the difference in valuation methods applied to the subject site and a nearby site at No. 459 Pacific Highway, Asquith which is also isolated. The submission also questions the feasibility of developing No. 46 Lords Avenue as an isolated site given the width of the site and difficulty in providing a ramp to a lower basement level.
Council’s independent valuation reports for No. 46 Lords Avenue, Asquith and No. 459 Pacific Highway, Asquith where undertaken by different valuers. However, the reports adopt the same methodology. As noted in the late submission, there is a difference of 6 months between the dates in which the reports were prepared which results in a variation to the identified property values.
The subject site is 15.399m in width which would enable a two way aisle (5.8m wide) and perpendicular parking (5.4m) for approximately 10 vehicles (total width 11.2m). The remaining 3.2m site width can be proportioned along the side boundaries for landscaping. An additional 4 car parking spaces and a turning area could be provided within the basement. However, this would result in 1.3m width of available landscaping.
Given the site’s width, it would not be possible to provide a vehicle ramp to a lower level basement car park. According to the Australian Standards, the diameter of a single ramp would be 16.2 metres. Provision of basement access through the adjoining site at each level would enable additional parking to be provided for development of the isolated site. This is a matter that would need to be negotiated between the land owners.
THAT Development Application No. DA/1221/2014 for the demolition of existing structures and erection of a five storey residential flat building comprising twenty-five units with basement car parking at Lot 4 in DP 21699 and Lot 5 in DP 21699 being Nos. 42 and 44 Lords Avenue, Asquith be approved subject to the conditions of consent detailed in Schedule 1 of Group Manager’s Report No. PL77/15. |
Rod Pickles Manager - Development Assessment Planning Division |
James Farrington Group Manager Planning Division |
There are no attachments for this report.
File Reference: DA/1221/2014
Document Number: D06709930