Hornsby Shire Council Table of Contents
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Item 2 LM6/16 Late Memo - Development Application - Two, Five Storey Residential flat buildings comprising 56 units - 51, 53 and 53A Balmoral Street, Waitara....................................... 1
Item 3 LM8/16 Late item - Development Application - Residential Flat Building Comprising 29 Units - 27-31 Thornleigh Street, Thornleigh....................................................................................... 3
Planning Division
Date of Meeting: 13/07/2016
ITEM 2 |
PL55/16 - Development Application - Two, Five Storey Residential Flat Buildings Comprising 56 Units - 51, 53 and 53A Balmoral Street, Waitara |
Additional information with CHANGE to Recommendation
Section 2.6.2 of the independent consultant’s report notes that, in accordance with the requirements of the Apartment Design Guidelines (ADG) the bedrooms to units in a residential flat building must include appropriately sized wardrobes for storage. The report states that a condition of consent is recommended to ensure that wardrobes are provided in each bedroom in accordance with the ADG requirements. However, such a condition is not included in Schedule 1 due to an administrative error. Accordingly, it is appropriate that the conditions of consent be amended to include an appropriately worded condition.
Condition No. 12 of Schedule 1 requires the submission of a Dilapidation Report. The condition does not include the address of all the adjacent properties. The condition should be amended accordingly.
THAT Development Application No. DA/1700/2015 for demolition of existing structures and the construction of two, five storey residential flat buildings comprising 56 units with basement car parking at Lots 2, 3 and 4 DP 370816, 51, 53 and 53A Balmoral Street, Waitara be approved in accordance with the recommendation of the independent consultant’s report and conditions of consent detailed in Schedule 1 of Group Manager’s Report No. PL55/16 and the following: 1. Addition of the following conditions: 1.1 The wardrobe dimension for the master bedrooms in two and three bedroom units must have minimum dimensions of 1.8m (length) x 0.6m (depth) x 2.1m (high); and 1.2 All other bedrooms must include wardrobes with a minimum length of 1.5m. 2. Amendment to Condition 12 a) to read: 12 a). A ‘Dilapidation Report’ is to be prepared by a ‘chartered structural engineer’ detailing the structural condition of adjoining properties at 49 Balmoral Street, 34A Park Avenue, 40 – 42A Park Avenue and 40 – 44 Edgeworth David Avenue, Waitara unless written agreement with the relevant body corporate or property owner is submitted to the PCA regarding the condition of the property. |
James Farrington Group Manager Planning Division |
Rod Pickles Manager - Development Assessment Planning Division |
There are no attachments for this report.
File Reference: DA/1700/2015
Document Number: D07001902
Planning Division
Date of Meeting: 13/07/2016
ITEM 3 |
PL41/16 - Development Application - Residential Flat Building Comprising 29 Units - Demolition - 27-31 Thornleigh Street, Thornleigh |
Additional information with Change to Recommendation
A late objection has been received from the owner of property No.35 Thornleigh Street raising concerns about excessive vibration as a result of the excavation associated with the basement. The proposal involves excavation to approximately 10-12 metres below existing ground level which comprises sandstone.
A geotechnical study prepared by JK Geotechnics has been submitted with the application which recommends noise and construction methods during the excavation phase of the development. It would be appropriate to include conditions in Schedule 1 to require compliance with the recommendations of the report.
THAT Development Application No. DA/1505/2015 for demolition of existing structures and construction of a 5 storey residential flat building comprising 29 units and three basement parking levels at Lot 37, 38, 39 Sec 4 DP 1854, Nos. 27-31 Thornleigh Street, Thornleigh be approved subject to the conditions of consent detailed in Schedule 1 of Group Manager’s Report No. PL41/16 and the following additional conditions: 1. Construction Management Plan A Construction Management Plan (CMP), prepared by a suitably qualified consultant, must be submitted for approval by Council. The CMP must be include, but not be limited, details of the following: a) Noise attenuation measures to be implemented along the boundaries of the site; b) During excavation works, rock removal must be undertaken by sawing instead of rock hammering, wherever practicable; c) The construction works must be undertaken in accordance with the “Interim Construction Noise Guidelines – 2009” published by DECCW and achieve compliance with the relevant noise levels; and d) The delivery times and vehicular movements related to demolition, excavation and construction works must be restricted to the construction hours only. 2. Compliance during Construction works The development must be carried out in accordance with the following approved documents: a) Traffic Control Plan (TCP); b) Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP); c) Construction Management Plan (CMP); d) Pedestrian Access Management Plan (PAMP); and e) The recommendations within the Section 4 of the Geotechnical Investigation Report prepared by JK Geotechnics dated 2 November 2015 regarding excavation. 3. Excavation A Geotechnical consultant shall be engaged to monitor vibration during the excavation stage and shall submit certification to the PCA that the recommendations of the Geotechnical report prepared by JK Geotechnics dated 2 November 2015 have been complied with. 4. Dilapidation Report To record the structural condition of No. 35 Thornleigh Street which adjoins the approved development, a dilapidation report must be prepared by a suitably qualified structural engineer for inclusion with the application of the Construction Certificate. |
James Farrington Group Manager Planning Division |
Rod Pickles Manager - Development Assessment Planning Division |
There are no attachments for this report.
File Reference: DA/1505/2015
Document Number: D07002112