Hornsby Shire Council Table of Contents
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Item 10 MM3/17 Old Telegraph Road, Maroota......................................................................... 1
Item 11 MM4/17 Hornsby Station Pedestrian Bridge................................................................. 3
Item 12 MM5/17 Hornsby Town Centre East Side Review.......................................................... 4
Mayoral Minute No. MM3/17
Date of Meeting: 8/03/2017
For several years residents in Old Telegraph Road, Maroota, have requested the road to be sealed. The road provides access to properties in both The Hills and Hornsby local government areas – 22 properties with direct access from Old Telegraph Road (includes Hart Place which is at the end of Old Telegraph Road) and 7 other properties which have a secondary access from Old Telegraph Road. The properties with a direct access from Old Telegraph Road are within the Hornsby Shire local government area.
The boundary between both local government areas is located on the centre line of Old Telegraph Road.
Hornsby Shire Council has assumed responsibility for maintaining the existing gravel road, although the expenditure is shared on an equal basis between The Hills Shire Council and Hornsby Shire Council. Old Telegraph Road is about 2.2 kilometres long. It costs on average about $50,000 to maintain the road and it has been estimated that it will cost $800,000 to seal the road.
While Hornsby Shire Council has previously set aside its share of funds to seal Old Telegraph Road, this has not been matched by The Hills Shire Council. The Hills Shire Council has advised Hornsby Shire Council that the sealing of this road ranks low on their priority list and it will take many years before funds will be available to seal this road.
It appears to me that it is an appropriate time to review the location of the local government boundary to ensure that Old Telegraph Road falls entirely within one local government area. To this end I propose to enter into discussions with The Hills Shire Council to determine an appropriate boundary between the two local government areas.
THAT Council authorise the Acting General Manager to write to The Hills Shire Council regarding discussions about the location of an appropriate boundary between The Hills Shire Council and Hornsby Shire Council in the vicinity of Old Telegraph Road, Maroota, and/or a funding model and timeframe for the sealing of Old telegraph Road. |
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File Reference: F2005/00724
Document Number: D07167681
Mayoral Minute No. MM4/17
Date of Meeting: 8/03/2017
I have been approached by businesses in Florence Street West concerning the completion date for the Hornsby Station Pedestrian Bridge. The bridge will be a vast improvement over the existing bridge and is scheduled to be completed by July 2017.
There have been difficulties with the construction of the bridge which have been reported in the local media, notably the proliferation of multiple services in the roadway. I am advised that the problems caused by the services have largely been overcome and concrete slabs have substantially been laid on the northern side of Florence Street to accommodate the granite paving which is scheduled to commence shortly. The contractor will now focus on the southern side of Florence Street to prepare the area for paving and landscape treatments.
I propose to seek a briefing from Council Officers to identify any risks that could preclude the bridge from being completed by July 2017.
THAT Council: 1. Agree to seek a briefing from the Chief Financial Officer and other Council Officers identifying any risks, financial or otherwise, that could preclude the Hornsby Station Pedestrian Bridge from being completed by July 2017. 2. The information be included in the scheduled briefing on preparation of the 2017/18 Budget on 22 March 2017. |
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File Reference: F2012/00817
Document Number: D07167693
Mayoral Minute No. MM5/17
Date of Meeting: 8/03/2017
The Hornsby Town Centre is the major commercial centre within the Shire. The Centre encompasses a commercial core surrounded by light industrial, community, civic and residential development of varying density. Council recently undertook a review of the planning controls for the west side of the Centre to increase the range of housing, retail and commercial offices, food outlets and entertainment opportunities. A number of factors have now arisen which make it timely for Council to consider a review of its vision for the east side of the Centre to ensure it complements Council’s planning for the west side and creates a vibrant and attractive place to live, work and visit. These factors include:
· The Greater Sydney Commission is currently exhibiting the draft North District Plan which includes priorities and actions for the North District, including Hornsby Shire, for the next 20 years. The draft Plan identifies a challenging job target for the Hornsby Town Centre of 22,000 jobs by 2036, which is an increase of 8,300 jobs. The draft Plan also proposes that we should give priority to encouraging revitalisation of the commercial core, investigating public domain and placemaking initiatives and encouraging improved integration within the Centre.
· Council recently undertook a feasibility investigation of its existing controls for the east side of the Town Centre which confirmed that the current limit on residential development is impacting on the economic viability of any redevelopment and, therefore, is it unlikely that we will see any meaningful redevelopment unless our controls are reviewed.
· Transport for NSW has confirmed that it has considered the comments by Hornsby Council on the delivery of the Hornsby Junction remodelling and commuter car park project and is willing to work with Council to explore its vision for the Town Centre and the role of the Government’s land in contributing to the realisation of that vision.
· Successful “Smart Cities” build on a close relationship between businesses and universities. The Town Centre is well supported by schools and Hornsby TAFE. However, an opportunity exists to establish the infrastructure and planning framework necessary to attract a university to locate within the Centre bringing with it the economic benefits of co-location of education, business and retail activities.
· Hornsby Mall attracts over 15,000 visitors daily however, twenty five years on from its creation, the Mall is still largely based on its original 1991 design. In mid-2016, Council commenced work on developing a public domain plan to guide the future of Hornsby Mall and with the anticipated completion of the new Hornsby Footbridge in mid-2017, the time is right to revitalise the Mall and the broader Town Centre to meet the needs of the current and future community of Hornsby.
· The Hornsby Mall precinct includes key cultural facilities such as the Hornsby Library which is patronised by around 450,000 visitors annually. Council’s Community and Cultural Facilities Strategic Plan and Section 94 Plan identify the need to develop a co-located central library and multipurpose community and civic centre in a highly prominent and accessible location in the Hornsby CBD.
Our controls for the Town Centre should aim to stimulate economic activity and innovation, provide jobs closer to home and promote healthier lifestyles and community cohesion. With that in mind and in light of the above factors, it is appropriate that Council consider the prioritisation of a strategic review of the planning controls for the east side of the Town Centre to ensure Hornsby continues to grow to meet forecast demand and offers quality urban spaces to promote inclusive locations for arts, cultural activities and for our community to meet and socialise.
THAT Council consider the resource and budget implications of prioritising a strategic review of the planning controls for the east side of the Hornsby Town Centre as part of its annual review of the Strategic Planning Program to be considered by Council at its meeting on 12 April 2017. |
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File Reference: F2013/00296
Document Number: D07168246