General Meeting


Wednesday 11 October 2017

at 6:30PM





Hornsby Shire Council                                                                                           Table of Contents

Page 1





Item 3     LM5/17 Councillor Representation on Committees, Working Parties and Other Relevant Groups - October 2017 to September 2018................................................................................ 1

Item 21    MM14/17 General Manager Recruitment........................................................................ 2




Corporate Support Division

Date of Meeting: 11/10/2017




CS33/17 - Councillor Representation on Committees, Working Parties and Other Relevant Groups - October 2017 to September 2018



Additional information with CHANGE to Recommendation

The Hornsby Art Prize is an annual art award and exhibition. It is organised in partnership with the Hornsby Art Society and sponsored by Hornsby Shire Council. The Hornsby Art Prize is aimed at encouraging the creative talents of people and providing a showcase for their works.

The Hornsby Art Prize is facilitated via a stakeholder working party to guide and deliver this project. The project team includes representatives from Hornsby Art Society and the previous Council representative who was Councillor Browne. The Council officer responsible is Joanna Joyce who is the Arts and Cultural Development Officer.

In order to continue the current collaborative approach, it would be appropriate to formalise the arrangement by establishing the Hornsby Art Prize Committee and nominating a Councillor representative for the period October 2017 to September 2018.



THAT Council review the list of Committees, Working Parties and other relevant groups included in the attachment to Deputy General Manager’s Report No. CS33/17, with the addition of the Hornsby Art Prize Committee as described in Late Item Memo No. LM5/17, and determine Councillor representation as appropriate for the period October 2017 to September 2018.






Robyn Abicair

Manager - Governance and Customer Service

Corporate Support Division




Gary Bensley

Deputy General Manager - Corporate Support

Corporate Support Division



There are no attachments for this report.


File Reference:           F2004/07056

Document Number:    D07311125


Mayoral Minute No. MM14/17

Date of Meeting: 11/10/2017





In August 2015 Council’s former General Manager, Scott Phillips resigned to take up a role with Sutherland Shire Council.

Having regard to the NSW Government’s proposed merger of Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai councils, Hornsby Shire Council adopted a reasonable approach and decided to appoint an internal staff member to the Acting General Manger position as an interim measure.

With the delayed amalgamation process and the NSW Government’s eventual abandonment of the proposed merger, this interim measure has now been in place for over two years and Council has its third Acting General Manager. Provisions are currently in place that would allow Council to continue its Acting General Manager arrangements until July 2018.

With the NSW Government’s decision at the end of July 2017 not to proceed with the merger of Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai Councils and the recent election of a new Council, I consider that it is now appropriate that Council commence the recruitment process to appoint a new General Manager.

This process would usually involve seeking fee proposals from suitably qualified and experienced recruitment consultants, Councillors interviewing shortlisted consultants with a further report to come back to enable Council to formally appoint a consultant to facilitate the recruitment process with Council.

Including the appointment of a recruitment consultant, the appointment and commencement of a new General Manager would typically take 3-4 months. It is for this reason that I believe that it is important that Council take immediate steps to commence this recruitment process.



THAT Council commence the recruitment process to appoint a new General Manager.



The Honourable Cr PHILIP RUDDOCK





There are no attachments for this report.


File Reference:           F2017/00267

Document Number:    D07309049