General Meeting


Wednesday 9 May 2018

at 6:30PM





Hornsby Shire Council                                                                                           Table of Contents

Page 1





Rescission Motions

Item 1     RM3/18 Recission Motion – 11 April 2018 General Meeting – Notice of Motion No. NOM7/18 - Planning Panels - Appointment of Expert and Community Member................................ 1

Mayoral Minutes  



Office of the General Manager


Corporate Support Division

Item 2     CS17/18 Investments and Borrowings for  2017/18 -  Status for Period Ending 31 March 2018     2

Item 3     CS18/18 Delivery Program for 2013-17 and Operational Plan (Budget) for 2017/18 - March 2018 Quarter Review........................................................................................................... 5

Item 4     CS19/18 Pecuniary Interest and Other Matters Returns - Disclosures by Councillors and Designated Persons..................................................................................................................... 9

Environment and Human Services Division

Item 5     EH11/18 Cities Power Partnership Program................................................................ 12

Item 6     EH10/18 Catchments Remediation Rate (CRR) Program Expenditure Review 31 December 2017 - Progress Report....................................................................................................... 16

Planning Division


Infrastructure and Recreation Division



Questions of Which Notice Has Been Given

Mayor's Notes

Item 7     MN6/18 Mayors Notes From 1 April to 30 April 2018................................................... 19

Notices of Motion

Item 8     NOM10/18 Plastic Waste........................................................................................... 21

Item 9     NOM11/18 Review of Council Signage....................................................................... 23

Item 10    NOM12/18 Community Radio Station 2HHH................................................................ 24     





Hornsby Shire Council                                                   Agenda and Summary of Recommendations

Page 7







Paster Andrew Starr of Northridge Vineyard Church, Thornleigh will open tonights meeting in prayer.

Acknowledgement of RELIGIOUS DIVERSITY

Statement by the Chairperson:

"We recognise our Shire's rich cultural and religious diversity and we acknowledge and pay respect to the beliefs of all members of our community, regardless of creed or faith."



Statement by the Chairperson: 

"We acknowledge we are on the traditional lands of the Darug and Guringai Peoples.  We pay our respects to elders past and present."



Statement by the Chairperson:

"I advise all present that tonight's meeting is being audio recorded for the purposes of providing a record of public comment at the meeting, supporting the democratic process, broadening knowledge and participation in community affairs, and demonstrating Council’s commitment to openness and accountability.  The recordings of the non-confidential parts of the meeting will be made available on Council’s website once the Minutes have been finalised. All speakers are requested to ensure their comments are relevant to the issue at hand and to refrain from making personal comments or criticisms.  No other persons are permitted to record the Meeting, unless specifically authorised by Council to do so."



political donations disclosure

Statement by the Chairperson:

“In accordance with Section 147 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, any person or organisation who has made a relevant planning application or a submission in respect of a relevant planning application which is on tonight’s agenda, and who has made a reportable political donation or gift to a Councillor or employee of the Council, must make a Political Donations Disclosure Statement.

If a Councillor or employee has received a reportable political donation or gift from a person or organisation who has made a relevant planning application or a submission in respect of a relevant planning application which is on tonight’s agenda, they must declare a non-pecuniary conflict of interests to the meeting, disclose the nature of the interest and manage the conflict of interests in accordance with Council’s Code of Conduct.”


declarations of interest

Clause 52 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice (Section 451 of the Local Government Act, 1993) requires that a councillor or a member of a Council committee who has a pecuniary interest in a matter which is before the Council or committee and who is present at a meeting of the Council or committee at which the matter is being considered must disclose the nature of the interest to the meeting as soon as practicable.  The disclosure is also to be submitted in writing (on the form titled “Declaration of Interest”).


The Councillor or member of a Council committee must not be present at, or in sight of, the meeting of the Council or committee:

(a)      at any time during which the matter is being considered or discussed by the Council or committee.

(b)      at any time during which the Council or committee is voting on any question in relation to the matter.


Clause 51A of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice provides that a Councillor, Council officer, or a member of a Council committee who has a non pecuniary interest in any matter with which the Council is concerned and who is present at a meeting of the Council or committee at which the matter is being considered must disclose the nature of the interest to the meeting as soon as practicable.  The disclosure is also to be submitted in writing (on the form titled “Declaration of Interest”).


If the non-pecuniary interest is significant, the Councillor must:

a)     remove the source of conflict, by relinquishing or divesting the interest that creates the conflict, or reallocating the conflicting duties to another Council official.


b)     have no involvement in the matter by absenting themself from and not taking part in any debate or voting on the issue as if the provisions of Section 451(2) of the Act apply.


If the non-pecuniary interest is less than significant, the Councillor must provide an explanation of why they consider that the interest does not require further action in the circumstances.


confirmation of minutes

THAT the Minutes of the General Meeting held on 11 April, 2018 be confirmed; a copy having been distributed to all Councillors.



Rescission Motions

Page Number 1



THAT the resolution adopted at the General Meeting held on 11 April 2018 in respect of Item 9 -, NOM7/18 – Planning Panels – Appointment of Expert and Community Member -  namely:-

THAT Council request that the Minister for Planning and Environment replace Mr Tony Jones with Mr Brian Scarsbrick AM as the community representative for A Ward on Council’s Independent Hearing and Assessment Panel given his qualifications, experience and skills which make him an ideal candidate to represent the interests of our community.

be, and is hereby rescinded.

Note:                The above Rescission Motion is supported by Councillors McIntosh and Waddell


Note:                In the event of the Rescission Motion being adopted, the following motion is proposed.


1.         The Group Manager, Planning Division conduct a process of inviting expressions of interest for a new A Ward community representative position on Council’s Independent Hearing and Assessment Panel.

2.         A report be prepared by the Group Manager, Planning Division for consideration by Council on submissions received and recommending a preferred candidate with the appropriate qualifications, experience and skills to represent the interests of our community.

3.         Council acknowledge its appreciation and thanks to the community for its interest and patience as Council works through the process of establishing the Panel.  


Mayoral Minutes  



Persons wishing to address Council on matters which are on the Agenda are permitted to speak, prior to the item being discussed, and their names will be recorded in the Minutes in respect of that particular item.

Persons wishing to address Council on non agenda matters, are permitted to speak after all items on the agenda in respect of which there is a speaker from the public have been finalised by Council.  Their names will be recorded in the Minutes under the heading "Public Forum for Non Agenda Items".



·                Items for which there is a Public Forum Speaker

·                Public Forum for non agenda items

·                Balance of General Business items


Office of the General Manager


Corporate Support Division

Page Number 2

Item 2          CS17/18 Investments and Borrowings for  2017/18 -  Status for Period Ending 31 March 2018



THAT the contents of Deputy General Manager’s Report No. CS17/18 be received and noted.


Page Number 5

Item 3          CS18/18 Delivery Program for 2013-17 and Operational Plan (Budget) for 2017/18 - March 2018 Quarter Review



THAT the March 2018 Quarter Review of the 2013-17 Delivery Program and the Operational Plan (Budget) for 2017/18 be received and noted.


Page Number 9

Item 4          CS19/18 Pecuniary Interest and Other Matters Returns - Disclosures by Councillors and Designated Persons



THAT Council note the Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests and Other Matters Returns recently lodged with the General Manager have been tabled as required by the Local Government Act.


Environment and Human Services Division

Page Number 12

Item 5          EH11/18 Cities Power Partnership Program



THAT Council, as part of the Cities Power Partnership Program, adopt the following five Partnership Action Pledges:

Pledge 1           Provide Council resources to educate and support the uptake of renewable energy.

Pledge 2           Install renewable energy (solar PV and battery storage) on Council buildings.

Pledge 3           Adopt best practice energy efficiency measures across all Council buildings, and support community facilities to adopt these measures.

Pledge 4           Rollout energy efficient public lighting (particularly street lighting) across the Shire as public lighting can use a large proportion of a council’s energy budget.

Pledge 5           Implement an education and behaviour change program to influence the behaviour of council officers, local residents and businesses within the Shire to drive the shift to renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable transport.


Page Number 16

Item 6          EH10/18 Catchments Remediation Rate (CRR) Program Expenditure Review 31 December 2017 - Progress Report



THAT the contents of Group Manager’s Report No. EH10/18 be received and noted.


Planning Division


Infrastructure and Recreation Division



Questions of Which Notice Has Been Given

Mayor's Notes

Page Number 19

Item 7          MN6/18 Mayors Notes From 1 April to 30 April 2018


 Notices of Motion

Page Number 21

Item 8          NOM10/18 Plastic Waste




1.         Council note that Hornsby residents have embraced recycling opportunities and that there is high levels of compliance with sorting requirements across Hornsby Shire.

2.         Council note that the decision by China to no longer accept recyclable material from Australia means an opportunity to build a domestic waste processing and re-use industry.

3.         Council acknowledge the concern amongst Hornsby Shire residents about the future processing of their recyclable materials 

4.         Council commend local communities across the Shire who are taking action to reduce plastic waste by banning single-use plastic bags and sewing re-usable ones, including Bag Free Beecroft, Bag Free Pennant Hills, Bag Free Berowra and Boomerang Bags Hornsby.

5.         The pending Waste Strategy development process consider investigating options to achieve a ban on single use plastic within the Shire.

6.         Council write to the NSW Premier, The Hon. Gladys Berejiklian MP and the NSW Minister for the Environment, The Hon. Gabrielle Upton MP, asking them to support local efforts to reduce plastic waste by implementing a ban on single use plastic bags in NSW.


Page Number 23

Item 9          NOM11/18 Review of Council Signage




As part of the upcoming Informal Briefing scheduled to be provided to Councillors about the development of a five year plan for signage with templates, information be included about the following:

1.         Options for the allocation of funding such that the timeframe for updating signage across the Shire could be reduced.

2.         A review of other councils’ good practice on signage for their areas, particularly as it relates to heritage, history and prohibited activities.

3.         Any new draft signage that has been developed for use by Council.

4.         The opportunity to undertake the project in conjunction with public domain planning.


Page Number 24

Item 10        NOM12/18 Community Radio Station 2HHH




1.         Council note the ongoing work undertaken by community radio station 2HHH in providing valuable information to our community.

2.         Council explore options regarding tenancy arrangements for 2HHH at Wallarobba Arts and Cultural Centre or another suitable facility to allow greater operational efficiencies for 2HHH and improved community access to their programs and services whilst still maintaining general community access to the facility as a shared community facility, focused on the arts.

3.         A further report be presented to Council outlining the results of investigations into future tenancy options for 2HHH.







Rescission Motion No. RM3/18

Date of Meeting: 9/05/2018






THAT the resolution adopted at the General Meeting held on 11 April 2018 in respect of Item 9 -, NOM7/18 – Planning Panels – Appointment of Expert and Community Member -  namely:-

THAT Council request that the Minister for Planning and Environment replace Mr Tony Jones with Mr Brian Scarsbrick AM as the community representative for A Ward on Council’s Independent Hearing and Assessment Panel given his qualifications, experience and skills which make him an ideal candidate to represent the interests of our community.

be, and is hereby rescinded.

Note:                The above Rescission Motion is supported by Councillors McIntosh and Waddell


Note:                In the event of the Rescission Motion being adopted, the following motion is proposed.


1.         The Group Manager, Planning Division conduct a process of inviting expressions of interest for a new A Ward community representative position on Council’s Independent Hearing and Assessment Panel.

2.         A report be prepared by the Group Manager, Planning Division for consideration by Council on submissions received and recommending a preferred candidate with the appropriate qualifications, experience and skills to represent the interests of our community.

3.         Council acknowledge its appreciation and thanks to the community for its interest and patience as Council works through the process of establishing the Panel.  




There are no attachments for this report.


File Reference:           F2013/00295

Document Number:    D07433940



Deputy General Manager's Report No. CS17/18

Corporate Support Division

Date of Meeting: 9/05/2018






·              This Report provides details of Council’s investment performance for the period ending 31 March 2018 as well as the extent of its borrowings at the end of the same period.

·              Council invests funds that are not, for the time being, required for any other purpose. The investments must be in accordance with relevant legislative requirements and Council’s policies and the Chief Financial Officer must report monthly to Council on the details of funds invested.

·              All of Council’s investments have been made in accordance with the Local Government Act, the Local Government (General) Regulation and Council's Investment of Surplus Funds Policy and Investment Strategy.

·              In respect of Council’s cash and term deposit investments, the annualised return for the month of March 2018 was 2.46% and this compared to the benchmark of 1.50%.



THAT the contents of Deputy General Manager’s Report No. CS17/18 be received and noted.



The purpose of this Report is to advise Council of funds invested in accordance with Section 625 of the Local Government Act; to provide details as required by Clause 212(1) of the Local Government (General) Regulation and Council's Investment of Surplus Funds Policy; and to advise on the extent of Council’s current borrowings.


A report is required to be submitted for Council’s consideration each month detailing Council's investments and borrowings and highlighting the monthly and year to date performance of the investments. Initial investments and reallocation of funds are made, where appropriate, after consultation with Council's financial investment adviser and fund managers.


Council invests funds which are not, for the time being, required for any other purpose. Such investment must be in accordance with relevant legislative requirements and Council Policies, and the Chief Financial Officer must report monthly to Council on the details of the funds invested.

Council’s investment performance for the month ending 31 March 2018 is detailed in the attached document. In summary, the At-Call and Term Deposits achieved an annualised return of 2.46% for March 2018, compared to the benchmark of 1.50%.

In respect of Council borrowings, the weighted average interest rate payable on outstanding loans taken out from June 2007 to date, based on the principal balances outstanding is 6.97%. The Borrowings Schedule as at 31 March 2018 is also attached for Council’s information.


Budgeted investment income for 2017/18 is $3,500,000 with an average budgeted monthly income of $291,670. Total investment income for the period ended 31 March 2018 was $3,536,000 compared to the budget of $2,625,000 for the same period.  Approximately 38% of the investment income received by Council relates to externally restricted funds (e.g. Section 94 monies) and is required to be allocated to those funds. All investments have been made in accordance with the Local Government Act, the Local Government (General) Regulation and Council's Investment of Surplus Funds Policy and Investment Strategy.


Appropriate consultation has occurred with Council's financial investment adviser in the preparation of this Report.


The investment of Council funds and the extent of its borrowings as at 31 March 2018 are detailed in the documents attached to this Report. Council’s consideration of the Report and its attachments ensures that the relevant legislative requirements and Council protocols have been met in respect of those investments and borrowings.


The officer responsible for the preparation of this Report is the Acting Chief Financial Officer – Duncan Chell - who can be contacted on 9847 6822.







Duncan Chell

Corporate Accounting Manager - Corporate Reporting

Corporate Support Division





Gary Bensley

Deputy General Manager - Corporate Support

Corporate Support Division







HSC Investments Holdings Report -  March 2018




HSC Borrowings Schedule - March 2018





File Reference:           F2004/06987-02

Document Number:    D07423795



Deputy General Manager's Report No. CS18/18

Corporate Support Division

Date of Meeting: 9/05/2018






·              Accountable organisations like Council review their budget and operational performance at least each quarter. In this regard, the March 2018 Quarter Review of the 2013-17 Delivery Program including the 2017/18 Operational Plan and Budget is attached.

·              The 2017/18 Original Budget forecast a surplus at 30 June 2018 of $78K. The September 2017 Review improved the surplus by $85K (to $163K), whilst the December 2017 Review had no net budget changes. The March 2018 Review has reduced the forecast result by $27K meaning the revised budget forecast surplus at 30 June 2018 is now $136K.

·              Progress against the adopted Delivery Program 2013-17 and the operational performance of the organisation has been in line with the service delivery standards adopted by Council.



THAT the March 2018 Quarter Review of the 2013-17 Delivery Program and the Operational Plan (Budget) for 2017/18 be received and noted.



The purpose of this Report is to present for Council’s consideration the March 2018 Quarter Review of the 2013-17 Delivery Program and the 2017/18 Operational Plan.


On 19 June 2013, Council adopted its four year Delivery Program 2013-17.  Due to legal action by Ku-ring-gai Council opposing the NSW Government’s intention to amalgamate Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai Councils, the term of office for the former Council was extended past its original four years.

As a consequence, the Operational Plan 2017/18 continued to operate under Your Community Plan 2013-2023 and the four year Delivery Program 2013-2017 (see Circular No. 16-50 dated 21 December 2016 from the Office of Local Government). The Operational Plan and Fees and Charges for 2017/18 were adopted by Council on 14 June 2017. The Delivery Program and Operational Plan set out the manner in which Council intends to deliver services and measure performance.

In line with Office of Local Government requirements, a Quarterly Budget Review Statement (QBRS) must be submitted for Council’s consideration at the end of each quarter.  The Statement must be based on key financial indicators and the estimate of income and expenditure set out in Council’s Operational Plan for the relevant year.


Operational Comment

Operational performance for the third quarter of 2017/18 has been satisfactory.  Some of the highlights achieved during the quarter were:

·              Commencing a financial partnership between Hornsby and The Hills Councils and the NSW Government in respect of the provision of a new boat ramp at Wisemans Ferry.

·              Holding a series of Sunset Sessions in the Hornsby Mall.

·              Upgrading sportsfields at Galston, North Epping and Berowra

·              Completing traffic facilities in Waitara

·              Participating in a Councillor Strategic Weekend to discuss Council’s longer term strategy

·              Continuing the lobbying the State Government for the return of the former Council area south of the M2 Motorway

Other highlights are provided in Attachment 1.

Budget Comment

This Review includes the third quarter results for 2017/18, comparing actual expenditure and income for the third quarter against the Budget.  The Net Operating and Capital Result after internal funding movements shows a positive variance, which is largely the result of timing differences associated with project related works and the initial phasing of the 2017/18 Budget.

The 2017/18 Original Budget forecast a surplus at 30 June 2018 of $78K. The September 2017 Review improved the surplus by $85K (to $163K), whilst the December 2017 Review had no net budget changes. The March 2018 Review has reduced the forecast result by $27K meaning the revised budget forecast surplus at 30 June 2018 is now $136K. The $27K reduction is the overall result of transferring budget savings in workers’ compensation premium and Pedestrian Bridge asset management to new budget requirements associated with Pedestrian Bridge cleaning and Administration Centre airconditioning.  

As part of the December 2017 Quarterly Budget Review considered in February 2018, it was indicated that an update would be provided in this Review about the progress and allocated funding towards capital projects of significant dollar value e.g. Hornsby Pedestrian Overbridge, Waitara Park, Rural Fire Service upgrades, etc. In this regard, it is noted that:

·           Hornsby Pedestrian Bridge – the total spend on this project (effectively completed) is $10.7 million, an increase of $100K on the last budget estimate. Slightly more than 80% of the total expenditure was sourced from Government grants and Section 7.11 (formerly Section 94) development contributions.

·           Orara Street Park – the project is to commence in May 2018, and involves a total expenditure of $1.3 million. $1 million is to be funded from development contributions and the remainder from Catchment Remediation Rate (CRR) and general funds to reflect the inclusion of water quality solutions in the works.

·           Waitara Park – the total spend to date on this project is $9.3 million, with further works to be funded within the budgeted capital expenditure of $11.039 million.  [N.B. A further $2 million has been allocated to the Waitara Park project in 2018/19 (funded from development contributions) for the creation of a significant playground adjacent to the new tennis courts and clubhouse at the northern end of the Park]

·           New Berowra Fire Station – this project is scheduled to be completed by 30 June 2018 from within the budgeted capital expenditure of $1.2 million, which will be reimbursed by the NSW State Government.

·           RFS Support Brigade Station – this project has now been completed from within the budgeted capital expenditure of 1.3 million, which will be reimbursed by the NSW State Government.

It should be noted that unless the former area south of the M2 Motorway is returned to Council by the NSW Government, Council will not be in a position to fund future major capital projects such as the Hornsby Quarry and Westleigh Park.


This Report provides the March 2018 Quarter Review of the 2017/18 Operational Plan (Budget), which, if adopted, will achieve a forecast surplus at 30 June 2018 of $136K.


There are no policy implications associated with this Report.


Council’s consideration of this Report ensures that relevant statutory requirements have been met. The March 2018 Quarter Review demonstrates that Council remains in a strong position to deliver local services and facilities in a financially responsible manner.


The officers responsible for preparation of this Report are Julie Williams – Manager, Strategy and Communications and Pamela Cook – Acting Chief Financial Officer. They can be contacted on 9847 6790 and 9847 6534 respectively.







Gary Bensley

Deputy General Manager - Corporate Support

Corporate Support Division





Steven Head

General Manager

General Manager Division






3rd Quarter Review - March 2018




Quarterly Budget Review Statement - March 2018





File Reference:           F2016/00368

Document Number:    D07425951



Deputy General Manager's Report No. CS19/18

Corporate Support Division

Date of Meeting: 9/05/2018






·              Section 449 of the Local Government Act (the Act) details the statutory requirements in respect of the lodgement of Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests and Other Matters Return/s by Councillors and Designated Persons.

·              Section 450A(2) of the Act requires that Returns lodged under Section 449 are to be tabled at the next available Council meeting.

·              In line with Section 450A(2), this Report seeks to table the Return/s recently lodged with the General Manager.



THAT Council note the Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests and Other Matters Returns recently lodged with the General Manager have been tabled as required by the Local Government Act.



The purpose of this Report is to table the Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests and Other Matters Returns lodged by Councillors/Designated Persons who have left, commenced with, or internally transferred to a relevant position within Council.


Section 449(1) of the Act requires a Councillor or Designated Person to complete and lodge with the General Manager a Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests and Other Matters Return within three months after becoming a Councillor or a Designated Person. Section 449(3) requires a Councillor or Designated Person holding that position at 30 June in any year to complete and lodge with the General Manager a Return within three months after that date. Section 449(5) states that nothing prevents a Councillor or Designated Person from lodging more than one Return in any year.

Section 450A(2) of the Act requires that Returns lodged under Section 449 are to be tabled at a meeting of Council. Returns lodged under Sections 449(1) and 449(3) are to be tabled at the first meeting held after the last day for lodgement under those Sections; and Returns lodged for any other reason are to be tabled at the first meeting after their lodgement.

Council's procedures in respect of the disclosing of interests have been developed to cater for the election/appointment/employment/retirement/resignation/etc of Councillors or Designated Persons. These procedures:

·              Require all Councillors and Designated Persons who hold that position at 30 June in any year to submit Returns to the General Manager by 30 September in that year (i.e. they are lodged under S449(3)). These Returns are tabled at Council’s October or November General Meeting for that year.

·              Require newly elected Councillors or newly appointed Designated Persons to lodge Returns to the General Manager within three months of their election/appointment (i.e. they are lodged under S449(1)). These Returns are tabled at the next available General Meeting of Council.

·              Require those Councillors or Designated Persons who are leaving Council (because of retirement, resignation, etc) to lodge Returns to the General Manager by their last day with Council. These Returns are tabled at the next available General Meeting of Council.


Returns Lodged in Accordance with Sections 449(1), 449(3) and/or 449(5) of the Act and Council's Procedures

Council last considered the tabling of Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests and Other Matters Returns under Sections 449(1) and (5) of the Act at the General Meeting held on 14 March 2018 (see Deputy General Manager’s Report No. CS12/18). Since that time, four additional Returns have been lodged with the General Manager and are now tabled as required by the Act.


Date Lodged

Councillor/Designated Person (Position)

Reason for Lodgement



Update to Previous Return


Environmental Compliance Officer

New Employee


Senior Environmental Compliance Officer



Traffic Ranger




There are no budgetary implications associated with this Report.


There are no policy implications associated with this Report.


Council’s consideration of this Report satisfies the requirements of the Act regarding the lodgement of Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests and Other Matters Return/s by Councillors and Designated Persons.


The officer responsible for the preparation of this Report is the Manager, Governance and Customer Service – Robyn Abicair, who can be contacted on 9847 6608.





Robyn Abicair

Manager - Governance and Customer Service

Corporate Support Division




Gary Bensley

Deputy General Manager - Corporate Support

Corporate Support Division




There are no attachments for this report.


File Reference:           F2017/00311

Document Number:    D07428669



Group Manager's Report No. EH11/18

Environment and Human Services Division

Date of Meeting: 9/05/2018






·              The Cities Power Partnership (CPP) Program is a pledge based program that is designed to support and promote energy saving and climate change mitigation initiatives in local councils across the country.

·              At the 13 December 2017 General Meeting, Council considered Notice of Motion No.  NOM16/17 and resolved that Council join CPP and advise the CPP of its pledge within six months.

·              This Report outlines the proposed pledges to be undertaken as part of the program in areas such as energy efficiency, transport, renewable energy and advocacy.  All pledges can be demonstrated through work currently undertaken by Council and are consistent with the outcomes contained within the Draft Community Strategic Plan 2018-2028 and Delivery Program 2018-21. No additional cost implications will be incurred by making this pledge.

·              Participation in the CPP program will support and promote Council in the delivery of a number of environmental sustainability initiatives already included in Council’s Delivery Plan.  The achievable pledges and reporting requirements present an opportunity for Council to promote and share its successes with the community and encourage broader commitment to those outcomes within the community.



THAT Council, as part of the Cities Power Partnership Program, adopt the following five Partnership Action Pledges:

Pledge 1           Provide Council resources to educate and support the uptake of renewable energy.

Pledge 2           Install renewable energy (solar PV and battery storage) on Council buildings.

Pledge 3           Adopt best practice energy efficiency measures across all Council buildings, and support community facilities to adopt these measures.

Pledge 4           Rollout energy efficient public lighting (particularly street lighting) across the Shire as public lighting can use a large proportion of a council’s energy budget.

Pledge 5           Implement an education and behaviour change program to influence the behaviour of council officers, local residents and businesses within the Shire to drive the shift to renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable transport.



The purpose of this Report is to outline the five action pledges proposed to be undertaken as part of our membership of the Cities Power Partnership Program.


At the 13 December 2017 General Meeting, Council considered Notice of Motion No. NOM16/17 and resolved that:

·              Council join the Cities Power Partnership (CPP) and advise the CPP of its pledge within six months.

·              A report be prepared for Council’s consideration within six months, noting five actions undertaken as part of the program in areas such as energy efficiency, transport, renewable energy and advocacy to maintain participation in the partnership program.


Hornsby Shire Council has a strong history of energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainability initiatives for both our own corporate assets and working with the broader community.  This commitment is illustrated in the Community Strategic Plan (CSP) 2013-2023 that outlines considerations for our future including reducing Council’s energy consumption and assisting our community to improve resilience to climate related vulnerability.

By joining the CPP, Council can access mentoring, partnerships, a knowledge hub, additional webinars and visits from climate experts.  The CPP Program will support our collaboration with other councils and provide access to reliable and current information and experiences specific to local councils and our communities.

The CPP Program sets out 35 Pledges (as included in Attachment 1) across the areas of renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable transport and work together and influence.  Council is now required to identify and commit to achieving five of these action pledges as part of our ongoing commitment to energy efficiency and participation in the CPP.

CCP Pledge – 5 Actions

Council officers have reviewed the pledges with regard to Council’s current commitments, budget and Delivery Programs and recommend the five pledges below for Council endorsement as they fit within these existing commitments:

·              Renewable Energy

o     Pledge 1 - Provide Council resources to educate and support the uptake of renewable energy. (N.B. This pledge is currently being undertaken with the roll out of the Our Energy Future Program.)

o     Pledge 2 - Install renewable energy (solar PV and battery storage) on Council buildings. (N.B. Council currently has 17 solar installations and one wind turbine. Investigations including cost benefit analysis are being undertaken for other facilities.)

·              Energy Efficiency

o     Pledge 3 - Adopt best practice energy efficiency measures across all Council buildings, and support community facilities to adopt these measures. (N.B. Council currently has a Sustainable Energy Policy for new Council Assets that is scheduled to be reviewed and reported back to Council in the second quarter of 18/19.)

o     Pledge 4 - Rollout energy efficient public lighting (particularly street lighting) across the Shire as public lighting can use a large proportion of a council’s energy budget. (N.B. Council’s resolution (EH9/18) at its 11 April 2018 General Meeting to progress talks with Ausgrid on the ‘Lighting the Way’ project demonstrates action in support of this pledge.)

·              Working together and influence

o     Pledge 5 - Implement an education and behaviour change program to influence the behaviour of council officers, local residents and businesses within the Shire to drive the shift to renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable transport.  (N.B. Council currently runs a number of workshops on solar, energy efficiency and sustainability. These will be supported by our participation in the Our Energy Future Program. Officers of Council through action based learning, collaboration with industry colleagues and formal training are influenced to behave consistently with the pledges.)

Program Reporting

Progress towards achieving the pledges will be monitored by the Sustainability Team and reported to the CPP program every six months. As part of this process an update report will be provided to Council for consideration outlining any new recommended pledges and associated additional budget implications as appropriate.


The recommended pledges have been selected as they relate to work currently being undertaken by Council and no additional cost implications will be incurred.

Additional pledges will have budget implications, with costs of implementation ranging from $3,000 to $100,000. Reporting on progress is required every six months, and any additional recommended pledges will be reported back to Council for consideration as part of the monitoring and reporting process.


There are no policy implications associated with this Report. By joining the CPP Council is actively working towards achieving the Community Strategic Plan 2013-2023 goal of reducing Council’s energy consumption and assisting our community to improve resilience to climate related vulnerability.

In addition implementation of the recommended pledges will assist Council to undertake further actions towards achieving its 30% CO2 reduction target based on 1995/96 levels.  The CPP Program complements and supports other existing programs and policies including the Sustainable Energy Policy for New Council Assets and the 2009 Climate Change Adaptation Plan.


Participation in the CPP program will complement the work Council is already undertaking to help meet its corporate energy reduction targets.  The five action pledges are reflective of Councils current commitment to energy reduction and improved sustainability outcomes.  The CPP program will provide invaluable support to Council through providing ongoing access to expert knowledge, collaboration and shared learnings with other councils.


The officer responsible for the preparation of this Report is the Manager Natural Resources – Dr Peter Coad - who can be contacted on 9847 6766.







Stephen Fedorow

Group Manager

Environment and Human Services Division








CPP Information





File Reference:           F2017/00344

Document Number:    D07395982



Group Manager's Report No. EH10/18

Environment and Human Services Division

Date of Meeting: 9/05/2018






·              Catchments Remediation Rate Program (‘CRR’) expenditure for the six months to 31 December 2017 has been reviewed by the independent CRR Expenditure Review Panel (‘the Panel’) and is considered to be reasonable and acceptable.

·              CRR income for the six months to 31 December 2017 was $2,738,000. In addition, a balance of $44,000 has been carried forward from the 2016/17 financial year.

·              During the six months to 31 December 2017, $1,105,000 was spent on a range of capital and non-capital items including the construction of a stormwater harvesting system at Asquith Oval.

·              A cost summary of expenditure for the first half of 2017/18 and the CRR Expenditure Review Panel's report are provided in Attachments 1-3 of Group Manager’s Report No. EH10/18.



THAT the contents of Group Manager’s Report No. EH10/18 be received and noted.



The purpose of this Report is to inform Council about the expenditure of CRR funds for the first two quarters of 2017/18 financial year and to table the CRR Expenditure Review Panel report.


Council’s CRR Expenditure Review Panel was established in 1997 to provide public accountability and transparency to CRR expenditure and it continues to perform this function.

The Panel is currently comprised of five community members and a Councillor and meets bi-annually to review CRR expenditure.


Catchments Remediation Program Capital Works

For the six months to 31 December 2017, $228,000 has been spent on:

·              Completion of a stormwater harvesting system at Asquith Oval

·              Completion of a biofilter and gross pollutant trap to treat stormwater before entering the harvesting system at Asquith Oval

Non-Capital Expenditure

$877,000 was spent in non-capital expenditure during the first two quarters of 2017/18 that supported various Council operations that contributed to improving water quality Shire-wide including:

·              Pro-active maintenance of all stormwater improvement devices

·              Ecological health and water quality monitoring

·              Street sweeping

·              Riparian restoration works

·              Community education and project support, e.g. Bushcare

·              Emergency response to spills

·              Salaries, wages, overheads and associated administrative costs for project management.

CRR Expenditure Review Panel

On 27 March 2018, the Panel and the Mayor went on a catchment inspection of recently constructed CRR projects, including raingardens, biofilters, stormwater harvesting and gross pollutant traps in Asquith and Berowra.

During the inspection the Panel discussed issues such as site selection, project objectives, construction methods, material selection, performance, community perception and value for money. The Panel, made a number of observations but in summary considered the works to be well designed and constructed, environmentally beneficial and representing good value for money.

The Panel’s report is included as Attachment 1.


The relevant budget and incurred expenditure for the CRR is shown in Attachments 2 and 3.


There are no policy implications arising as a result of this Report.


During the first two quarters of 2017/18, $1,105,000 in CRR funds was spent on a range of capital and non-capital projects designed to improve the ecological health and water quality in waterways across the Shire.


The officer responsible for the preparation of this Report is the Manager Natural Resources – Peter Coad, who can be contacted on 9847 6766.







Peter Coad

Manager - Natural Resources

Environment and Human Services Division





Stephen Fedorow

Group Manager

Environment and Human Services Division







CRR Panel Report




CRR Balance at 31 December 2017




CRR Summary of Expenditure at 31 December 2017





File Reference:           F2005/00829-03

Document Number:    D07426933



Mayor's Note No. MN6/18

Date of Meeting: 9/05/2018


7        MAYORS NOTES FROM 1 APRIL TO 30 APRIL 2018   



Note:  These are the functions that the Mayor, or his representative, has attended in addition to the normal Council Meetings, Workshops, Mayoral Interviews and other Council Committee Meetings.

Wednesday 4 April 2018 – The Mayor hosted two Citizenship Ceremonies in the Council Chambers.

Thursday 5 April 2018 – The Mayor attended a morning tea for the Final A Metropolis of three cities at Novotel Sydney at Parramatta.

Saturday 7 April 2018 – The Mayor attended the Day 1 Netball at Canoon Road Courts, in South Turramurra.

Sunday 8 April 2018 – The Mayor attended the Young Prizewinning Performers Galston 2018 series concert in Galston.

Monday 9 April 2018 – The Mayor attended the ANZAC Day Service at Asquith Girls High School in Asquith.

Monday 10 April 2018 – The Mayor attended the ANZAC Day Ceremony at Galston High School in Galston.

Thursday 12 April 2018 – The Mayor attended the Council’s Seniors Week Function at Hornsby RSL Club in Hornsby.

Saturday 14 April 2018 – The Mayor attended the Bengali New Year Festival at ANZ Stadium in Sydney Olympic Park.

Sunday 15 April 2018 – The Mayor attended the Seniors Festival South Asian Muslim Association of Australia at Bowman Hall in Blacktown.

Sunday 15 April 2018 – Cllr Tilbury attended on behalf of Mayor the Brooklyn Sub-Branch Centenary of ANZAC Commemoration Service at the War Memorial in Brooklyn Park.

Sunday 15 April 2018 – Cllr Tilbury attended on behalf of Mayor the dinner for the Brooklyn RSL Sub-Branch at Mooney Mooney Club in Mooney Mooney.

Thursday 19 April 2018 – Cllr Tilbury attended on behalf of Mayor the Lane Cove Literacy Awards 2017 at Lane Cove Library in Lane Cove.

Friday 20 April 2018 – The Mayor attended the Lakes of Cherrybrook ANZAC Day Service at the Lakes of Cherrybrook in Cherrybrook.

Friday 20 April 2018 – The Mayor attended the NSW / ACT Young Achiever Awards Dinner at SMC Conference & Function Centre in Sydney.

Saturday 21 April 2018 – The Mayor attended the Production of “We Will Rock You” Hornsby Musical Society at Hornsby RSL in Hornsby.

Sunday 22 April 2018 – The Mayor attended the ANZAC Sunday March at St Peter`s Church in Hornsby.

Sunday 22 April 2018 – The Mayor attended The Hills District Chapter ANZAC Sunday Commemoration Service at Galston Cenotaph in Galston.

Monday 23 April 2018 – The Mayor attended the Official Opening of Esther Somerville Facility at Mount Pleasant Avenue in Wahroonga.

Wednesday 25 April 2018 – The Mayor attended the ANZAC Dawn Service at Hornsby Cenotaph in Hornsby.

Wednesday 25 April 2018 – The Mayor attended the Berowra ANZAC Day March and Service at Berowra Memorial in Berowra.

Wednesday 25 April 2018 – Cllr Hutchence attended on behalf of Mayor the Lions Club of Hornsby ANZAC Day Service at Beecroft Cenotaph in Beecroft.

Wednesday 25 April 2018 – The Mayor attended the Glenorie RSL and Sub-Branch ANZAC Day Service at Glenorie RSL Memorial in Glenorie.

Sunday 29 April 2018 – The Mayor attended the Epping Scout Group’s Annual Report Presentation at North Epping Scout Hall in North Epping.

Monday 30 April 2018 – The Mayor attended the Barker College Observance ANZAC Service at Barker College in Hornsby.

Monday 30 April 2018 – The Mayor attended the Hornsby District Rotary Club Meeting as guest speaker at Magpies Waitara.


Note:  These are the functions that the Mayor, or his representative, has attended in addition to the normal Council Meetings, Workshops, Mayoral Interviews and other Council Committee Meetings.





File Reference:           F2004/07053

Document Number:    D07430167



Notice of Motion No. NOM10/18

Date of Meeting: 9/05/2018


8        PLASTIC WASTE   





1.         Council note that Hornsby residents have embraced recycling opportunities and that there is high levels of compliance with sorting requirements across Hornsby Shire.

2.         Council note that the decision by China to no longer accept recyclable material from Australia means an opportunity to build a domestic waste processing and re-use industry.

3.         Council acknowledge the concern amongst Hornsby Shire residents about the future processing of their recyclable materials 

4.         Council commend local communities across the Shire who are taking action to reduce plastic waste by banning single-use plastic bags and sewing re-usable ones, including Bag Free Beecroft, Bag Free Pennant Hills, Bag Free Berowra and Boomerang Bags Hornsby.

5.         The pending Waste Strategy development process consider investigating options to achieve a ban on single use plastic within the Shire.

6.         Council write to the NSW Premier, The Hon. Gladys Berejiklian MP and the NSW Minister for the Environment, The Hon. Gabrielle Upton MP, asking them to support local efforts to reduce plastic waste by implementing a ban on single use plastic bags in NSW.

Note from Councillor:

Hornsby Shire residents have demonstrated long-term commitment to recycling, with high levels of compliance in terms of separation of materials and generally low levels of contamination.

Over the last year, there has been increasing concern amongst residents about the impact of single-use plastic on animals, birds, landfill, and on human health.

As a result, communities and individuals across the Shire have taken steps to tackle plastic waste. From the 'bag free' movement to Clean Up Australia Day events to social media tips and discussions on avoiding plastic, Hornsby Shire residents are aware of the problem of plastic.

There is also awareness that China's decision to ban the import of low-grade Australian recycling material threatens our kerbside recycling practices. Given residents' long-term commitment to sorting their recyclable waste, it would be appropriate for Council to formally acknowledge their concern, and support their action by committing to investigating how to reduce plastic waste at a Council level.






There are no attachments for this report.


File Reference:           F2018/00082

Document Number:    D07433888



Notice of Motion No. NOM11/18

Date of Meeting: 9/05/2018







As part of the upcoming Informal Briefing scheduled to be provided to Councillors about the development of a five year plan for signage with templates, information be included about the following:

1.         Options for the allocation of funding such that the timeframe for updating signage across the Shire could be reduced.

2.         A review of other councils’ good practice on signage for their areas, particularly as it relates to heritage, history and prohibited activities.

3.         Any new draft signage that has been developed for use by Council.

4.         The opportunity to undertake the project in conjunction with public domain planning.

Note from Councillor:

One of the outcomes emanating from the Councillor Strategic Weekend in February 2018 was that an Informal Briefing would be provided to Councillors later this year dealing with the development of a five year plan for signage with templates. Since the Strategic Weekend, I have spent some time reviewing Council’s existing signage as well as signage used by other councils.

Based on that review, I would like to seek Council’s support in requesting that the Informal Briefing on this matter include information about how funding could potentially be allocated such that there would be a shorter timeframe for implementing new signage; reviewing good practices of other councils, particularly in respect of heritage, history and prohibited activities; the provision of sample signage for Councillors to review; and the opportunity to review signage in conjunction with public domain planning.




There are no attachments for this report.


File Reference:           F2018/00138

Document Number:    D07433927



Notice of Motion No. NOM12/18

Date of Meeting: 9/05/2018







1.         Council note the ongoing work undertaken by community radio station 2HHH in providing valuable information to our community.

2.         Council explore options regarding tenancy arrangements for 2HHH at Wallarobba Arts and Cultural Centre or another suitable facility to allow greater operational efficiencies for 2HHH and improved community access to their programs and services whilst still maintaining general community access to the facility as a shared community facility, focused on the arts.

3.         A further report be presented to Council outlining the results of investigations into future tenancy options for 2HHH.

Note from Councillor:

2HHH is our local community radio station; an independent not for profit organisation focussed on providing information to the local community in the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai area. Run by a Station Manager, volunteer Board of Directors and a large group of volunteer presenters, the programs offered by the station reflect the variety of views and interests of our local community. The station is funded by grants, commercial sponsorship, fundraising and membership fees.

Triple H runs on a general community licence and as part of the requirements of that licence is required to provide content most suited to the local population and minority groups. Notably, the station reflects the diversity of our community and its programming includes a number of programs in community languages. While it has a limited broadcast area, it delivers an important service for our community in providing information for people who are socially isolated, enabling them to connect with the community.

In addition to the obvious services provided by a community radio station, 2HHH provides valuable training for local community members in areas such as panel operations, editing and interview techniques. I am aware that if circumstances permit, the station would like to expand their training services to include more detailed courses in these key areas.

At present they are located in modest commercial office premises on the Pacific Highway at Waitara. The facilities are small in size and not accessible, which therefore restricts the ability of the station to draw volunteers from all parts of our community. As with many community organisations, the burden of paying commercial rent is an ongoing issue when reliant on government grants and fundraising.

Council’s Community and Cultural Facilities Strategic Plan -

In 2015, Hornsby Shire Council prepared and adopted the Community and Cultural Facilities Strategic Plan. Supporting this Plan was consultation undertaken in 2014 which identified social isolation and community connectedness as key issues to be addressed in the community. While adopted before the NSW Government’s amendments to Hornsby’s boundaries, it was prepared in consultation with our community and provides a useful roadmap for the provision of services and facilities in our area.

As has been widely documented, Hornsby Shire lost a significant number of community and cultural facilities in this boundary ‘adjustment’ – many of which formed part of the valuable community and cultural facilities network. Most directly, we lost our only specifically dedicated arts facilities outside Wallarobba in the lost Epping Creative Centre – currently part of Parramatta City Council.

To date, there are a large range of issues outstanding from the actions outlined in this plan.

In order to continue to support our community and to address the issues and actions raised in these strategies, it is appropriate that Council explore options to better utilise the community and cultural facilities which remain in our area.  Consideration must be given to providing appropriate tenancy or co-location arrangements for local community organisations who are providing valuable services to our community access to suitable facilities where they can further develop the services they offer to our community and develop new partnerships both with Council and other community organisations, whilst still maintaining general community access to the facility.

Wallarobba Arts and Cultural Centre is now Council’s only arts-specific facility in our Shire. With changes to Council staffing in recent years and relocation of the Council’s Community Facilities staff, it suffers from the lack of a permanent ‘full-time’ tenant. Given the needs of both 2HHH and Wallarobba, it seems obvious that this venue could be seen as a ‘good fit’ for both 2HHH and Wallarobba, with relocation providing the station with some certainty regarding its future and the opportunity to grow in a community-based, accessible venue. For Wallarobba, an active tenant would provide the centre with security, casual surveillance and the opportunity to further enhance our hub for the arts in central Hornsby.




There are no attachments for this report.


File Reference:           F2009/00391-03

Document Number:    D07434586