(Late Item Memo – Item 1)

General Meeting


Wednesday 12 June 2019

at 6:30PM



Hornsby Shire Council                                                                                         Table of Contents

Page 1





Item 1     LM7/19 Late Item Memo - Adoption of Council's Delivery Program 2019-21 Including the Operational Plan 2019/20 (Incorporating the Budget, Rating Structure and Fees and Charges)........................................................... 1   




Corporate Support Division

Date of Meeting: 12/06/2019




GM8/19 - Adoption of Council's Delivery Program 2019-21 Including the Operational Plan 2019/20 (Incorporating the Budget, Rating Structure and Fees and Charges)



Additional information with NO CHANGE to Recommendation


Council’s draft Delivery Program 2019-21, including the Budget, Rating Structure and Fees and Charges for 2019/20, was adopted for public exhibition at the 10 April 2019 General Meeting. Since being placed on exhibition, a number of additional matters that were not known during the preparation of the original draft Budget were identified. Some of these matters required funding and this was proposed to be found from a range of sources – refer Budget section of Deputy General Manager’s Report No. GM8/19.

At an informal workshop held prior to the finalisation of Deputy General Manager’s Report No. GM8/19, it was proposed that $700k of unspent funds from the 2018/19 footpath improvement program be used as a source of part-funding in 2019/20 for the additional matters referred to above. Further issues were subsequently flagged for potential inclusion in future Budgets. 

Council officers wish to clarify that it remains Council’s objective to fully fund the footpath improvement program to the agreed levels outlined in the Long Term Financial Plan. For those unfunded projects, Council officers will identify alternative sources of funding for further consideration by Council as part of the 2019/20 September Quarterly Budget Review.




1.         Subject to incorporation of the recommendations detailed in Tables 1A and 1B and the Budget section of General Manager’s Report No. GM8/19, Council adopt the Delivery Program 2019-21 including the Operational Plan 2019/20, incorporating the Budget, Fees and Charges and Rating Structure for 2019/20.

2.         Council make and levy the 2019/20 Ordinary Rates in accordance with Table 2; and the 2019/20 Catchments Remediation Rate on all rateable land in the Shire in accordance with Table 3 of General Manager’s Report No. GM8/19.

3.         Council write to those who have made submissions thanking them for their comments.

4.         Council adopt for public exhibition a variation to the 2019/20 Fees and Charges relating to a new Community Meeting Room at Cheltenham Oval, adding fees for Regular hire at $18ph and Casual hire at $24ph. Following the public exhibition period, and if any submissions are received objecting to the fees, a further report be prepared for Council’s consideration.







Gary Bensley

Acting Deputy General Manager - Corporate Support

Corporate Support Division





Steven Head

General Manager

Office of the General Manager






There are no attachments for this report.


File Reference:          F2019/00075

Document Number:    D07690908