(Late Item Memo – Item 3,
Mayoral Minute MM11/19)
General Meeting
Wednesday 13 November 2019
at 6:30PM
Hornsby Shire Council Table of Contents
Page 0
Item 3 LM13/19 Further Information - 2019/20 Budget - September 2019 Quarter Review......... 1
Item 16 MM11/19 Beecroft War Memorial Cenotaph................................................................. 4
Corporate Support Division
Date of Meeting: 13/11/2019
ITEM 3 |
CS39/19 - 2019/20 Budget - September 2019 Quarter Review |
Additional information with NO CHANGE to Recommendation
In accordance with clauses 3.32 to 3.36 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, a pre-meeting briefing session was held on 6 November 2019 to brief Councillors on the business to be considered at the 13 November 2019 General Meeting.
As part of the discussion on Item 3 - Director’s Report No. CS39/19 – 2019/20 Budget – September 2019 Quarter Review – Councillors asked that further information be provided prior to the General Meeting in respect of the budget change for $200,000 associated with the remediation of the Beecroft War Memorial Cenotaph, which is proposed to be funded from the 179 Beecroft Road Restricted Asset ($186,000) and external grant funding ($14,000); as well as an update on the current condition of the Cenotaph.
Current Condition of the Cenotaph
· Temporary works were undertaken in May 2019 to stabilise the Cenotaph whilst funding options for remediation, including grants, could be explored.
· A recent visual assessment of the Cenotaph has identified that further deterioration has occurred since May 2019 including movement in the stone blocks and delamination of some of the sandstone.
· Further deterioration will continue to occur unless work is undertaken to restore the Cenotaph.
Further Information
· Prior to the 6 November 2019 briefing, the remediation of the Beecroft War Memorial Cenotaph was last discussed at the Informal Councillor Workshop held on 2 October 2019 as one of the unfunded projects which could be included in the September 2019 Quarter Review of the 2019/20 Budget.
· After extensive research, grant funding of $14,000 has been identified for the project. As such, the remaining amount of $186,000 is able to be sourced from the 179 Beecroft Road Restricted Asset. A further grant application is pending.
· The use of the Restricted Asset for such a purpose is consistent (albeit noting the sequence of prioritisation) with the third point (bolded) of Council’s 10 October 2018 resolution in respect of Notice of Motion No 28/18 – Byles Creek Land Acquisition Strategy - where it was resolved that:
o A report be prepared for Council’s consideration on the studies required, timing and resource implications to undertake a review of Council’s Byles Creek land acquisition strategy aligned to the review of Council’s Local Environmental Plan to be funded from the internally restricted reserve (Sale of 179 Beecroft Road, Cheltenham funds).
o Funds not required in Point 1. above be identified to progress significant improvements to Cheltenham Oval and that options for this be reported to Council.
o Following the completion of the Oval upgrade referred to in Point 2. above, any surplus funds be used for projects for the benefit of the suburbs within the 2119 post code which can be linked to the following key principles;
Ø Environmental preservation, restoration and improvements.
Ø Social and community asset improvements.
· If Council does not wish to use funds from the 179 Beecroft Road Restricted Asset for the Beecroft Cenotaph project, some of the options it could consider include:
o Substituting the Cenotaph project for another Beecroft project currently included in the 2019/20 Budget which is funded from general funds.
o Substituting the Cenotaph project for other project/s listed in Director’s Report No. CS39/19 which are proposed to be funded from general funds.
o Further reducing the projected surplus for 2019/20, noting that this will require a review of projects currently included in the Long-Term Financial Plan.
o A combination of the three points above.
Additionally, if further grant funds do become available for the project, then the amount to be funded from the 179 Beecroft Road Restricted Asset will be able to be reduced.
Provided for information and to identify alternative options for Council. No change to the recommendation is made.
THAT the September 2019 Quarter Review of the Operational Plan (Budget) for 2019/20 be received and noted. |
Stephen Fedorow Director - Community and Environment Community and Environment Division |
Glen Magus Director - Corporate Support Corporate Support Division |
There are no attachments for this report.
File Reference: F2019/00075
Document Number: D07795859
Mayoral Minute No. MM11/19
Date of Meeting: 13/11/2019
Following on from a pre-meeting briefing held on 6 November 2019 at which Councillors were briefed on the business to be considered at the 13 November 2019 General Meeting, I have had some further discussions with my fellow Councillors and interested community members about the remediation and funding of the Beecroft War Memorial Cenotaph (refer Director’s Report No. CS39/19 – 2019/20 Budget – September 2019 Quarter Review). The Cenotaph is an important cultural and social asset for our community and the need to restore and preserve it is not in question.
Following those discussions, I believe it is necessary for Council and the community to further engage on how the remediation should be progressed and how it should be funded. This would include further work being undertaken at both a political and staff level to ensure that all relevant funding sources including Government grants have been sourced. The Federal Member for Berowra has indicated he will support a grant application under the ‘Saluting Our Services’ Program and a NSW State Government Community Building Partnership Grant application is also pending. As such, I propose that consideration of funding for the Beecroft War Memorial Cenotaph be removed from Council’s consideration of Director’s Report No. CS39/19 at tonight’s Meeting.
There are timing constraints we need to work to. The restoration works required are extensive and the condition of the Cenotaph will continue to deteriorate.
THAT: 1. When Council considers Director’s Report No. CS39/19 – 2019/20 Budget – September 2019 Quarter Review at tonight’s Meeting, it defer a decision in respect of the proposed remediation and funding of the Beecroft War Memorial Cenotaph. 2. A further workshop with Councillors be undertaken in advance of consulting with the community about the proposed works and timeframes. |
The Honourable Cr PHILIP RUDDOCK
There are no attachments for this report.
File Reference: F2019/00075