Mayoral Minute Item 16 MM13/19
General Meeting
Wednesday 11 December 2019
at 6:30PM
Hornsby Shire Council Table of Contents
Page 0
Item 16 MM13/19 Terrestrial Biodiversity Map Within The Hornsby Local Environmental Plan 2013.................................................................................................................................. 1
Mayoral Minute No. MM13/19
Date of Meeting: 11/12/2019
I would like to introduce tonight a very important Mayoral Minute. I determined that rather than allowing others to move it I should bring it forward myself. We have had a lot of discussion about the importance of our tree canopy in terms of mitigating against other factors that are real and live. We have had a very active program in planting trees in the Council area. We know we have lost much of our canopy in Hornsby in recent years and tonight I want to introduce a Mayoral Minute that furthers the good work I believe we have already undertaken to re-establish our tree preservation orders, to strengthen the landscape provision in the Development Control Plan (DCP), and in our 25,000-tree program.
Tonight, I wish to submit that Council needs to act further to strengthen our protection of biodiversity and our canopy. I recently became aware that Council`s Terrestrial Biodiversity Maps contained within the Local Environmental Plan (LEP) rely upon vegetation mapping that was prepared some 10 years ago. For that reason I became concerned when I understood that Council, having prepared an updated vegetation map at some considerable expense, did not incorporate that information into our plans. I don`t want to have unforeseen consequences, but I can`t see or understand how simply having accurate information available to the public from the up to date vegetation mapping wouldn’t achieve only that. It`s not intended to have other consequences.
THAT: 1. Council prepare a Planning Proposal to replace the current Terrestrial Biodiversity Map within the Hornsby Local Environmental Plan 2013 with a new Map using updated vegetation mapping prepared on behalf of Council by Eco Logical Australia with the inclusion of 10 metre buffers. 2. Council consult the Hornsby Local Planning Panel in the preparation of the Planning Proposal and the comments of the Panel be addressed in the report to Council presenting the Proposal. 3. When the Planning Proposal is submitted to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Council request the matter be expedited to ensure practical effect is given to the updated vegetation mapping in consideration of all development applications, tree and vegetation permits, and development processes. 4. Until such time as the Planning Proposal has been gazetted, all development applications involving tree removal within the area shown on the updated vegetation map be assessed comprehensively in accordance with the tree preservation controls within the Hornsby Development Control Plan. 5. Whilst the Planning Proposal is being prepared, Council undertake a communication exercise to seek broad feedback that can be incorporated/considered when Council considers adopting the formal Planning Proposal. |
The Honourable Cr PHILIP RUDDOCK
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File Reference: F2013/00497#01