Local Planning Panel meeting
Wednesday 28 October 2020 at 6:30PM
Hornsby Shire Council Attachments
Local Planning Panel
1 LPP19/20 Development Application - Alterations and Additions to an Industrial Unit Comprising the Installation of a 58sqm Mezzanine Level - 20 / 35 Sefton Road,Thornleigh
Attachment 1: Locality Plan....................................................................................... 2
Attachment 2: Strata Plan.......................................................................................... 3
Attachment 3: Architectural Plans.............................................................................. 5
2 LPP31/20 Development Application - Alterations and Additions to an Industrial Unit Comprising the Installation of a 40sqm Mezzanine Storage Area - 30/35 Sefton Road Thornleigh
Attachment 1: Locality Plan...................................................................................... 13
Attachment 2: Development Plans............................................................................ 14
3 LPP30/20 Development Application - Demolition of a Tennis Court, Shed, Garage and Driveway and Construction of a Purpose Built Addition to a Dwelling House and Change of use to a 70 Place Child Care Centre with a Basement Car Park and Associated Landscaping
Attachment 1: Locality Plan...................................................................................... 18
Attachment 2: Plans Architectural............................................................................. 19
Attachment 3: Landcape Plan.................................................................................. 45