MINUTES OF Local Planning Panel
on Wednesday 28 October 2020
at 6:30PM
Chairperson - Garry Fielding (Chair)
Expert Panel Member - Mary-Lynne Taylor
Expert Panel Member - Linda McClure
Community Member - Jerome Cox
Community Member - Barbra Wynn
Staff Present
Group Manager, Planning - James Farrington
Manager Development Assessments - Rod Pickles
Major Development Manager - Cassandra Williams
Senior Town Planner - Stephen Dobbs
Senior Town Planner - Benjamin Jones
The meeting commenced at 6.30pm.
Statement by the Chairman:
"I advise all present that tonight's meeting is being audio recorded for the purposes of providing a record of public comment at the meeting, supporting the democratic process, broadening knowledge and participation in community affairs, and demonstrating Council’s commitment to openness and accountability. The recordings of the non-confidential parts of the meeting will be made available on Council’s website once the Minutes have been finalised. All speakers are requested to ensure their comments are relevant to the issue at hand and to refrain from making personal comments or criticisms. No other persons are permitted to record the meeting, unless specifically authorised by Council to do so.”
APOLOGIES / leave of absence
declarations of interest
The following members of the public addressed the Panel on items on the agenda:
1 LPP19/20 Development Application - Alterations and Additions to an Industrial Unit Comprising the Installation of a 58sqm Mezzanine Level - 20/35 Sefton Road, Thornleigh
Justin Kerley For (Applicant)
2 LPP31/20 Development Application - Alterations and Additions to an Industrial Unit Comprising the Installation of a 40sqm Mezzanine Storage Area - 30/35 Sefton Road Thornleigh
Paul Hanson Against
Dolores McIntyre Against
Kellie Lintott Against
Holly Whitson Against
Peter Kerr For
3 LPP30/20 Development Application - Demolition of a Tennis Court, Shed, Garage and Driveway and Construction of a Purpose Built Addition to a Dwelling House and Change of use to a 70 Place Child Care Centre with a Basement Car Park and Associated Landscaping
Jan Primrose Against
Kay Kan Against
Phillipa Stewart Against
Trish Brown Against
Toby Wetherill For (Architect) Gardner Wetherill Associates
4 LPP33/20 Reporting Development Applications for Determination by the Hornsby Local Planning Panel over 180 Days
5 LPP29/20 Development Application - Alterations and Additions to Residential Aged Care Facility - 1-3 Myra Street and 73-77 Alexandria Parade, Waitara
The Panel Chair closed the public meeting at 7:41pm.
Local Planning Panel
1 LPP19/20 Development Application - Alterations and additions to an industrial unit comprising the installation of a 58sqm mezzanine level - 20 / 35 Sefton Road, Thornleigh (DA/558/2020) |
THAT Development Application No. DA/558/2020 for alterations and additions to an industrial unit comprising the installation of a 58m2 mezzanine level at Lot 20 SP 101715, No. 20/35 Sefton Road Thornleigh be refused for the reasons detailed in Schedule 1 of LPP Report No. LLP19/20. PANEL’S CONSIDERATION AND DETERMINATION The Panel considered the matters raised in written submissions including the scale of the development, incremental increases in floor area as a result of multiple applications, acoustic , traffic and car parking impacts. The Panel resolved to adopt the officer’s recommendation and refuse consent to the proposed development. VOTING OF THE PANEL MEMBERS FOR: Garry Fielding, Linda McClure, Jerome Cox AGAINST: Mary-Lynne Taylor |
3 LPP30/20 Development Application - Demolition of a tennis court, shed, garage and driveway and construction of a purpose built addition to a dwelling house and change of use to a 70 place child care centre with a basement car park and associated landscaping - 181 and 183 Beecroft Road, Cheltenham (DA/259/2020) |
THAT Development Application No. DA/259/2020 for the construction of a purpose-built addition to a dwelling house and change of use to a 70-place child care centre with a basement car park and associated landscaping at Lot 79 DP 9085, Pt Lot 80 DP 9085, Lot 81 DP 9085, Lot 82 DP 9085, Nos. 181 and 183 Beecroft Road, Cheltenham be refused for the reasons detailed in Schedule 1 of LPP Report No. LPP30/20. PANEL’S CONSIDERATION AND DETERMINATION The Panel considered the matters raised in written submissions and by the speakers at the meeting including the scale of the development, impact on the streetscape, tree loss, heritage impacts, acoustic impacts, pedestrian safety, traffic and car parking impacts. The Panel resolved to adopt the officer’s recommendation and refuse consent to the proposed development. VOTING OF THE PANEL MEMBERS FOR: Garry Fielding, Linda McClure, Barbra Wynn AGAINST: Mary-Lynne Taylor (supports deferral of the application) |
4 LPP33/20 Reporting Development Applications for determination by the Hornsby Local Planning Panel over 180 Days
RECOMMENDATION THAT the contents of LPP Report No. LPP33/20 be received and noted.
VOTING OF THE PANEL MEMBERS FOR: Garry Fielding, Mary-Lynne Taylor, Linda McClure, Barbra Wynn, Jerome Cox AGAINST: Nil |
5 LPP29/20 Development Application - Alterations and additions to residential aged care facility - 1-3 Myra Street and 73-77 Alexandria Parade, Waitara
RECOMMENDATION THAT the Hornsby Shire Council Local Planning Panel assume the concurrence of the Secretary of the Department of Planning and Environment pursuant to Clause 4.6 of the Hornsby Local Environmental Plan 2013 and approve Development Application No. DA/192/2020 for demolition of structures and alterations and additions to an existing residential aged care facility at Lot 2 DP 323073, Lots C, D, E, F DP 432793, Lot 2 DP 1030828, Nos. 1-3 Myra Street and Nos. 73-77 Alexandria Parade, Waitara subject to the conditions of consent detailed in Schedule 1 of LPP Report No. LPP29/20 PANEL’S CONSIDERATION AND DETERMINATION The Panel considered the matters raised in written submissions including privacy and acoustic impacts, removal of trees, devaluation of adjoining properties and traffic and car parking impacts. The Panel resolved to adopt the officer’s recommendation and approve the proposed development subject to the conditions contained in Schedule 1 of the report. The reasons for this decision are: · The proposed development generally complies with the requirements of the relevant environmental planning instruments, including State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing for Seniors or People with a Disability) 2004, the Hornsby Local Environmental Plan 2013 and the relevant requirements of the Hornsby Development Control Plan 2013. · The requests to vary the development standards contained within Clause 40(4)(a) and Clause 40(4)(c) of State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing for Seniors or People with a Disability) 2004 is well founded. Strict compliance with the development standards are unreasonable and unnecessary in the circumstances of the case and there are sufficient environmental planning grounds to justify the variation to the development standard. · The proposed development does not create unreasonable environmental impacts to adjoining development with regard to traffic impacts, visual bulk, overshadowing, solar access, amenity or privacy. VOTING OF THE PANEL MEMBERS FOR: Garry Fielding, Mary-Lynne Taylor, Linda McClure, Jerome Cox AGAINST: Nil |
The Panel’s meeting concluded at 8:25pm.