MINUTES OF Local Planning Panel meeting
Held at Council Chambers, HORNSBY
on Wednesday 28 July 2021
at 6:30pm
Chairperson - Garry Fielding
Expert Panel Member - Linda McClure
Expert Panel Member - Juliet Grant
Community Member - Barbra Wynn
Community Member - Brian Scarsbrick
Staff Present
Director, Planning and Compliance - James Farrington
Manager, Development Assessments - Rod Pickles
Major Development Manager - Cassandra Williams
Team Co-ordinator - Caroline Maeshian
Senior Town Planner - Ben Jones
Independent Acoustic Consultant - Steven Cooper
The meeting commenced at 6.30pm.
Statement by the Chairman:
"I advise all present that tonight's meeting is being audio recorded for the purposes of providing a record of public comment at the meeting, supporting the democratic process, broadening knowledge and participation in community affairs, and demonstrating Council’s commitment to openness and accountability. The recordings of the non-confidential parts of the meeting will be made available on Council’s website once the Minutes have been finalised. All speakers are requested to ensure their comments are relevant to the issue at hand and to refrain from making personal comments or criticisms. No other persons are permitted to record the meeting, unless specifically authorised by Council to do so.”
APOLOGIES / leave of absence
The following members of the public addressed the Panel on items on the agenda:
1 LPP16/21 DA/124/2021 - Alterations and Additions to an Existing Residential Aged Care Facility - 144-146 Beecroft Road, Beecroft
Greg Boston (BBF Planners) Speaking on behalf of Applicant For
2 LPP18/21 DA/1030/2018 - Alterations and Additions to an Existing Club (The Galston Club) - 19-25 Arcadia Road Galston
Jan Primrose (Spokesperson for PYSE) Against
John Inshaw (Speaking on behalf of GARA) Against
Cllr Warren Waddell For
Brian Dodd (Director, The Galston Club) For
Christophe Bodart (Chief Executive Officer, The Galston Club) For
Dennis Stephenson (President, The Galston Club) For
Nicolas Tedesco (Applicant) will only speak if need be For
Rodney Phillips (Renzo Tonin - Acoustic Consultant) For
The Panel Chair closed the public meeting at 7.43pm.
Local Planning Panel
2 LPP18/21 DA/1030/2018 - Alterations and Additions to an Existing Club (The Galston Club) - 19-25 Arcadia Road Galston (DA/1030/2018) |
THAT Development Application No. DA/1030/2018 for alterations and additions to an existing registered club building, expansion of the existing car park, erection of acoustics screens and associated landscaping at Lot 1 DP 80275, The Galston Club, Nos. 19-25 Arcadia Road Galston be approved as a deferred commencement pursuant to Section 4.16(3) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 subject to the conditions of consent detailed in Schedule 1 of LPP Report No. LPP18/2021. PANEL’S CONSIDERATION AND DETERMINATION The Panel considered the matters raised by the objectors in written submissions and at the meeting, including crime prevention measures, stormwater drainage impacts, development not in keeping with the character of the area; impacts on trees and loss of landscaping; devaluation of adjoining properties; increase in trading hours; proposed smoking rooms fails to comply with relevant legislation; stormwater drainage impacts; intrusive lighting and excessive noise and privacy impacts. The Panel also noted that the existing inground concrete septic tank, which is located in the proposed landscaped area of the car park, is used as a holding tank for septic waste before it is pumped to the Sydney Water sewage system for treatment. The Panel resolved to adopt the officer’s recommendation and approve the proposed development as a deferred commencement consent, subject to the conditions contained in Schedule 1 of the report and the following amendments. Amend condition No. 1 to read: 1. Deferred Commencement Pursuant to Section 4.16(3) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, this consent does not operate until a Plan of Management is submitted that comprehensively addresses the Land and Environmental Court Planning Principles for Plans of Management. a) The Plan of Management should include, but not limited to, measures to be employed to manage patron and staff behaviour; closing procedures; shuttle bus management; restrictions on service and delivery vehicles to reduce impacts on residents; loading dock management; complaint procedures; light control measures; staff car parking; security and crime prevention, including CCTV coverage of the car park and landscape areas; and noise management. b) The Plan of Management must include a detailed plan of the location of the exterior CCTV cameras connected to the Club monitoring system. c) Such information must be submitted within 12 months of the date of this notice. Failure to satisfy the above requirement by the specified date will result in the lapsing of the consent. Upon Council’s written satisfaction of the above information, the following conditions of development consent apply: Amend condition No. 64 to read: 64. Operation of Licensed Premises The operation of the premises must be carried out in accordance with the following requirements: a) The hours of operation of the premises are: Monday to Saturday: 11.00am to 12 midnight Sunday: 10.00am to 10.00pm b) All live bands (including portable disc jockeys) must cease no later than the following times: Monday to Saturday: 11.00pm Sunday: 9.00pm The reasons for this decision are: · The proposed development would result in an improved acoustic outcome for the locality. · Subject to conditions the proposed development does not create unreasonable environmental impacts to adjoining development. VOTING OF THE PANEL MEMBERS FOR: Garry Fielding, Linda McClure, Juliet Grant, Brian Scarsbrick AGAINST: NIL |
3 LPP17/21 Reporting Development Applications for determination by the Hornsby Local Planning Panel over 180 days
RECOMMENDATION THAT the contents of LPP Report No. LPP17/21 be received and noted.
VOTING OF THE PANEL MEMBERS FOR: Garry Fielding, Linda McClure, Juliet Grant, Brian Scarsbrick AGAINST: NIL |
The Panel’s meeting concluded at 8.17pm.