MINUTES OF General Meeting
Held at council chambers, HORNSBY
on Wednesday 13 April 2022
at 6:30PM
Councillors Ruddock (Chairman), Ball, Greenwood, Heyde, McClelland, McIntosh, Pillamarri, Salitra, Tilbury and Waddell.
Pastor Andrew Starr, of Viva Church Hornsby opened the meeting in prayer.
Acknowledgement of RELIGIOUS DIVERSITY
Statement by the Chairman:
"We recognise our Shire's rich cultural and religious diversity and we acknowledge and pay respect to the beliefs of all members of our community, regardless of creed or faith."
Acknowledgement of Country
An Acknowledgement of Country was given by the Darug and GuriNgai Traditional Owner representative, Uncle Laurie Bimson.
Statement by the Chairman:
"I advise all present that tonight's meeting is being video streamed live via Council’s website and also audio recorded for the purposes of providing a record of public comment at the meeting, supporting the democratic process, broadening knowledge and participation in community affairs, and demonstrating Council’s commitment to openness and accountability. The audio and video recordings of the non-confidential parts of the meeting will be made available on Council’s website once the Minutes have been finalised. All speakers are requested to ensure their comments are relevant to the issue at hand and to refrain from making personal comments or criticisms. No other persons are permitted to record the Meeting, unless specifically authorised by Council to do so."
APOLOGIES / leave of absence
declarations of interest
confirmation of minutes
Rescission Motions
Mayoral Minutes
Items 2, 3 and 6 were withdrawn for discussion.
For the sake of clarity, the above items are recorded in Agenda sequence.
Note: Item 10 was called over and noted.
Note: Persons wishing to address Council on matters which were on the Agenda were permitted to address Council, prior to the item being discussed. The names of all speakers are recorded in the Minutes in respect of the particular item.
Note: Persons wishing to address Council on Non Agenda items were permitted to speak after all items on the Agenda in respect of which there was a speaker from the public were finalised by Council. Their names are recorded in the Minutes under the heading “Public Forum – Non Agenda Items”.
Office of the General Manager
3 GM13/22 Draft 2022-2026 Delivery Program including the Operational Plan, Budget and Fees and Charges 2022/23 - Adoption for Public Exhibition (F2022/00059) |
RESOLVED ON THE MOTION OF COUNCILLOR TILBURY, seconded by COUNCILLOR MCINTOSH, THAT: 1. Council adopt for public exhibition the draft 2022-2026 Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2022/23 which includes the draft Budget, Fees and Charges and Rating Structure for 2022/23 and make available for public comment from 14 April to 16 May 2022. 2. Council note the rating information contained in the draft 2022-2026 Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2022/26 aligns with the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal’s (IPART’s) rate increase approval for NSW councils (i.e. a 0.7% rate increase for 2022/23). 3. In line with recently published IPART Guidelines, Council apply for a permanent Additional Special Variation (ASV) to General Income (i.e. from 0.7% to 2.28% for 2022/23) on the following basis: a) The additional general income to be received by Council for the 2022/23 financial year as a result of such an ASV would be $1.1 million. b) The additional income is required to ensure the financial sustainability of Council’s services and projects as detailed in General Manager’s Report No. GM13/22 and Council’s Long Term Financial Plan. c) Council has considered the impact of an ASV on ratepayers and the community in 2022/23 and future years and considers such impact to be reasonable in the circumstances. 4. Following public exhibition, and before 30 June 2022, a report be prepared which outlines any submissions received and recommends the adoption of the 2022-2026 Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2022/23, including Budget, Fees and Charges and Rating Structure which takes into account IPART’s decision in respect of Council’s ASV application.
FOR: Councillors Ball, Greenwood, Heyde, McClelland, McIntosh, Pillamarri, Ruddock, Salitra, Tilbury and Waddell
Corporate Support Division
4 CS22/22 Investments and Borrowings for 2021/2022 - Status for Period Ending 28 February 2022 (F2004/06987-02) |
RESOLVED ON THE MOTION OF COUNCILLOR MCINTOSH, seconded by COUNCILLOR TILBURY, That the contents of Director’s Report No. CS22/22 be received and noted.
FOR: Councillors Ball, Greenwood, Heyde, McClelland, McIntosh, Pillamarri, Ruddock, Salitra, Tilbury and Waddell
5 CS24/22 Pecuniary Interest and Other Matters Returns - Disclosures by Councillors and Designated Persons (F2021/00034) |
RESOLVED ON THE MOTION OF COUNCILLOR MCINTOSH, seconded by COUNCILLOR TILBURY, THAT Council note the Written Returns of Interest recently lodged with the General Manager have been tabled as required by the Local Government Act.
FOR: Councillors Ball, Greenwood, Heyde, McClelland, McIntosh, Pillamarri, Ruddock, Salitra, Tilbury and Waddell
Community and Environment Division
6 CE4/22 Draft Dual Naming and/or Renaming of Council Facilities Policy (F2005/01147-002) |
RESOLVED ON THE MOTION OF COUNCILLOR MCINTOSH, seconded by COUNCILLOR HEYDE, THAT Council adopt the draft Dual Naming and/or Renaming of Council Facilities Policy attached to the Director’s Report No. CE4/22.
FOR: Councillors Ball, Greenwood, Heyde, McClelland, McIntosh, Pillamarri, Ruddock, Salitra, Tilbury and Waddell
7 CE5/22 Disability Inclusion Action Plan (Social Inclusion Hornsby) (F2021/00196) |
RESOLVED ON THE MOTION OF COUNCILLOR MCINTOSH, seconded by COUNCILLOR TILBURY, THAT: 1. The draft Disability Inclusion Action Plan (Social Inclusion Hornsby) attached to the Director’s Report No. CE5/22 be placed on public exhibition for a period of 28 days. 2. Following exhibition, a report on submissions be presented to Council for its consideration.
FOR: Councillors Ball, Greenwood, Heyde, McClelland, McIntosh, Pillamarri, Ruddock, Salitra, Tilbury and Waddell
8 CE6/22 IPART Domestic Waste Management Charge Review (F2013/00751) |
RESOLVED ON THE MOTION OF COUNCILLOR MCINTOSH, seconded by COUNCILLOR TILBURY, THAT Council: 1. Note that IPART propose to regulate NSW councils’ Domestic Waste Management Charges (DWMC) where individual councils exceed the “waste peg” and IPART do not accept a Council’s justification for the DWMC increase. 2. Note the significant ongoing adverse impacts the IPART draft decisions are likely to have on Council’s Domestic Waste Management (DWM) services and other waste services. 3. Note the budget impact of cost shifting approximately $2.3M for transferring corporate overheads and other waste services to the general fund budget under a Special Rate Variation. 4. Endorse the submission to IPART attached to Late Item Memo No. LM4/22, raising concerns about their Draft Decisions including the proposed introduction of a “waste peg” and incremental cost methodology for corporate overheads. 5. Provide a copy of its IPART submission to the NSW Government, local Members of Parliament, the Treasurer, Minister for Local Government and other relevant stakeholders. 6. Call on the NSW Government and Minister for Local Government to undertake a review of the Local Government Act 1993 - Section 496 and Office of Local Government’s Rates and Revenue Raising Manual 2007 to modernise the scope of DWM Services to include contemporary waste services in consultation with Local Government.
FOR: Councillors Ball, Greenwood, Heyde, McClelland, McIntosh, Pillamarri, Ruddock, Salitra, Tilbury and Waddell
Planning and Compliance Division
Infrastructure and Major Projects Division
Confidential Items
9 CS23/22 Bequest of Property at Dural This report was deemed confidential, under Section 10A (2) (c) of the Local Government Act, 1993. This report contains information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business. (F2022/00043) |
RESOLVED ON THE MOTION OF COUNCILLOR MCINTOSH, seconded by COUNCILLOR TILBURY, THAT Council authorise the General Manager to progress the matter in line with the Proposed Next Steps outlined in Confidential Late Item Memo No. LM5/22.
FOR: Councillors Ball, Greenwood, Heyde, McClelland, McIntosh, Pillamarri, Ruddock, Salitra, Tilbury and Waddell
Ms Rhyanne Farache, of Hornsby addressed Council regarding Islam and Ramadan customs and traditions.
Mr Roman Goydych, of Cherrybrook addressed Council, congratulating the new Councillors and providing feedback and observations about the business paper and other Council functions.
Questions with Notice
Mayor's Notes
10 MN2/22 Mayor's Notes from 01 March 2022 to 31 March 2022 (F2004/07053) |
Note: These are the functions that the Mayor, or his representative, has attended in addition to the normal Council Meetings, Workshops, Mayoral Interviews and other Council Committee Meetings.
Thursday 3rd March 2022 – The Mayor hosted an online Citizenship Ceremony via Zoom. Tuesday 8th March 2022 – The Mayor attended International Women's Day Morning Tea and Local History Talk at Wallarobba House, Hornsby. Wednesday 9th March 2022 – The Mayor attended the Women's Shed Hornsby and Kuring Gai - International Women’s Day – ‘Break the Bias’s’ event at PCYC, Waitara. Monday 14th March 2022 – The Mayor attended the Pennant Hills Rotary Club Australia Day Merit Dinner & 62nd Birthday of the Club at Pennant Hills Golf Club, Beecroft. Wednesday 16th March 2022 – The Mayor hosted four Citizenship Ceremonies at Hornsby Shire Council Chambers, Hornsby. Thursday 17th March 2022 – The Mayor attended Australia Chinese Youth Elite Club Harmony Week Celebrations at Pennant Hills Community Centre, Pennant Hills. Thursday 17th March 2022 – The Mayor attended the India Club "Snack and Chat Session" celebrations for Harmony Day and International Women's Day at West Pennant Hills Valley Community Centre, West Pennant Hills. Saturday 19th March 2022 - The Mayor attended the inaugural Berowra Fauna Fair at Berowra District Hall, Berowra. Tuesday 22nd March 2022 – The Mayor attended the Hornsby Village Hub Seniors Launch Event at Storey Park, Asquith. Thursday 24th March 2022 – The Mayor attended the 2022 Hornsby/Ku-ring-gai District RFS Medal Presentation Ceremony at Hornsby / Ku-rung-gai Fire Control Centre, 1049 Pacific Highway, Cowan. Thursday 24th March 2022 – The Mayor attended the Beecroft / Cheltenham Civic Trust AGM at the Presbyterian Hall, Beecroft. Sunday 27th March 2022 – The Mayor attended the World Hindi Day celebrations at Thornleigh West Public School, Thornleigh. CALLED OVER AND NOTED |
Notices of Motion
Supplementary Reports
THE MEETING concluded at 7:17pm.
These Minutes were confirmed at the meeting held on Wednesday 11 May 2022, at which meeting the signature hereunder was subscribed.