MINUTES OF Local Planning Panel ELECTRONIC meeting



on Monday 19 December 2022

at 2:30pm




Chairperson - Garry Fielding

Expert Panel Member - Alison McCabe

Expert Panel Member - Mary-Lynne Taylor

Community Member - Amanda Anderson

Community Member - Martin Dargan

Community Member - David White


Staff Present

Director, Planning and Compliance - James Farrington

A/Manager, Development Assessments - Cassandra Williams

A/Major Development Manager - Caroline Maeshian

Senior Town Planner - Katrina Maxwell



Statement by the Chairman:

"We acknowledge we are on the traditional lands of the Darug and Guringai Peoples.  We pay our respects to elders past and present."


APOLOGIES / leave of absence



political donations disclosure



declarations of interest



1                 LPP75/22    Reporting Development Applications for Determination by the Hornsby Local Planning Panel over 180 Days



THAT the contents of LPP Report No. LPP75/22 be received and noted.


The Panel resolved to receive and note the report and provided the following recommendations:

A.            DA/737/2022 for a recreation facility (Outdoor and Indoor) at No. 639 Old Northern Road, Dural

1.             The panel acknowledged Council’s in principle support for the amended concept plan for DA/737/2022 for a recreation facility (Outdoor and Indoor) and the panel raised the following concerns:

a)            Confirmation and certainty is required as to the proposed use of the site and the nature of the operation. 

b)            Potential traffic and road safety issues with vehicular access to the site as a result of the left in left out arrangement and traffic impacts in the locality.

c)             Lack of bus parking and manoeuvring on the site.

d)            Confirmation of the works to be undertaken off site including road works and the extent of tree removal.

e)            Issues with the location of the acoustic screens within the setback areas. The side setbacks should be clear of all structures, including lighting.

f)              Issues with the extent of paving and hard surface areas and a requirement to provide  more soft landscaping.

g)            Additional trees and landscaping should be provided within the car park.

h)            Issues with the acoustic and lighting impacts of the development on the surrounding area.

2.             The panel requests that the applicant submits the amended plans and additional information no later than 19 March 2023.

3.             That a report be prepared for determination of the application by the HLPP for the June 2023 meeting or earlier if the amended plans/ documentation are not received by 19 March 2023.

B.            DA/121/2022 for demolition of existing structures and construction of 2x 5 storey residential flat buildings comprising a total of 64 apartments with basement parking at No. 23, 23A, 25, 25A & 27 Balmoral Street, Waitara

1.             The panel noted that the applicant has provided sketch plans for Council’s review in relation to DA/121/2022 for a residential flat building and supports the consideration of the sketch plans.  However, should the revised plans fail to address Council’s concerns, the matter be reported to the HLPP for determination at the February 2023 meeting.



FOR:                Garry Fielding, Alison McCabe, Mary-Lynne Taylor, Amanda Anderson, Martin Dargan, David White

AGAINST:         NIL


THE MEETING concluded at 3.32pm.

