Late Item Memo (Item 1)

Local Planning Panel meeting


Wednesday 31 May 2023

at 4:00pm





Hornsby Shire Council                     Table of Contents

Page 0





Item 1     LM5/23 DA/1205/2022 - Temporary use of the Site as a Function Centre for a Maximum of 70 guests - 4 Henstock Road, Arcadia  NSW  2159....................... 1




Planning and Compliance Division

Date of Meeting: 31/05/2023




LPP2/23 - DA/1205/2022 - Temporary Use of the Site as a Function Centre for a Maximum of 70 guests - 4 Henstock Road, Arcadia



Additional information with NO CHANGE to Recommendation


A late submission has been received seeking clarification about concerns raised with respect to the impact of the proposed use on the horse boarding and training establishment located on the adjoining property No. 11 Cobah Road, Arcadia (Lot 1 DP 609304).

Particular concern is raised regarding the proposal’s ability to address the following zone objective for the RU4 Primary Production Small Lots in the Hornsby Local Environmental Plan 2013 (HLEP).

·            ‘to minimise conflict between land uses within this zone and land uses within adjoining zones’ 

These matters are addressed below.

It is noted that the desired outcomes of Part 1C.2.5 Noise and Vibration of the Hornsby Development Control Plan (HDCP) are to encourage “development designed and managed to minimise noise and vibration impacts on the occupants of residential dwellings and other noise sensitive land uses”.

A Noise Impact Assessment prepared by RWDI Group dated 3 February 2023 has been submitted with the proposal. This report demonstrates that a “zero impact” approach of Background RBL + 0dB (31.5 Hz to 8 kHz inclusive) has been adopted. Assumed worst-case operational scenarios were modelled. Noise mitigation measures and recommendations of the report would be implemented minimising noise impacts and conflict between the adjoining horse boarding and training establishment and subject site.

The Acoustic Report adequately demonstrates that the proposed ‘temporary use will not adversely impact on any adjoining land or the amenity of the neighbourhood’ as required by Clause 2.8(3)(b) of the HLEP.

The proposal meets the desired outcome of Part 1C.2.5 Noise and Vibration of the HDCP and is considered acceptable.

Furthermore, it is noted that the adequate buffer distances and acoustic screening is proposed adjacent the eastern side boundary minimising the noise impacts associated with the proposed use. The function areas of the existing secondary dwelling and central garden area would be located more than 40 metres from the eastern side boundary. 

Accordingly, there is no change to the recommendation as a result of the further submission.




THAT Development Application No. DA/1205/2022 for temporary use of the site as a function centre for a maximum of 70 guests at Lot 3 DP 832940, No. 4 Henstock Road, Arcadia be approved subject to the conditions of consent detailed in Schedule 1 of LPP Report No. LPP2/23.







Cassandra Williams

Major Development Manager - Development Assessments

Planning and Compliance Division





Rod Pickles

Manager - Development Assessments

Planning and Compliance Division







There are no attachments for this report.



File Reference:          DA/1205/2022

Document Number:    D08659668