(Items 10 and 7)

General Meeting


Wednesday 13 December 2017

at 6:30PM



Hornsby Shire Council                                                                                           Table of Contents

Page 1





Item 10    LM12/17 PL58/17 Revised Hornsby Town Centre East Side Planning Proposal............... 1

Item 7     LM13/17 Catchments Remediation Rate (CRR) Annual Expenditure Report 2016/2017 .... 4   




Planning Division

Date of Meeting: 13/12/2017




PL58/17 - Revised Hornsby Town Centre East Side Planning Proposal  



Additional information with CHANGE to Recommendation

Since the finalisation of Group Manager’s Report PL58/17, a submission from Transport for NSW (TfNSW) has been received requesting removal of all TfNSW lands from Council’s Hornsby Town Centre East Side Planning Proposal. An amended draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has also been received proposing cost sharing for consultant studies to a maximum contribution of $80,000 from TfNSW. 

Since 2016, Council has been liaising with TfNSW concerning the future vision for the East Side of Hornsby Town Centre and Hornsby railway station and bus interchange in the context of Council’s Planning Proposal. This has included negotiations for a draft MOU setting out how Council and TfNSW can work together to determine the role of railway land in contributing to the realisation of Council’s vision for the east side, along with cost sharing principles for the necessary consultant studies. 

Numerous iterations of the draft MOU have been prepared by Council and TfNSW in an attempt to reach agreement. Council’s position has been that the objective of the MOU is to formalise how railway land and the re-evaluation of TfNSW’s “Hornsby Junction Re-modelling and Commuter Car Park” project (which is now on hold) could provide a unique opportunity for the investigation of creation of a new covered bus interchange, facilitated by potential transit oriented development opportunities within the railway corridor. Council’s position on cost-sharing is based on the proportion of land owned by TfNSW within the study area, which has been amended to align with the rail corridor up to Bridge Road.

TfNSW’s position has been that the objective of the MOU is to advance the financial and operational outcomes for TfNSW and promote commercial redevelopment of government assets based on its separate planning vision for its landholdings. TfNSW’s position of cost-sharing is based on pre-determined footprints of potential development within its landholdings.

A submission to the Mayor was received from TfNSW on 7 December 2017. Whilst there is agreement over the lands that should be the subject of technical studies, the submission requests removal of all TfNSW lands from Council’s Planning Proposal on the basis that TfNSW will lodge a separate planning proposal to rezone the station precinct concurrently with a State Significant Development Application. As outlined in Group Manager’s Report PL58/17, consideration of the rail corridor up to the alignment of Bridge Road as part of the Planning Proposal is justified on the basis of a holistic vision for the town centre and potential facilitation of more housing close to jobs, services and existing infrastructure. The inclusion of TfNSW owned land within the Planning Proposal does not prohibit TfNSW from lodging a separate Planning Proposal at a later date, which could be progressed concurrent to Council’s Planning Proposal. Accordingly, it is not recommended that the area subject of the Planning Proposal be further revised to delete railway land. 

A further iteration of the MOU was also received from TfNSW which limits the cost sharing for consultant studies to an amount of $80,000. Based on cost estimates for necessary consultant studies for the entire project and study area, it is anticipated that the consultant budget could be up to $500,000. Council has set out an amount allocated from its Operational Plan for the 2017/2018 financial year of $300,000 and requested that TfNSW’s funding share be up to a maximum of $188,000 to cover costs proportional to its land ownership and including administration of a project working group of which it would be part.

The counter proposal by TfNSW for a maximum contribution of $80,000 is proposed to go towards the urban design analysis, traffic and car parking assessment and community consultation. TfNSW is of the view that the Economic Feasibility Assessment, Public Domain Strategy and Heritage Review are not required for its land or would be conducted separately as more project-specific to its own land. However, as outlined in Group Manager’s Report PL58/17, the vision for the Hornsby Town Centre East Side Planning Proposal is a holistic revitalisation initiative, not a series of separate projects competing for commercial return which could have the cumulative impact of exceeding economic, infrastructure and environmental thresholds. The vision should be integrated and shared by the community, landholders and local and State authorities.

Accordingly, it would not be appropriate for Council to enter into a MOU with TfNSW based on the counter proposal with a maximum cost share of $80,000. This would represent a minor contribution, the benefit of which would not outweigh the additional resources Council would be required to commit to administration of a project working group and consulting with TfNSW representatives at key milestones. Instead TfNSW, like all other landowners and key agencies, would continue to be consulted throughout the project and Council would not be fettered in its processes.

It is recommended that Council thank TfNSW for its offer but not enter into a MOU and instead allocate additional funds in the 2018/2019 Budget to cover the cost of necessary consultant studies required for progression of the Hornsby East Side Planning Proposal.




1.         Council adopt the revised Hornsby East Side Town Centre Planning Proposal attached to Group Manager’s Report No. PL58/17 that rezones B3 Commercial Core land to B4 Mixed Use and expands the study area to include railway and town centre land up to Bridge Road.

2.         Tender documents be finalised for consultant engagement to undertake the necessary technical studies outlined in the Gateway Determination issued by the Department of Planning and Environment.

3.         Council allocate funds in the 2018/2019 Budget for an additional $200,000 to cover the cost of necessary consultant studies required for progression of the Hornsby East Side Planning Proposal.







Jason Rawlin

Principal Strategic Planner - Strategic Planning

Planning Division





James Farrington

Group Manager

Planning Division





There are no attachments for this report.


File Reference:           F2015/00190

Document Number:    D07352762



Environment and Human Services Division

Date of Meeting: 13/12/2017




EH9/17 - Catchments Remediation Rate (CRR) Annual Expenditure Report 2016/2017



Additional information with NO CHANGE to Recommendation

All attachments have been updated. In the current report reference is made to the 2015/16 financial year. Attachments provided within this late item Memo are the financial reports and Panel report for 2016/17.



THAT the contents of Group Manager’s Report No. EH9/17 be received and noted.






David Beharrell

Natural Acting Manager Natural Resources

Environment and Human Services Division




Peter Coad

Acting Group Manager Environment and Human Services

Environment and Human Services Division






EH9 - 17 - Attachment 1 - CRR Panel Report_2016-17




EH9 -17 - Attachment 2 - CRR Balance_2016-17




EH9 -17 - Attachment 3 - CRR Summary of Total Expenditure_2016-17





File Reference:           F2005/00829-03

Document Number:    D07353013


Hornsby Shire Council

Attachment to Report No. LM13/17 Page 4


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