(Late Item Memo and Mayoral Minutes)
General Meeting
Wednesday 14 February 2018
at 6.30PM
Hornsby Shire Council Table of Contents
Page 1
Item 13 LM1/18 Draft Amendment - Hornsby Development Control Plan - Tree and Vegetation Preservation.................................................................................................................................. 2
Item 16 MM1/18 Hornsby Connect........................................................................................... 1
Item 17 MM3/18 Recognition of local Indigenous Business Award Winner.................................. 3
Infrastructure and Recreation Division
Date of Meeting: 14/02/2018
ITEM 13 |
IR2/18 - Draft Amendments Hornsby Development Control Plan 2013 - Tree and Vegetation Preservation |
Additional information with NO CHANGE to Recommendation
The period for public submissions for the exhibition period concluded Friday 26 January 2018. Since that time further submissions have been received and additional issues have been raised.
Attachment 1 to this Late Item outlines the issues raised and the response provided by Council officers.
In total 145 submissions were received with 130 in favour of the proposal with many suggesting minor changes.
The outcome of these submissions does not alter the officer’s recommendation or Attachment 3 to the Deputy General Managers Report No. IR2/18 recommended for endorsement.
THAT Council: 1. Endorse the revised draft Tree and Vegetation Preservation controls attached to Deputy General Manager’s Report No. IR2/18 for insertion in the Hornsby Development Control Plan 2013. 2. Notify all those who lodged a submission of Council’s decision. 3. Authorise the preparation of guidance material to support the amended tree preservation provisions. |
Robert Stephens Deputy General Manager - Infrastructure and Recreation Infrastructure and Recreation Division |
David Sheils Manager - Parks and Recreation Infrastructure and Recreation Division |
1.View |
Attachment to Late Item memo - IR2/2018 Draft Amendment Hornsby Development Control Plan - Tree and Vegetation Presentation |
File Reference: F2007/00707-03
Document Number: D07388565
Mayoral Minute No. MM1/18
Date of Meeting: 14/02/2018
Hornsby Connect is an independent Not for Profit organisation focussed on helping others in the local community who are ‘doing it tough’ through a Community Hub where people can access affordable groceries, a counselling and referral service, support for the long-term unemployed, and an environment where people who are socially isolated can reconnect with society.
To date Council has provided assistance to Hornsby Connect through hiring a community centre to the group to conduct its operations – initially the Hornsby Leisure and Learning Centre and more recently the Hornsby Youth and Family Centre located at the corner of Burdett and Muriel Streets, Hornsby.
The Hornsby Youth and Family Centre is owned by SCENTRE Group and is leased to Council for a 10 year period expiring on 30 October 2023 - a reciprocal lease is in place for Council land on Hunter Street within the Hornsby Mall area. Council has made the Hornsby Youth and Family Centre available to the community for hire for general community activities on an hourly basis.
Since Hornsby Connect commenced approximately 18 months ago, the group has grown in its service delivery, ambitions and community support and now operates its food distribution service two days per week. Patronage of Hornsby Connects services is in the order of 55 families per week.
Community consultation undertaken on social cultural issues in 2014 identified social isolation and community connectedness as key issues to be addressed in the community. To date Council has supported Hornsby Connect to help address these issues in the Hornsby Central Business District and surrounds through providing a venue for the group to operate out of.
Council officers have also worked closely with Hornsby Connect to assist them in developing key partnerships with local businesses and community groups. One of these partnerships is with SCENTRE Group (Perpetual Trustees) who are the lessors of the property occupied by Hornsby Connect.
Hornsby Connect has made representations that a key issue to the further growth of Hornsby Connect is their need for greater operational control of the service delivery space – the Hornsby Youth and Family Centre. The logistics of operating a service such as the one that Hornsby Connect operates is challenging with restricted access to the facility and with Council operating as the intermediary.
In order to continue to support the growth of Hornsby Connect, it is appropriate that Council explore options to vary the tenancy arrangements of Hornsby Connect in the Hornsby Youth and Family Centre or another suitable facility to allow greater operational control and access to the facility whilst still maintaining general community access to the facility when not in use by Hornsby Connect.
THAT: 1. Council note the work being undertaken by Hornsby Connect in providing support to vulnerable members of our community. 2. Council explore options to vary the tenancy arrangements of Hornsby Connect in the Hornsby Youth and Family Centre or another suitable facility to allow greater operational control and access to the facility whilst still maintaining general community access to the facility when not in use by Hornsby Connect. 3. A further report be presented to Council outlining the results of investigations into future tenancy options for Hornsby Connect. |
The Honourable Cr PHILIP RUDDOCK
There are no attachments for this report.
File Reference: F2004/09189-03
Document Number: D07365444
Mayoral Minute No. MM3/18
Date of Meeting: 14/02/2018
The Hornsby Local Business Awards are an annual event and Council was a sponsor of the awards in 2017. The awards are judged, amongst other things, on business history, business marketing, staff training, business and environmental sustainability, business successes during the past 12 months, support to the community and business plans for the future.
Whilst I would like to congratulate all winners of the various awards, I would like to specifically recognise a local winner who happens to be indigenous. As a member of the Hornsby Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consultative Committee, I am particularly passionate about this issue.
I would like to recognise Jessica Sinnott of Koori Kinnections. Jessica runs a business that provides indigenous cultural education. Jessica won the award for Most Outstanding Educational Service.
Jessica Sinnott is a Yuin and Wiradjuri woman. She has gained a wealth of knowledge about Aboriginal culture, history and heritage from her family, community and co-workers. Jessica has worked as an Aboriginal Education Officer for The Aboriginal Heritage Office, Royal Botanic Gardens, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Taronga Zoo and TAFE NSW.
THAT Council acknowledge the achievements of Jessica Sinnott of Koori Kinnections in the 2017 Hornsby Small Business Awards. |
The Honourable Cr PHILIP RUDDOCK
There are no attachments for this report.
File Reference: F2005/01147
Document Number: D07376022