(Late Item Memo)
General Meeting
Wednesday 11 April 2018
at 6:30PM
Hornsby Shire Council Table of Contents
Page 1
Item 2 LM6/18 Amendments To Deptuty General Managers Report No. CS15/18...................... 1
Item 4 LM4/18 Additional information - South Dural Planning Proposal.................................... 9
Corporate Support Division
Date of Meeting: 11/04/2018
ITEM 2 |
CS15/18 - Draft Community Strategic Plan 2018-2028, Delivery Program 2018-21 Including the Operational Plan and Budget, and Fees and Charges 2018/19 - Adoption of Documents for Public Exhibition |
Additional information with CHANGE to Recommendation
Council’s draft Community Strategic Plan 2018-2028 and Delivery Program 2018-21 including the Operational Plan and Budget are included in the business papers for discussion at the 11 April 2018 General Meeting. Since preparing the draft documents, two Councillors have submitted requests for amendments and for the inclusion of additional items into the documents. Those amendments and inclusions are documented in the tables below with an officer’s recommendation for each item.
Note first column in table:
· CSP = Community Strategic Plan
· DPOP = Delivery Program including Operational Plan
CLR HEYDE’s REQUESTS – IP&R documents |
CSP, p6 (and DPOP, p5) |
About Hornsby Shire |
Alter the paragraph order to better acknowledge traditional owners |
Supported. |
CSP, p8 |
Top 10 Emerging Trends
Who is McCrindle?
Some trends have existed since 1960’s |
Remove: ‘Mobile lifestyle enabled through public transport and cars’ |
Not supported as this would be changing the consultant’s report. |
McCrindle is a firm of social researchers with expertise in analysing findings and identifying strategic trends. The Top Emerging Trends on p8 are taken from a report commissioned by Council to define the trends shaping the Shire. |
Add: ‘Increasing extreme weather events’ |
Reword: ‘A home for families and the next generations’ to ‘Housing affordability’ |
CSP, p11 |
What the community said: What would make living here better
Second most popular response after less development and less congestion |
Add: ‘Increasing protection and extent of tree canopy’ |
Supported. The suggested wording better reflects the community’s responses. |
What would make living here better: Improvements to traffic congestion and parking, higher quantity and quality of services and facilities, would make the area better.
How would you like the Shire to be in 10 years’ time: Many residents would like less development in general and a balance of better planning for developments with protection of the environment, bush and green spaces. |
CSP, p12 |
Text does not do justice to people’s concerns and the challenges we know we face |
Add reference to: Climate change; lack of public transport derives; traffic congestion; community dissatisfaction with the nature and rate of development |
Supported |
Add as extra paragraph on p12: Some of the major challenges ahead are: · Climate change and its impact on our bushland shire · Traffic congestion and its impact on the ability to move around easily · The nature and rate of development and its impact on the sense of community valued by residents |
CSP, p19 |
Sustainable – What the community can do to help make this happen |
Add: Reduce and compost food waste; Avoid single-use disposable plastic, Avoid car travel |
Supported |
Reword: Reduce, re-use and recycle waste, including food waste Add: Avoid single use disposable plastic Add: Reduce car travel where possible |
CSP, p22 (and DPOP, p66) |
Collaborative – Focus areas |
Add two more focus areas: Finding innovative and effective ways to consult with the community; Sharing information quickly and clearly |
Supported |
Combine suggested wording into existing: ‘Being accountable to the community by finding innovative and effective ways to consult with the community and sharing information quickly and clearly’ |
CSP, p23 |
Collaborative – What the community can do to help make this happen |
Add: Attend monthly Council meetings; Follow Hornsby Shire Council on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter; Email or call councillors about issues that matter to you |
Supported |
DPOP, p15 (and CSP, p16) |
Liveable - Focus areas for Council |
Add: (1) ‘Advocating with the state government for the infrastructure needs of the local area’ Add: (2) ‘Identifying, protecting and creating’ in front of ‘Places and spaces for people’ Add: (3) ‘Identify areas for future green space or open space acquisition and protection’ in 1H service description |
Supported |
The focus areas generally provide a link to the Greater Sydney Commission’s North District Plan. (1) Add as focus area and link to 1A, 1H, 2C and 3D (2) Expand wording of focus area (3) Add to 1H service description
DPOP, p28 |
1G. Service profile – Libraries |
Add two service delivery indicators: Average items loaned per person per year; Number of residents who belong to the library |
Supported |
New indicator: Average items loaned per library member per year. New indicator: % of residents who belong to Council’s libraries |
DPOP, p29 |
1G. Service profile – Libraries |
Add Key Initiative: Investigate and plan for additional library facilities |
Not supported |
Library facilities are covered in Community and Cultural Facilities Strategic Plan August 2015. Follow-up work will be covered in Hornsby East Side masterplan |
DPOP, p33 |
1i. Service profile – Aquatic and Leisure Centres |
Add Ongoing Activity: Investigate energy efficiency opportunities for the HALC |
Supported |
Add Ongoing Activity: Investigate additional energy efficiency opportunities for the HALC |
DPOP, p41 |
2C. Service profile – Conserve and enhance natural resources |
Change ‘Assess’ to ‘Create’: Create an urban forest management plan.
Change ‘Implement’ to ‘Develop’: Develop an ecological offset policy. |
Not supported |
Reword to: Create an urban forest strategy.
Already developed ecological offset policy – Green Offsets Policy. Suggest Council be provided with a Briefing. |
DPOP, p49 |
2G. Service profile – Provide a domestic recycling and waste service |
Add Key Initiative: Investigate eliminating single-use disposable plastic items from Council events, sponsored events and operations |
Not supported |
Policy position requiring whole of Council agreement. Suggest that Council develop a position via the waste management strategy |
DPOP, p56 |
3C. Service profile – Strategic planning |
Add: Lobby state government and agencies to ensure residents’ concerns about overdevelopment and lack of infrastructure are addressed. Add: Lobby state government to ensure that SEPPs do not override local strategic planning. |
Supported |
DPOP, p57 |
3C. Service profile – Strategic planning |
Add Ongoing activity: Continue to work on design excellence initiatives |
Supported |
DPOP, p59 |
3D. Service profile – Manage traffic flows, parking etc. |
Add Ongoing activity: Encourage and facilitate active transport such as cycling and walking |
Supported |
DPOP, p61 |
3E. Service profile – Traffic enforcement |
Add Ongoing activity: Prioritise EVs and car sharing.
Not supported (note alternative suggestion) |
Policy position requiring whole of Council agreement. Suggest that Council position be considered through future report. |
DPOP, p65 |
3G. Service profile – Commercial waste |
Add Ongoing activity: Encourage diversion from landfill with strict targets |
Not supported without formal consideration of the policy impacts for Council |
Issue should be considered through the Waste Management Strategy. Commercial Waste responds to business needs. Landfill diversion is encouraged via preferential pricing – see draft Fees and Charges p76.
DPOP, p70 |
4B. Service profile – Procurement
Council still has a sustainable procurement directive (not policy) from 2013 which is in need of review but still valid |
Add three words to end of third dot point in Service Profile: recommending and implementing changes in procurement practices that result in corporate cost reductions/savings and process efficiencies and environmental sustainability |
Sentiment is supported although not for inclusion into the DPOP. |
Sustainable Procurement Determination is the responsibility of the ExCo management group and will be reviewed in 2018/19. |
DPOP, p81
4G. Service profile – Support an engaged, productive and healthy workforce Is the movement of long term casuals into permanent positions an Ongoing Activity for Council? Believe that several people in the Waste teams have worked for very extended periods for Council as casuals |
Add Ongoing activity about the movement of long term casuals into permanent positions |
Not supported for inclusion into DPOP. |
Update of the Workforce Strategy will ensure alignment to Council strategic direction. |
DPOP, p85 |
4i. Service profile – Increase Council’s positive profile |
Change ‘Increase’ to ‘Review’: Review community recognition of Council activities |
Supported |
DPOP, p85 |
4i. Service profile – Increase Council’s positive profile They’re the ones that residents most often interact with in person, for better or worse, and would like that role and responsibility acknowledged |
Add dot point: Support front-line customer service staff in libraries, cleansing and waste services |
The sentiment is supported. What is proposed to be included is the following statement Council continue to support all front line customer service staff.
Many other areas of Council have front facing customer service as part of their service delivery, e.g. Rates staff and the Customer Service Counter staff. The update of the Workforce Strategy will consider these issues in more detail. |
DPOP, p16 |
1A. Service profile – Provide a management and maintenance service for Council’s assets |
Add Key Initiative: Identify key missing footpath links across the Shire Add Key Initiative: Identify funding opportunities to accelerate construction of key missing footpath links |
Supported |
Much of this work is underway already. An update of the Footpath Masterplan has been already flagged with Council |
Exhibition of the documents
If the changes recommended in the tables above are supported by Council, the commencement of the exhibition period will need to be delayed by two business days to accommodate the inclusion of the changes in the documents, printing of altered documents for display at libraries and for uploading to Council’s website. This would result in the documents being exhibited for 28 days from Monday 16 April to Monday 14 May 2018.
The documents can be viewed at Council libraries during normal opening hours and at Council’s Administration Building between 8.30am and 5pm Monday to Friday, and on Council’s website at
THAT: 1. Subject to the inclusion of the items recommended for support in Late Items Memo No LM5/18, Council adopt for public exhibition and make available for public comment from 16 April to 14 May 2018, the draft Community Strategic Plan 2018-2028, the draft Delivery Program 2018-21, including the draft Operational Plan 2018/19 which includes the draft Budget, Fees and Charges and Rating Structure for 2018/19. 2. Council note that the rating information contained in the Delivery Program 2018-21 including the draft Operational Plan 2018/19 is in line with the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal’s rate increase approval for NSW councils (i.e. a 2.3% rate increase for 2018/19). 3. Following the public exhibition period, and before 30 June 2018, a further report be prepared which provides details of any submissions received and recommends the adoption of a final Delivery Program 2018-21 including the Operational Plan 2018/19, which contains the Budget, Fees and Charges and Rating Structure for that year. |
Gary Bensley Deputy General Manager - Corporate Support Corporate Support Division |
Steven Head General Manager General Manager Division |
There are no attachments for this report.
File Reference: F2017/00322
Document Number: D07425264
Planning Division
Date of Meeting: 11/04/2018
ITEM 4 |
PL11/18 - South Dural Planning Proposal |
Additional information with Change to Recommendation
On 10 April 2018, Council received a letter (copy attached) from the Folkestone-Lyon Joint Venture, the proponent for the South Dural Planning Proposal, commenting on Group Manager’s Report No. PL11/18.
Of note, the proponent identifies that the Infrastructure and Business Case submitted by the proponent is no longer relevant as it was predicated on the consolidation of land comprised of a combination of freehold holdings and option agreements, the latter which have now lapsed and as a consequence, the previous arrangements between the South Dural Residents and Ratepayers Group and proponent have come to an end.
Attachment 1 to Group Manager’s Report identifies the reasons not to proceed with the South Dural Planning Proposal. Based on the proponent’s advice, the Attachment should be revised to include a further reason not to proceed by amending Reason 2 as follows:
2. The South Dural Infrastructure Strategy and Business Case prepared by APP dated 16 September 2016 and the Infrastructure Services Report prepared by Cardno dated August 2016:
a. Have not adequately demonstrated the “no additional cost to Government” principle of the Gateway Determination condition with respect to the required road and other infrastructure upgrades for South Dural; and
b. Are no longer relevant as they were predicated on the consolidation of land comprised of a combination of freehold holdings and option agreements, the latter which have now lapsed and as a consequence the previous arrangements between the South Dural Residents and Ratepayers Group and proponent (i.e. Folkestone-Lyon Joint Venture) have come to an end.
The proponent continues to support the underlying strategic and commercial merit of the South Dural Planning Proposal as it would have brought together the opportunity for the release of new housing of varying types and densities in exchange for private enterprise to part finance the required upgrade of State owned roads and infrastructure. However, the proponent also recognises that the delivery of such a proposal is not possible based on the “guaranteed cost recovery from the development” principle asserted by the Department of Planning and Environment.
Accordingly, the proponent requests the immediate return of the Bank Guarantee provided to Council for the purposes of payment of Council’s costs in the preparation of the Planning Proposal. The proponent identifies that it will not consent to the ongoing use of the Bank Guarantee for any additional work, however will honour its commitment to the funding agreement with Council by meeting the cost of any of Council’s outstanding invoices.
Recommendation Number 3 of the Report specifies that the bank guarantee will be released upon payment of all Council’s outstanding invoices. Accordingly, no amendment is required.
THAT: 1. Council request the Greater Sydney Commission not proceed with the South Dural Planning Proposal and Dural Service Centre Planning Proposal for the reasons in Attachment 1 of Late Item Memo No. LM3/18 pursuant to Section 3.35(4) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. 2. Council advise the South Dural Residents and Ratepayers Group that Council does not support its request for an extension of the Gateway deadline for the Planning Proposal. 3. Upon payment of all Council’s outstanding invoices by Statewide Property Ventures Pty Ltd, Council release the Bank Guarantee dated 3 December 2015 for payment of the cost of the Peer Review and Council resources to progress evaluation of the Planning Proposal. 4. Council notify the proponent and submitters on the Planning Proposal of Council’s resolution. |
James Farrington Group Manager Planning Planning Division |
1.⇩ |
Letter from Folkestone- Lyon Group |
2.⇩ |
Attachment 1 - Reasons not to proceed |
File Reference: PP/1/2013
Document Number: D07424760