General Meeting
Wednesday 12 September 2018
at 6:30PM
Hornsby Shire Council Table of Contents
Page 1
Rescission Motions
Mayoral Minutes
Office of the General Manager
Corporate Support Division
Item 1 CS37/18 Election of Deputy Mayor.............................................................................. 1
Item 2 CS39/18 Schedule of Council Meetings and Order of Business to Apply at Those Meetings - October 2018 to September 2019................................................................................ 5
Item 3 CS38/18 Councillor Representation on Committees, Working Parties and Other Relevant Groups - October 2018 to September 2019................................................................................ 9
Item 4 CS42/18 Councillors' Strategic Planning Weekend - Update on Actions........................ 12
Item 5 CS36/18 General Purpose and Special Purpose Financial Reports - 2017/18 Financial Year 26
Item 6 CS41/18 Delivery Program 2013-17 Including Operational Plan (Budget) for 2017/18 - June 2018 Quarter Review.......................................................................................................... 29
Item 7 CS35/18 Investments and Borrowings for 2018/19 - Status for Period Ending 31 July 2018 33
Environment and Human Services Division
Item 8 EH16/18 Review of Policies - Environment and Human Services Division..................... 36
Planning Division
Item 9 PL24/18 Review of Policies – Planning Division.......................................................... 41
Infrastructure and Recreation Division
Confidential Items
Item 10 GM5/18 Review of Council's Organisation Structure
Questions of Which Notice Has Been Given
Mayor's Notes
Item 11 MN10/18 Mayor's Notes from 1 August to 31 August.................................................. 45
Notices of Motion
Item 12 NOM22/18 Livestreaming of Local Planning Panel Meetings........................................ 47
Item 13 NOM23/18 Youth Forums.......................................................................................... 48
Item 14 NOM24/18 NSW Drought Crisis Relief........................................................................ 49
Item 15 NOM25/18 Streamwatch............................................................................................ 51
Item 16 NOM26/18 Hornsby Small Business Month................................................................. 52
Item 17 NOM27/18 Graffiti Management................................................................................. 54
Hornsby Shire Council Agenda and Summary of Recommendations
Page 2
Paster Brendan Wills of Sovereign Grace Church, Thornleigh, will open tonights meeting in prayer
Acknowledgement of RELIGIOUS DIVERSITY
Statement by the Chairperson:
"We recognise our Shire's rich cultural and religious diversity and we acknowledge and pay respect to the beliefs of all members of our community, regardless of creed or faith."
Statement by the Chairperson:
"We acknowledge we are on the traditional lands of the Darug and Guringai Peoples. We pay our respects to elders past and present."
Statement by the Chairperson:
"I advise all present that tonight's meeting is being video streamed live via Council’s website and also audio recorded for the purposes of providing a record of public comment at the meeting, supporting the democratic process, broadening knowledge and participation in community affairs, and demonstrating Council’s commitment to openness and accountability. The audio and video recordings of the non-confidential parts of the meeting will be made available on Council’s website once the Minutes have been finalised. All speakers are requested to ensure their comments are relevant to the issue at hand and to refrain from making personal comments or criticisms. No other persons are permitted to record the Meeting, unless specifically authorised by Council to do so."
political donations disclosure
declarations of interest
Clause 52 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice (Section 451 of the Local Government Act, 1993) requires that a councillor or a member of a Council committee who has a pecuniary interest in a matter which is before the Council or committee and who is present at a meeting of the Council or committee at which the matter is being considered must disclose the nature of the interest to the meeting as soon as practicable. The disclosure is also to be submitted in writing (on the form titled “Declaration of Interest”).
The Councillor or member of a Council committee must not be present at, or in sight of, the meeting of the Council or committee:
(a) at any time during which the matter is being considered or discussed by the Council or committee.
(b) at any time during which the Council or committee is voting on any question in relation to the matter.
Clause 51A of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice provides that a Councillor, Council officer, or a member of a Council committee who has a non pecuniary interest in any matter with which the Council is concerned and who is present at a meeting of the Council or committee at which the matter is being considered must disclose the nature of the interest to the meeting as soon as practicable. The disclosure is also to be submitted in writing (on the form titled “Declaration of Interest”).
If the non-pecuniary interest is significant, the Councillor must:
a) remove the source of conflict, by relinquishing or divesting the interest that creates the conflict, or reallocating the conflicting duties to another Council official.
b) have no involvement in the matter by absenting themself from and not taking part in any debate or voting on the issue as if the provisions of Section 451(2) of the Act apply.
If the non-pecuniary interest is less than significant, the Councillor must provide an explanation of why they consider that the interest does not require further action in the circumstances.
confirmation of minutes
THAT the Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 14 August, 2018 be confirmed; a copy having been distributed to all Councillors.
THAT the Minutes of the General Meeting held on 8 August, 2018 be confirmed; a copy having been distributed to all Councillors; subject to the minute for Item 13 being replaced by the following:
13 NOM19/18 Shirewide Heritage Planning
Mr Ross Walker, on behalf of the Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust addressed Council regarding this item.
Ms Jan Primrose, of Berowra addressed Council regarding this item.
Mr David White, on behalf of the Hornsby Heritage Committee addressed Council regarding this item.
1. Current best practice in local government heritage planning and conservation be examined to ensure that Council is appropriately protecting, interpreting and integrating items and areas of heritage significance within Hornsby Shire.
2. The review include (but not be limited to) the processes and resources used by other councils, current programs and publications by the Heritage Council, the Government Architect NSW and the Department of Environment and Heritage and seeking the views of members of Council’s existing Heritage Advisory Committee.
3. That a Councillor Workshop precede a report to Council outlining any recommendations arising from the review of best practice and innovation in heritage planning.
1. Council consider undertaking a comprehensive heritage study to inform amendments to Council’s planning controls and the preparation of Local Strategic Planning Statements as part of Council’s $2.5 million Accelerated LEP Review funding agreement with the Department of Planning and Environment.
2. As part of the upcoming Informal Workshop with Councillors to discuss a new two year Strategic Planning Program to progress the LEP Review, consideration be given to the scope, process, resource implications and timing of progressing a program for a comprehensive heritage study including a review of Council’s list of existing heritage items and conservation areas and opportunities to progress new listings.
3. Any process for progressing a heritage review include consultation with Council’s Heritage Advisory Committee given the technical expertise / specialist knowledge of the Committee members. Most especially as it includes the Historical Society, noted local heritage architects and specialist professionals with State Government experience in planning, urban design and heritage amongst others.
4. Consideration be given to identifying opportunities to fund and review ongoing heritage initiatives and procedures as part of the preparation of Council’s Long Term Financial Plan.
On the basis that the mover of the motion accepted the amendment into his motion, it was:
1. Council consider undertaking a comprehensive heritage study to inform amendments to Council’s planning controls and the preparation of Local Strategic Planning Statements as part of Council’s $2.5 million Accelerated LEP Review funding agreement with the Department of Planning and Environment.
2. As part of the upcoming Informal Workshop with Councillors to discuss a new two year Strategic Planning Program to progress the LEP Review, consideration be given to the scope, process, resource implications and timing of progressing a program for a comprehensive heritage study including a review of Council’s list of existing heritage items and conservation areas and opportunities to progress new listings.
3. Any process for progressing a heritage review include consultation with Council’s Heritage Advisory Committee given the technical expertise / specialist knowledge of the Committee members. Most especially as it includes the Historical Society, noted local heritage architects and specialist professionals with State Government experience in planning, urban design and heritage amongst others.
4. Consideration be given to identifying opportunities to fund and review ongoing heritage initiatives and procedures as part of the preparation of Council’s Long Term Financial Plan.
FOR: Councillors Browne, Del Gallego, Heyde, Hutchence, Marr, Nicita, Ruddock, Tilbury and Waddell
Note: At the conclusion of Council’s consideration of Item 14, the General Manager suggested to the Mayor that Item 13 be recommitted as there was some dispute about whether the incorporation of Councillor Hutchence’s amendment into Councillor Tilbury’s motion had occurred in the correct manner. The Mayor agreed that Item 13 be recommitted.
THAT Item 13 - Notice of Motion No. "NOM19/18 – Shirewide Heritage Planning" be recommitted for Council`s consideration.
FOR: Councillors Browne, Del Gallego, Heyde, Hutchence, Marr, Nicita, Ruddock, Tilbury and Waddell
1. Current best practice in local government heritage planning and conservation be examined to ensure that Council is appropriately protecting, interpreting and integrating items and areas of heritage significance within Hornsby Shire.
2. The review include (but not be limited to) the processes and resources used by other councils, current programs and publications by the Heritage Council, the Government Architect NSW and the Department of Environment and Heritage and seeking the views of members of Council’s existing Heritage Advisory Committee.
3. That a Councillor Workshop precede a report to Council outlining any recommendations arising from the review of best practice and innovation in heritage planning.
1. Council consider undertaking a comprehensive heritage study to inform amendments to Council’s planning controls and the preparation of Local Strategic Planning Statements as part of Council’s $2.5 million Accelerated LEP Review funding agreement with the Department of Planning and Environment.
2. As part of the upcoming Informal Workshop with Councillors to discuss a new two year Strategic Planning Program to progress the LEP Review, consideration be given to the scope, process, resource implications and timing of progressing a program for a comprehensive heritage study including a review of Council’s list of existing heritage items and conservation areas and opportunities to progress new listings.
3. Any process for progressing a heritage review include consultation with Council’s Heritage Advisory Committee given the technical expertise / specialist knowledge of the Committee members. Most especially as it includes the Historical Society, noted local heritage architects and specialist professionals with State Government experience in planning, urban design and heritage amongst others.
4. Consideration be given to identifying opportunities to fund and review ongoing heritage initiatives and procedures as part of the preparation of Council’s Long Term Financial Plan.
the amendment moved by councillor HUTCHENCE, seconded by councillor HEYDE, was put and CARRIED
FOR: Councillors Browne, Del Gallego, Heyde, Hutchence, Marr, Nicita, Ruddock, Tilbury and Waddell
FOR: Councillors Browne, Del Gallego, Heyde, Hutchence, Marr, Nicita, Ruddock, Tilbury and Waddell
Rescission Motions
Mayoral Minutes
Persons wishing to address Council on matters which are on the Agenda are permitted to speak, prior to the item being discussed, and their names will be recorded in the Minutes in respect of that particular item.
Persons wishing to address Council on non agenda matters, are permitted to speak after all items on the agenda in respect of which there is a speaker from the public have been finalised by Council. Their names will be recorded in the Minutes under the heading "Public Forum for Non Agenda Items".
· Items for which there is a Public Forum Speaker
· Public Forum for non agenda items
· Balance of General Business items
Office of the General Manager
Corporate Support Division
Page Number 1
Item 1 CS37/18 Election of Deputy Mayor
1. Council determine if it wishes to elect a Deputy Mayor.
2. If a Deputy Mayor is to be elected, Council:
a) Determine the period for which the Deputy Mayor is to be elected
b) Determine if the election of the Deputy Mayor is to be by preferential ballot, ordinary ballot or open voting
c) Request the Returning Officer to conduct the election, using the election method determined in b) above.
3. If a Deputy Mayoral election is held, the ballot papers (if any) be destroyed following the declaration of the election.
Page Number 5
Item 2 CS39/18 Schedule of Council Meetings and Order of Business to Apply at Those Meetings - October 2018 to September 2019
THAT Council:
1. Adopt the schedule of Ordinary Council meetings for the period October 2018 to September 2019 as set out in Attachment 1 of Deputy General Manager’s Report No. CS39/18.
2. Adopt the order of business for the Ordinary Council meetings to be held in the period October 2018 to September 2019 as set out in Attachment 2 of Deputy General Manager’s Report No. CS39/18.
Page Number 9
Item 3 CS38/18 Councillor Representation on Committees, Working Parties and Other Relevant Groups - October 2018 to September 2019
THAT Council review the list of Committees, Working Parties and other relevant groups included in the attachment to Deputy General Manager’s Report No. CS38/18 and determine Councillor representation as appropriate for the period October 2018 to September 2019.
Page Number 12
Item 4 CS42/18 Councillors' Strategic Planning Weekend - Update on Actions
THAT the status updates to the Action Plan developed at the Councillor Strategic Weekend held in February 2018 be received and noted.
Page Number 26
Item 5 CS36/18 General Purpose and Special Purpose Financial Reports - 2017/18 Financial Year
1. The 2017/18 General Purpose and Special Purpose Financial Reports be received and noted and referred for audit.
2. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor be authorised to sign the Statutory Statements in connection with the 2017/18 Financial Reports.
3. The 2017/18 Financial Reports be authorised for “presentation to the public” on receipt of the Auditor’s Report.
4. The General Manager be delegated authority to fix the date of the General Meeting at which the 2017/18 Financial Reports and Auditor’s Report will be formally “presented to the public”.
Page Number 29
Item 6 CS41/18 Delivery Program 2013-17 including Operational Plan (Budget) for 2017/18 - June 2018 Quarter Review
THAT the June 2018 Quarter Review of the Delivery Program, including the 2017/18 Operational Plan and Budget, be received and noted.
Page Number 33
Item 7 CS35/18 Investments and Borrowings for 2018/19 - Status for period ending 31 July 2018
THAT the contents of Deputy General Manager’s Report No. CS35/18 be received and noted.
Environment and Human Services Division
Page Number 36
Item 8 EH16/18 Review of Policies - Environment and Human Services Division
THAT Council adopt the recommendations contained in the table in Group Manager’s Report No. EH16/18 in respect of each of the current policies under the jurisdiction of the Environment and Human Services Division.
Planning Division
Page Number 41
Item 9 PL24/18 Review of Policies – Planning Division
THAT Council adopt the recommendations contained in the table in Group Manager’s Report No. PL24/18 in respect of each of the current Policies under the jurisdiction of the Planning Division.
Infrastructure and Recreation Division
Confidential Items
Item 10 GM5/18 Review of Council's Organisation Structure
This report should be dealt with in confidential session, under Section 10A (2) (a) of the Local Government Act, 1993. This report contains personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than councillors).
Questions of Which Notice Has Been Given
Mayor's Notes
Page Number 45
Item 11 MN10/18 Mayor's Notes from 1 August to 31 August
Notices of Motion
Page Number 47
Item 12 NOM22/18 Livestreaming of Local Planning Panel Meetings
COUNCILLOR Hutchence To Move
THAT in line with Council’s recent successful introduction of livestreaming of its General Meetings, the Chair of Hornsby’s Local Planning Panel be requested to consider the livestreaming of Panel Meetings so as to promote transparency of decision-making by the Panel.
Page Number 48
Item 13 NOM23/18 Youth Forums
THAT Council:
1. Look at ways to advertise Council events, such as Community Forums and Public Council Meetings, to youth.
2. Identify points of contact for youth-centred groups within the Hornsby Shire community.
3. Explore the feasibility of an additional Community Forum targeting youth.
4. Consider all of the above within the context of the communications strategy currently being developed by Council.
Page Number 49
Item 14 NOM24/18 NSW Drought Crisis Relief
THAT Council:
1. Acknowledge the initiatives underway in our local community to provide support to drought areas
2. Note the partnership agreements that Council has in place with Leeton and Snowy Valleys (formerly Tumut) councils
3. Seek to meet with the Mayor and Councillors of Leeton and Snowy Valleys councils at the forthcoming Local Government NSW Annual Conference to discuss ways in which Hornsby Shire Council can provide support and assistance.
4. Allocate $5,000 from Council’s Emergency Relief Fund to drought charities nominated by Leeton and Snowy River councils.
Page Number 51
Item 15 NOM25/18 Streamwatch
THAT Council:
1. Note the valuable work of the Streamwatch initiative carried out at 11 monitoring sites throughout the Hornsby LGA.
2. Write to the NSW Government, Sydney Water and the Australian Museum in relation to securing ongoing funding and support for Streamwatch.
3. Be provided with an overview of the Streamwatch program as part of the scheduled informal workshop relating to Council’s Water Quality program in October 2018.
Page Number 52
Item 16 NOM26/18 Hornsby Small Business Month
THAT Council:
1. Note the successful funding received from the NSW State Government to support Small Business Month in October 2018.
2. Confirm the range of possible workshops to be run by Council or other partner organisations during the month;
3. Promote the opportunity for inclusion to our business chambers and associations;
4. Contact all of the individuals who participated in our economic development consultations advising them of this opportunity; and
5. Allocate resources to market and promote this month as a celebration of our local small businesses.
Page Number 54
Item 17 NOM27/18 Graffiti Management
COUNCILLOR Waddell To Move
THAT Council:
1. Adopt a simple approach that allows residents to report graffiti within the Hornsby Shire and that this information be sent to the appropriate Council officers, State service or utility authority or private property owner to remove.
2. Continue to remove graffiti on Council assets in an efficient and timely manner and assist private property owners with information to help them remove graffiti from their properties.
3. Investigate the possibility of monitoring the removal of graffiti from all assets across the Shire to ensure that it is carried out in a timely manner.
Deputy General Manager's Report No. CS37/18
Corporate Support Division
Date of Meeting: 12/09/2018
· In accordance with Section 231 of the Local Government Act, Councillors may elect a person from among their number to be the Deputy Mayor, with the term of such office being either equal to that of the Mayoral term or for a shorter period.
· This Report provides details about the role of a Deputy Mayor and the choices that Council has about the period and method of election to such office.
· If Council decides to elect a Deputy Mayor, it will need to determine the term for which the Deputy Mayor will serve and the method of voting to be used for electing the Deputy Mayor. It will also need to appoint the General Manager (or his delegate) to conduct the election.
THAT: 1. Council determine if it wishes to elect a Deputy Mayor. 2. If a Deputy Mayor is to be elected, Council: a) Determine the period for which the Deputy Mayor is to be elected b) Determine if the election of the Deputy Mayor is to be by preferential ballot, ordinary ballot or open voting c) Request the Returning Officer to conduct the election, using the election method determined in b) above. 3. If a Deputy Mayoral election is held, the ballot papers (if any) be destroyed following the declaration of the election. |
The purpose of this Report is to provide Council with the opportunity to consider whether or not it wishes to elect a Deputy Mayor. The Report includes information about the role of the Deputy Mayor and the different methods of voting which can be used to elect a Deputy Mayor.
In accordance with Section 231 of the Local Government Act, Councillors may elect a person from among their number to be the Deputy Mayor, with such term of office being either equal to that of the Mayoral term or for a shorter period.
Prior to the March 2004 local government elections, Hornsby Council’s Mayor was elected annually by the Councillors. It was also Council’s practice to annually elect a Deputy Mayor. At the 2004 election, the method of electing Hornsby’s Mayor was changed to be by the residents/ratepayers across the Shire for the term of the elected Council i.e. a popularly elected Mayor, rather than by the elected Councillors on an annual basis.
Although Councillors no longer have the responsibility of electing the Mayor, it is still necessary for Council to decide whether or not to elect a Deputy Mayor and, if so, to determine the period of the term to be served by the Deputy Mayor. Council’s latest decision in this regard was at the General Meeting held on 11 October 2017, when it considered Deputy General Manager’s Report No. CS31/17 and elected Councillor del Gallego as Deputy Mayor for the period to September 2018.
The Role of Deputy Mayor
The Deputy Mayor may exercise any function of the Mayor, at the request of the Mayor, if the Mayor is prevented by illness, absence or otherwise from exercising the function, or if there is a casual vacancy in the office of Mayor. If there was to be a casual vacancy in the office of Mayor up until 18 months prior to the date specified for the next ordinary election, a by-election for the position of Mayor would need to be conducted in accordance with a timetable set by the Local Government Act. If the vacancy occurred within 18 months of the next ordinary election, the vacancy would be filled by the NSW Governor appointing a Councillor nominated by the Council to be the Mayor. The Deputy Mayor would usually fulfil the duties of Mayor during the above periods until a new Mayor was elected or appointed.
Period of Election of the Deputy Mayor
Under Section 231 of the Local Government Act, Councillors may elect a Deputy Mayor for the same period as the Mayoral term or for a shorter period. As Council’s Mayor is popularly elected, the current Mayoral term is until the next local government elections, currently scheduled for September 2020. Council may, therefore, determine that a Deputy Mayor be elected for the period until September 2020 or for some shorter period e.g. six months, 12 months, two years, etc. The practice at Hornsby Council has been to elect a Deputy Mayor for a 12 month period.
Method of Election
If a Deputy Mayor is to be elected, the method of election is in accordance with Schedule 7 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005. A Councillor may be nominated without notice for election as Deputy Mayor provided the nomination is made in writing by two or more Councillors (one of whom may be the nominee) and the nominee consents to the nomination in writing. The nomination is to be delivered or sent to the Returning Officer. A nomination form in respect of a Deputy Mayoral Election is included as an attachment to this Report.
If only one Councillor is nominated for election as Deputy Mayor, that Councillor is elected. If more than one Councillor is nominated, an election shall be held at which the General Manager (or his nominee) is the Returning Officer. The Council must resolve whether the election is to proceed by preferential ballot, by ordinary ballot or by open voting. To ensure probity of the election process, the counting of votes where necessary is undertaken in the presence of the Returning Officer and at least one other staff member.
It should be noted that any recommendation on the method of election (if any) is dependant to some extent on the number of candidates – see below.
Preferential Ballot
Preferential ballot would only normally be used if there are three or more candidates. Under this system, Councillors indicate their order of preference for all candidates. If a candidate receives more than half the first preference votes (i.e. an absolute majority), he or she is declared elected. If no candidate has an absolute majority, the candidate with the lowest number of votes is excluded and his or her preferences are allocated to the other candidates and so on, until one candidate has more than half the votes. A preference for each candidate standing for election must be indicated on a ballot paper, or the ballot paper will be declared invalid.
Ordinary Ballot
Ordinary ballot would normally apply where there are two or more candidates and Council decides to proceed by secret ballot. If there are only two candidates, the candidate with the higher number of votes is elected. If the two candidates are tied, the one elected is chosen by lot. If there are three or more candidates, the candidate with the lowest number of votes is excluded and a fresh vote is taken and so on, until there are only two candidates. A final vote between the two candidates is then taken and the candidate with the higher number of votes is declared elected. If at any stage during a count up until two candidates are remaining, there is a tie on the lowest number of votes, the one excluded is chosen by lot.
Open Voting
Open voting uses the same system as ordinary ballot, except that voting is by a show of hands or similar means and not by secret ballot.
Choosing by Lot
To choose a candidate by lot, the names of the candidates who have equal numbers of votes are written on similar slips of paper by the Returning Officer, folded, so as to prevent the names being seen, mixed and then drawn at random by the Returning Officer. The candidate whose name is on the drawn slip is chosen.
Appointment of Scrutineers and Inspection of Ballot Papers and Progress of Count
Council has previously sought legal advice about the ability of Councillors to inspect ballot papers and the progress of the count as well as the ability of election candidates to appoint scrutineers. In summary, the advice was that candidates are not entitled to appoint scrutineers; an inspection of the ballot papers should not be permitted; the progress of the count should not be revealed; and the ballot papers (if any) for the Deputy Mayoral election should be destroyed after the election has been declared.
There are no budgetary implications associated with this Report.
There are no policy implications associated with this Report.
Council needs to consider the contents of this Report and determine whether or not it wishes to elect a Deputy Mayor. If it does decide to elect a Deputy Mayor, Council will also need to determine the term of office and method of voting to be used to elect the Deputy Mayor. It will also need to request the General Manager, or his nominee, to conduct the election.
The officer responsible for the preparation of this Report is the Manager, Governance and Customer Service – Robyn Abicair, who can be contacted on 9847 6608.
Robyn Abicair Manager - Governance and Customer Service Corporate Support Division |
Gary Bensley Deputy General Manager - Corporate Support Corporate Support Division |
1.⇨ |
Nomination Form - Deputy Mayoral Election - September 2018 |
File Reference: F2004/07075
Document Number: D07499805
Deputy General Manager's Report No. CS39/18
Corporate Support Division
Date of Meeting: 12/09/2018
· In accordance with Clauses 5 and 15 of its Code of Meeting Practice, Council annually determines a schedule of meeting dates for the following year and the order of business to apply at those meetings.
· It is proposed that the practice of holding one General Meeting per month be maintained for 2018/19, with that Meeting to be held on the second Wednesday of each month (except July where a different Wednesday is proposed, and excluding January); and that Workshop Meetings and Councillor briefing sessions continue to be held on other Wednesdays of the month, with appropriate notice being provided as required.
· It is also proposed that the existing order of business be maintained for 2018/19.
THAT Council: 1. Adopt the schedule of Ordinary Council meetings for the period October 2018 to September 2019 as set out in Attachment 1 of Deputy General Manager’s Report No. CS39/18. 2. Adopt the order of business for the Ordinary Council meetings to be held in the period October 2018 to September 2019 as set out in Attachment 2 of Deputy General Manager’s Report No. CS39/18. |
The purpose of this Report is to recommend a proposed schedule of Ordinary Meeting dates for the period October 2018 to September 2019, and the order of business to apply at those meetings.
Council last considered its schedule of meetings and order of business at those meetings at the 9 August 2017 General Meeting – refer Deputy General Manager’s Report No. CS21/17. At the Meeting, Council decided to maintain the practice of holding one General Meeting per month with that Meeting to be held on the second Wednesday of each month (excluding January) and that Workshop Meetings and Informal Briefings sessions continuing to be held as required, and with appropriate notice being provided, on the first, third, fourth and/or fifth Wednesdays of each month (except January).
Schedule of Meetings
In accordance with Clauses 5 and 15 of the Code of Meeting Practice, Council annually determines a schedule of Ordinary Meeting dates for the following year and the order of business to apply at those meetings. Such determinations generally occur in September of each year, at the same meeting at which the Deputy Mayor is elected.
Section 2(1) of Council’s current Code of Meeting Practice states the following in respect of Ordinary Meetings:
Ordinary Meetings are meetings of Council, other than extraordinary meetings, held during each year on such regular days and at such regular times as Council may appoint. They include:
General Meetings which are held at 6.30pm on the second Wednesday of each month (excluding January) to consider all relevant matters.
Workshop Meetings which are held at 6.30pm on the first, third, fourth and/or fifth Wednesdays of each month as required (excluding January) to consider all relevant matters, especially those where a presentation by Council staff or an external person or organisation is required.
It is noted that Informal Briefings of Councillors are also held as required, generally on Wednesdays where a General or Workshop Meeting has not been scheduled.
A proposed schedule of General Meeting and Workshop Meeting dates for the period from October 2018 to September 2019 has now been drafted and is attached to this Report. The draft schedule of Meetings maintains the existing structure of one General Meeting per month which considers both planning and other matters, as well as providing for Workshop Meetings and Informal Briefings of Councillors as required.
Although it is still intended to hold one meeting per month (except in January), it is proposed that the date of the General Meeting in July be changed from the second week (which is the case for meeting dates in all other months) to the fourth week. In proposing this amended meeting date, consideration has been given to the fact that July is typically a quiet month for Hornsby and other NSW councils, with a number of councils taking a mid-year break and not holding a July meeting at all.
The second week of July 2019 falls within the NSW public school holiday period and moving the meeting date to the fourth week, i.e. Wednesday 24 July, avoids this holiday period. This would allow Council to still transact any necessary business for the month whilst providing optimum opportunity for attendance and involvement by members of the public who might otherwise be away on holidays or be alternatively occupied with school holiday activities. Given the generally quiet period of July, and the fact that the month of July covers a five week period in 2019, it is not anticipated that changing the date from the second to the fourth Wednesday would impede the ongoing transaction of Council business.
Order of Business
In respect of the order of business to apply at General and Workshop Meetings, a proposed order of business of General Meetings and Workshop Meetings for the period from October 2018 to September 2019 has been drafted and is attached to this Report. The draft order of business maintains the existing structure with no changes proposed.
There are no budgetary implications associated with this Report.
This Report has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Council's Code of Meeting Practice and the Local Government Act and Regulations. Should Council adopt the proposed change of date of the July General Meeting from the second Wednesday to the fourth Wednesday, Council’s Code of Meeting Practice will need to be updated.
The existing schedule of holding one monthly General Meeting (except for January) is working well and the Council Meetings process appears to be running smoothly and efficiently. As such, the only change proposed is to move the date of the July 2019 meeting from the second to the fourth Wednesday, as detailed above. No changes are proposed to the order of business to be conducted at those meetings.
The officer responsible for the preparation of this Report is the Manager, Governance and Customer Service – Robyn Abicair, who can be contacted on 9847 6608.
Robyn Abicair Manager - Governance and Customer Service Corporate Support Division |
Gary Bensley Deputy General Manager - Corporate Support Corporate Support Division |
1.⇨ |
Council Meetings Order of Business - October 2018 - September 2019 |
2.⇨ |
Schedule of Ordinary Council Meetings - October 2018 - September 2019 |
File Reference: F2004/07032
Document Number: D07499824
Deputy General Manager's Report No. CS38/18
Corporate Support Division
Date of Meeting: 12/09/2018
· Each year, Council reviews the need for Councillor representation on Committees, Working Parties and other relevant groups and makes a determination about the appointment of Councillors for the ensuing 12 months.
· This Report provides up to date information about each of the current Committees, Working Parties and other groups, including whether they are still required, and seeks a Council determination in respect of the appointment of Councillors for the period October 2018 to September 2019.
THAT Council review the list of Committees, Working Parties and other relevant groups included in the attachment to Deputy General Manager’s Report No. CS38/18 and determine Councillor representation as appropriate for the period October 2018 to September 2019. |
The purpose of this Report is to provide the opportunity for Council to review Councillor representation on Committees, Working Parties and other relevant groups and appoint Councillor representatives, as considered appropriate, for the period October 2018 to September 2019.
At the 11 October 2017 General Meeting, Council considered Deputy General Manager’s Report No. CS33/17 and appointed Councillor representatives to Committees, Working Parties and other relevant groups for the period October 2017 to September 2018. Council needs to determine relevant Councillor representation for the 2018/19 period.
The list of Committees, Working Parties and other groups has been reviewed by the relevant Divisions and is included as an attachment to this Report. Where appropriate, a comment about the operation of the Committee, Working Party or group and/or whether Councillor Representation is still required has been provided by the Divisional Manager.
To assist Council in determining Councillor Representation for the 2018/19 period, the 2017/18 Councillor representatives on each Committee, Working Party and group are included in the column titled “Councillor Representation 2017/18” and a blank column has been left in respect of “Councillor Representation 2018/19”.
It should be noted that at the Councillor Strategic Weekend held in February this year, it was agreed that a detailed review of Committees on which there is Councillor representation be undertaken with a view to greater public participation and information, and that a Councillor Workshop be held to discuss such review. Whilst work has been undertaken to review and provide additional information in respect of each Committee, a Workshop has not yet been able to be held due to priorities that have been placed on other workshop topics by Councillors and ExCo.
Until such a Workshop can proceed, it is recommended that Council review the information attached and determine ongoing representation on the current list of Committees, Working Parties and other groups with a view to scheduling a Councillor Workshop at the earliest opportunity to further discuss the matter in line with the intent outlined at the Councillor Strategic Weekend.
When considering the attachment to this Report, Council will note that a column has been included which shows for each Committee, Working Party or group whether it has been established externally (i.e. where Council essentially just nominates a representative/s to attend meetings) and those which have been established by Council (i.e. where Council has the ability to determine the protocol associated with operations and meetings).
Any budgetary implications are detailed in the comment column of the attachment to this Report.
There are no policy implications associated with this Report.
Council’s consideration of this Report will allow it to determine Councillor representation on relevant Committees, Working Parties and other groups for the period October 2018 to September 2019.
The officer responsible for the preparation of this Report is the Manager, Governance and Customer Service – Robyn Abicair, who can be contacted on 9847 6608.
Robyn Abicair Manager - Governance and Customer Service Corporate Support Division |
Gary Bensley Deputy General Manager - Corporate Support Corporate Support Division |
1.⇨ |
Councillor Representation on Committees 2018-2019 |
File Reference: F2004/07056
Document Number: D07499819
Deputy General Manager's Report No. CS42/18
Corporate Support Division
Date of Meeting: 12/09/2018
· Councillors participated in a Strategic Planning Weekend from Friday 16 to Sunday 18 February 2018. The purpose of the Weekend was to enable strategic discussion on issues of concern and for Councillors to articulate a vision for their term of office.
· The Weekend was moderated by an independent facilitator to manage both the process and the interactions, and create a favourable environment to optimise the time and ensure all views were given consideration.
· The Friday session focused on developing a vision for this term of Council. The session on Saturday was used to discuss and determine ways to enhance the liveability and sustainability of the Shire, and on Sunday an action plan was developed to guide implementation of agreed outcomes.
· The actions and timeframes emanating from the Weekend were adopted by Council at the 14 March 2018 General Meeting (refer Deputy General Manager’s Report No. CS10/18). One of the resolutions was that a further report be provided to Council in September 2018 outlining progress in achieving the actions detailed in Report No. CS10/18.
· All of the agreed actions have been initiated, many have been completed and the remainder are in various stages of development.
· It is noted that since the Strategic Weekend, Council has resolved that action be taken on a number of other new initiatives through its decisions on various Notices of Motion and Mayoral Minutes. These are also progressing.
THAT the status updates to the Action Plan developed at the Councillor Strategic Weekend held in February 2018 be received and noted. |
The purpose of this Report is to provide a six month update on delivery of actions agreed at the Councillors Strategic Planning weekend held in February 2018.
Councillors participated in a Strategic Planning Weekend within the first six months of the commencement of their term of office. The Weekend provided Councillors and senior management the appropriate time and space to reflect on strategic future directions of Council and to articulate their vision for the future. As in previous years, the Weekend was moderated by an independent facilitator who managed both the process and the interactions, and created a favourable environment to optimise the time and ensure all views were given consideration.
At the General Meeting held on 18 March 2018, Council considered Deputy General Manager’s Report No. CS8/18 which dealt with the outcomes of the Weekend and resolved that:
1. Council adopt the actions and timeframes emanating from the 2018 Strategic Planning Weekend as detailed in Deputy General Manager’s Report No. CS8/18.
2. Council make the results of the 2017 Community Survey research undertaken by Micromex publicly available.
3. A further report be provided for Council’s consideration in September 2018 which outlines progress in achieving the actions detailed in Deputy General Manager’s Report No. CS8/18.
The Friday session at the Weekend focused on developing a vision for this term of Council within the context of the financial and service delivery impacts of loss of the area south of the M2 Motorway to the City of Parramatta Council; and the results of the community survey undertaken in November 2017 to elicit the views of residents on a wide range of issues. The session on Saturday was used for discussion and the provision of information about making Hornsby Shire more sustainable and more liveable. The half-day session on Sunday was used to consolidate the outcomes and develop a feasible action plan.
The table below contains the major themes, actions and timeframes developed by the conclusion of the Weekend and commentary describing progress on achieving each action in the period from the beginning of March to the end of August 2018.
Status |
Consultation, community engagement |
Make arrangements to webcast formal Council Meetings using a single fixed camera and to maintain a copy of the webcasts which can be accessed by members of the public from Council’s website for a period of six months following the Meeting |
July 2018 |
Live webcasts of Council meetings commenced at the 8 August 2018 General Meeting following a test-run at the July 2018 General Meeting. Copies of the webcasts are available for viewing once the minutes of the meeting have been finalised |
Following on from the success of the North Epping Community Forum in November 2017, make arrangements for a community forum to be held in each Ward annually from 2018 |
Annually in April-May and August-October periods |
Council agreed to the following schedule of Community Forums for 2018: · 31 May at Berowra (approximately70 attendees) · 23 August at Pennant Hills (approximately 80 attendees) · 16 October at Cherrybrook A Community Forum web page has been established to provide details about the Forums and to host post-Forum notes. |
Expand advertising distribution in southern parts of the Shire |
Informal briefing by end July 2018 |
Print advertising was expanded to include the southern part of the Shire for the campaign relating to the potential return of the area south of the M2 Motorway. Options and costings for a permanent expansion of print advertising have been researched to assist a comprehensive presentation to Councillors in September 2018. Mesh fencing was installed around the Beecroft Station Gardens project whilst it was progressing to assist Council advertising opportunities. A final position on distribution of Council information to the southern parts of the Shire will be resolved in the development of a Communications Strategy (September 2018 Workshop) |
Include Information Hub on new website |
May 2018 |
Council’s new website was launched in May 2018. The site is more user friendly and incorporates several easily identified areas for community reporting and feedback, including a “have your say” section in a prime screen location |
Councillor briefing on external and internal communications |
Informal briefing by end July 2018 |
Councillors were briefed on the new website before its launch in May 2018. Community feedback has been positive. A comprehensive briefing about internal and external communications is proposed for September 2018. |
Expand media distribution list to include Councillors and ExCo
Monthly summary of Council meetings on web and enews |
March 2018 |
Media releases are distributed to Councillors/ExCo. Councillors and ExCo are subscribed to daily Meltwater media monitoring. Councillors are subscribed to both the Sydney Morning Herald and Daily Telegraph digital pages.
A summary of monthly Council meeting decisions has been provided on the website and included in each monthly enews. |
Demonstrate proposed new website Develop 5 year plan for signage with templates |
Informal briefing February 2018 |
Completed prior to the launch of the new website in May 2018 |
Undertake a review of Council Committees and Working Parties with a view to greater public participation and information as well as consistent protocols |
Informal Briefing by June 2018 followed by report to Council |
This briefing has been delayed due to the prioritisation of other topics. Information has been gathered to assist a presentation when it is able to be scheduled. A report will be submitted for Council’s consideration at the September 2018 General Meeting to appoint Councillors to the existing Committees. |
Maximise the use of the Councillors’ Weekly Communication to provide information to Councillors and include: · Updates where representations have been made to external bodies/agencies seeking actions in response to Council resolutions · Information on compliance matters |
Ongoing |
The Councillors’ Weekly Communication continues to be a widely used vehicle for providing information to Councillors where a formal report to Council is not required or warranted. The Weekly Communication is also uploaded to the Councillor Portal each week. Commencing March 2018, an update on compliance matters has been included in the Councillors’ Weekly Communication on the last Monday of each month. |
Continue the practice of Councillor briefings subject to: · No briefings on the Wednesday night of IHAP meetings · Information papers being distributed prior to meetings as far as possible · A schedule of briefings being prepared outlining upcoming briefings for the year where possible · The need for additional briefing nights being considered by Councillors where necessary · The length of briefing meetings being guided by Councillors as determined by the importance of the issue and associated discussion rather than a set timeframe |
Ongoing |
Briefings continue to be held in line with the format requested by Councillors. Schedules for the next two to three months are based on Council resolutions, Council requests at the Strategic Weekend and the ongoing need for briefings/workshop discussions prior to the formal consideration of reports by Council on major and important matters. The General Manager has corresponded with Councillors to determine if further changes are warranted to the structure and timing of workshops. |
Sustainability – tree canopy, open space, bike paths, renewables, smart transport / public transport |
Provide report on options to re-establish tree canopy on streets and within parks across the Shire
Provide report(s) on bicycle path strategy for commuter and general recreation activities
Continue to upgrade playgrounds with provision of shade and inclusive play equipment (N.B. Tree planting around playgrounds to commence new financial year. Shade structures to focus on larger parks and those where tree planting is not an option) |
May 2018
Last quarter of 2018
Ongoing |
Options were outlined at Councillor Workshop on 23 May 2018. Mayoral Minute No. MM12/18 endorsing 25,000 trees by 2020 approach adopted on 11 July 2018. Initial plantings commenced late July 2018. A strategy and plan for delivery of 25,000 trees being developed for implementation and planting is ongoing. A significant increase in plantings will occur from Autumn 2019 Cycle routes are being developed in consultation with Bike North, Northern Sydney Cycling Club and local schools. Cycle route details will be available in draft form by September 2018, and are expected to be presented to a Councillor Workshop in September/October 2018 Contractor for construction of new inclusive playground at Waitara commissioned in August 2018. The playground will incorporate shade structures. Approximately 100 trees were planted around playgrounds by the end of August 2018 |
Funding options for improving the condition of bushland |
Informal briefing March 2018 |
Informal Workshop held in March 2018 to discuss issue. In order to maintain existing service levels, additional internal funding was allocated to offset a reduction in external funding sources. |
Develop a business case for LED luminaire street light replacement rollout |
April 2018 |
Council agreed to a capital investment of $2.245 million to progress the street lighting replacement rollout, with a payback period of five years. In addition to the financial savings, the rollout will deliver environmental benefits including a 77% reduction in greenhouse emissions from street lighting (a total greenhouse gas saving of 1,135.8 tonnes of CO2 per year for Council. |
Investigate business case for nursery operations |
Informal briefing by August 2018 |
Informal briefing scheduled for September 2018 workshop |
Develop a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy |
August 2018 |
Held over in order to align with the Resilient Cities Strategy for Sydney |
Investigate options for smart transport, e.g. car sharing, alternative fuel, active transport |
To be dealt with as part of the parking and open space matters |
Items to be addressed as part of the Parking Study referred to below. A draft policy on electric vehicle charging stations is being prepared for Council’s consideration. |
Investigate options to manage car parking across the Shire: · Confirm brief for project with Councillors · Report canvassing options to manage car parking across the Shire |
Distribute brief to Councillors for comment in March/April 2018 followed by report to Council in last quarter of 2018 |
Car Parking Study Brief distributed to Councillors for comment in May 2018. Brief sent to eight qualified consultants. Pre-tender meetings held 25 June 2018, attended by Deputy Mayor. Only three consultants were able to meet Council’s timeline and after evaluation ARRB was awarded the contract in mid-July. Parking surveys of Hornsby, Waitara and Hornsby Hospital undertaken first week of August 2018. Preliminary report due mid-Sept 2018 |
Canvas options to increase budget for the provision of footpaths across the shire |
To be discussed at Informal briefing on 2018/19 Budget in March |
Discussion on this matter included in ongoing Long Term Financial Plan deliberations |
Financial sustainability |
Continue to make representations to the Premier and Minister for Local Government seeking that the State Government formalise its position on Council’s Alteration of Boundary proposal |
Ongoing - The Mayor to keep Councillors advised of ongoing discussions with the State Government |
Ongoing discussions have occurred and will continue in respect of the Alteration of Boundaries Proposal and the HSC/CoPC Court case dealing with the apportionment of Section 94 contributions collected by HSC prior to the new CoPC being proclaimed On 28 June, the NSW Government paid Council an amount of $90 million as a first instalment towards recompensing HSC for the loss of the area south of the M2 Motorway to the CoPC. Discussions with the NSW State Government continue. |
Undertake a review of Council’s Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) having regard to the strategic direction of the new Council |
· Informal Briefing on 2018/19 Budget in March followed by report to Council · Informal Briefing on LTFP by October followed by report to Council |
A number of workshops to discuss the development of a new Long Term Financial Plan are scheduled for the August/September 2018 period. The informal workshops will be followed by a formal report to Council recommending the adoption of the new LTFP. |
In the context of Council’s Recreational Needs Study, review the financial viability of the proposal from the Berowra community in respect of a Berowra Pool |
Informal Briefing by June 2018 |
Review has occurred. Further discussion to occur as necessary as part of the development of the LTFP |
Review Council’s property holdings for income generating opportunities |
Informal briefing by mid 2018 |
A briefing was held in June 2018 |
Urban development / development opportunities / affordable housing / vision for rural lands / Cherrybrook |
Briefings be conducted with Councillors on key projects on the Strategic Planning Program to determine the next steps and priorities moving forward. At a minimum, briefings be conducted on the following projects: · South Dural Planning Proposal · Design Planning Controls Review · Brooklyn Improvement Masterplan · Pennant Hills Economic Feasibility Review · Affordable Housing Discussion Paper · Opportunities for Town House / Villa Development · Hornsby Town Centre East Side Review · Confirm a vision for rural lands |
Informal briefings:
21 March 2018 21 March 2018 18 April 2018 18 April 2018 18 April 2018 Mid 2018 Mid 2018 |
Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed
Write to the Minister for Planning to seek direction and timeframe from State government in relation to Cherrybrook |
March 2018 |
Incorporated into Council Report and submission – refer Group Managers Report No. PL21/18 |
Write to the Minister for Planning requesting a meeting to discuss outstanding matters where Council has made representations to the State Government on planning issues and a response has not been received. Such matters include a vision for the rural areas of the Shire, impacts of senior housing developments, introduction of IHAPs and Cherrybrook precinct planning |
March 2018 |
Ongoing |
Write to the Minister for Planning raising concerns about the impacts of Senior Living Developments on the character of the urban areas of the Shire and request the opportunity for Council to seek an exemption from the State Policy where a local strategy is prepared to achieve the objectives of the State Policy at the local level |
March 2018 |
A letter raising Council’s concerns was sent to the Minister on 11 April 2018 (refer TRIM Document No. DO7425440) |
Keep open, proactive conversation with the State Government |
Ongoing |
Ongoing across a wide range of issues covering transport, planning, sustainability, natural resource management and boundary adjustment |
Liveability in the Shire – social equity / community facilities |
Investigate Public Private Partnerships to generate income for state of the art community facilities |
Ongoing – Investigations to take place as part of the redevelopment of the Hornsby and Pennant Hills Library sites |
Matter to be considered within the Hornsby Town Centre Master Planning process for the central library and community facility |
Review the support of volunteer management committees, including simplifying fees and charges and online booking system |
Informal briefing by third quarter 2018 |
Informal workshop for Councillors held in August 2018 with follow up workshop scheduled for October 2018 |
Explore innovative ways volunteers might contribute to council |
June 2018 |
Existing volunteer options include Bushcare, Community Nursery, Volunteer JP Program, etc. Additional options for volunteer involvement to be explored as part of Council’s 25,000 Trees by 2020 Program. |
Economic development |
Complete economic development research/assessment being undertaken by Elton Consulting |
Informal briefing by mid 2018 |
Briefing provided in June 2018. Report on the matter still to be drafted |
Heritage |
The Heritage Committee explore options to expand heritage award categories to include good design and sustainability |
Mid 2018 |
At its 8 August 2018 General Meeting, Council resolved to consider undertaking a comprehensive heritage study to inform amendments to Council’s planning controls and the preparation of Local Strategic Planning Statements as part of Council’s $2.2 million Accelerated LEP Review funding agreement with the Department of Planning and Environment. |
It should be noted that apart from committing the organisation to the above new actions at the Strategic Weekend, Council has since agreed to action also being taken on a number of other new initiatives through its decisions on a significant number of Notices of Motion (22) and Mayoral Minutes (16). These decisions have required resourcing allocation and do impact on the ability of the organisation to deliver on all new initiatives and actions whilst maintaining existing service levels in the period since February 2018.
The hosting of the Councillors’ Strategic Planning Weekend is funded from within existing resources. There are a number of budgetary implications associated with the priority actions from the Strategic Planning Weekend, and these will be included in the Long Term Financial Plan for further discussion and adjustment to the Budget as necessary.
There are no policy implications associated with this Report, however, Councillors did outline their guiding statements for this term of Council.
Value statement
Our Bushland Shire is a place for people. It has impressive places and wonderful environments and offers a great lifestyle for all members of our community.
Action statement
We are committed to collaboratively implementing infrastructure, sustainability, liveability, productivity and affordability initiatives to ensure our Bushland Shire thrives now and into the future.
External impacts
Our Bushland Shire is being shaped by our natural environment, population growth, housing and employment opportunities.
The time and effort devoted to the Strategic Planning Weekend was valuable and worthwhile. The discussions assisted Councillors to outline a number of key priorities for this term of Council. Those priorities are being progressively formalised and implemented as outlined in this Report.
The officers responsible for the preparation of this Report are the Managers of the Strategy and Communications Branch – Julie Williams and Rachel Hawke - who can be contacted on 9847 6790 and 9847 6062 respectively.
Gary Bensley Deputy General Manager - Corporate Support Corporate Support Division |
Steven Head General Manager General Manager Division |
There are no attachments for this report.
File Reference: F2017/00318
Document Number: D07506025
Deputy General Manager's Report No. CS36/18
Corporate Support Division
Date of Meeting: 12/09/2018
· Council’s General Purpose and Special Purpose Financial Reports for the year ended 30 June 2018 (the Financial Reports) have been completed by staff in accordance with statutory requirements and accounting standards.
· Subject to Council’s approval, the Financial Reports now need to be referred for audit.
· Following receipt of the Auditor’s Reports, it is proposed that the Financial Reports and Auditor’s Report be "presented to the public" at the 14 November 2018 General Meeting.
THAT: 1. The 2017/18 General Purpose and Special Purpose Financial Reports be received and noted and referred for audit. 2. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor be authorised to sign the Statutory Statements in connection with the 2017/18 Financial Reports. 3. The 2017/18 Financial Reports be authorised for “presentation to the public” on receipt of the Auditor’s Report. 4. The General Manager be delegated authority to fix the date of the General Meeting at which the 2017/18 Financial Reports and Auditor’s Report will be formally “presented to the public”. |
The purpose of this Report is to recommend that Council’s 2017/18 Financial Reports be received and noted and referred for audit.
In accordance with Section 413 of the Local Government Act, Council must prepare a set of Financial Reports for each year, and must refer them for external audit as soon as practicable after the end of that year.
Council’s Financial Reports for 2017/18 have been completed by staff in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act, the Local Government Code of Accounting Practice and relevant Accounting Standards. It is recommended that they be referred to Council’s external auditors for review.
The unaudited Financial Reports (a copy of which has been provided to Councillors under separate cover) are not for distribution to the public at this stage. The audited Reports are those that will be made available to the public in accordance with Local Government Act requirements.
Council is required to give notice as to the Meeting at which the Financial Reports (including the Auditor's Reports) will be formally "presented to the public". The proposed date for this Meeting will be set as soon as possible after the Auditor's Reports have been received.
At this stage, it is anticipated that the Reports will be "presented to the public" at the 14 November 2018 General Meeting. Council's external auditor is expected to be available to make a presentation on the Reports at that General Meeting.
Following presentation of the Reports to the public, any person may make a submission concerning the Reports within a period of seven days after the 14 November 2018 General Meeting.
There are no budgetary implications associated with this Report.
The Financial Reports have been compiled in accordance with the Local Government Act, the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and the Local Government Code of Accounting Practice issued by the Office of Local Government.
Council’s referral of the 2017/18 Financial Reports for audit, and ultimately the presentation of the Financial and Auditor’s Report to the public at the 14 November 2018 General Meeting, will ensure that the requirements of the Local Government Act have been met.
The officer responsible for the preparation of this Report is the Chief Financial Officer – Glen Magus, who can be contacted on 9847 6635.
Glen Magus Chief Financial Officer - Financial Services Corporate Support Division |
Gary Bensley Deputy General Manager - Corporate Support Corporate Support Division |
There are no attachments for this report.
File Reference: F2018/00076
Document Number: D07499537
Deputy General Manager's Report No. CS41/18
Corporate Support Division
Date of Meeting: 12/09/2018
· Accountable organisations like Council review their budget and operational performance at least each quarter. In this regard, the June 2018 Quarter Review of the Delivery Program including the 2017/18 Operational Plan and Budget is attached for Council’s consideration.
· Based on an inflow and outflow of funds as at 30 June 2018, the actual result for 2017/18 is a surplus of $487K. This result maintains an appropriate level of available working funds.
· Progress against the adopted Delivery Program, including the 2017/18 Operational Plan and Budget, and the operational performance of the organisation has been in line with the service delivery standards adopted by Council.
THAT the June 2018 Quarter Review of the Delivery Program, including the 2017/18 Operational Plan and Budget, be received and noted. |
The purpose of this Report is to present for Council’s consideration the June 2018 Quarter Review of the 2013-17 Delivery Program, including the 2017/18 Operational Plan.
On 19 June 2013, Council adopted a four year Delivery Program. Due to legal action by Ku-ring-gai Council opposing the NSW Government’s intention to amalgamate Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai Councils, the term of office for the former Council was extended past its original four years.
As a consequence, the Operational Plan 2017/18 continued to operate under Your Community Plan 2013-2023 and the four year Delivery Program 2013-2017 (see Circular No. 16-50 dated 21 December 2016 from the Office of Local Government). The Operational Plan and Fees and Charges for 2017/18 were adopted by Council on 14 June 2017. The Delivery Program and Operational Plan set out the manner in which Council intends to deliver services and measure performance.
In line with Office of Local Government requirements, a Quarterly Budget Review Statement (QBRS) must be submitted for Council’s consideration at the end of each quarter. The Statement must be based on key financial indicators and the estimate of income and expenditure set out in Council’s Operational Plan for the relevant year.
During 2017/18, service delivery standards have been maintained and 83% of actions have been completed or are ongoing and are performing well. The highlights for 2017/18 include:
· Continuing the lobbying of the State Government for the return of the former Council area south of the M2 Motorway
· Undertaking expenditure of $25.6 million on infrastructure, including park/playground and sporting facility upgrades at 27 sites
· The approval of development applications with a construction value of $1.459 billion - an increase of over $500 million from 2016/17 levels.
· Achieving full accreditation at Council Libraries in respect of the Alannah & Madeline Foundation’s eSmart program – a program which supports and improves cyber safety and wellbeing in our community.
· Launching a new Council website in May 2018.
· Hosting an estimated 11,000 people at the West Side Vibe event which took place on an expanded footprint in the car parks adjacent to Dural Lane, Hornsby.
· The installation of new sportsfield lights at James Park, Hornsby.
· Replacing and upgrading three existing bridges at Carrs Bush, Galston as part of the bushwalking trail network.
· Completing track works at Galston Recreation Reserve which link the oval with the Scout Hall, central car park and picnic area.
Other highlights are contained in Attachment 1 to this Report.
Budget Comment
This Review includes the full year results for 2017/18, comparing actual expenditure, income and funding sources against the budget. Based on this inflow and outflow of funds as at 30 June 2018, the actual result for 2017/18 is a surplus of $487K. Included in this surplus result is a transfer of $3 million to the ‘S94 Gap’ - restricted asset account to assist in funding capital projects identified in Council’s Section 94 Plan.
The 2017/18 surplus was mainly due to staff vacancies that were held in anticipation of significant changes associated with the NSW Government’s Local Government Reform initiatives and higher investment returns due to an increased portfolio balance. These items are currently being considered as part of a revision of the Long Term Financial Plan.
As part of the December 2017 Quarterly Budget Review considered in February 2018, it was indicated that an update would be provided in respect to the progress of capital projects of significant dollar value in future quarterly reports. In this regard, it is noted that:
Projects Completed
· Hornsby Pedestrian Bridge – the total spend on this is $10.7 million. Approximately 80% of the total expenditure was sourced from Government grants and Section 7.11 (formerly Section 94) development contributions.
· RFS Support Brigade Station – this project has now been completed from within the budgeted capital expenditure of $1.3 million, which will be reimbursed to Council by the State Government.
· New Berowra Fire Station – this project has now been completed within the budgeted capital expenditure of $1.2 million, which will be reimbursed to Council by the State Government.
Projects Underway
· Waitara Park Embellishment including drainage and inclusive playground – the total spend to 30 June 2018 on this project is $11.7 million out of a budget of $14.6 million. Approximately 85% of total expenditure was funded from development contributions. A further $600K or approximately 4% was received from the State Government as a contribution towards an inclusive playground.
· Orara Park – the project commenced in May 2018, and has been allocated an expenditure budget of $1.3 million. Funding for this project includes $1 million from development contributions with the remainder from Catchment Remediation Rate (CRR) and general funds to be reflect the inclusion of water quality solutions in the work. The amount that has been spent as at 30 June 2018 is $295K
· Westleigh Park (former Sydney Water Board site) – has recently received an allocation of $40 million from the NSW Government’s Stronger Community Funding. Some initial costs of $191K have been spent towards investigating this site.
· Beecroft Station Gardens - a budget of $1.875 million has been set aside for the embellishment of this site. An amount of $940K had been spent as at 30 June 2018.
· Quarry Stabilisation and Creation – has recently received an allocation of $50 million from the NSW Government’s Stronger Community Finding. An amount of $1.044 million has been spent to 30 June 2018 in investigating options and enhancing this site.
This Report provides the June 2018 Quarter Review of the Delivery Program 2013-17 including the Operational Plan 2017/18. The Review results in an actual surplus at 30 June 2018 of $487K compared to the forecasted budget surplus of $136K. This positive result will improve Council’s cash balances.
There are no policy implications associated with this Report.
Council’s consideration of this Report ensures that relevant statutory requirements have been met. The June 2018 Quarter Review demonstrates that Council remains in a strong position to deliver local services and facilities in a financially responsible manner.
The officers responsible for preparation of this Report are the Manager, Strategy and Communications - Julie Williams and the Chief Financial Officer – Glen Magus. They can be contacted on 9847-6790 and 9847-6635 respectively.
Gary Bensley Deputy General Manager - Corporate Support Corporate Support Division |
Steven Head General Manager General Manager Division |
1.⇨ |
4th Quarter Review - June 2018 |
2.⇨ |
Quarterly Budget Review Statement - June 2018 |
File Reference: F2016/00368
Document Number: D07500631
Deputy General Manager's Report No. CS35/18
Corporate Support Division
Date of Meeting: 12/09/2018
· This Report provides details of Council’s investment performance for the period ending 31 July 2018 as well as the extent of its borrowings at the end of the same period.
· Council invests funds that are not, for the time being, required for any other purpose. The investments must be in accordance with relevant legislative requirements and Council’s policies and the Chief Financial Officer must report monthly to Council on the details of funds invested.
· All of Council’s investments have been made in accordance with the Local Government Act, the Local Government (General) Regulation and Council's Investment of Surplus Funds Policy and Investment Strategy.
· In respect of Council’s cash and term deposit investments, the annualised return for the month of July 2018 was 2.66% compared to the benchmark of 1.50%.
THAT the contents of Deputy General Manager’s Report No. CS35/18 be received and noted. |
The purpose of this Report is to advise Council of funds invested in accordance with Section 625 of the Local Government Act; to provide details as required by Clause 212(1) of the Local Government (General) Regulation and Council's Investment of Surplus Funds Policy; and to advise on the extent of Council’s current borrowings.
A report is required to be submitted for Council’s consideration each month detailing Council's investments and borrowings and highlighting the monthly and year to date performance of the investments. Initial investments and reallocation of funds are made, where appropriate, after consultation with Council's financial investment adviser and fund managers.
Council invests funds which are not, for the time being, required for any other purpose. Such investment must be in accordance with relevant legislative requirements and Council Policies, and the Chief Financial Officer must report monthly to Council on the details of the funds invested.
Council’s investment portfolio has increased significantly at 31 July 2018 compared with the prior month due to the receipt of $90 million from the Stronger Communities Fund which is an initiative from the NSW State Government. This funding has been assigned towards two major capital projects at the Hornsby Quarry and former Water Board site at Westleigh. Investment options are currently being appraised that will maximise returns whilst remaining in line with Council’s Investment Policy and Strategy and the cash flow requirements for these major projects.
Council’s investment performance for the month ending 31July 2018 is detailed in the attached document. In summary, the At-Call and Term Deposits achieved an annualised return of 2.66% for July 2018, compared to the benchmark of 1.5%.
In respect of Council borrowings, the weighted average interest rate payable on outstanding loans taken out from June 2008 to date, based on the principal balances outstanding is 6.88%. The Borrowings Schedule as at 31 July 2018 is also attached for Council’s information.
Budgeted investment income for 2018/19 is $3,679,500 with an average budgeted monthly income of $306,625. Total investment income for the month ended 31 July 2018 was $617,105. Approximately 28% of the investment income received by Council relates to externally restricted funds (e.g. Section 94 monies) and is required to be allocated to those funds. All investments have been made in accordance with the Local Government Act, the Local Government (General) Regulation and Council's Investment of Surplus Funds Policy and Investment Strategy.
Appropriate consultation has occurred with Council's investment advisor in the preparation of this Report. Due to the receipt of $90 million from the NSW Government’s Stronger Communities Fund, further investment advice is being obtained in respect of opportunities that will be available to Council on a larger investment portfolio balance. Investment of any of the funds will, of course, be in line with Council’s Investment Strategy and as further investments occur, details will be reported to Council as part of regular monthly Investment and Borrowing Reports.
The investment of Council funds and the extent of its borrowings as at 31 July 2018 are detailed in the documents attached to this Report. Council’s consideration of the Report and its attachments ensures that the relevant legislative requirements and Council protocols have been met in respect of those investments and borrowings.
The officer responsible for the preparation of this Report is the Chief Financial Officer - Glen Magus - who can be contacted on 9847 6835.
Glen Magus Chief Financial Officer - Financial Services Corporate Support Division |
Gary Bensley Deputy General Manager - Corporate Support Corporate Support Division |
1.⇨ |
HSC Investment Summary July 2018 |
2.⇨ |
HSC Borrowings Schedule July 2018 |
File Reference: F2004/06987-02
Document Number: D07498410
Group Manager's Report No. EH16/18
Environment and Human Services Division
Date of Meeting: 12/09/2018
· Council’s Policy – “Adoption, Alteration and Review of Policies and Codes” – states that each Division of Council has a two month period in the first and third year of each term of Council to review all policies and codes under their control and recommend any changes to Council.
· The policies pertaining to the Environment and Human Services Division have now been reviewed and recommendations have been made for each Policy/Code based on current service needs and legislative changes.
THAT Council adopt the recommendations contained in the table in Group Manager’s Report No. EH16/18 in respect of each of the current policies under the jurisdiction of the Environment and Human Services Division. |
The purpose of this Report is to present to Council the outcomes of the review of policies under the jurisdiction of the Environment and Human Services Division, and to seek Council’s endorsement of the recommended actions in response to the review of those policies.
Council’s Policy – “Adoption, Alteration and Review of Policies and Codes” – states that each Division of Council has a two month period in the first and third year of each term of Council to review all policies and codes under their control and recommend any changes to Council.
The policies under the jurisdiction of the Environment and Human Services Division were last reviewed at the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 9 September 2015 in Group Manager’s Report EH8/15.
The following definition applies in respect of the term Policy.
A “Policy” is a document which is:
1. Required or allowed by legislation to be determined by resolution of Council;
2. A broad statement of objectives, protocols or principles in relation to specific activities/issues of Council, the merits of which require it to be determined by resolution of Council;
3. A collection of rules, regulations, codes and standards relating to a particular subject and designed to provide guidance to Council staff and external parties about how business is done with Council, the merits of which require it to be determined by resolution of Council.
A review of the current policies under the
jurisdiction of the Environment and Human Services Division has been undertaken
and a listing, together with a summary of proposed amendments, is contained
below. The policies which are proposed to be amended are attached. Where
amendments are proposed, they are shown on the attached copy of each document,
with deletions shown by strikethrough and additions shown by underlining.
Policy |
Comment and Recommendation |
Community Services Branch |
Aboriginal Reconciliation Statement of Commitment POL00165 |
This Policy was originally developed with HARR in 2002 and has remained consistent since that time. Individual members of the Hornsby Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consultative Committee (HATSICC) have recently enquired about widening Council’s recognition to corporate documents and the like, however due to the meeting schedule, HATSICC have not had the opportunity to consider the issue as a group. Accordingly, it is recommended that the Policy be retained as is, whilst allowing for appropriate consultation with the Hornsby Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consultative Committee about any changes. Recommendation – That this Policy be retained at present, noting that it will at a later point be subject to review under separate cover. |
Community Grants and Sponsorship POL00443 |
The content and intent of this document remains relevant and should be retained. Recommendation – That this Policy be retained as is. |
Lease/License of Council Land and Buildings to Community Groups POL00174 |
The terms and approach outlined in this Policy have not changed substantially since it was first adopted by Council in 2007. At times application of the Policy has been problematic particularly where community groups are sharing premises or are unable to meet maintenance responsibilities for reasons either within or outside of their control. As such it is recommended that this Policy be the subject of an informal workshop with Councillors to assist in its review and rewriting. Recommendation – That this Policy be retained at present, noting that it will subject to review under separate cover at a later point. |
Sponsorship and In-Kind Support – Council’s Involvement POL00107 |
The content and intent of this document remains relevant and should be retained. Minor formatting changes have been made. Recommendation – That this Policy be retained with formatting amendments. |
Natural Resources Branch |
Policy – Green Offsets POL00149 |
The content and intent of this document remains relevant however it needs to be significantly updated to meet current legislative requirements and simplification. Due to the extent of the simplification and legislative changes a new version of this Policy has been prepared and attached to Group manager’s Report No. EH16/18 along with the existing Policy for comparison. Recommendation – That the new version of this Policy as shown in the copy attached be adopted. |
Policy – Sustainable Energy for New Council Assets POL00153 |
The content and intent of this document remains relevant however it needs to be updated to meet current best practice and align with State Government Policies. Recommendation – That this Policy be amended as shown in the copy attached to this Report. |
Policy – Water Conservation POL00145 |
The content and intent of this document remains relevant however it has been updated to include Water Quality. Recommendation – That this Policy be amended as shown in the copy attached to this Report. |
Waste Management Branch |
Litter Bins – Design and Location in Public Places POL00070 |
As the issues within this Policy are operational, it is proposed that the Policy be deleted and, if necessary, be rewritten as a Determination. Recommendation – That this Policy be deleted. |
Policy - Waste Containers POL00151 |
As the issues within this Policy are already covered, within provisions of the Local Government Act, that this Policy be deleted. Recommendation – That this Policy be deleted. |
Provision of Waste Service to Infirmed Households POL00350 |
The content and intent of this document remains relevant however it has been amended for clarity. Recommendation – That this Policy be amended as shown in the copy attached to this Report. |
There are no budgetary implications associated with this Report.
Details of the review that has been undertaken of each current Policy are summarised within this Report.
The review of policies under the jurisdiction of the Environment and Human Services Division has been undertaken with the view to amend and retain documents as policies if they add value to Council’s operations and to ensure that policies are not simply a restatement of legislation, standards, etc that Council is otherwise expected to follow.
The officer responsible for the preparation of this Report is the Group Manager – Environment and Human Services Division – Steve Fedorow, who can be contacted on 9847 6541.
Stephen Fedorow Group Manager Environment and Human Services Division |
1.⇨ |
Policy - Aboriginal Reconciliation Statement of Commitment |
2.⇨ |
Policy - Community Grants and Sponsorship |
3.⇨ |
Policy - Lease Licence of Council Land and Buildings to Community Groups |
4.⇨ |
Policy - Sponsorship and In-Kind Support - Council s Involvement |
5.⇨ |
Policy - Green Offsets - Current |
6.⇨ |
Policy - Green Offsets |
7.⇨ |
Policy - Sustainable Energy for New Council Assets |
8.⇨ |
Policy - Water Quality and Conservation |
9.⇨ |
Policy - Litter Bins - Design and Location in Public Places |
10.⇨ |
Policy - Waste Containers |
11.⇨ |
Policy - Waste Service to Infirmed Households - Provision of |
File Reference: F2013/00129
Document Number: D07490553
Group Manager's Report No. PL24/18
Planning Division
Date of Meeting: 12/09/2018
· Council’s Policy – “Review, Adoption and Alteration of Council Policies” – states that each Division of Council has a two month period in the first and third year of each term of Council to review all Policies under its control and recommend any changes to Council.
· The Policies pertaining to the Planning Division have now been reviewed and recommendations have been made for each Policy based on current service needs and legislative changes.
THAT Council adopt the recommendations contained in the table in Group Manager’s Report No. PL24/18 in respect of each of the current Policies under the jurisdiction of the Planning Division. |
The purpose of this Report is to present to Council the outcomes of the review of Policies under the jurisdiction of the Planning Division and to seek Council’s endorsement of the recommended actions in response to the review of those policies and codes.
Council’s Policy – “Review, Adoption and Alteration of Council Policies” – states that each Division of Council has a two month period in the first and third year of each term of Council to review all Policies under its control and recommend any changes to Council.
The Policies under the jurisdiction of the Planning Division were last reviewed at the General Meeting of Council on 9 December 2015 in Group Manager’s Report No. PL101/15.
The following definition applies in respect to the term Policy:
A “Policy” is a document which is:
1. Required or allowed by legislation to be determined by resolution of Council;
2. A broad statement of objectives, protocols or principles in relation to specific activities/issues of Council, the merits of which require it to be determined by resolution of Council;
3. A collection of rules, regulations, codes and standards relating to a particular subject and designed to provide guidance to Council staff and external parties about how business is done with Council, the merits of which require it to be determined by resolution of Council.
A review of the current Policies under the jurisdiction of
the Planning Division has been undertaken and a listing, together with a
summary of proposed amendments, is contained below. The Policies which are
proposed to be amended are attached. Where amendments are proposed, they are
shown on the attached copy of each document, with deletions shown by strikethrough
and additions shown by underlining.
Policy |
Comment and Recommendation |
Planning Division |
Policy – Property Numbering POL00365 |
The content and intent of this document remains relevant and should be retained. Recommendation – That this Policy be retained with minor updates made. |
Policy – Feral Cat POL00290 |
The content and intent of this Policy remains relevant and should be retained. Recommendation – That this Policy be retained at present, noting that it will be subject to review under separate cover at a later point. |
Policy |
Comment and Recommendation |
Policy – Keeping of Animals POL00162 |
The content and intent of this Policy remains relevant and should be retained. Recommendation – That this Policy be retained with minor edits made for the sake of consistency throughout the document. |
Policy – Smoke Free Environment POL00291 |
The content and intent of this Policy remains relevant and should be retained. Recommendation – That this Policy be retained at present, noting that it will be subject to review under separate cover at a later point. |
Policy – Proposed Council Developments POL00235 |
The content and intent of this document remains relevant and should be retained. Recommendation – That this Policy be retained with minor updates made. |
There are no budgetary implications associated with this Report.
Details of the review that has been undertaken of each current Policy are summarised within this Report.
The review of Policies under the jurisdiction of the Planning Division has been undertaken with the view to amend and retain documents as Policies if they add value to Council’s operations and to ensure that Policies are not simply a restatement of legislation, standards, etc, that Council is otherwise expected to follow.
The officer responsible for the preparation of this Report is the Manager – Compliance & Certification, Planning Division – Simon Evans, who can be contacted on 9847 6780.
Simon Evans Manager - Compliance and Certification Planning Division |
James Farrington Group Manager Planning Planning Division |
1.⇨ |
Planning Division Policies |
File Reference: F2013/00250
Document Number: D07507594
Mayor's Note No. MN10/18
Date of Meeting: 12/09/2018
Note: These are the functions that the Mayor, or his representative, has attended in addition to the normal Council Meetings, Workshops, Mayoral Interviews and other Council Committee Meetings.
Wednesday 1 August 2018 – The Mayor hosted two Citizenship Ceremonies in the Council Chambers.
Friday 3 August 2018 – The Mayor attended The Annual “Knit In” at Hornsby Library.
Saturday 4 August 2018 – The Mayor attended the Hornsby SES Unit Headquarters Open Day.
Saturday 4 August 2018 – The Mayor attended the 13th Anniversary Garden Party at Eryldene in Gordon.
Sunday 12 August 2018 – On behalf of the Mayor, Councillor Tilbury attended the launch of the 2nd Edition of the Cartoscope Great North Road - Convict Trail Map and the new improved Convict Trail Website at the Wollombi Museum in Wollombi.
Monday 13 August 2018 – The Mayor attended the Official Opening of Thornleigh Presbyterian Aged Care Stage One redevelopment in Thornleigh.
Wednesday 15 August 2018 – The Mayor attended and presented Awards to students at Mount St Benedict College in Pennant Hills.
Thursday 16 August 2018 – The Mayor attended the 2018 Northern Sydney Apprenticeship and Traineeship EXPO in Chatswood.
Friday 17 August 2018 – The Mayor attended a Family Day Morning Tea at Jack and Jill Kindergarten in Hornsby.
Saturday 18 August 2018 – The Mayor attended the Hornsby SES 60th Anniversary Celebration Dinner at Hornsby RSL, Hornsby.
Sunday 19 August 2018 – The Mayor attended the San Annual Run for Life Fun Run at the Sydney Adventist Hospital, Wahroonga.
Sunday 19 August 2018 – The Mayor attended Asquith Boys High School P&C Community Festival at Asquith Boys High School.
Sunday 19 August 2018 – The Mayor attended the 18th Battalion MRC Presentation Luncheon at Hornsby Rifle Range, Hornsby.
Sunday 19 August 2018 – On behalf of the Mayor, Councillor Tilbury attended the Annual Service to Commemorate Victory in the Pacific and Vietnam Veterans Day held at Crossroads Park, Berowra Heights.
Friday 24 August 2018 – The Mayor attended Hornsby / Kuring-Gai Rural Fire Service District Mayoral Dinner at Hornsby RSL, Hornsby.
Friday 31 August 2018 – The Mayor attended Pennant Hills Market Place with students from Mount St Benedict handing out hand-made shopping bags.
File Reference: F2004/07053
Document Number: D07509209
Notice of Motion No. NOM22/18
Date of Meeting: 12/09/2018
THAT in line with Council’s recent successful introduction of livestreaming of its General Meetings, the Chair of Hornsby’s Local Planning Panel be requested to consider the livestreaming of Panel Meetings so as to promote transparency of decision-making by the Panel.
Note From Councillor At its 11 April 2018 General Meeting, Council considered Notice of Motion No. NOM8/18 - Open IHAP Decision Making to the Public – and resolved that: 1. Council write to the Chair of the Hornsby Independent Hearing and Assessment Panel (IHAP), Mr Gary Fielding, requesting that consideration be given to opening the decision making section of the IHAP Meeting to the public and that the public be given the opportunity to witness the decision making process of the panel. 2. In the event that this request cannot be supported by the Chair, consideration be given to announcing the decisions of the IHAP to the public at the conclusion of their deliberations. The Panel has since taken on board Council’s request and, although it has not provided an opportunity for the public to witness its decision-making processes which are still occurring in closed session, it does now announce its decisions to the public at the conclusion of Panel deliberations. As a next step in promoting the transparency of the Panel’s decision-making, and following the successful introduction of the livestreaming of Council meetings at the 8 August 2018 General Meeting, there is now an opportunity to use the equipment set up by Council to also livestream Local Planning Panel Meetings. Such an initiative would also ensure a consistency is achieved between the conduct of Council and Panel Meetings which are both held in the Hornsby Shire Council Chambers. |
There are no attachments for this report.
File Reference: F2013/00295
Document Number: D07511233
Notice of Motion No. NOM23/18
Date of Meeting: 12/09/2018
THAT Council: 1. Look at ways to advertise Council events, such as Community Forums and Public Council Meetings, to youth. 2. Identify points of contact for youth-centred groups within the Hornsby Shire community. 3. Explore the feasibility of an additional Community Forum targeting youth. 4. Consider all of the above within the context of the communications strategy currently being developed by Council.
Note From Councillor At the recent Community Forum it was great to see so many people engaged in local issues, speaking directly to their elected Council members. It was a little disappointing, though, that there were very few younger people in the audience. This situation is not unique to the community forums or even to Hornsby Shire. It is notoriously difficult to gain the attention of younger people when talking about issues of local government. There are a range of reasons for this, including the complicated nature of the process, the perception their voice will not be heard and the fact that – let’s face it guys – local politics can seem very dull. It is an unfortunate situation that Hornsby Council should seek to remedy. We are elected to represent all people within our Shire and we cannot do that effectively if we are not engaging with a significant section of the community. It would be very interesting to see what would happen at Council if the demographics of the people contacting us each day were less skewed towards the older generations and more evenly represented across the generations. Younger people have just as much stake in Council’s decisions as anybody else and their voice deserves to be heard. We should do everything we can to encourage them to take a seat at the table. |
There are no attachments for this report.
File Reference: F2018/00157
Document Number: D07511466
Notice of Motion No. NOM24/18
Date of Meeting: 12/09/2018
THAT Council: 1. Acknowledge the initiatives underway in our local community to provide support to drought areas 2. Note the partnership agreements that Council has in place with Leeton and Snowy Valleys (formerly Tumut) councils 3. Seek to meet with the Mayor and Councillors of Leeton and Snowy Valleys councils at the forthcoming Local Government NSW Annual Conference to discuss ways in which Hornsby Shire Council can provide support and assistance. 4. Allocate $5,000 from Council’s Emergency Relief Fund to drought charities nominated by Leeton and Snowy River councils.
Note from Councillor I am sure all Councillors are aware of the devastating drought conditions across our State and of the work being done on a range of levels to address the issues in rural and regional communities. Within our own area, there have been a range of initiatives established by individuals, schools, local businesses, charities, service clubs and community groups many involving convoys of supplies to assist our farming communities. I believe it is appropriate that our Council acknowledges the work being done by our local community and consider how we can contribute to their efforts. In 2008 Council entered into partnership agreements with two councils: Leeton Shire Council and Tumut Shire Council in order to promote a greater awareness and understanding of each other’s unique location, lifestyles and challenges and support sustainable development in our areas. It should be noted that Tumut Shire was amalgamated with Tumbarumba Shire in 2016 to form the Snowy Valleys Council. As part of the partnership agreements the Councils also agreed to undertake activities that will benefit both organisations through staff secondments and exchanges, collaborative policy development, joint grant applications and the sharing of knowledge, experience and resources. At a time when drought is affecting the state of NSW and having a devastating effect on regional and rural communities, I consider it appropriate that Council seek to provide appropriate support to our partner councils. Rather than presume, it would be appropriate for Council to seek to liaise with our partner councils via correspondence and at the forthcoming Local Government NSW Annual Conference in October to determine the best form of assistance that Council might provide. In addition, as part of its Community Grants and Sponsorship Policy, Council makes available an amount of $5,000 per annum to provide financial support to communities affected by natural disasters. Given the impact of the drought on rural communities and our council partnerships, I consider it appropriate that Council seek to allocate the full $5,000 held in the emergency relief fund to drought charities nominated by Leeton and Snowy Valleys councils. |
There are no attachments for this report.
File Reference: F2004/07002-02
Document Number: D07512801
Notice of Motion No. NOM25/18
Date of Meeting: 12/09/2018
THAT Council: 1. Note the valuable work of the Streamwatch initiative carried out at 11 monitoring sites throughout the Hornsby LGA. 2. Write to the NSW Government, Sydney Water and the Australian Museum in relation to securing ongoing funding and support for Streamwatch. 3. Be provided with an overview of the Streamwatch program as part of the scheduled informal workshop relating to Council’s Water Quality program in October 2018.
Note from Councillor Streamwatch is a citizen science water quality monitoring program operating across the Sydney, Blue Mountains and Illawarra areas that has supported community members to monitor the health of their local waterways. The program was initiated in the early 1990’s by Sydney Water and the Sydney Catchment Authority and in 2012 was transferred to the Australian Museum with funding for the program continuing to be provided by Sydney Water. I understand that across the Hornsby LGA there are a number of Streamwatch groups undertaking water sampling at 11 monitoring locations. I am advised that the Streamwatch program currently faces an uncertain future as in June 2018 Sydney Water announced that it would no longer be supporting Streamwatch after the 2018/19 financial year. Consequently, the Australian Museum has indicated that without fresh funding the Streamwatch program will be closed on 1 July 2019. I seek the support of Councillors in calling on the NSW Government, Sydney Water and the Australian Museum to ensure the continuation of this long standing citizen science program. |
There are no attachments for this report.
File Reference: F2004/06955
Document Number: D07514576
Notice of Motion No. NOM26/18
Date of Meeting: 12/09/2018
THAT Council: 1. Note the successful funding received from the NSW State Government to support Small Business Month in October 2018. 2. Confirm the range of possible workshops to be run by Council or other partner organisations during the month; 3. Promote the opportunity for inclusion to our business chambers and associations; 4. Contact all of the individuals who participated in our economic development consultations advising them of this opportunity; and 5. Allocate resources to market and promote this month as a celebration of our local small businesses.
Note from Councillor Councillors are aware that consultations took place earlier this year regarding economic development and business support services in our Shire. While Council is yet to receive the formal feedback from these consultations, we are aware that local businesses expressed the need for business support through seminars and workshops on topics of interest to local business. Within NSW the State Government promotes October as Small Business Month, creating opportunities for Councils to offer support for local small and medium businesses through events and activities during the month. Last year, 160 events were held across the State. NSW Councils are eligible for funding to host events, and Hornsby Shire Council has been successful in receiving funding of $5,000 to host a guest speaker. While final details are yet to be announced, it has been advised that the speaker, a noted futurist, will focus on the future of town centres. While the success of this funding application is acknowledged, it is clear from discussions with Council staff and a number of potential partner agencies that we could link a number of activities and programs together under a promotional umbrella of “Hornsby Small Business Month” to create a program of activities, rather than only a single event, highlighting the importance of small business in our community. A suggestion has been received from the local business community that Council run a public information session to assist operators looking to set up a home business – and explaining the differing DA requirements for home occupation, home business and home industry. It is understood this could be undertaken at minimal cost. Council staff have made contact with the NSW State Governments “Easy to do Business” Program, which was established to “tackle the time, complexity and duplication issues that you can face when starting or growing a business in NSW. It cuts red tape and allows you to focus on your business rather than bureaucracy.” The Manager responsible for our area has indicated they would be available to run an information session for local businesses during the nominated month. Representations for support and promotion have also been received from the local Primary and Community Care Services Network, who are conducting “Have a Go Hornsby” – a series of business breakfasts to promote a healthy workplace and provide case studies of why this is important for business. Lastly, It is proposed that Council contact our local business chambers, associations, significant businesses and all of the individuals who participated in our economic development consultations advising of our intention to promote this month of small business activity and inviting them to submit any suitable events which could be promoted via digital means under this banner. This month of small business activities would be a useful means of gauging the interest in small business topics for future inclusion in our ongoing council and library events programs. |
There are no attachments for this report.
File Reference: F2009/00671
Document Number: D07516749
Notice of Motion No. NOM27/18
Date of Meeting: 12/09/2018
THAT Council: 1. Adopt a simple approach that allows residents to report graffiti within the Hornsby Shire and that this information be sent to the appropriate Council officers, State service or utility authority or private property owner to remove. 2. Continue to remove graffiti on Council assets in an efficient and timely manner and assist private property owners with information to help them remove graffiti from their properties. 3. Investigate the possibility of monitoring the removal of graffiti from all assets across the Shire to ensure that it is carried out in a timely manner.
Note from Councillor Graffiti is prevalent in the Shire from time to time and residents are often confused as to whom to contact to about a graffiti issue and to have it removed. This is due to the presence of a significant number of private and public assets across the Shire. Council removes graffiti on its own assets in an efficient and timely fashion and provides information to residents and service organisations of how to remove graffiti on other assets. I am not asking for Council to assume the responsibility for the removal of graffiti from State and private assets, but I believe that Council is better placed to take calls from local residents about graffiti on these assets and to inform the relevant State service provider/utility authority of such incidents. |
There are no attachments for this report.
File Reference: F2008/00359-03