(Mayoral Minute MM24/18)

General Meeting


Wednesday 14 November 2018

at 6:30PM



Hornsby Shire Council                                                                                           Table of Contents

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Item 20    MM24/18 Heritage Listed Trees in Manor Road, Hornsby............................................... 1 




Mayoral Minute No. MM24/18

Date of Meeting: 14/11/2018





Recently I have received representations from members of the community raising concerns about the loss of a large and significant tree in Manor Road, Hornsby and the potential for further tree loss under State Government bushfire legislation and as a result of development proposals.  This tree loss has the potential to significantly impact on the heritage character of Manor Road which is attributed to the presence of these large, native trees.

Hornsby Shire contains 737 heritage items, 72 archaeological sites and 6 heritage conservation areas listed under the provisions of Schedule 5 (Environmental Heritage) of the Hornsby Local Environmental Plan (HLEP) 2013. I understand that the heritage listings are based on the Hornsby Shire Heritage Study 1993 and as part of the Study street trees located in the road reserve in Manor Road, Hornsby were identified. 

In 2008, Council engaged a further heritage consultant team to undertake a review of Council’s heritage listed landscape items. This review recommended that the listing of street trees in the road reserve in Manor Road be retained in the HLEP 2013 and included an inventory sheet which provides a more extensive commentary and context for the listing.

I understand that the legal, statutory listing in the HLEP 2013 in relation to Manor Road, Hornsby is mapped and described as “street trees” located within the “road reserve”. However, I believe that the references in the inventory sheet (copy attached) to “adjoining private gardens” indicate that there are trees with potential heritage significance on private properties in Manor Road which should form part of the legal listing.

In the context of the potential loss of trees associated with a recent development application in Manor Road, the loss of trees other under State Government (Rural Fires) legislation and concerns from the community, Council needs to act swiftly and make an interim heritage order for all of the properties which border Manor Road to protect potentially heritage significant trees on private properties. The interim heritage order would provide Council six months in which to engage an arborist and heritage consultant to undertake further investigations into the historical significance of the trees in private gardens adjoining the heritage listed street trees in Manor Road.



THAT Council make an Interim Heritage Order under Section 25 of the NSW Heritage Act 1977, for the properties shown in Attachment 1 to this Mayoral Minute, to enable full and proper evaluation of the heritage significance of the trees in private gardens adjoining the road reserve to determine which trees should form part of the Manor Road listing.





The Honourable Cr PHILIP RUDDOCK







Property Addresses




Heritage Inventory Sheet - Manor Road Street Trees





File Reference:           F2010/00588-04

Document Number:    D07561499



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