(Late Item Memo 5 and Item 6)
General Meeting
Wednesday 8 March 2023
at 6:30PM
Hornsby Shire Council Table of Contents
Page 1
Item 5 LM3/23 Westleigh Park - Master Plan and Plan of Management.................................... 1
Item 6 LM4/23 Hornsby Park.............................................................................................. 174
Infrastructure and Major Projects Division
Date of Meeting: 8/03/2023
ITEM 5 |
IM1/23 - Westleigh Park - Master Plan and Plan of Management |
Additional information with NO CHANGE" to Recommendation
In mid-2021 Council conducted a comprehensive community engagement exercise on the draft 2021 Westleigh Park Master Plan. This engagement extended over an approximately two-month period including online and telephone surveys, site tours for adjoining residents, stakeholder meetings, outreach to schools and TAFE, swing by sessions and promotion via Council’s website, eNewsleter, social media channels, local newspapers and information in rates notices.
Overall feedback obtained through the 2021 community engagement found that there was a high level (around 81%) of community support for the draft Master Plan’s Vision; the balance of ‘active’ and ‘passive’ recreation activities and the balance of restoring and protecting the natural environment whilst also providing a diverse range of recreation activities.
The feedback also identified a high level of support for sports fields, and for unstructured recreation activities such as mountain bike trails. Other feedback mentioned the ecological significance of the site and the need for its biodiversity to be protected.
Report IM1/23 Westleigh Park – Master Plan and Plan of Management makes reference to this feedback and as such it is considered appropriate that the summary reports from the 2021 community engagement are provided for information.
The Micromex report represents the outcome of a statistically valid community survey that was undertaken by Micromex at this time, and the Elton report details the public feedback received through a range of engagement channels prepared by Elton Consulting.
A summary of the Micromex report (Attachment 1) for Westleigh Park is presented at pages 11-12, with detailed findings following.
The Elton report (Attachment 2) provides a summary of the engagement outcomes commencing at pages 4-5, with further detail provided elsewhere in the report.
THAT: 1. Council note the content of Deputy General Manager’s Report No. IM1/23. 2. Council endorse the exhibition of the draft Plan of Management for Westleigh for a minimum period of 28 days. 3. Council endorse the publication of the updated draft Master Plan in conjunction with the exhibition of the draft Plan of Management. 4. A further report be presented to Council following the conclusion of the exhibition, public hearing and submission period. |
IM1/23 - Westleigh Park - Master Plan and Plan of Management - General Meeting - 08 Mar 2023 6:30PM
Robert Stephens Deputy General Manager - Infrastructure and Major Projects Infrastructure and Major Projects Division |
1.⇩ |
Attachment 1 - Micromex Report - HSC Hornsby & Westleigh Parks - 2021-07-01 |
2.⇩ |
Attachment 2 - Elton Report |
File Reference: F2016/00295-003
Document Number: D08602594
Infrastructure and Major Projects Division
Date of Meeting: 8/03/2023
ITEM 6 |
IM2/23 - Hornsby Park |
Additional information with NO CHANGE" to Recommendation
Attached are copies of the Micromex Report (Attachment 1) and the Elton Engagement Outcome Report (Attachment 2) that include material for Hornsby Park. These reports may assist Council in its deliberation of IM2/23.
Both documents were prepared in 2021 as part of the public exhibition of the initial draft Master Plan in 2021 and represent the outcome of a statistically valid survey undertaken by Micromex and details of the public feedback through a range of engagement channels prepared by Elton consulting.
A summary of the Micromex report (Attachment 1) for Hornsby Park is presented at pages 9-10, with detailed findings following.
The Elton report (Attachment 2) provides a summary of the engagement outcomes commencing at page 3, with further detail provided elsewhere in the report.
THAT COUNCIL: 1. Endorse the development and delivery of the Base Case (Crusher Plant, tracks and trails and lookouts to the south and west of the quarry void) in the short term (mid-2024). 2. Identify its preference for either Option 1 – Old Mans Valley play space (end of 2025 at the earliest) OR Option 2 – the canopy skywalk and cable bridge that links Hornsby Town Centre to the Crusher Plant (mid-2024). |
IM2/23 - Hornsby Park - General Meeting - 08 Mar 2023 6:30PM
Robert Stephens Deputy General Manager - Infrastructure and Major Projects Infrastructure and Major Projects Division |
1.⇩ |
Attachment 1 - Micromex Report - HSC Hornsby & Westleigh Parks - 2021-07-01 |
2.⇩ |
Attachment 2 - Elton Report |
File Reference: F2021/00171
Document Number: D08602613